
21 March 2013

boys are gross

.... so I decided to be a cool mom for once and just let him eat the rest before I bathed him. Normally Julia is a stellar tattler but after I got him scrubbed free of avocado blood, dressed in fresh clothes of his own, and set him free while I mopped the bathroom floor with his splashes ... I came out to find him eating ANOTHER ONE in a similarly neat and tidy manner.

cool and stoopid,

Mom (giving up)


  1. his expression in that second photo is my favorite!

  2. Hahaha, he looks like he's really enjoying himself. And proud of it too :-D

  3. The crew cut is growing on me. He just looks so much older than he is!

  4. Multiply Basher by four, and add in some gross teenage boy humor, and you have my life.......!

  5. Boys are gross.

    Did you know that those big ol' avocado pits are edible? They are full of all sorts of impressive nutrients. Not that Bash get to the insides of it though - at least I hope not - because those things are so hard the only way to open them is with a giant knife. Anyway, I don't expect your family to start eating avocado seeds (although it's not bad in a smoothie) but I just thought it was interesting.

    The Brayn of Chalayn

  6. I love it. Seems like something my Vincent would do (or might, in the future, do...since he's only 21 months right now). Love the pics.

  7. I do that too, sometimes. Love an avocado. Love 2 even more!

  8. I turned around at the grocery store this week and my boy was doing the same thing. The checkout girl was not amused.

  9. 'cados stain like the dickens, woman!. Many a 2T shirt has been lost to the avocado. You are a better woman than me! And your son is truly stout of heart to eat through the peeling and live to tell. Love this.

  10. Ha. It's like right after you change their diaper, they will poop right after. Bathe em and they get dirty right away! Funny second picture!

  11. Just think how shiny and luscious his locks will be. There are things to be grateful for.

  12. At least you have pictures. My boys did amazingly messy things but I did not get any pictures. Now I wish I had pictures of the time David washed James hair with red jello or the time they used orange highlighter and a black sharpie to turn into tigers.
