
06 February 2013

Conversations with Julia

Everyone says that the reason Sebastian isn't talking yet (seriously, we've got "Dora" and "woof" and he'll blow on his food if that counts?) is because Julia does all the talking for him. I'm not convinced but here are some gems she's dropped on our drums of late ...

When Simon found her in my grandma's bathroom going to town with the makeup drawer ...
Simon: Julia, what are you doing?
Julia: Oh, I wook so pwetty.

Whenever she sees Theo ...
Julia: Oh, it's the fattycakes!
Julia: Oh, it's the poopycakes!

When Sebastian throws a fit ...
Julia: (positions her nose one centimeter away from his and cocks her head alllllll the way to the horizontal side) is you tired, bastard?

While Theo was crying recently ...
Julia: (put a rosary around his neck) dare! dats bedder
Theo: (stilllllllllll crying)
Julia: no, you not be sad

While I was circling the Costco parking lot on a super cold day and was audibly frustrated that I couldn't find a cart corral with an actual cart in it ...
Julia: but you wook gorgeous, mommy.

When I walked into the bathroom to find that she had tried to empty the contents of her little potty into the big potty and had mostly failed but before I could say anything ...
Julia: no I not fwustating.


ps if you're in a good deed doing sort of mood ...


  1. oh I love Julia!! These are great!

  2. I don't know how you are so productive, Julia's a never ending one woman show! I would never stop giggling with her. Smart too "but you wool gorgeous, mommy." She knows.

  3. ooohh my goodness! Everyone needs a Julia!! This is prob my fave series that you have :)

  4. Centimeter? You are using the metric system? Is that the European in you (says a European) or due to your husband's profession? ;-)

    1. ha! well .... an inch was too generous and I can't be misleading the good readers.

  5. My kids totally use the word "frustrated" too...or most importantly-know what it means. It makes me feel a little less good about my parenting every day. Maybe I should pick a different word?

  6. ohh I love her.

    Bashy seems like the pensive youngest brother (third in line) didn't really talk until he was three because my brother and I did it all for "the baby"...but when he started, it was all full sentences and 19 years later he still won't.shut.up. ;)

  7. Awesome! I do love it when they start talking... There might be a bit much of it in our household too, but the comic value is priceless!

  8. Too funny! I love that she thinks the rosary would get him to stop crying. ;)

  9. haha she is too hysterical. and very complimentary!

  10. Love this!! Julia is adorable!

  11. Julia´s too funny!! I have a two year old girl and she did almost the same thing with my make-up (it was mostly the lipstick on her cheeks).

  12. "is you tired, bastard?"

    Seriously just spewed coffee all over my monitor and keyboard.

  13. "is you tired, bastard?" Thankyou for making me choke&spit my coffee all down the front of my pj's ;D so glad I was not yet dressed yet for the day eh ;p

  14. haha I love reading conversations with Julia! SO entertaining.

  15. You need to get this girl into child modeling or Toddlers&Tiaras or something. It looks like she could take care of all the hard parts of dolling herself up on her own, and she'd definitely win big eloquence points.

  16. Our youngest of six (boy) still wasn't talking at his 2 yr check up. Other than that, he was "advanced" - walked early, etc. Pediatrician assured me that the more older siblings a child has, the later they usually speak, though they are fully capable of getting their point across unaudably. Then thanksgiving morning, he woke up speaking in almost full sentences. Rest assured, "tired bastard" will be just fine.

  17. "You tired, bastard?" I'm asking that question to the boys in my house the next time I get! Thanks, J!

  18. Miriam groped my boobies and said "What chu got in here Mama?"

    inapprop dear child, inapprop
    (and please don't do that to any other woman, esp your daycare teacher, thanks)

  19. haha I love this...i can only imagine what my little one will say once he is talking

  20. i know she was trying to say basher, but i'm SO glad she said bastard. hahah!

  21. I might love Conversations with Julia more than I love Simon Says.....I'm guessing Simon will appreciate it. Haha

  22. Really, so cute! She seems so sweet and concerned about everyone, love that. :)

  23. My five year old son loves to hear the "nicknames" that his 7 year old sister called him as a baby. Since Dominic was pretty hard to pronounce for a 1 1/2 year old, she had some pretty cute names that came out. None of them come close to being as funny as Bastard though! Sebastian will love to hear that his super cute older sister called him Bastard! That is too funny!

  24. What a sweetheart! I think you need to get up a video recording though of her saying Basher's full name ;o)

  25. oh my goodness, Julia, you've got a career in stand-up. "Bastard" is the best." I'm sure you have already, but you must record that for when they're old enough to appreciate it.

  26. She's kind of hilarious. I love the crazy things little kids say. I don't know why, but calling Sebastian "bastard" was especially funny to me this morning.

  27. Okay this absolutely made my day! I actually choked on my coffee at my desk at work and drew some strange looks...hilarious.

  28. Basher is just saving up...gonna strike when the time is right. Blowing on his food totally counts....and Julia is all kinds of awesome. Fattycakes!? One shall never be offended to be called fattycakes...because Theo is slim and trim.

  29. This seriously made me laugh. A lot. Thank you.

  30. Basher isn't talking because he can't think of anything funnier than what Julia says......

  31. Oh my gosh, she is to die for cute.

  32. Hahahahah oh my gosh SO funny!

  33. Oh my gosh I love her! I can't pick a favorite

  34. I think I enjoy Conversations with Julia almost as much as Simon Says. Hope Simon is thinking about stepping up the funny factor to keep the lead against Little J!

  35. Awww.....what a sweet little girl!! Enjoy her!

  36. she does noooooot say is you tired bastard?! hilaaaarious.

  37. omgoodness too good!!! i want to spend the whole day with her and hear more!!

  38. Oh Julia. I can't wait until the day you can write a makeup post for us. I need your tips.
