
12 September 2012


1. death of a window, birth of a featherweight.
2. camped outside while it was "waining" ... so smawt.

3. Sebastian was allowed in the lion's den for two seconds that will forever live in charitable infamy.
4. Julia is not pictured because she was busy crafting a believable alibi (with her expansive monosyllabic vocabulary) after crushing the souls of two roses.

5. The constant ear covering is becoming mildly concerning.
6. The kids love when the interactive parent gets home from work.

7. If Grandma had cooperated this photo could've been candid.
8. Somebody call 9-1-1. Those kids need a hairstylist.

9. Don't remember what the ish was. Blocked it out.
10. Sebastian trying to shuffle a centimeter at a time in his (very) slim fits.

11. Just five martinis shy of a Betty Draper wannabe.
12. Still shuffling. Julia is using her imagination to do something creative ... I'm sure.

13. "basher twubble!!" -- wight.
14. Grasping for that 7-8 month milestone of "recognizing one's reflection" ... we'll get there someday.

15. Greek yogurt. First and last time.
16. Someone heard the refrigerator door open and sprinted as fast as his long legs would carry him to the mothership.


  1. omg, basher in his slim fits? dying. and the thought of julia crafting an alibi was pretty great too. loving the captions, as always :)

  2. (i realized you JUST posted, sorry for commenting at an alarmingly scary rate)

  3. At least "Basher" shows some modesty when looking in the mirror. Alayna can hardly stop kissing herself when she is peering into the looking glass and admiring her most beautiful self! Love the jeans and you should totally start a cleaning out Julia's closet link because I love, love, love #11. ;)

  4. He is the most adorable. I am waiting for him to enroll and then I will send my daughter to his college campus :) Is it bad to encourage the cougar inside at such an impressionable age??

  5. Does your interactive parent hire out? BC we are way too tired around here for that kind of nonsense.

  6. Haha at Betty Draper, and Charlie does the same ear thing. I think/hope its just teething?

  7. Haha at Betty Draper, and Charlie does the same ear thing. I think/hope its just teething?

  8. Haha at Betty Draper, and Charlie does the same ear thing. I think/hope its just teething?

  9. I think Julia was playing an intense game of "I love Basher. I love Basher not."

  10. "The mother ship" - hahahahaha!!!! That was a good one!

  11. I don't know why, but Grandma candid totes made me laugh!

  12. Is sebastian wearing your new skinny jeans? ;)

  13. Awesome post! Made me laugh out loud and I sure needed it!

    Thank you!

  14. how's basher's walking?! seems like he's on a roll!!!

  15. I personally like what's going on in #6. I presume it's actually a toy or something in the background, but at first glance it appears that Simon's got some kind of awesome mullet-esque/double-pony thing happening. Very hip.

  16. oh no i just clicked through the old instavista - i can't stand it - it's sooooo funny :)

  17. Oh don't worry -- my son did the ear-covering thing at that age, too. Probably thought that muffled sound was cool. He would also bend his ears so the lobe would cover the hole. It was super-nifty. I cannot do it.
