
15 October 2012

Grant's Farm (a pictour)

Doing something a little bit different today and posting a bevy of photos. Sorry for the deviation from the norm. Tolerance is a virtue and I appreciate your cooperation.

Proof that I'm not e-pulling your leg. We really went.

Our little unicorn was impressed.

I believe this was when Julia started yammering on about "stinky poop" for the entire train-tram-thing to hear.

fun for approximately no one involved.

 Smarties staying outside enemy lines.

Minute 9 of indulging in her obsession. Maybe for her 3rd birthday we'll come here and get our party on.

"You want me to act unnaturally happy? fine."

riding a bunny. I don't know.

not riding a bunny.

knows it.

solace sought in a snowcone.


Simon said, "your attire would lead me to believe you came to ride."

Her new thing ... taking off her shirt wherever, whenever.

Anyway, we highly recommend you make the trip if you're ever in the area.
We had a blast.

I promise.


  1. "riding a bunny. I don't know."

    That's how I feel about most activities when we do them. At least you take pictures of it all. I'm failing so bad in that area.

    That said, are you sure See Bass can't come live in KC with us? Now that new baby's settled in, I think we can make room for a cute fourth. Especially one so thrilled with his surroundings.

  2. Love Grant's Farm! And it is free! :)

  3. Oh gosh, 0ff-duty Santa in the background of Simon's glamor shot. Too much...

  4. Can we stay with you when we come to visit?

    Love that Julia undresses and plays with bubblers - classy!

  5. I would love to see just one sarcasm-free, actually happy post. Either you are a truly unhappy person, or you are pretending for the world that you are. Neither situation seems particularly great for your children. I'm curious how your kids will react, when they are finally old enough to read and understand the bitterness you share with the world (real or feigned). Does God really want you to bear 3 or 5 or 9 kids that you can't even pretend to like (or stop pretending to not like)?

    1. hey there - i never comment. but i have to. i am tryinggggg to give you the benefit of the doubt here and that you weren't trying to be an asshole but you just were an asshole.

      as someone lucky enough to be blessed with grace's friendship she's been a rock of support for me as a young mom as well. she loves her babies hard. she manages to make a house full of love and fun with simon gone as much as deployed man.

      as soon as she knew i was pregnant with my first, she whipped me up a nursing cover and threw it in the mail. always always the most thoughtful person.

      anyways, getting off topic. I hope you werent trying to be an asshole. life with young babies is hard enough...

      oh ps. once her babies HAVE BABIES they are going to dieeeee laughing and relish over these posts....i only wish my mom had kept a journal of these hairy hairy hairy all babies all the time days....

    2. I second this! My sibs and I would die laughing every time we get together if we had captioned photographic evidence of the shenanigans of our childhood. This is a family treasure> major kudos to Grace for keeping it current. I am lucky if I blog once every 14 days and I only have one baby!

    3. Sounds like Anon is the bitter, unhappy person to leave nastiness on someone's page. Grace's love for her family shines through her humor and frankly, we can all relate to what she pens in her blog. If you have such a problem, Anon, stop reading!!

    4. woah woah woah---why would anyone say something so mean to someone they don't know! Grace's blog is the absolute HIGHlight of my day. She's hilarious and one of the most lovely and loving of any mother/wife I know. She is a beautiful beautiful example to me, and her blog actually makes me want to have a HUGE family...right away. She makes motherhood look so darn good.

      Love you, Camp Patton (and Grace) :)

    5. I have to respond because of the angry replies to Anonymous. I think that that person was asking a fair question and making a fair comment. I understand that parents sometimes deal with the stress of having kids by making jokes, but I don't think it would hurt to consider what the kids may one day feel about seeing and reading posts that kind of mock them. Some of Grace's comments may be better left between her and her husband or posted more anonymously. I can imagine a situation where one of the children have to square a cherished memory with a comment that indicates that Mom and/or Dad thought that the event was boring or not fun. I really have no doubt that Grace loves her kids or that she is a nice person, but I am going to sign this comment as Anon #2 because it doesn't seem that the people reading this blog are open enough to discuss honest comments.

    6. "Anon #2", you actually just seem like Anon #1 in disguise because of the harshness of your post. How anyone could find this blog anything less than hilarious is beyond me, but aside from that I don't really see how Grace could anonymously post things on her blog. Considering that it is her blog, it may or may not be a dead giveaway. Also, the simple solution seems that the "two" people who find this offensive out of the countless people who love the blog should seek other blogs where their comments will be received with openness to "honest comments".

      Grace, I've been a closet reader forever but had to voice my opinion on this! Emily is one of my best friends and she would always read your blog posts to me when we lived together during college so I kept the tradition alive post graduation.


      Camppattonluvrr4lyfe (aka Abbi Jaeger) ;)

    7. Dear Anonymous,

      Kind of sad, reading a blog you clearly can't stand, leaving comments on it, coming back for more...

      Do you think this is the only blog that exists and that it's your duty to change it? This isn't a "we care about your opinion" customer suggestion box. The point is, why do you care so much about other people's business? Are you really so worried about this family that you have to voice your concern like this?

      Just find other blogs to read that you don't need to criticize, and/or get a life. That is my advice to you. You will be a happier person if you quit pursuing things that upset you. Also, getting a sense of humor might also add something to your life, if you feel something is missing.

    8. I'm pretty sure that Grace will manage to raise her kids with a sense of humor, something the parents of the anonymous commenters on her blog clearly forgot. Also, as a person who has pushed four children out of her nether-regions, I can safely assert that that gives me license to mock them all I want. Same goes for Grace. Also, since Simon is a medical professional and all, I'm sure they'll have great contacts in psychology to help with all the emotional scars Julia and Sebastian are going to have when they grow up and have their childhood memories destroyed by their mother's blog. No? That doesn't seem like a likely scenario? Yeah, I didn't think so. Julia and Sebastian will be just fine. And definitely well-adjusted enough to not leave rude, judgemental anonymous comments on other people's blogs to make themselves feel better.

    9. Oooh! I just got here and I want some, too! I'm trying to wrap my mind around how you found this blog to begin with. Were you Googling "blogs I can give my unwanted and unkind opinion to"?

      Grace writes to make us laugh, and I am so so sure that each and every day her kids feel her love, and she expresses it to them unconditionally. She is open to life and I'm pretty sure she knows how babies are made, so if she didn't want anymore, there would be some other recreational activities she could use to fill that void.

      Public loathing of God's children? How about public bashing of other mothers trying to bring happiness to their own kind.

      Staying at home is hard, and my kid drives me crazy every 5 minutes. Someday I will tell her that, and she will laugh and laugh...kind of like my mom did to me.

      Love you, Grace.

  6. Hey Anon, go away, no one likes your comments<---not sarcasm.

    1. Do you defend public loathing of God's dear children? Is that what I'm hearing?

    2. I love happy and caring people! Sarcasm + humor are both real things...even when you're a parent :). Have a lovely Monday!

    3. Dear Anon-

      Your two comments have me honestly curious what you're responding to with this post. I've gone back to re-read it several times, and I'm having a hard time putting my finger on what could be construed as "public loathing of God's dear children". Unless, of course, you're referring to the cows and goats as "God's dear children", I don't see anything here that would be accurately understod to be the writings of a mother who "can't even pretend to like" her children.

      What I see are two parents, one of whom is putting in ungodly hours in a hospital witnessing to the world that there is a better standard for women than artificial birth control and abortion, and the other who is an amazing example of a beautiful, smart, funny pro-life woman, choosing to spend a portion of their weekend going to a family-oriented farm thingie. They didn't choose to stay in, since public appearances with two little ones (while pregnant with the third!) are time-consuming and difficult. They didn't choose to spend the entire weekend running errand after errand while the two little ones grew increasingly irritable, strapped into car seats. They chose to spend their weekend enjoying each other's company, in what turned out to be a less-than-ideal setting.

      I wonder if you'd be willing to go back and really re-read the text. A closer reading would show that anything which could be billed as "sarcastic" or full of "loathing" is directed at animals or situations- not the children.

      It's difficult to know, since your choice to comment anonymously makes it impossible for us to see internet examples of how you present your family life, but I wonder what you'd do differently if recording the life that Grace generously shares with us?

      A young mother, expecting her third in aaaalllllllmost as many years, with an idealistic husband working long hours in the service of God and his family, has to keep a vice grip on two things: divine grace, and her sense of humor. I understand from your comments that it's hard for your to see where she's doing either, but for many women, Grace and her blog are a blessing and an inspiration.

      There are a lot of really great mommy bloggers out there. I'm sure that there's some that write about their family life in a way that you're more comfortable with. Maybe it would be a more productive use of your blog-reading time to focus on their work and examples.

    4. Dear anon... We moms need a sense of humor to keep up with the more difficult aspects of motherhood and different ppl handle it in different ways. Grace is just being funny.
      Grace, I grew up going to grants farm and inevitable there would always be at least two of us crying at an over zealous goat. I am hoping to get there when I head to STL soon! So fun!

    5. Booyah, Thank you Cari!Thank you for saying what the rest of us feel.

  7. Anon-get a grip, this blog is all in good fun. I have never met this family but I have no doubt that they are a loving, caring and HAPPY family. It's called humor, look it up.

    1. All humor starts from a seed of truth. Humor based on the premise of hate or anger (real or pretend) still hurts people.

    2. All anonymous comments start from a seed of cowardice.
      If you really felt that your comments were needed, why can't you stand by them comfortably?
      No one respects a coward, particularly a coward who perpetuates the constant, vicious criticism of mothers.

    3. Frankly, all your comments seem based on a premise of hurt and/or anger. The very fact that you are so viciously critical of anything Grace posts speaks volumes. Cap that off with your unwillingness to use your name and all I see is an unhappy, mean-spirited person who has no business reading or commenting. I think another poster put it well - here is a family who is VERY Catholic, VERY pro-life and VERY pro-family. Grace uses humor to bring some levity to their current situation - a husband who works long hours for very little pay, finishing his education, while Grace holds down the fort with small children. Simon is working hard at what he does so that he can be a witness in his medical practice for Catholic teaching on the beauty of life and children. This family should be held up and supported in their efforts and not vilified by some anonymous nay-sayer. Grace's chronical of life with tiny people is brilliant and encompasses what it's like with babies and toddlers. Grace's readers have (mostly) all been there or are there currently and it's a breath of fresh air to be able to laugh at things that would normally make you cry when you are in the trenches of motherhood. I'm guessing you either don't have children, or your children led a very repressed, humorless life in your house.

    4. Maybe if we ignore Anon - he/she will go away. We can hope.

  8. All anonymous comments start from a seed of cowardice.

    Your opinion is your opinion, and everyone has a different sense of humor (or lack thereof). But no one respects a coward, particularly one who perpetuates the vicious criticism of mothers.

  9. Uhhh Anon- the only hurtful comments on here today are yours. If you are personally offended by this blog-don't read. Also, have the guts to use your real name if you are going to be critical.

    Grace-Looks like a fab family trip! As usz (is that how you spell the abbrev of usual-not sure but there you go) quite the styling crew. Particularly loving simon being "unnaturally happy..." what the hubs of camera happy women don't endure ;)

  10. Grace,

    Glad you went to Grant's Farm. We enjoyed going there when we lived in St Louis. We went A LOT over 3 years. I enjoyed seeing pictures of the place. There is sooooooo much to do in St Louis with children.

    God bless,

  11. Hey Anon- You know what is funny... how I don't have to hide behind the name "Anonymous" when I write: YOU SUCK! go some where else... read, write, lecture to people who care. The people who read this blog like this kind of HUMOR... which, by the way, is what this type of writing style is called, and you obviously DO NOT know grace or sime because they are hands down the most AMAZING parents! So, fear not, their kids will never wonder if they are loved!

    oh.. have a good day!

  12. Also, Simon's right. With your boots and long flowing hair, I completely expected to see a shot of you astride a mighty steed, maybe with the sun setting in the background, a la a trashy romance novel?

  13. as always, cracking up throughout the post! love the pics of the kiddos with the commentary!!

  14. Doesn't Simon know that you're supposed to dress according to the situation?

    Boots= riding large animals

    Swimsuit= sucking your gut in while "enjoying" yourself at the kiddie pool

    HAZMAT Suit= cleaning the bathroom

  15. You looked beautiful in those pictures! Love the boots. I'm totally thinking about getting some - I was texting with my bestie over the weekend (while on a trip) about how all the cute outfits I saw involved boots. Time to get some and pretend my outfit is cute also!!

  16. If I could choose between Grace or Anon to be my mommy....I would pick GRACE!!!

    Awesome post.

  17. First time commenter, long time reader. We love you Grace and we GET IT! I don't understand what mother wouldn't get it. Motherhood is full of the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly and all of it shines through your blog so perfectly. You have me moved to tears at your sweet videos that clearly show your love for your family and laughing and relating to your daily adventures as a SAHM. Thank you for sharing with us your gifted writing, your wit, and for being REAL.

  18. Don't worry about anonymous. You are obviously devoted to your family. . I admire you for keeping it real and showing me that I am not alone in my struggles as a mother. I've been there. I'm still there. As I often say, we've just renewed our subscription to this crazy life, as we are expecting our 5th soon after you. My hubby is finishing his training, too. I get it. Don't change a thing! We love your sense of humor! And I agree that your kids will die laughing when they read your blog one day.

  19. LOVE IT ALL. Please don't let one tiny, hateful voice question anything. Not. Worth. It. Love alll the pics and captions. xoxo

  20. @ Anonymous,
    I continue to be baffled by these kinds of comments. Obviously this type of humor doesn't appeal to you - which is fine! (although really too bad for you cuz this shiz is funny) - but then why read? And especially, why comment?
    We'd all appreciate you finding a blog more your speed and quit harshing our Camp buzz.

  21. Mmn, so many thoughts bouncing around my head right now but I'd say your sweet friends have done a swell job of addressing the majority of them. The only thing I can really say is anyone with little kids gets it. We're all there, in the same boat. I appreciate that you can turn the moments that make up motherhood into laughs. You're an awesome mom and an awesome writer!

  22. The pictures of the goats look virtually identical to the pictures we have from our trip a few years ago. :)

    I didn't remember there being a carousel, though!

  23. Looks like a fun trip- love Basher's expressions in the stroller. So cute and funny.

    Not gonna lie, I'm jealous that I don't look as good as you pregnant. Maybe I should have worked out at least once this pregnancy? Maybe.

  24. I need to leave some anonymous comments saying how bitter I am that you are so tiny. But. . .I can't be bothered to log out of my account and then have to log in all over again.

    Laziness wins again.

    Also, this whole post made me laugh. Mainly Sebastian's faces when he wasn't riding a bunny.

  25. I am not a person that usually tells people they look like ther kids and such because my husband and his brother look nothing alike and yet people have mistaken them for each other when we are out. Saying that your son is the blonde version of Simon!!

  26. HA!! Maybe if you had pointed out that Santa was there in disguise (picture #7 the man to Simons right) the kids may have cheered up a bit eh ;-)

  27. Grace,
    I love you, love your blog. Don't change a thing. Mine aren't little anymore but I can still remember the struggles and the way you make everything so funny always brings me to my computer each day to see if you have posted anything.
    My family is a fun loving, joking, playful family. I grew up in a more serious, more formal, but happy family. People are different in how they express themselves, and I don't know how your family acts together but I'm guessing fun, loving, and very playful. It's very obvious to me that the children and Simon adore you. I TRULY believe they will find your blog, if and when, you share it with them so funny.

    1. I should have said the children will find your blog funny when you share it with them.

  28. This post made me actually cry with laughter. Thank you for being awesome, Grace. Never change and keep the hilarious posts coming.

  29. Your "voice" on this blog is what sets it apart from every other blog in the blogosphere. You keep being you, Grace.

  30. wow! shame on you grace for taking reality in the form of motherhood and life's little crazy moments and turning them around to provide comic relief and bouts of laughter for the rest of us...shame, shame, i know your name ;)

  31. Just sending some e-love. Anon needs some serious humor help.

  32. I'm late in catching up with posts but just gotta say that we love you Gracie. You help us see the humor in our crazy yet lovely lives!
