
30 March 2013

Easter Outift OTI Linkup

A few of you sweet ladies (that sounds like I'm implying you're 99 years of age - I'm not) have emailed and asked if there was going to be a What I Wore Easter and I didn't think there would be because Easter falls on a Sunday this year and Fine Linen and Purple always has that day allllll taken care of and I love them for it. But then Kayla asked if Erica and I would like to co-host an Easter OTI linkup and you know nothing makes my blogging heart go thump thump thumpthumpthumpthumpthumpthump like a linkup and I was so hyped up on salt and dairy and coffee with creamer that I responded with ...

alskdkajfhkasjdhfkjashdkjashdkfjhsDKJFHKFSHKJHFDJKhfkjFKJhfjkh !!!!!!!!!!!!

then I backspaced for a minute or ten and responded like a civilized emailer with a cordial ... "yes, please."

I can't wait to see all your finery. It's freezing cold and windy here and I'm REALLY fighting the urge to wear something warm and black but I'm not big on blasphemy so I'll find something warm and pastel.

Here's a button + code if you're outfit needs a little extra sparkle ...
Camp Patton

and if you want to join via Instagram or the Twitter - hash it #easteroti

(so many thanks to Kayla for the graphics ... I'm a Silverstone when it comes to that sort of stuffs)

Past holiday linkups ...

What I Wore Thanksgiving
What I Wore Christmas 


  1. Awesome! When I was picking out a dress for Easter in the back of my head I kept thinking "Grace better have an Easter link-up or what is the point of buying something new." Actually, I had to buy something new because I am 36 weeks and HUGE. Seriously, I think the ultrasound lied and there are twins in there.

  2. Totally just did a big chuckle with your "because Easter falls on a Sunday this year " comment because I actually had to pause before deciding that yes, Easter does in fact always fall on a Sunday. :) Can't wait!
