
10 May 2013

7 Quick Takes

Linking up with Jen like I never don't.

1. I remember reading/hearing a few years ago that it takes half the time to fall out of shape that it does to get into shape. So ... if I were used to running marathons and took 5 days off of running completely and then tried to run a full thon I might die at mile sev- five. Mile five - kind of like I'm breathing what feels like my last today on the parenting front. It's our first full day back at home and the kids can sense that I'm weak and out of practice and they are killing me. They totally know it's a call weekend and are taking full advantage. Emptying dressers, timing their high pitched shrieks to pierce and bellow at the exact same time, and I swear Sebastian grew six inches in five days and can easily outsprint me which isn't terribly impressive because I'm useless on the fitness front these days. Anyway ... I'm going to bright side it and calculate that we only have about 35 more call weekends to go. Face crumple.

2. Since Simon and I flew in late Wednesday night and didn't get to see the kids until Thursday morning I didn't think they'd get that we were back from our trip and just sort of think it was another morning as usual but they did!! It was bizarre to witness Julia wake up in a pleasant mood and happy to see me because normally she starts her "GWAAAAAAACE!!" demands before she's even fully awake. She even said, "I'll hold the door open for you" earlier today and I almost dropped the stroller I was heaving because -- this is Julia and that was a complete and polite sentence directed at her mother. I guess the grands' manners rubbed off on her momentarily?

3. 4. & 5. Let's get the rest of the NOLA pictures out of the way before we return to regularly scheduled messy kids/messy house photo shoots ...

Most afternoons and evenings I would walk to the convention center past a huge casino and through a sea of power suits coming out of the conference meetings to meet Simon.

I think I blended in with the high rollers and business casuals juuuuuuuust fine ... 

I was taking this cell phone snap of the Cathedral in the French Quarter ...

... when a gentleman approached me with, "I see you're a church lover!!" and proceeded to tell me all about the prettier churches in the area before he did a little hop and was back on his merry way via an impressively fast speed walk. Friendly Orleans.

Cafe Du Mondé -

 sobering up after splitting one Hurricane.

Pizza just far enough away from Bourbon Street so that the smell didn't quite permeate our fare ...

 ... but close enough for warnings like dis.

6. Simon heard the author of The Five Love Languages speak and the focus of his talk was the five apology languages. Interesting and maybe more important? I don't know.

7. I keep hearing Rihanna say something like "this is Rihanna and you're listening to 90 whatever whatever" on the radio and I always thought it was Ree-on-uh but she she says Ree-ann-uh. I'm a failure.

Go see Jen for wuh-hay more exciting takes. Thanks for sticking with me through this diamond of a post.


  1. Random, strange question.. what stroller do you have? It looks really sturdy for a lightweight...


      I won it in a blog giveaway -- and love it! You're right - lightweight and sturdy. (We haven't put all the bells and whistles on because some husband misplaced them in an airport frenzy ... but it's great sans bells and whistles!)

  2. I confess, that Ree-ann-uh bit was enlightening for me too. Look at the knowledge you have added to the world today!

  3. Is it really "Ree ANN uh"? Shame! Shame on me!

  4. Theo looks so happy to be getting all of the parental attention! :)

  5. Ree-ann-uh!?! Who knew?!! I guess she did...and now we do...but man I always thought Ree-on-uh too.

  6. Wishing you a kind call weekend as you get back into fighting strength.

  7. Well no one says Rihanna's name correctly so we're all failures together. I mean, I do live in central Illinois but even the dj's say Ree-on-uh.

  8. Expressing Regret
    “Expressing Regret” is the Apology Language that zeroes in on emotional hurt. It is an admission of guilt and shame for causing pain to another person. For those who listen for “Expressing Regret” apologies, a simple “I’m sorry” is all they look for. There is no need for explanation or “pay back” provided the apology has truly come from the heart. “Expressing Regret” is a powerful Apology Language because it gets right to the point. It doesn’t make excuses or attempt to deflect blame. Above all, “Expressing Regret” takes ownership of the wrong. For that reason, “Expressing Regret” is understood as a sincere commitment to repair and rebuild the relationship. The “Expressing Regret” Apology Language speaks most clearly when the person offering the apology reflects sincerity not only verbally, but also through body language. Unflinching eye contact and a gentle, but firm touch are two ways that body language can underscore sincerity. for me...

  9. I was an Accept Responsibility language-er. You?

  10. Welcome back to reality! Sorry it has to be so harsh. One thing I used to notice after a vacation was that my kids always seemed to mature while we were gone. Not sure if it was a break in the normal or just being around people other than me all day long but they seemed to be able to do new things after each trip. Perhaps you are experiencing the same phenomena.

    I mentioned Gary Chapman in one of my takes today too!

  11. A trip away from the kiddos is always fun, and reality is always just a bit jarring. Looks like you had fun, though! My husband and I did a trip sans kids in December for the first time in about 9 years. it was 9 years too long and I vowed to do it sooner next time!

  12. Do we get special points for it being a call weekend on MOTHERS DAY?

    Wondering minds like mine want to know...

  13. I don't even understand what the 'h' in Rihanna's name is for.

    Your revelation about her name pronunciation reminds me of how we used to call Demi Moore "DEM-ee" and then out of the blue, everyone started saying, "Deh-MEE." I wonder why Rihanna wouldn't just tell the first people who were around her when she became famous how to pronounce it, or correct whoever said it wrong in the first place. Because EVERYONE says it like you thought it was, people in the industry and on the radio (as far as I know...honestly, I don't even listen to her music...LOL).

    But come to think of it, perhaps she has decided to change it, for publicity. I mean, aren't stars always having to reinvent themselves? Maybe Demi Moore did this, too. I wouldn't be surprised.

    Lucky you, taking a trip without the talking children! I haven't done that with my husband in...ever! I did go on a girls' beach weekend last fall, and that was nice. :)

  14. I've got to check out the five apology languages. I've never read the original, but am currently reading the 5 LL for children and really like it.
    Also, when you first mentioned you were getting to go to N.O. I was a little jealous... because I have recently requested a trip to LA entirely for sampling the cuisine for my birthday in about 5 years. Was it amazing? Anyhow, it sounds like you had a good time and I'm happy for you!!

  15. You are so hilarious. Your blog is the only "lifestyle" blog I follow! Your humor is better than medicine.

  16. Thanks for the apology love language link! I got "Accepting Responsibility" and "Expressing Regret" which I take to mean "You like it when people feel really crappy for what they did to you." I'm embarrassed to say that's exactly right.....

  17. So jealous of your trip! Glad you had fun and got a break! & if its ree ann uh why does everyone and their mom say ree on uh?

  18. So jealous of your trip! Glad you had fun and got a break! & if its ree ann uh why does everyone and their mom say ree on uh?

  19. #1 - OK...Cafe Du Monde??? so stinking jealous, I cannot even explain. One day I shall be day.
    #2 - I love your church photography. It is stunning.
    #3 - I love Bash! I do. I do. he reminds me so much of my Jonathan I cannot even tell you. They do grow up to be awesome adults...I promise!
    #4 - I am an Express Regret apologist...yay me!!
    Happy Friday!

  20. Ahh, you look so darling. Love the maxi. Sounds like you had a great trip. :)
    Rihanna, seriously, who knew? Both pretty, but always assumed the "o".

  21. Hi Grace--

    I am relatively new to your blog but now can't find a better daily source of laughter. Great job! Anyhow, I was wondering where you got the skirt you're wearing in the photo up there...


