
19 September 2012

everybody click now

Simon had this past weekend off and made great use of his time.

Just a little semi-friendly PSA to pretty pretty pretty pretty please turn off your blog's crazy word verification and to prettier please link your email address to your name in the combox. I promise everyone's quality of life will improve immediately.

Ashley's dropped another diamond on us ... a little peek into her personal life. I can't get enough.

This song is a saddy but the kids and I can't stop playing and replaying and playing again.

Congratulations to Preethi and her fam on the arrival of her little lady! She is the prettiest baby with the prettiest name.

Just a day left to enter the Blowfish Shoes giveaway .... do it up.

Simon's got some fierce competition ...

Mary just started a superb new blog and she's got impeccable style for days.

We're celebrating Simon being finished with a big, fat, time consuming, and slightly stressful work project today (!!!!!!!!!! yay) along with the eve of J's "bwifday" by fancy feasting on two of my favorite things tonight: best and even better. The honorees better be pleased.


  1. Thanks for the tip about the word verification. Huge time saver.

  2. P.S. What time consuming project are you referring to for Simon? If Jacob is supposed to have done one, I doubt it's been done since he's been on nights...

  3. We're having homemade mac and cheese for dinner also. Which makes ALL my people universally happy and (temporarily) regarding me as queen of the kitchen.

  4. Grace, thank you for the super generous shout out, and the tips! I hate word verification, and didn't know I was inflicting it upon others!

  5. I just have to say that I think I checked your blog about 5 times throughout the work day hoping for a new fun picture of Sebastian... lo' and behold, it's here once I get home! But thank you! :)

  6. I was wondering where all the extra traffic was bubbling up from. Good ol' Grace. Thanks :)

  7. How special do I feel? Very for $200.

  8. Every time I shut off the word verification, I get tons of spam. Do you? Is there a trick? Or are you just ignoring every spam notification email?

  9. I still don't know how to link my name & email address! sigh.

  10. So, I don't know what it is about the pictures of Sebastian in that shirt, but for some reason it made me think that he should be a monk for Halloween.,r:9,s:10,i:153

    Yes? Glad you agree :o)

  11. From the bottom of my blind heart, thank you ever so much for the PSA!

  12. Basher looks like Yoda. Hilarious.

    1. I said the same thing! Clearly we are both brilliant.

  13. OMG that picture of Sebastian kills me dead. He's like Yoda without the big pointy ears.

  14. Thanks for the tips. That verification is truly a nightmare. I had no idea. Six months in I know a total of zilch about blog etiquette and the technicalities! :) Green is totally Basher's color!

  15. Wow, I LOVE that Lana Del Rey song. Don't think I have been as inspired by a Grace song since White Flag.
