
03 December 2012

golden weekend

Once upon a time before Simon was a resident and was still in med school wearing his short white coat and "working" downright delightful hours (why why why I did not appreciate those years then ... I'll forever be kicking myself) I read a few blogs by wives of residents and would have a hard time believing that their husbands were truly gone as much as they claimed. I also thought it was a little melodramatic to call a weekend in which their spouse was off for both Saturday and Sunday a "golden weekend". Don't worry, the truth has set me free and shown me the error in my former judgments. Golden weekend? Let's try platinum, diamond encrusted, dunked in champagne weekend -- that might start to cover the awesome that is an entire weekend that Simon has off.

I feel like I should probably at least touch on the these nice times lest you think it's all doom, gloom, and stew like an angry bird around here when Simon is on call (and maybe it sort of is but we'll save that for an actual call weekend later this month).

 "What are you doing? Stop it."

 13 months going on 13 years ... oh, sorry .. drifted into annoying/doting/annoying momville

since we've relegated her faux fur blankies to her crib and ONLY her crib she is attached to something new every time we leave the house ... here it was a toothbrush ... today it's Simon's golf scorecard ... tomorrow it will be my earlobe ...

Crystal Clear and all of her current and former wombmates

We went on some walks, I gave all the Pattons not named Grace horrible haircuts (seriously ... I did), we endured some minutes at the playground, we inhaled allllll of the delicious cookies that Ana (yes, Ana that jjjjjjust had a baby) sent in the nicest care package in the history of care packages in one family sitting, we hit up Costco (of course), we got to see my dad for a little tiny bit as he passed through the Lou, we replaced the particle board dresser, and we did lots of other things that I won't list in case you've got something urgent to go do.

And ... miracle of miracles ... Simon has this weekend off too (!!!!) so I've got my best diamond grill soaking in a flute of Cooks getting ready to inappropriately rap and roll. You know how we do.


  1. Yay Yay Yay for Golden Weekends! They truly are the best!

  2. "What are you doing? Stop it." HA!

    Glad you had a great weekend!

  3. yayyyyy!!!!!!! this made me so so happy! my hubby was home all weekend, too but only because he was having chest pains last week and convinced himself that at 29 years young and healthy as a horse he was having a heart attack... and spent 9pm friday to 4am saturday in the er. the ekg and labs came back squeaky perfect clean, it was just stress. drama king. but we had our first full weekend together in forever!! yay for hubbys home on weekends:) enjoy every second!

  4. Hooray for happy times! Bash is too cute, really. I'm dying over here.

  5. You guys are the best (and I'm moving into your neighborhood because those houses are killing me, well except for the blow up santa, there's no accounting for some people's taste...)

  6. I get so angry with Mike when he is late for dinner. On call? No thanks. You are a stronger woman than I.

  7. this is me--wife of a still undergrad but aspiring doctor-- appreciating his current hours (even though I already complain about them and almost made him come home from the library tonight because I was having a breakdown over my childs refusal to eat anything but graham crackers the whoooole day long), committing to appreciating medical school hours (even though those ones look nasty to me), and prepping myself for the certain and inevitable ridiculousness that will be the resident years hours.

  8. I don't know how my mom survived my dad's residency years with two 2 1/2 year old twin boys and a brand new baby. And you're about to be in a similar boat! You go girl! And that toothbrush.. hilarious. At least she'll have great gums!

  9. I know how wonderful weekends off are! My husband just had his weekend off, he has to work everyday for the rest of the year. He's in his intern year. He just got off a month of night float which was pure torture! I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend! He was home way more in med school, I don't know what I was complaining about back then either!

  10. Diamond encrusted indeeeeeeeeeeeeed! That boy of yours = handsome schmansome.

  11. holy cow, Bashy! at 15, shouldn't he have grown out of the stroller...? ;)

  12. basher is looking dapper and grown UP

  13. I don't know how you medical wives do it.

    But here's a question - why is it so much better that they have a weekend off than just two days during the week? I'm seriously asking this (nicely!). I understand if you were working a Mon-Fri job and were only home on the weekend, but since you're home whenever he's off, what makes the weekend so much better?

    My SiL feels the same way whenever my brother gets a weekend off and I just don't get it. Maybe it's a mental thing?

  14. You mean the donuts I sent you??
    Again, so glad you all enjoyed the sugar overload and SO glad you had a weekend with Simon.
    I loved the vlog- soooo funny!! The problem was I watched it right before bed last night and then you and Simon were in my dream, we were all at a circus. So weird, so sorry.

  15. I would give anything just for one weekend with my husband. Enjoy!

  16. yay! i'm glad you got that weekend with Simon. it's sucky enough to be sans husband on the weekend but i can't even imagine what it's like with 2.5 children. you braveheart.

  17. YES!
    so- i think bash is actually looking more like simone these days. glad he has some time off to hang with you guys.

  18. So glad you had a nice weekend!

    Also, thanks for reminding me to enjoy these short coat days. I've been feeling very whiny about them, so I appreciate the perspective.

  19. I'm always telling my husband that he should let me, his wife with zero hair-cutting experience, cut his hair but he won't . . . because his mom give him a horrible cut in middle school.

  20. Glad you had a great weekend-but sorry you'll have a toddler on your earlobe all day tomorrow......

  21. By rap and you mean....parent rap?

    Inspiration for a future vlog?

  22. Golden weekends are the best! I just had one this weekend.

    Hey I have a "black weekend" coming up --- we should do a link-up Lol

  23. oh dear, I can see my future being filled with black weekends and golden weekends, ah the future of a med school wife!
