
23 February 2013

7 Quick Takes

Joining Jen for Quick Takes Friday on a Saturday. Rebel, tardy, and all that tap dancing.

1. Simon said he hasn't heard me laugh as hard as I did at this clip

in "a looooooooong time". Ashley also introduced me to my favorite comedian Jones so basically she is the consummate curator of funny.

2. Bleh. I've been having second, third, fourth, and fifth thoughts about blogging. I'm hoping it's just a Roosevelty, "comparison is the thief of joy" moment but there are so many bloggers that write gooder than I'll ever be able and maybe I'm better suited for the reading rather than the writing bench. Woe is Grace. Not a pity party just a truth soiree. It'll pass.

3. Julia is going through a terrible stage where she takes off all of her clothes (diaper included) whenever she is out of my sight. She acts genuinely sorry when she's reprimanded and thanks me repeatedly as I get her dressed ... AGAIN. She doesn't do it when Simon's home and I'm hoping she doesn't teach Sebastian how to do the same because I get enough of a cardio workout pinning him down once every two or three days to change his clothing. No need for more. 

4. Because the kids spilled my bag of Chia seed the other day I went to grab a new one at Costco (after I freaked out and hopefully made them feel very guilty) and saw bags of Hemp seed in the same aisle.

There are 11 grams of protein per (3 tablespoon) serving which is 6 more grams than Chia can offer and I'm of the mindset that more protein = more energy and less of a desire to eat all the chocolate chips in the pantry? I don't know. They don't get stuck in my teeth and are relatively tasteless in yogurt and smoothies. I'm a believer for now.

5. You know me and my workout DVD problem. I can't/won't stop. I relied on Jillian's 30 Day Shred to shed the weight from both Julia and Sebastian's pregnancies even though I hate almost every second of it. The beginning is insanely long and there is no option to skip or fast forward through and sometimes 3 minutes of alternating two strength exercises is kind of monotonous. Also ... if Sebastian or Julia turn off the DVD player in the middle .... I can't tell you how frustrating it is waiting waiting waiting waiting through the beginning credits about The Biggest Loser for the 8th time. So ... I've moved onto Jillian's Ripped in 30 and it's a lot more varied during the 3 minutes of strength, no opening annoying, and there are 4 workouts instead of just 3. Even my excess stomach skin is sore. I'm a fan.

6. I was totally shocked by this week's episode of the Bachelor. I definitely thought Catherine was getting shipped off into greener pastures and I'm still not sure Sean did the right thing. AshLee is a total nut and if she is the last lady standing I'll be disappointed. Team Catherine forever. I was minding my own business going through my reader when I came across Morgan's blog and without a SINGLE WARNING (remedied now) she gave away a spoiler. I'm still working on forgiving her and maybe she was wrong? Jones (of course!) wrote another stellar recap. My will to read blogs will cease to exist if she ever stops recapping. My obsession has moved to a whole new level as I watch and pause each episode to read her blog (and tweets) as I go.

7. This post has now taken me 30 something hours to publish. I'm sure it was worth the toil on my part and the wait on yours. We always want to do something every weekend but then my hate for going out in the cold usually leaves us on the couch talking about doing something and herding children most of the day. I do have grand plans to make these. I can't wait.

Hope you're being more productive.

Go see Jen for a million more.


  1. "Comparison is the thief of joy". I've never heard that before, but wow. Just wow. That's why Roosevelt made the big bucks, I guess.
    Did he? And are we talking about the Roosevelt from "Night at the Museum" or the one from "Annie"? Yes, I need to keep my presidents straight by using movies.

    I homeschool.

    Anyway, you can't stop blogging. Or if you did, expect me to come knocking at your door and then slapping you upside your head.

    But then we'd have drinks while the kids ran around (probably naked), so it would all end well.

  2. If you could see your readers' (or maybe it's just me) reactions when they read your posts, you might stop questioning. You bring so much joy into the lives of so many with all your stories. Keep it up!

    ... and if you need more reading, I celebrate life over at Would love to have you visit!

  3. Please please please let #2 be just a phase, like Julia's streaking. The web would be a sad and lonely place without you, and I mean that in all sappy sincerity.

  4. Girl, you're hilarious, and so is the video. I would've wept if I burnt my hair off. No joke. Actually, if I burnt my hair off, I'd quit blogging and go live in a cave somewhere.

  5. If you stop blogging, I will cry. Seriously, my day is not complete without an update on Camp Patton. Really truly. Not just saying that to be nice, but saying it to be fo' realz.

  6. I laughed so hard that I cried tears when I watched that video....and I agree on the Bachelor. Sean doesn't have much personality and neither does AshLee, so I am 100% Team Catherine and Team Desiree (so sad she's gone). I found Jones' recaps through you and I'm eternally grateful. Oh and Jillian is the best, she was my pre-Machu Picchu hike video and pre-wedding video, and now I'm trying to work up the guts to start it again (No More Trouble Zones is also really good, but long-ish).

  7. Yours is the only blog that I read daily, it's been that way since I found you 18 months ago. I was trying to plan short weekend road trips I could do with my family and realized that we could go to St. Louis, I had the thought "We can visit Grace! (yay!)" and then I remembered that you don't actually know me, and the visit might not be as thrilling for you.

  8. If you stop blogging I will kill myself.

    Too dramatic? Not taking me serious? Then I dare you to try. My parents will scowl at you at the funeral.

    1. I'm with Alisha. I startling percentage of my will to live on any given week comes from knowing that I can treat myself to reading your blog at the end of a long day. I am actually so lame that I often refuse to read it on my laptop if I see a new post come up, because I think, "Then I'll have nothing to look forward to for the rest of my day!"

      Don't. Even. Think. About. It.

  9. Well- I just ordered 3 Jillian dvd's and plan on purchasing hemp seed cause I want to have a rockin bod like Grace when I grow up. I've bought several things you've recommended and I've never been let down. Thanks for sharing!

  10. "Not a pity party just a truth soiree." - that, my friend, is why you must always write. You have a serious way with words and a truly impressive vocabulary.

  11. Replies
    1. ha! I won't. For now! Hope the 316 doesn't get pounded as bad as it did last week tonight!

  12. I enjoy your blog so much. It's the most genuine and laugh out loud funny one that I read. I scroll past all the other blogs I subscribe to see if you have a new post. Please don't stop!

    1. ah! thank you!! I won't I won't. You know us females. We're all over the place. Crazies.

  13. as usual, I have a few thoughts...

    1. yes to that video. holy shamoly. I have seriously thought of shaving my head before, but if this happened to me accidentally I'm pretty sure I would wear a wig until it grew out...even if only a chunk was gone and a more logical solution would be to get layers.
    2. HELLA NO to you stopping blogging. HELLA NO. We would all totes understand if you feel the need to cut back on your frequency...I mean, I seriously don't know how you do it with the kiddos, but you would be veryveryvery missed. and I just might spiral into a depression, sooo.....yeah. don't.'re Team Catherine?! ughhhh. I do apologize for my spoiler, and hope you accept my apology gift basket of 1000 banana muffins. it'll arrive any day now.
    4. oh, and thanks for the type out! made my day and almost made me forget that I'm on blogging probation ;)
    5. your boys are too cute.

    aaaaand you're welcome for the novel!

  14. Camp Patton is my very favorite blog! I see CP getting super-sized; it will be well-deserved.

    1. oh I highly highly doubt that! Thank you though!



  16. That poor girl! Why oh why?! did she publish it still!? I might need to try hemp seeds and I agree about Jill's 30 Day Shred ( I feel like I can call her Jill now because her long team ranger calls her that)

  17. Do not stop blogging, Grace! I LOVE your blog - esp the funny kid stories! They bring back excellent memories of when my kids were young. You write SO well and you bring joy to people - obviously (see above). Who knows that someday it will turn into a book (like Cosby). Refine your craft by continuing to write!

    1. are you sure MY kids bring back excellent memories? kidding. Sort of.

      I shall continue on!! Thanks Susan!!

  18. Oh my gosh dont you ever stop blogging! Reading your blog is theeee highlight of my day. No joke.

  19. I just sat down at the computer to check in on my favorite blog and nurse my baby boy, hoping "maybe, just maybe she's posted her quick takes late", and you didn't fail me! Why oh why did "let down" have to coincide with the moment that the girls hair falls off?? I haven't laughed that hard in a looooong time either! Apparently my little guy doesn't like a food source that is loudly and obnoxiously jerking all over in a laughing fit, and other than having milk all over my clothes and his, I am so happy that you shared that video!!

    I fifteenth what everyone else said, don't even think about quitting as a blogger! I have five kids that are 7 and under and I need fake online friends that endure the same frustrations/joys that I do on the hourly.

    1. isn't that video hilarious? I still die after watching it 95 times. 5 kids 7 and under? incredible. I'm a big fan of online friends --- big fan. Thanks so much for commenting! I can only imagine how precious your time must be.

  20. Please dont stop blogging!

  21. Why not just take a break, for like, a few days...but definitely not more than four. I mean look, even "Anonymous" is begging you to stick around. I'm pretty sure an infusion of dates will perk you right back up,though. Just don't make any crazy substitutions. Let me know if they live up to your expectations, and by that I mean, lie to me and say you loved them regardless.

  22. I told Mike last night I was going to delete my whole blog, and he forbade me. I think it's just effing February-- seriously it is the month from hell.

    You have officially motivated me to get back to Jill's ripped in 30, I totally agree with your assessment of that verses 30 DS and honestly if I can just get rid of the post-baby chub, I might just perk right up, February or not.

    Ok, don't stop blogging and thank you for the motivation.

    1. I'm with Ana, month from hell. Just a bad case of the Februaries. Please end already Feb. Please. I'm about to lose it on way too many levels.
      Seriously though, you are a fantastic writer! And you're the only one like YOU. Look how your blog has grown over the past two years. Holy superstar batman! People love your blog because you are really amazing, cute, funny, and just a very likeable person overall. Did I mention cancer survivor? I'm starting to get a sunburn from the glow of your awesomeness over here.
      You can't compare your style of writing to any one else's because it's you, you know? Don't ever doubt your writing. You have a gift. Let it shine girl, let it shine.
      OK, I need to go drown my stresses Bridget style with oreos and ice cream.

  23. The blog exists for a reason. Just know the reason, and be OK with it. That's how I deal with my mediocre blog. Yours' brings so many people so much joy. Seriously, yours' is my favorite. Even kidless friends of mine are hooked.

    1. you're the best mandy (assuming it's you). Your blog is not mediocre ha! furthest thing from.

  24. I love your blog!!!!!!!! Heck, I'm seventeen, which is technically slightly too young to read mommy blogs, and I loooove your blog, to the extent that I creepishly stalk your Instagram despite not having an Instagram account myself.

    1. ha! definitely not creepishly stalking since I freely gram up a STORM. Love your blog -- clever name and I can relate as a former homeschooler!

  25. That video! I died. So funny!

    And please don't stop are my inspiration!

  26. Your blog is great! You must not stop! I would be so sad :'''-(

  27. I saw the video on FB and literally cried I was laughing so hard. Husband didn't find it quite as funny, he thought my crying/gasping for hair was much more comical! AAnd you aren't allowed to stop blogging. Kay?

  28. Please don't stop blogging! I anxiously stalk your blog posts via: GFC, emails, and multiple visits to your blog a week JUST in case it hasn't come across my Google Reeder or email. And that sounds scary stalkerish.

  29. I really hope you don't stop blogging! Your dry wit and interesting writing voice makes me smile -- and I am totally jealous of how effortlessly funny you are (but in a good jealous way). You inspire me to make my blog more fun and more real. :)

    Also, I watched that video a couple days ago and CANNOT stop watching it again. Her minute-long reaction to her hair is the best!

    1. thank you Lindsay!! Isn't her reaction the best? My fave is when she looks up at the camera with her eyes for a second. Yep -- watched it TOO many times.

  30. You are the funniest, Grace! Do not stop writing! We need your humor!

    And productive?! Do you see those sweet babes?! They take every ounce of everything you've got to give. The world needs them. You could not be more productive!

    Will watch the video when I won't wake the house with my laughter...seems to be a riot.

  31. Don't stop writing! I have 2 wild boys, 1 and 3 years old, and your blog is reminding me I'm not the only one going thru crazy days with my littles. Thank you!!

  32. I just found your blog this week and have read back through so much!! Also starting following your instagram. Thanks for sharing such fun moments in life. Keep writing whenever you can--because you are certainly a WRITER!! Happy Sunday :)

    1. thank you thank you Joy! I'll keep on chugging for now ... really appreciate it!

  33. First of all, you can never stop blogging. Your posts seriously make my day and I plan to read about Julia until she is well out of college.

    Also, that video. O.M.G.

  34. i can TOTALLY relate to the "might quit blogging" sentiment but for the love of God. don't.
    and that video? the way she studies her burnt hair...hilaaaaarrrr.

  35. Grace if it's any indication you should keep blogging, look at all the people who are telling you to keep on keeping on! One time I mentioned not blogging and no one commented that day. No one. And yet, look! I'm still lamely blogging. You're actually legit and make people laugh!

    Also the burnt hair girl rules! Seriously!

  36. Do.NOT.Quit. Ever. Just as you love Jones, I love reading your blog. Please don't quit - it's a nice, bright, laughter-filled spot in my day.

  37. That video? That girl handled that so well. I think I handled it worse than she did (while I was laughing).

    And #2? Just stop it. Don't even talk. You're done. Get back to writing things and make me laugh.

    #5? I refuse to do anything that says "shred" or has an X in it or something like that. I prefer words like "gentle" "stretching" "easy".

  38. Grace, love your blog and don't compare yourself to other bloggers. Honestly my favorite posts are just where you talk about your day... Spilled coffee, Dora coming along on errands, surviving with toddlers ... Which is so nice to relate to for other moms with young kids. I seriously get so excited when I see a new post from you (and not like the giveaway/special ones) just the normal day in/day out mom posts! :)

  39. My cousin recommended your blog and I proclaimed adamantly I DON'T HAVE ROOM FOR ANY MORE BLOG READING and here I am, a 22 year old girl who probably should spend more time finding a husband to make kids with and less time reading about other peoples', stalking your blog on the daily. Love it! You are HIGHlarious and dress super cute and I pretty much dream about being in your family!

    1. best comment. Welll ... if you don't find a husband to make kids with soon ... might I interest you in a spirited 2.5 year old for rent? Cries only hourly.

      thank you!!

  40. Okay so I'm a bit behind on my reading so you probably have resolved this, but do not, do not, do not quit blogging! If you do, then how will my husband be able to say, "Wait, did you just talk about a blogger using her first name only like you personally knew her?" Pathetic? Maybe. Just don't stop, lady!

  41. Nope, you are not allowed to stop writing in this space as I need to at least read about another mom in the camp of newborn with two other kids. I've got you and Ana to read through and make me feel like I've got some sympatico mamas out there. :) Sorry to put my foot down like this, but you can always tell Simon that this blog has gone from being a place where you vent to a ministry to other mothers. ;)

  42. Love this! Everytime we make bacon and dates, we always find that we need to use a whole piece of bacon... not sure if you made them yet but more meat = fabulous. (and we usually cut the dates in half) heehee

  43. You are not allowed to stop blogging. End of story.

    I can't keep up with you and your superfoods! I just finally started using Chia seeds, don't abandon me now!

  44. So, I suppose you get the gist but ditto for me. Hang in there with your three kids and your overworked husband and your toomanyhoursathomealone posts because you are the reason I blog! I was on the fence forever and then after reading your blog I couldn't NOT blog. And it sounds like your blog is the only thing keeping many, many of your readers from seeking serious mental health treatment! Me included.

  45. You may not stop blogging I will not allow it seeing that your blog is my favorite read on all of the internets.

  46. I had to add to the outcry...please please please don't stop blogging. Your written version of what my life feels like is usually the one thing that makes me laugh instead of run screaming into the late afternoon. Truly, is there any time period longer than the end of naptime to husband coming home? I think not. I am sure that purgatory consists of post-nap meltdowns and spilled milk. If you quit blogging I will cry...seriously.

  47. please please do not quit blogging! lemme give you some reasons:
    -you're a better writer than me (and here I am still blogging like the world cares!)
    -your family life is exciting! come on 3 kids under 3 yo! hooray!
    -i agree with the other readers, your recs are just amazing! ive followed quite a few of them. keep them coming.

  48. Your blog is one of those that makes me feel like I'll never be a good enough blogger (I TOTALLY mean that as a compliment!!), so I'm glad to see that someone else feels as I do sometimes! Please don't stop blogging! I wanna read all about it because you say everything in a voice I can totally relate to/wish I was friends with. Please.

  49. I'm waaaay behind, but I agree with everyone - don't quit blogging unless you seriously seriously want to. Good/bad/mediocre writing aside, nobody cares if you're a good writer - this blog is more for YOU than for anyone else, since someday you'll be super-bored and Julia/Sebastian/Theo/baby4/5/6/7/8/etc will be throwing an epic temper tantrum and you'll think, OH MY GOSH HOW CAN I EVER BE AROUND THIS CHILD??? And then you'll go back through old blog entries and remember something amazing about them that would have gone forgotten if you hadn't blogged about it. Seriously, I am reliving the glories of John Paul INCREDIBLY often now that he has decided to be the most difficult child ever, and it's all because of my dinky little blog.

    Yes, everyone would be sad if you stopped blogging, but if it's not making you happy don't bother, or just take a break. Just don't go deleting your blog on a whim :P

  50. i know it's not anywhere near saturday, but i just got caught up with you posts (obsessed much?); i cannot even begin to tell you how devastated i would be if you stopped blogging. please don't- ever.

  51. please do NOT stop blogging! you are too funny...and you can't keep those adorable kids (and their hysterical antics) from us! ;)

  52. I would become deeply depressed if you stopped blogging, seriously. Every day there's not a post, I'm SOOOO disappointed. NEVER!!

  53. You are my favorite blogger on the WWW. I found you on the worst mothering week of my life and I swear you're the reason I didn't sell my baby to the zoo. I've never laughed so much in one day. Please don't stop blogging. Ever.

  54. You cannot give up blogging! I love reading your blog so much that I gave it up for that I would start being productive but as you can tell I just couldn't do it.
