
10 September 2012

Saturday Night

After a quick gander at the internet this morning I'm going to traipse out on the dangerously flimsy part of a long limb and take a gambly guess that ... you and almost everyone else just love this time of year?

We do too. You just won't catch me blogging about the beauty of the pumpkin spice, my love for layering scarves and sweaters and chunky socks with functional riding boots, the excitement of football season, or that first magical pot of chili simmering on the stove. Nope -- nary a word typed here.

After weathering a freak visit from toddlertinkervom circa 5 in the am on Saturday morning (that was of course relayed in great detail via multiple text messages to Simon who was polishing off his short little hellshift - and again via multiple exclamatory statements and reenacted momgags once he returned home), treating the patient and dozing parents to a Dora marathon, figuring out how to watch the Notre Dame game on ye old cell phone (geeeeeee whiz, technology these days), and eventually sliding into Saturday evening Mass only 2.3 minutes tardy we took a homemade picnic of Five Guys burgers and fries to one of Saint Louis' redeeming qualities: el huge park complete with el weather perfecto.
My first audible laugh of the weekend ... watching Sebastian roll for a very loooooong time helplessly down this little slope.

Stilllllllll rolling while Julia watched in semi-concerned horror. Simon went to save him despite my selfish pleas to just let him keep rolling so that I could keep snorting.

Julia treated us to her new trick du jour ... the "nakey dance"
fully clothed. And if the mature soul that taught her whatever the bleep a "nakey dance" is (as far as we can tell - it's a jig danced in a small circle -- preferably whilst wearing no clothes - especially not a cumbersome diaper while chanting, "nakey das!!!!!") can go ahead and fess up -- thanks.

Simon and I interacted with our offspring for a few brief moments ...

which they totally appreciated and cherished.

And as soon as we smartly realized that a park full of vegetation and pollen was probably exacerbating the curse out of Julia's insane allergies (note the leftover sneeze on her upside down person up above) ... we exercised our responsible parenting skills and packed up the party bus to make a hasty exit.
but not before we noticed a little something something on a little bottom bottom of a certain someone  someone.
it looked, smelled, and tasted like a chewed up and regurgitated fruit snack (strawberry flavor - maybe raspberry). Some crazy person must've poisoned him with some processed sugar.

Eyebrow raise.

I'm so glad he recognized and rejected the stranger danger ...
so that I could enjoy my second hearty laugh of the night.

And then Simon went back to the baby factory the next morning and the remaining 3.5 Pattons had a train wreck of a Sunday back at home but we held onto the memory of our Saturday night. Or something like that.


  1. Trademark off topic comment:
    The picture of you and Basher, facing the camera, there's a...something? behind you that looks like the Rio de Janeiro Jesus.
    Minus the head.
    Def. a sign. But of what? Not sure.

    1. No, it looks like a phantom uterus with fallopian tubes. Maybe a sign to Simon to get back to work?

  2. Oh my gosh, the rolling. I am dying. I so needed a laugh this week. Thanks for that :)

  3. This made me happy. Adorable pictures... and I envy your ability to look pretty in candid pictures, because that is not a talent I possess. As always, I die from Sebastian's chubby cuteness. And Julia's dance is charming, despite her loose grasp on the concept of "nakey." =)

  4. Three babies in as many years, and you don't know WHO taught Julia the nakey dance??? Ahem.

  5. Well, it looks like Basher isn't pregnant. Har. Har.

  6. Another wonderful weekend, it sounds like! Adorable pictures. And I'm glad both the kids learned a new trick. Between rolling and dancing, looks like you have some skillful offspring there, Grace. Thanks for sharing and best of luck at another week!


  7. The only thing that could make this post better is video footage of Basher rolling down the hill.

    Btw, you all look so fancy for an outing in the park! Ben pretty much sports his scrubs 24/7 even when he's not on call and my walking attire is a nice Adidas jogging pant and tee. Teach us how to dress, pretty please?

  8. I thought the red stuff was blood originally!

  9. I'm with Kelly, I so wish there was a video of the rolling!
    You can pull off pregnancy better than anyone I know, I swear! You are so flippin' cute!

  10. ummm. you should be a pregnancy advertisement. what the hey. Anddd congrats on the babe inside! So excited for you to join Bridget and I in the land of 3. You'll love it, I swear. And also, you should write a funny book in your obvious free time so I can give it to people for Christmas this year.

  11. I am SO going to sound like a stalker here, but I stumbled upon your blog through another blog, and I read it ALL in 3 days. I could relate to so much as a SAHM whose husband is gone a lot for work, whose toddler runs an efficient Cold War regime in our house, so thank you for the laughs!! Seriously, I know it's creepy that a stranger is commenting on this, but I got brave when I noticed you found out my creeper ways and joined my blog. You've inspired (too stalkerish of a word?) to incorporate my daily life more into my posts, and I'm happier for it (& so are my usually dry, bland posts). BTW, my husband was horrified when my son decided to eat a wad of wasabi...and I snorted with laughter.

  12. The rolling...oh the rolling... How hilarious :) Sweet baby...

  13. I would have totally let my kid keep rolling.... I once left Miriam sitting in the tub full of turds so I could take a pic with my phone to send to Josh just to let him know how much he owed me for letting him work super late.... SAY CHEESE!!!

    1. My son is notorious for pooping in the bathtub! If he's very quiet (as in, splashing and squealing taper off to studious silence) I know that poop has been made and is now being squished about the tub with a washcloth. La-dee-da.

  14. Cute pics :) Reminds me of evenings at the park with my fam when I was little, so fun!

  15. I just read that as 3-5 Pattons and was sure you were announcing twins. hehe. Great pics. Looks like you guys enjoyed your brief family bonding time. :)

  16. You know what I hate? I hate it when I read one of your posts and laugh-snort so hard I cry, and then I read it aloud to someone else and they're all like, "Meh." Maybe it's just my reading voice, because I know this stuff is hilarious, Jen Fulwiler says so. Right?

    Anyway. I wish you had video of Sebastian rolling down the hill. I bet that was awesome.

    And yes, I love this time of year. Are you trying to say I'm like a hipster or a poseur or something?

  17. did i teach her that? i don't remember.. hahah!!!! i do remember telling her she was nakey when she took all her clothes off... and i sort of remember her moving around and me saying something about dancing.. uhoh.

    if i saw bash tumbling down the hill i would have fallen over laughing.

  18. I was with you until you said it "tasted" like a regurgitated fruit snack. And then, I was like NO!!! DON'T TASTE THAT!! Never, ever taste something like that.

    Ha ha ha. Great post Grace!

  19. Thank God you cleared up the bottom spot. Verrrrry questionable at first glance. :)

    loved it all!
