
06 March 2013

Five Things

You know those 5 things posts going around Instagram? Kayla tagged me but then I forgot to do it because I don't know - kids. Then Bridget tagged me in a blog post and I sat up straight because you just don't go around ignoring blog tags. And because this blog isn't already one big narcissistic Grace Bomb .... here's more:

1. I'm painfully shy. Super shy. There's a mom down the street with two little boys that is always outside when I walk/run by with my brood and it would seem to be a friendship marriage match made in heaven. Nope. I'd rather die than stop and introduce myself as she enthusiastically waves and smiles. Same goes for the neighbor girl that is always outside with her dog ... I keep a LOW profile and try not to make eye contact. My hell was speech class in college ... hell. The internet is the perfect place for me and inhibits real life friendships. Terrible.

2. I'm the oldest of seven kids. Daniel (27) lives in DC and works during the day (I would say where but he got mad at me for putting his last name up on the blog once - which is the same as my former last name ... ) and is getting his Master's at night. He has his act way more together than I ever will. Emily (23) lives in Denver and nannies and is headed to India soon. She's hilarious. Paul (19) is a freshman at Benedictine and I'm pretty sure he stole my athletic ability because I have none and he is the consummate athlete. Andrew (17) is a junior in high school and is a stellar tennis player, cross country runner, and diaper changer when we visit. Peter (15) is a freshman in high school. He is a character and I love him for it. Sarah is 13 and is in seventh grade. Her voice rivals that of Adele's -- according to her omniscient biggest sister.

3. My first job was at Hot Dog on a Stick. You know -- in the food court at the mall.

4. I saw Britney Spears up close one time. Back when she was the reigning queen of pop. I was working at one of her concerts (Hot Dog on a Stick traveled occasionally!) and before the concert started she walked out to our booth in one of her denim on denim on denim ensembles. She was really pretty and I've never been so starstruck.

5. I married up. WAY up. The other day when I wanted to die he brought me greasy food and coconut water and I saw later on his phone that he had googled, "best food for a hangover." Keeper.

I tag Jessie, Erica, Kayla, Ana, and Ash.

Don't ignore me.


  1. Occasionally for work I have to go to networking socials for young professionals or engineers or something... I always want to die at them. I find small talk with people painfully awkward and boring. Plus I suck at it. The internet is more my speed as well.

  2. Dude, that mom down the street that you keep ignoring?? You'd be doing her a total service to say hello and socialize with her! And she is probably just as hesitant to introduce HERself, so you should totally do it the next time you see her! I would love to have mom friends on the block! Thanks for the fun info.

  3. I'm totally with you on #1. In fact, if I ever see you in person, feel free to pretend you didn't see me and that you are really interested in the ingredients of that box of cereal you are standing in front of. Because obviously we would be at the grocery store, I'm guessing.

    And, I totally would love to have a big family. Mike is #4 of 7, and if my brain holds out, we might be able to have that many too. My mind is definitely the limiting factor. I'm already losing it.

  4. Is that a sheep shirt? It is fantastic and I want one.

    2 posts in a row with 5 things? I will be the laughing stock! But I'll do it.

    1. I think we should only post lists of 5 of stuff for the rest of forever. It'll be great!

  5. I'm the oldest of 8 and it's the best. Also I was majorly cracking up about Hot Dog on a Stick. And I love that Simon did that, definitely a keeper!

  6. This could be waaay too personal but did your parents practice NFP too? Just wondering based on the age distances between you all. I'm the 3rd of 7. "Are you guys Catholic or Mormon?" Most frequently asked Q of my childhood.

  7. i did a 5 things post too! it felt like an AOL email chain, and i loved every second. i'm super shy too...we have lived in our house for 1 year next week and we know the neighbors on either side and that's it. more people know henry's name then ours...woops!

  8. Awesome. Now following your sis' blog. Any sister of Grace is a sister of mine. Or something like that.

  9. I'm so glad you posted #1. I am this way too and it has proven to be a much trickier trait in adult life than it ever was in life as a kid, tricky as it could be at times. I'm especially glad because it can be particularly tough for two super shy individuals to find friendship largely because their both SHY (go figure) despite all that they may have in common. I love coming to your blog even though we do not know each other because it often does leave me feeling like I'm talking to a great friend and I never even have to worry about being shy!

  10. I never would have guessed that you are super shy, you´re really funny :D

  11. i just stalked your sis and told her i just got back from india.

  12. Speech class is meant to torture shy, quiet people. I think I made it though that class always blushing. I'm sure people thought blushing red was my natural color. Tip for all you taking speech and are super shy-shots of hard liquor before your speech.

    I remember you working at Hot Dog on a Stick!!! The outfit alone was reason to work there. :) (I say this in a nonstalking blogger way. I went to high school with the lovely Grace.)

  13. I like your youngest sister's name :-)

    I would never have guessed you to be really shy (thanks for writing that, though!) Big families are the best (I'm the 4th of 6)!

  14. #5 so, so sweet.

    I was #1, totally and completely. Give the eager moms a chance. Being open to irl people changed my life. Sometimes they actually offer to watch your kids for you. You will not die. Oh, my gosh, do I sound so old?

    I didn't comment on the simon says, but I was snorfle-laughing so fiercely last night while my husband slept beside me, I was afraid I was going to wake him up. Edgar Allan Poe! Ha!!!

  15. blogs were made for shy, introverted people. I am really shy too. My husband is practically pushing me out the door, locking it,and turning off the lights so I'll play in an adult soccer league. After going to a MOPS meeting, I was on the verge of tears because the shyness pain was almost palpable! And I was a FOCUS missionary, for goodness sake! Talk about exhausting! I, too, did the college public speaking class. Torment. Every speech, the class thought I was having an allergic reaction because when I blush I get all splotchy.

  16. I love this! Big families fascinate me. I'm not sure if I have the sanity to have a large family, but Matt is the oldest of 6 and I am sooo happy that I married into their large family. There are 3 in my family origin and even as a kid I always felt like it was too small and someone was missing. Matt's parents had a 15 passenger van when he was growing us (for awhile 3 of his cousins lived with them) and he found the van the ultimate embarrassment and vowed that he would never have so many children that they couldn't fit into a mini van.

  17. Moi? I'm flattered/ tempted to copy your five things with my own life details. Stay tuned for plagiarism.

  18. #5 is so sweet...definitely a keeper!

  19. love this so much!! love that you're one of seven, so am i! this was really fun to read

  20. Hot Dog on a Stick is the BEST! Now I am craving their veggie dog on a stick+fries and we've none nearby...noooooooo.

  21. Greasy food and coconut water? That's the cure? See, that's how I know it was KEN what married up, since he's never brought me either of those items when I was feeling delicate.
    Of course, it could be noted that I've never brought him that either, but I'm saying that's more a factor of him never getting hangover, and less proof that he didn't marry up.

    Now I have to go google "coconut water".

  22. I feel you on the shy/introverted thing! Introverts unite!

  23. HAHA @ Hot Dog On A Stick. Talk about not beating round the bush! That is like the best name ever. Also. As a total 100% Sanguine Extrovert, I beg you to please please be brave and say hi to that poor mom who is clearly starved for your attention. Y'all shy people don't know what it does to us extroverts when you go all Turtle Mode on us. Girl, we weep. Oh how we weep!!!
    ps I've never seen Britney Spears up close but I did see Adam Duritz. It was almost magical except for the fact that he was kind of a jerk;)

  24. Graaace. You flatter me. Perhaps you sensed I'm way out of blog material right now and am so gonna be the over-eager freak that answers your call with a post TOMORROW.

    to #1: word. Uber shy, and I try to cover it by smiling too much. So that makes me uber shy and uber obnoxious and uber creepy.

  25. Whenever I teeth-smile at someone new, I later discover that I have pepper in my teeth. It's a sign! Never smile at strangers!

  26. #5 is super sweet and he was right on the money with greasy food and coconut water.

  27. I always love you, but this post REALLY makes me want to give you a big awkward hug. But I'm too shy to do that either. Let's stay internet pals because that's less scary.

  28. I totally relate. I hate real relationships but am a super open blogger and love my friends via the internet.

  29. If your bro Dan(iel) is anything like you, I feel like we could be friends, since I conveniently live in the DC area.

    I'm "shy" too... well, I write it off more as being super introverted, because once I get going, I'm not really that shy :)

  30. I can relate to #1- I made eye contact w/ our doctor across the vestibule pre-mass on Sunday & did the whole "look away acting really preoccupied". Then proceeded to enter the church in a roundabout way only to pass right by them, of course looking away the whole time. Awkward encounters are my life.
    And #5? So thoughtful. Definite keeper!

  31. Are those sheep on your sweater? If so, I love it! If not, I'm sorry for wasting your time.

    I had no idea that Hot Dog on a Stick would open up so many opportunities for you! I've never met Britney Spears but a homeless woman once told me I looked like her. Also, when I was 16 my doctor tried to set me up with her son. She said he'd like me because he had a poster of Britney Spears on his ceiling. Yeah... I don't see the resemblance either but I'm not going to argue with a doctor!

    The Brayn of Chalayn

  32. I definitely married up, too. My husband is so much nicer than I am and so amazing to me. Also, I absolutely love your sweater -- and I'm kind of jealous that you met Britney Spears. :)

  33. Great picture of you! Love the rolled jeand and the shoes. Love the one about your family. I'm the oldest of 5, although we're all closer in age (10 1/2 years between me and my youngest brother). My own 5 are about that far apart (16 years between my oldest and youngest). If we lived near each other, would we be actual friends? I promise I would approach you cautiously, so as not to startle and make you spook....!! :)

  34. I am from a family of introverts/semi-introverts. Check this out -

    Also, def say hi to that mom. She may change your life.

  35. Introverted bloggers unite! And I love that you're one of seven kids; I'm one of four and THAT was awesome (most days) so I can imagine that even bigger was fun as well.

  36. Hot Dog! Yes!:-) I worked in a frozen yogurt shop for one summer! Yay food service. ha. xoxo

  37. Your 5 things are so cute! Makes me love you even more. Sheep sweater=adorable.

  38. I just love you!!! That's all.

  39. this just makes me like you more! also, i was super excited to explore your sisters blog; it's like, "there's two of them!"

  40. I totally understand #1. I am the same way.

  41. Thank you for the links to the posts about Peter. That MADE MY DAY.

  42. Great post! It's interesting to learn more about other mom bloggers!

  43. I would have never taken you to be the shy type!

    AND, hot dog on a stick? did you have to wear those hideous red and white striped outfits? Because man I love that place but I always feel terrible for the employees when they have to wear those super awesome uniforms.

  44. Girl, introduce yourself to the mom down the street! She will be your lifeline soon! I had three in 2.5 years (now 4, almost 3, almost 2), and without my real life friends I'd be (more of) a crazy woman:)
