
28 December 2012

Happy Birthday to You!!

No, I'm not sure where Sebastian gets his petite frame ...

Happiest of birthdays, Simone!! Thank you for being the most outstanding husband to your crazy wife, the best dad to the craziest kids, and so devoted to your job with the craziest hours all while not going even a little bit crazy. We are the luckiest clan in all of the land to have you as our patriarch.

Hurry home from the lady parts because Julia is very excited for your presents and your cake.


unrelated but sometimes we need reminders that we used to be young and fun (and shoeless, apparently) as we age.


  1. Well hello there vintage Basher. Happy birthday Simon!

  2. look at his hair! I vote he grows it back out ha ha

  3. Aw, I LOVE that picture of baby Simon. Happy birthday Simon!

  4. Spitting image of Bash! Happy Birthday to your, sweet! I hope you are feeling better:) XOXO

  5. so sweet. and bash is totally the spitting image of simon! (as if you didn't know that!)...happy birthday, simon!

  6. I actually thought that's Sebastian! And then I was like: Sebastian's bday is not today.......
    Happy birthday Simon!

  7. it's kind of depressing that at age 23 with only one child, your last line rings totally true to me. I already need reminders that I was once young and fun???

  8. Hahahahaha! I first read that sentence as "Hurry home, from the lady parts" as in, "The lady parts say 'Hurry home'". And my jaw dropped onto my lap at the thought of you writing a blog post from the point of view of your...
    ...yeah. Again. This is one of those comments I should have self-censored before typing.

    1. i thought it said "hurry home to the lady parts" and my jaw dropped a little too ;)

  9. Simon shares his birthday with my sister, happy b-day to both!!

  10. I definitely read "hurry home to the lady parts", which hey - it is his birthday.

  11. I think your lying to us all and that's just a picture of Bash instagrammed to look vintage. It has to be!

    Happy Birthday Simon!

  12. Ha! I, too, initially thought you were summoning Simon home to your lady parts. Dying. Laughing.

    Oh, and happy birthday, Simon!

  13. Happy Birthday, Simon! When are you growing your hair out again?

  14. Ehrmagherd. There's a muppet stuck to your head, Simon! Quick!

  15. OMGoodness! That picture is Sebastian...isn't it? I really thought it was when I first clicked on this! What a resemblance!
