
19 March 2013

Last Tuesday

Staying at home with little kids day after day after day after day is just about as taxing as it is monotonous. Let's start things out on an uplifting note, Grace. Okay. Fine, the kids show glimmers of cute and Theo's stomach:head ratio is hilarious and his smile is the definition of the good kind of infectious

and Sebastian bows down to him and considers it a "cuddle" and I can't help but cackle a little every single time he does it. It's not all terrible. Of course it isn't. It's just nice when one day rises above the rest because the days kind of smoosh themselves together into a fuzzy ball of grey during the colder months.

So, you can imagine how happy I was when last Tuesday rolled around. The sun was shining for the first time in what felt like an eternity (2 or 3 days probably), I was able to go get some lab work done all by myself (sing it) and I lucked into a skilled phlebotomist that didn't leave me feeling bruised and abused like some of them can, I dared to return to Whole Foods to buy some hemp milk (no iodine! but tastes like um ... something that rhymes with shit) and didn't walk out with my eyes rolling. Theo deviated from his usual "schedule" of awake while the big kids napped and the house was shockingly quiet for over an hour. Spa Patton? If the house shoe fits ....

When Sebastian woke up he didn't throw his usual "I just woke up and the world is ending" tantrum and was almost affectionate to his least favorite parent.


It was the last day I could enjoy dairy, processed food, and dairy for a few weeks so I ate a lot of meals of cheese, cream cheese, cheese, and bacon. In retrospect I really should've inhaled a Shamrock Shake or five but ... C'est la hindsight.

Simon had to stay at the hospital later than usual for some training and I surprised myself with an attitude that didn't resemble that of a bratty 4-year-old and almost took it in stride like a normal adult wife should.

It was a decent day!

I didn't even let Crazy J get me down ...

What was she carrying on about? I don't know but I think it had something to do with ridiculous so after trying to reason with her (works approximately never) I just let her get it all out while Sebastian bathed and stared and I sent a picture to Simon and stared.

Later when she'd eased her way down from the crazy cliff I showed her the pictures and asked her what was wrong. Her response was fury and anger over "that girl" that was wearing her Dora shirt and that she wanted it back. An angry and a smartie - my favorite marriage.

But ... Simon came home earlier than anticipated from the hospital and it wasn't a terrible day that left me running for my side of the bed to curl up in fetal position (don't tell me you don't do it! don't). And I'm anticipating that the sun and the impending (please) warmer weather and a Craigslist triple jogger will help to procure about a zillion more of them.

No pressure, spring.

Or, pressure!

Lots and lots of pressure.


  1. "That girl!" Ha!!! Thank you, little J! Just in the nick of time! Daughter practicing "Amazing Grace" on the recorder for last 20 minutes, 12-year-old boy slamming around kitchen, 7-year-old telling me repeatedly "the riddle of the Spinx!" and it's day 27 of my cycle. Needed laugh!

  2. how come you have been on a low iodine diet, etc. (if you don't mind me asking)?

    1. not at all! I didn't want to bore people with a post about it but maybe I will!

      I have a follow-up thyroid scan next week and can't have iodine so that the radioactive iodine I take will light up any remaining thyroid/cancerous cells -- if that makes sense? Hopefully there aren't any! I'm fairly confident there won't be.

    2. Thank you for sharing! I was wondering too, as this wasn't the first mention of you and no-iodine, but didn't want to pry. I'll be praying everything comes back perfectly!

    3. Thanks for sharing and informing! I was curious why you were introducing yourself to a no cheese, no salty potato chip world... torture. And a post on that would be great and definitely not a bore! My boyfriend has had thyroid issues since he was in his teens, so it is nice to get some knowledge about this stuff!

  3. a triple jogger? now that's impressive! i was going to ask about the dairy free also! good look on the scan..fingers crossed for you! oh, and i think fee-oh looks more like basher every day!

  4. She wanted her shirt back...!!! Hahahahaha!! That girl is hysterical. My 10-year old said to me today (when I sent him to retrieve his brothers from the cozy of my bed where they were staring at the TV so they could start school) "Now I get why you yell at us when you tell us to come and we don't. They didn't even respond to me." Glad someone understands......

  5. I tried giving our kids hemp milk (when we were trying out rice, almond, etc.) and they HATED it. I tried it too... and they were right. Praying for a clear scan, and I have some delicious suggestions for when you can get back to the good stuff :)

  6. All I have to say is thank God my husband works from home and sees first-hand what I go through every day! ;-)

  7. Fetal position? Check. And any stay at home mom who says she hasn't is a liar. I'm so glad your day was bright and sunny, both literally and figuratively. We here in the frozen tundra are seriously questioning our geographic sanity these days. Spring better bring it hard. . . and soon. . . (that's what she said.)

  8. You have to go a long time without dairy! My mom only has to go 24 hours before her scans.

    Also, I was just contemplating my navel today and thinking all about how my days are SO BORING, but manage to be highly tiring and full of neediness.

    They say it's a season, but if it's anything like the winter we've had, it's going to be pretty damn long this year.

  9. I never run to my side of the bed to curl up in the Fetal position. I run to the computer.

  10. First of all you are going to totally kick that thyroid scans butt...I have know doubt. If you would email me the date so Miss Courtney and I can say some prayers (if that's not too intrusive).

    Second - loving the photo of you and Bash...what a cutie when he wants to be. Theo's hair is the best and Miss Julia makes me smile wether she is screaming her head off or happy as a clam.

    Third - monotony is something I struggle with every stinkin day and I have no answers for you other than to eat more chocolate. I guess for me it's a sign that all is well with Miss C, but it still drives me nuts.

    Spontaneity is my middle name or you can call me Miss Crazy Pants...either one works.

  11. I didn't realize you had thyroid cancer, Grace! Both my mom and dear friend had it (and another friend from college, and my husband's cousin and...) anyway, so sorry to hear about it and although it's super terrible, everyone I know who has had it is now FINE so I'm praying for continued cancer-be-gone.

  12. Hey Grace,

    i continue to read your posts often but rarely comment. I think you deserve to know that people are reading and enjoying! thanks for sharing.

  13. I just discovered your blog and have been really enjoying it. Prayers for your thyroid scan.

  14. New reader here. I just wanted to weigh in on the triple jogger... I don't have one, but I have packed my two older into a double while baby rides in a front pack. No jogging in this setup, but with all the extra pounds being pushed and carried I figure the calorie burn may be somewhat equivalent.

  15. Theo's hair is adorable!

    I've been wondering about the Hemp milk every time I see it, but I haven't quite been able to force myself to buy it, because apparently even when we were off milk I wasn't very daring (we just finished an elimination diet to figure out my littlest one's allergies and now that dairies okayed I guess I don't really have a reason to risk it now!).

    Prayers that the scan results are great!

  16. Btw. Totally signed your "official" Google Reader protest. What the hay?! I will completely lose my ability to stalk my cyber-favs! I can't keep up with the Reader.

  17. I'm happy whenever you blog about Julia. It helps me understand why maybe my Maggie drives me crazy at least once a day. Also she's hilarious and you're hilarious and that makes my day better, too. Will you never stop blogging, please?

  18. You are hilarious! I need to read your blog way more! Thanks for the laughs!

  19. "Fuzzy ball of grey" Hahahahaha! Yes!
    Lots of thoughts and prayers your way for a clean scan!! XOXO

  20. Sounds like a good day hahaha x

  21. remember when theo was small and skinny? i love his butterball tummy and how all your kids chunk up.

  22. I am thinking this is going to be a Fetal Position day..Heaven help me...

  23. I'm glad I'm not the only mom that is the least favorite parent to their son. Makes me not believe in the term "mommy's boy." I had to give up sugar for him too...gestational diabetes.
