
18 December 2012

35 weeks

1. no caption
2. gaze and a grab. unforgivable!!

35 down and 2 or 5 or 7 or somewhere around there to go. I'm feeling fine and am half loving - half hating being this pregnant during the season of all things chocolate plain, chocolate popcorn, chocolate pretzels, chocolate pecans, chocolate ginger snaps, chocolate marshmallows (don't love but still inhale), chocolate grahams, chocolate everything. I can't help myself and Simon keeps bringing these glorious temptations home from work. It's awful. And wonderful.

My lady doc was a little concerned about the size of the baby and so I had an ultrasound at 34 weeks and badabing bada-big-baby. To quote the tech, "sizable and huge head!" and "do your other children have abnormally large heads?" and "this is not a small baby" -- weighing in at almost 6 pounds with maybe as many weeks to go. Lovely.

Julia is all set to feed the baby (that will be "coming out of mommy's belly button") noodles and toast and milk and Sebastian is all set to do nothing helpful at all.  Some people have asked if Simon will deliver the baby and my answer is: barring a precipitous home birth that he is actually home for - no, no he will not. Such a fun wife.

Tunic: Old Navy Maternity (on super sale!)
Leggings: Target
Boots: Famous Footwear

35 weeks with Bash
35 weeks with Little J


  1. Down with Instagram!!! Up with ummmm.....something else.

  2. I've heard from my other friends who have OB husbands that there's a major difference between doctor and husband/dad... they've all opted to have their husbands act as dad "in the moment." I would choose the same.

    At my 33 week ultrasound the tech couldn't stop commenting on the size of Claire's nose. It terrified me. She was born at 35 weeks and because her head was so small, her nose looked huge. I hated that tech for months. Thankfully it has evened out now. Ha.

  3. I don't see how there is fluid or room for an umbilical cord in there. You are so tiny...seems like it is all baby!

    Excited to meet the mr/ms. on the pictures...I'm not gonna just show up at your door. In case there was confusion.

  4. You look great. I've only got 2 weeks on you, and the freaking egg nog I'm consuming is borderline gross. Being prego at Christmas isn't too bad! ;)

  5. Looking adorable as ever. And it sounds like this little one... Well, isn't little at all. Thank you for taking my mind off the Instagram drama. Bleh.


  6. I'm just really not sure WHERE you keep those babies of yours.

  7. So you're giving Simon the evening/morning/birth off? That's nice of you. :)

  8. Where am I going to gram? The drama is killing me.

    Also, can Simon deliver the baby, like, legally? I guess he could, right? I don't know how all this doctor shmoctor stuff works.

  9. You look beautiful!

    With my youngest daughter I was told at 34 weeks that she was weighing in at 6lbs 13 oz, but thankfully she was born 6 weeks later weighing only 7lbs 4oz! So, perhaps there is still hope that you will deliver an average sized baby.

  10. That baby is probably hiding in your hair...with all your secrets.

    So glad he/she isn't wee, but that you still are!

  11. I didn't know the belly button was an option. I'm voting for that next time around.

  12. hehe "abnormally large head"....

  13. what a nice ultrasound tech "abnormally large head"? ugh. well, as you probably know, those ultrasounds later in pregnancy can be off by 2 lbs.

    and... you look wonderful, as always!

  14. My absolute fave is when preg ladies do the heart with their hands on their stomach...who does that??

  15. Instagram-boooo
    Yes to 35 weeks tho- you look great. Someone commented to my mom once when she was pregnant in Advent that she was " on her way to Bethlehem." solidarity with the Blessed Mother seems like a good deal to me :)

  16. hahaha! Amen to what JennyU said. I agree! You are still more fit and trim than I am... 8 months post partum!

  17. You're such a cute prego Mama. You really wouldn't think that your baby is "abnormally big". Enjoy your chocolate! :-)

  18. And I just ordered 2 of those tunics! I have been eyeing yours for weeks, couldn't pass up $8! Of course a chambray tunic, maxi dress, and a couple other clearance maternity things made it into my checkout too.. all in the name of free shipping over $50!

  19. Still ridiculously outraged over Old Navy Maternity and its view of Canada...

    And "abnormally large head" are words that just fill the preggo mother with happiness. I'm sure it'll just slide out, its the third one, it should be a law or something! And I can't believe you're 35 weeks already...time flies and you look so good!

  20. My dad didn't start delivering his own kids till #4. How often do OBs deliver their own children? (because you know that, right?)

    (and you look unbelievably awesome.)

  21. You are leaving me in suspense with the baby names. My money is on Therese for a girl and Oliver for a boy.

  22. loving the belly grab. ;) i think you look tiny! oh,and i'm baking many chocolate things as we speak..'tis the season!

  23. how can you be having a big baby with such a tiny belly? I don't believe it

  24. having scanned through the other comments, i feel like i too should scold the tech and rave about your adorable, preggo cuteness. considering we've never met and i prefer creeper to commenter, that's weird to me. so here's the comment i feel like i shouldn't make:

    after weeks of debating, i finally broke down and brought a couple of the ON shirts. if they are too ridiculously low cut and scandalous, i'm holding you personally accountable. i can't just cover it with a scarf-they feel like a noose if i wear them longer than 15 minutes and my boys accidentally, repeatedly strangle me. cheers : )

    (you really do look great.)

  25. you look so great and cute and just plain gorgeous! love the outfit! old navy and target are making me wish i was pregnant again!

  26. I hope I'm half as cute as you are when I'm pregnant :) And at least you have the pregnancy card to play when you are powerless against the holiday chocolate... what's my excuse?!

  27. You are super cute as always!!!
    Also, I'm gobbling all things chocolate myself. Why can't I stop eating the marshmallows?? They aren't THAT good, yet the bag disappears so quickly....

  28. PS. Just noticed your design change. Love!

  29. You're so precious! I can only dream to look like you when I am pregnant!

  30. Dude, you are almost done! I can't wait to meet baby numero three and see how you rock at momhoodx3!

  31. You are so small, I'm that size at 20 weeks. Lucky! And if the baby is big, that's just less pounds for you to loose. And, I love your boots!

  32. I was a giant when I was born (11 lbs, 1 oz and 23,5" long, yes it was vag, yes I had the shoulder thing, yes there were forceps), so I had two glucose tests when I was pregnant with my daughter, multiple ultrasounds, regular midwife gropings and an extra special obstetrician groping. Normal glucose but everyone else was totally in agreement that the baby was going to be pushing 10 lbs on my due date, which is, shall we say, robust. I even asked the ultrasound techs what their margin of error was (about 5-10%).

    When I went into labor 10 days before my due date the midwife estimated the baby's weight to be 8 lbs 12 oz. When she actually came out she was 7 lbs 2 oz. The midwife said that if she'd been off by a whole kilo she would have to bring cake for the others. I was annoyed because I didn't have any baby clothes that were smaller than 3 mos.

    So if there's a next time I will make sure to blow off those disgusting glucose tests.

  33. No way that is a 6lb baby in there... you look fantastic!

  34. You are adorable and make me laugh.
    Why haven't I been reading your blog more??? :/

  35. Oh, your babies come out of your belly button? Sigh. So sad for you. Mine come out of my mouth via jet-pack. You can ask Paul all about it.
