
30 October 2012


Dear Sebastian,

I would've loved to have had the luxury of sitting down earlier today and penning a sappy Hallmarker for you to read when you reach the age of reading and comprehension milestones but I am 99.9% sure you threw my glasses away yesterday and so far I've spent 99% of the waking hours of your first birthday tearing the house apart looking for them (still lost - FYI). I really need to find them because when I can't see then I squint and I look angrier than my baseline look (which is contemplative-angry) and our trip to to buy a box of Duncin Hines Red Velvet cake mix (I've learned my lesson) was met with lots of angry stare-backs from all of our Target co-patrons.

Anyway, thank you for being a mostly happy human.
You defy the Patton nature and wake up in a weirdly good mood day after day and nap after nap and I can't tell you how nice this is after dealing with two years of someone else's record-breakingly ugly wake up moods. You are very proficient in lots of important arenas: dropping it like it's hot to anything that slightly resembles a dance-able beat, pulling and tugging my always elastic waist pants down around my knees (not in public, yet - thank you), never ever wanting to be held or touched, driving Julia to hourly tears, pulling everyone's hair, and bemoaning bath time. Your greatest talent is run-wandering. You snuck out the front door a few weeks ago and we let you think you were getting away with something while you sprinted (supervised!!!) down the sidewalk. You made it five houses down before Simon (your father) went and caught you but I have no doubt that you would've made it all the way to California if your energy stores would've allowed. You are always getting in trouble with the mom-choppers at the park for putting acorns, rocks, and leaves in your mouth and wandering more than 8 feet from my person and I'm getting really terrible at hiding my eye rolls when they tattle on you - somethings we can both work on together.

I hope you have the best birthday you've ever had. So far, so productive ...

We love you,

Grace (mother), Simon, (father), Julia (sister and sometimes nemesis) and the other (sibling)

You want to read more about Simon's heir? I can do that:

Birth Story
3 Months
6 Months


  1. oh. my. CUTENESS! seriously. is it stupid that this made me slightly tear up? I can read the immense love you have for Bash-man. so so sweeeeet! Happy Birthday to him! he is quite the little man.

  2. One year already?! Crazy. Great post. I can't believe he made it down the street. lol How did you even know he left, did he forget to shut the door on the way out? ;)

  3. i love his new do! i am surprised you didn't do a video montage, tho...

  4. Awww!! Happy Birthday little Basher! But...alas, you have completely disappointed, Patton. I was looking forward to a vimeo set to the beat of an obscure and addictive tune that almost but not quite brought a little tear to my eye. I shall chalk it up to bebe numero tre and of course, not being able to see a thing without your glasses. Hopefully they will be unearthed in the super near future.

    1. ha!!! montages don't start until 18 month birthday. Even Princess J had to wait until then ...

      plus I would imagine they are getting KIND of annoying to the general public!!

    2. Grace, I officially think you are the best mom ever. Julia and Bash are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your blogs when they're older. I had grandiose ideas of writing letters to Ryder every month and taking pictures of him the day each was written, but alas, mom-fail. I'm still trying to fill out his baby book and don't even have a plan for his first birthday on 11/17. Your bebes are so so lucky to have you! I wish you lived closer than alllll the way across the country bc Ryder and Bash are so much alike and we'd have the best playdates! happy birthday, bash!

    3. Woohoo!! Something to look forward to in six months. Well that, and warm weather. I haven't decided which I'm most excited about. ;) P.S. You overestimate the attention span of the general public. I think I speak for most of us when I say sappy home movies never get old. And neither does this little gem shared by another blogger today. hehe. I think I am just a 9 year old boy trapped in a grown woman's body sometimes.

  5. Little moobs, I love. Bash seems like an all around amiable man but that glasses stunt makes me suspect he's trying to usurp Julia's throne.

  6. He's adorable! Give him one birthday spank from me. What? That's a thing right?

  7. Hapy Birthday, Sebastian! That hairdo makes you look much older. I'm talking 13-14 months.

  8. 1) parenthetical (your father) after "Simon" made me literally L.O.L.

    2) The new hair photog? Looks. Just. Like. Simon (his father)! True story.

  9. Happy birthday from your fellow newly one yr old friend Joseph (and his mama)!!!

  10. i hope you find your glasses. happy birfday to the Bash!

  11. seriously the cutest one-year old I know. and I know A LOT of one-year olds. probably more than I should, considering that I don't have any offspring of my own...
    Happy Birthday Bash!

  12. happy birthday, Basher! your happy face makes me feel happy too.

  13. Happy happy birthday! I love the new hair do!

  14. What a handsome fellow. Happy day to you, Sir Bash! I'm with the crowd, love the montages but I guess I'll mope until 18mos.

  15. Happy birthday!

    I'm not very happy to see this post, though. I remember reading his birth story a year ago and thinking how it wouldn't be that long before I'd be holding my little guy. This post just reminds me that my baby is almost a toddler. :P

  16. "You are very proficient in lots of important arenas: dropping it like it's hot to anything that slightly resembles a dance-able beat" ROFL

    Happy birthday little man!
