
20 March 2013

A post about not posting. (Where's Alanis?)

I started watching Failure to Launch this morning while trying to squeeze in some Jillian. I think it set a nice little tone for the day. After 17 minutes and 17 interruptions by way of my charges I quit. Sebastian had woken up at an ungodly hour and Julia can smell when Sebastian is awake and she is asleep so she woke up at a less ungodly but still an ungodly hour as well. It felt like I should be throwing food at the kids (lunch) before the most wonderful time of the day began (naps) at 8:12 in the am and I knew no one would live to see their naps if we all stayed cooped up in the cabin. I found a crayon sticking out of Theo's mouth and decided then and there that we all needed out. Simon was in a surgery soooooo ... Costco it was.

before Julia accessorized with a backpack, bear head purse, and turquoise necklace.

It was freezing outside and miserable trying to get the three kids into the cart with the proper legs in the proper cart leg holes with Julia narrating, "it's just too code!! it's not too hot!!" and did I grab my Costco card? yes! and no! we are not buying that jar of 5,000 Jelly Bellies and OH MY GOSH Julia your life is not over because the receipt with the smiley that the nice worker drew on the back blew away. She couldn't hear me over her, "MY FAAAAACE!!!" .... sobs that were so loud and dramatic that she stopped an elderly lady in her tracks before Gladys popped her eyes out of stare mode and made her way into the warehouse.

We visited Simon and I stared at his pizza and bread sticks filled with cheese while I munched on some "leafs" as Julia calls them and probably cheated with some Italian dressing. Whatever.

We got home and after I finallllllllly got all the kids to sleep ... and started tap tap tapping away about all things thyroid and low iodine diets because everyone cares about both sexy subjects when BAM ... the zest of reality ... Sebastian started his blood curdling screams and was UP.

violet pants, sister that was suddenly awake as well, and all.

And thus .... my failure to launch a post about thyroid and low iodine diets. I'll reprioritize and get it done tomorrow ....

1. Blog
2. kids

3. keeping Theo's left pectoral mostly safe
4. everything else
5. tell a bad joke
6. see you there


  1. Wait . . . we missed nunmber 3! (The suspense is killing me!) c;

  2. Can you please let Basher wear those violet leggings forever? LOVE!!!

  3. Your funny :). Now every time I go to Cosco with all my kids I think of you!

  4. I loooove Failure to Launch! Zooey Deschanel is alllmost as funny as Julia.

  5. haha "tell a bad joke". 3 kids at costco, i'm just impressed you all made it out alive!

  6. Glad my kids aren't the only one who have been known to throw a fit because the receipt blew away. It's not even like THEIR the ones entering receipts into our budget. Sheesh.

  7. but you have such good HELPERS!!! (how many pattons does it take to feed a theo?) i've started saying mental prayers for you when i think my life is go girl!

  8. We are everyday saying Mary Margaret looks like Basher... Not sure what that means but the lavender pants made me say that...

  9. Nice rug! We have the same one :)

  10. Gladys!?!? I think I know her! She sits behind us at church and makes that same look while I shove handfuls of Lucky Charm marshmallows into Alayna's mouth and pinch Ethan's leg when he tries to climb over the pew in front of us.

  11. Wait... people DON'T want to read about all things thyroid and low-iodine diet? This explains why I don't have more followers. :)

    Oh well...

    PS - I would have shot Phil if he had eaten cheese pizza and breadsticks in front of me.

  12. OMg.

    We were at Costco the other day and Ellen got a smiley on the back of her receipt. Blessed are those who are able to pry smilies out of their children's hands at bedtime. The Kingdom of God shall be theirs.

  13. I'm really appreciating the Alanis Morissett reference. Love your blog, your crazy stories, and the realness of it all. Thanks for the laughs!

  14. This made me laugh again and my husband too because I just have to read it out loud!

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  16. I'm starting to think that Maggie and Julia are twins separated at birth? {Except Maggie already has a twin, and maybe you're getting tired of me comparing my dramatic girl-child with yours?} We went to Sam's Club the other day and on the way in she lost her shoe and almost passed out, she was crying so hard {not an exaggeration; it's happened before}, all while someone in their car was watching us, trying not to run over Maggie's lost shoe.
