
14 February 2013

Reader Q + A

Because all I have to report is that I just painted my nails almostblack in anticipation of a trip to the Costco tomorrow morning .... I'll dip into some old questions and do my best to answer them que solo.

Has Simon ever had short hair and if so are there pictures...I think a buzz cut would look really funny.
He HAS had a buzz cut but I've never seen it in real life. I trust his sisters' strong opinion that buzz cuts aren't Simon's best look. I dove deep into the cobwebby archives of photos that Simon's been tagged in on the Facebook and this was the shortest I could find ...

 badass and friends

Grace, have you ever considered writing a book or professionally (not that the blogosphere isn't profesh...)
If I were to attempt a book I fear it would go a little something like this: "Dear Book, today I painted my nails in anticipation of going to the Costco tomorrow." I just don't think I can insult the actual book writers like that ...

What are your goals? Obviously your hubby being an OB and you are already a mom, but do you hope to be a professional blogger, plan to write a book (please!), etc? :) 
Hmmmmm ... right now I enjoy having a place to air my daily grievances and gripes. Is it too much to say that it's somewhat of a cathartic practice for me during nap time? Probably. I'm just not sure my litany of complaints would thrive very well in any sort of professional setting. (But don't think that this question was super flattering ... because it vas!)

Does Simon read the blog or try to ignore it? Do you have disagreements on what's okay to post?
He does! He reads every post (and he goes back to read the comments!) as soon as he is able and if he is home I always ask him to read my post before I put it up. We don't have disagreements on what's okay to post (wellllll .... there may have been a little tiny scuffle over posting the vlog .... maybe) but he knows to qualify a lot of what he says (in his serious voice) with, "don't you dare put that on the blog."

I want to know if Simon gives you advice on your pregnancies--and can he bring his Doppler gadget home to listen to the baby's heartbeat? 
He hasn't given unsolicited advice because I ask him enough questions that I don't think there is much more for him to say. He never brought the doppler gadget home but he did do an ultrasound at work once (I think a lot of residents do this .... so we are only part rebel). 

I would like to know if Simon has any funny stories from his med school/residency experience.
My favorite story is when a lady came in thinking that her water had broke (it hadn't) and she described the fluid to smell like the penguin house at the zoo. 

Oh, and just last week a lady came into the ER complaining of stomach pain and ended up delivering a full-term baby later that night. She had absolutely no idea she was pregnant.

If and where will you move after Simon is done with residency?
We still have two and a half years here in Saint Louis and then we're not sure. Wherever he can get a job! We'd love to be close to family again so Wichita is looking downright utopian right now.

Where do get the super tiny/trendy clothes for Julia?
Virtually all of Julia's clothes are from Goodwill or the slightly fancier thrift stores around town. And eBay ... I love eBay. Maybe you've noticed but the older kids share the majority of their clothes which is really nice.

I feel like I answered these like a robot. You'll live.

Do YOU have a question? Send it over ... right now. The kids are all asleep.


  1. Mike and I are both reading our Internets right now and laughing. Me? At this. Him? A Rush Limbaugh article. I think I win.

    Also, he is way more interested in what I am typing about him right now than reading my blog. Right, Mike? Stop staring at my screen.

    p.s. Mike used to have hair down to the middle of his back

  2. I love these. You SHOULD write a book, you know. I'd read it (on any subject) and give as gifts (legit ones, not the white elephant variety. Don't doubt my sincerity... I have two sisters who would be elated.) "Camp Patton- the coffee table version". Working title?

  3. We've got an NFP-only OB practice here in Northern VA and they're CRAZY busy all the time - bet they'd be up for hiring another OB!

  4. Boston has plenty of great hospitals and needs some good Catholic NFP OB's, so I think God is calling Simon here. And God and I are really tight, so put that in your pipe and discern it.

    1. I also think God is calling Simon to Boston. I'd say Hartford, but I don't think God is a big meanie pants like that.

    2. Colleen - I didn't know you were in Boston. My hubby is from there, my fam is from there, and I would LOVE to be there! South GA is not fun anymore!

  5. I STILL would like a post on Simon's experiences as an OB resident who is planning to focus on an NFP practice. We only have two doctors here in Atlanta who do that - one who just does NFP and GYN (no OB) and another who used to do OB/GYN, but stopped the OB recently as he is nearing retirement. It's not exactly a mainstream choice and I would love to know how that works with his residency, etc.

  6. "Wherever he can get a job"!?!?!?!?! If he were to come to Canada, hospitals would be FIGHTING over him like Julie and Basher over one toy!!!!!!

  7. this is an awesome post! i love it!

  8. ps loving the sponsorships. pps i gave up a certain other site for lent. so did Va.

  9. I have important questions. . .

    #1: (this is less a question and more a request for information) Please tell us more about your hair--shampoo? Conditioner? Every day? Curlers? Root lifter? Fave style? It always looks so full and luxurious! Now that you are postpartum are you finding a small blonde rodent in the shower drain after each washing?

    #2: On the NFP OBGYN 2 and a half year relocation plan. . .would you be open to your faithful blog readers voting on where you should settle down? Maybe like a conclave of sorts?

    #3: Did you ever use the philosphy face potion? I tried to stay tuned to find out how you liked it, but I slacked big time.

    1. Welllllllllllll a vote would be fun, but we all know they'll END UP IN KANSAS!!!!! That's what I'm holding out for ;)

    2. I cast my humble vote for AR-KANSAS! It's on. . .at least between us. ;-)

    3. #1 You're too kind!! Costco generic shamp/cond and some hair powder (big sexy ... something in the red and black container ... vague I know!)

      #2 definitely!!

      #3 I did and I hated it! I know I posted it somewhere ......... now to remember WHERE.

      not worth it though. seriously!

  10. I cannot get over those "I didn't know I was pregnant" stories, and when the show of that name was on TLC for a while, I couldn't help but watch. Fascinating and slightly disturbing and frequently train wrecks... Trashy TV but so bad it's good.

  11. wait, what??!! so that does really happen with people not knowing they are pregnant? i must know more. how did they break the news she was pregnant? how did she miss that she was? what was her reaction? crazy.

  12. You could do the BEST coffee table book. Complete with photos and quips. I would buy it in a hearbeat. But the picture of Julia with the make-up on has to be the cover. It's my favorite evah!

  13. I'm legitimately baffled by how someone could not know they were pregnant. I mean, really?!? Baby kicks? Back pain? The waddle instead of a walk? I know not every woman has a lot of pregnancy symptoms, but you'd have to at least have a couple that would make you think a little.

  14. does that actually happen where people don't even know they're pregnant until they're in labor??? I've seen that show "I didn't even know I was pregnant" but it all seemed so unbelievable. . .

  15. Loved reading your responses, and....

    Omg. Just today in the news...

  16. I just can't wrap my head around people giving birth but never knowing they were pregnant. I'll never understand how that's possible! What a shock it would be.

  17. i can't get past the lady w/ stomach pains who didn't know she was pregnant. straight up crazy

  18. HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW YOU ARE PREGNANT??!! asks the prego whose rib cage and hips are aching

  19. ohhhh yes. this is fab.

    these answers will hold some of us over for awhile, but I'm still lobbying for a Julia Q&A...of the vlog variety would be my preference, but since you've already answered all of my burning questions I suppose I should just sit back and wait for whatever you come up with...beggers can't be choosers...and just to clarify, I am begging ;)

  20. Are you willing to share your girl name if Theo had been a girl?

  21. Are you willing to share your girl name if Theo had been a girl?

  22. I have a weeeeird question that probably only I care to know the answer to because I'm preggers for the first time buuuut: due to Theo being born with and having a galore beautiful amount of hair, did you have a feeling that he would have hair say....from old wives tales of heartburn, hiccups, etc? so weirdly curious about this so I can possibly know/tell if our baby boy will be full o' hair. :)

  23. I love the question about Simon's hair. I'm starting to think that he needs a beauty/style blog of his own.

  24. Lucky me, the first time I stumble across your blog and right on the first page is a wealth of get-to-know-you info. Nice to meet you :)
