
01 March 2013

7 Quick Takes

I'm back for another round of 7 Quick Takes with Jen and the gang.

1. If you've been on Pinterest for more than 4 seconds you've probably seen the chocolate chip cookie recipe that claims to produce the fluffiest, chewiest chocolate cookies ever thanks to the addition of cornstarch. I'm horrible at actually doing anything I've ever pinned but I was desperate to kill some time before naps the other day and didn't want to wave my white flag a la Netflix so we did the thing that is the closest I might ever come to doing crafts with the kids and we made cookies. Julia loves to sit on "da cowner" and help me make food and eat butter and Sebastian loves to eat dough and chocolate chips and I love to eat baked goods so it was a win-win-win ... I was very pleasantly surprised with how they turned out ...

Julia said they were, "riddy riddy good" and ate two.
Sebastian said nothing and ate three.
I say to make them! (and I ate seven).

2. I'm sure I saw this on Pinterest as well but I've been adding about a 1/3 of an avocado to my smoothies and it has made a world of difference. It sort of grossed me out initially but I got over it really fast. I just have to convince the kids that I'm downing some really gross medicine and not the delicious ice cream they seem to think I make on the daily. So - the avocado, cocoa powder, peanut butter, Hemp seed, banana, greek yogurt, some green veggie powder from Trader Jose's and almond milk = day's worth of calories in 8 big gulps.

3. I went to the endocrinologist earlier this week to get the ball rolling for a scan to make sure there are no lingering cancer cells after my thyroidectomy and iodine treatment over two years ago. I'm about two pregnancies overdue and it's a little bit of a head ache with a special low iodine diet prior to the scan and figuring out a way to not hold the kids for a few days (I'm sure I'll lay down the nit and grit of it all in a post once I'm dying to eat some dairy and I've maxed out my text-complaints to Simon). Anyway, the doctor ask-told me three separate times with a knowing smile that I was most certainly "done!" having kids. Why did we have a third? Were we trying for a certain sex? Surely we are done now. Duh-duh-duh-duh-DONE. She wasn't rude at ALL and was just very matter of fact about the fact that we were done. I couldn't even begin to say anything other than nervously laugh and say that I didn't know. I'm more annoyed with, "you have your hands full!!" comments but I just thought it was interesting that she was so sure of herself and absolutely knew three was the max. I really hope that's not the case.

4. Do you read Ain't No Mom Jeans? Shana is probably one of the cutest dressed moms and writes insanely helpful posts for different body types, tries out all the crazy new trends, and is hilarious to boot. She wrote a post on puffers several weeks ago and we all know I love a good vest so I sent in 1/2384728937489234782937482934897th of the photos I have wearing some of my collection and she was charitable enough to post them. It's nothing you haven't seen before but if you're bored out of your gourd ... go!

5. There are so many articles and posts floating around the internet about the (former) Pope's abdication but I especially loved Jenny's firsthand account of his departure from St. Peter's Square yesterday. And I would imagine you've already seen this incredible photo ... unbelievabley beautiful.

And now ...

6. Thank you all SO much for all of your thoughtful and kind comments on yesterday's post. My inbox was filled to the brim with the nicest messages as well and I can't put into words what a relief it is to know I'm not alone in feeling many of the ups and downs of motherhood. The irony of the post's title was not lost on me when Julia dropped not one but two choice phrases containing the most choice words when we couldn't get Yo Awful Gabba to work on Netflix last night. I definitely should've gone with my alternate title or maybe, "raising potty mouths, just like mommy."

7. It's the end of another night float era!!!!! Four months of the float down and four to go. We were able to visit Simon and deviate from our usual cafeteria routine and eat House of Wong takeout with some of other residents because the last night of night float is cause for serious celebration. Julia almost had a heart attack riding the escalator but she had no problem pronouncing the easy breezy word ...

and she insisted that we get a photo of both of us with our best faces forward. So we obviously did! Back to living more like a humans and less like vampires. I'd never thought I'd type this but I'm actually looking forward to making dinner again. A little bit. A little tiny bit. Thanks for listening to me complain so hard these past few weeks ... I'll give you a well-deserved break until August when it starts all over again.

Go see Jen for more more more.

PS Team Catherine Forever.


  1. Congrats on surviving another night float! Thanks for posting the pictures of the baby being kissed by the Pope. I had not seen them beautiful.

  2. Grace, I literally don't know how you do it with the crazy hubby schedule AND 3 kids well under three. I get antsy and irritated when Dave comes home closer to 5:30 than 5 (and I feel really really bad admitting that to you). You totally have a right to vent and complain, and luckily for the rest of us, you're good at it. Please keep it up! :)

  3. The off to conclave meme made me laugh out loud. Yeah, I was like, OMG Grace is on ANMJ when I saw the post earlier in the week. And then Mike was like, "who's Grace? What's ANMJ?"

    Cue crickets.

  4. Never, ever apologize for whining about night float. We're not even there yet and I know to be afraid. Very afraid.

    Congrats on surviving and thanksbutnothanks for making me drool over those (not Lent-friendly) cookies.

  5. Definitely agree that venting is totally necessary for a mama's sanity! I got the awkward laugh from my OB when I went for my 6 week follow up and the nurse was like 'Do you need a BC prescription?'. I told her 'No'. Then enter Dr. 'So you are not going to need BC again? (this is the 2nd time we have had this conversation we had the same conversation post baby numero uno). 'No' I tell him 'and there is nothing you can say that will change my mind either'. Awkward laugh 'Okay, well if you need it you know where to find me' says the Dr.

  6. They're called "elphadators" at our house.

    Also, I didn't comment yesterday because I was having my very own AWESOME parenting day are so not alone. I mean, yes, some times I lock myself alone in my closet so I can eat a cookie in peace, but I wouldn't trade it.

  7. UGH... Low-iodine diet. What the heck was your endocrinologist trying to say exactly? Sounds like she should keep her small talk topics to things like the weather and, oh I don't know, your actual health. But maybe that's just me.

    Not that the low-iodine diet is really all that bad. I mean it could be worse (I guess). But I think it has permanently scarred me when it comes to food. I still think about food in terms of its iodine content. And I'm just now able to eat raw vegetables again. Don't even get me started on hummus. My complaining probably isn't helping, so I'll stop now.

  8. I get particularly testy when people make comments about family size. I know they mean no harm, but I find it quite offensive. My own father did it to me when I told him we were having a girl. He said how great it was that we could be done with one of each, just like my parents were with just me and my brother! Isn't that neat and tidy?! After my head was done metaphorically exploding, I was like NO.

    Switching gears - when I have tried adding green veggie powders to my smoothies, it has ruined the smoothies. Although to be fair, I haven't tried TJs yet. How much do you use? I need ratios!!

  9. I have all the ingredients to make those cookies in the cabinet right above me!!!!! Our Friday night is set.

  10. Def making these cooks right now. "Da Cowna" is also Korban's favorite place to sit as of late!

  11. Grace,
    I don't know about your particular test protocol -but I used to work for a company that makes a product called Thyrogen. Thyrogen stimulates the thyroid so that you don't have to go hypo.
    I am not sure it has come in discussion with your doctor - but it may be worth asking about/researching. (Just a disclaimer because I am obviously not a physician) However, I am the Mom of a three week old and the idea of having to do that regimen with an infant and two toddlers would be overwhelming.
    Good luck,

    1. I did go that route last time and I'm going it again this time. It did make me feel less than stellar and Julia was only 3 months old so hopefully I handle it better this time.

      Thanks Elizabeth!

  12. okay i have to make those cookies. i might hate you if they turn out amazing. or maybe it will make me love you, ya know even more! And I decided to play along!

  13. I remember my mother going through the thyroid pain and hassle and it was around the fourth of us kids. It runs in our family -- two of my grandmothers, my mother, and all my aunts on that side have either the neck scar or are on something for thyroid regulation. I'm just waiting for the day when it arrives to stare me in the face. When you share a post about it all, I'll be eager to read it.

  14. My doctor asked me the same thing and wrote me a prescription for the pill even when I made it adamantly clear we don't use it. "Just in case" she said. Um, thanks but no thanks.

    Yeah for less vampire living! Happy for you!

  15. Update: these cookies are the best flipping cookies I've ever had in my life. WHY WOULD YOU EVER POST THEM!?!?!

  16. Question- what is avocado improving with your smoothies????

  17. Do you really put ALL of that in EVERY smoothie? I ask because I am doing smoothie research--my mom is letting me borrow her legit blender (whatever they use at jamba juice, apparently), and after I help my child get over his absolute terror of the blender sound...I'm going to be making some smoothies. So, I need more info :D.

  18. Cookies look yum!
    Oh, and "done." Ugh. We do only have three children, and it's been a while, but who? knows?, yet everyone assumes we're "done" and I hate that word "done." My friend M. who is awesomely Peruvian-Chinese and has the awesome accent to go with it famously said to a doctor who wanted to do something harmful to her fertility to treat her fibroids, "Done? What is 'DONE?'" She was promptly handed over to the doctor's Orthodox Jewish woman with five children of her own. They used a treatment that preserved her fertility.
    One of the greatest joys of this NFP life is leaving room for God. And I have actually said that to people who ask the done question. "We leave some room for God." That shuts 'em up. I don't know, I like having a pregnancy test in the house at all times. It's hopeful.

    omg (the g stands for Goodness, of course) I am hijacking your blog with my insomnia. So sorry Grace.

  19. I don't know why people think they can know when you're done having children. Seems like a pretty personal choice to me! :)

    Also, I am absolutely fascinated by your thyroidectomy, because I am a Hodgkin's Disease survivor of nearly 10 years and have been told by my doctor multiple times that it's only a matter of time before my thyroid goes kaput because of the radiation in that area. I'll be reading your post right now!

    Love, Lindsay

  20. Hmmmm, maybe you should email your specialist a few links from your website eh ;-) I am noticing the trend in the secular newspapers that society is waking up to the fact that there are not enough children being born and the economic affects it is having , gee wow eh!

  21. Totally random, but there have been glimpses of your "non diaper bag" tote that you carry. What exactly is it? It looks super cute and the right size!

  22. Those cookies look good. I'm with Sebastian - I'll take the dough. I haven't made chocolate chip cookies in a while but when I did I liked the recipe from Everyday Food (which I can't link to at the moment because the site is having issues).

  23. holy s$#t those cookies are SOOOO good!

    1. i just made them and i can. not. stop. eating. them.

  24. I'm not gonna lie, that smoothie sounds disgusting. But I've had that cookie recipe printed for ages now, meaning to bake it. Everyone keeps raving about it. I just need to get over my fear of trying something besides my usual (also awesome) c.c.c. recipe.

    My eye doctor this morning stated that he's been wanting to prescribe me a certain eye drop for a few years but I've always been "pregnant or breastfeeding" when I've seen him (which is true). He said once I'm done breastfeeding this one, I can start using the drops. But...I wouldn't be surprised if I'm pregnant again by that time...heh.
