
31 May 2013

7 Quick Takes

Linking up with Jen over at Conversion Diary for Seven Quick Takes Friday.

1. Happy 14th Birthday to my youngest sister, Sarah!!

I was almost 16 when she was born so I'll let you do that math and know that I suddenly feel positively geriatric. Hopefully she'll give me an Instagram lesson in cool before I succumb to the shoes with the orthotic soles or heel springs.

2. I normally skim and delete the Zulily emails (link to an invite to join - ignore if you're already a member of the elite) but I noticed that several different styles of Kork-Ease boots and sandals are 55% off until Monday. That's like the price of a nice pair of Target heels ... not that Target heels are cheap these days but the Kork-Ease are so comfortable. Here's a pair I scored on eBay and if I ever find this pair for a steal/formerly loved - I'll smile WIDE. Enough about that.

3. Only the third take and I'm drawing a complete and total blank. I'll just be frank and admit that I'm trying really hard to have a betterish attitude about this call weekend but I'm having a really hard time.  Still lots of hours to turn that frown upside blah blah blah blah.

4. Oh, duh! The Bachelorette. I'm scared this is going to be my least loved season of all time. Des was handed a bunch of doofuses on a platter and I'm worried she won't find her prince charming and a happy ending to her Cinderella story. If Jones wasn't doing a brilliant job with her recaps (one so far but she has every iota of my good faith) I might be tempted to skip for the first time since Alex's inaugural season. Call me many things but do not call me undedicated to my quality programming.

5. I fit all of Julia's hair into a (singular) ponytail last night.

Look at us go. Next this mommy blogger is going to drone on about how she's really hoping the answer to her 5-month-old's sleeping through the night woes is rice cereal. She really, really hopes.

6. I really should take a cue from the smart bloggers that step away from the keyboard on the days they have nothing to say because this post is going nowhere at the speed of a bleepbulb.

7. When your boxes of diapers start coming with not so gentle potty training nudges ...

... via samples (that had Julia 50 shades of curious last night) you start to feel lots of emotions and "I'm not a total failure of a mother" is not one of them. I'll let you know when the deed is done in several months -- lest I jinx the past 15 hours of progress.

Go see Jen for less bleh.


  1. Ruelala has kork-ease discounted too. Not sure if you are a member, but there ya go.

    Also, I was 16 when my sister Grace was born. Did you get asked if Sarah was your baby a lot too?

  2. I am 24 years older than my youngest sister, so when we are together in public I just reference "her mother" a lot. :) Also, I just had a less than stellar attitude for the past 2 days that my husband was on a business trip and I was home with a 1 and 3 year old. So, a)I don't know how you do it b)I don't at ALL hold it against you and c)I resorted to a little wine therapy this time around and I would highly recommend it! Why am I so late to the party with these ideas??

  3. No!!! Don´t step off the keyboard for a few days!!! And thanks for introducing me to Jonesie´s blog, I love it and now I´ll have to start watching the Bachelorette. Not sure if that´s a good idea but I just enjoyed Jonesie's recap SO MUCH!!!

    1. ha! no I just meant for today. You know me! I can't stay away for long. and Jones is the BEST. ever.

  4. I like that you've started to embrace the mommy blogger moniker.

    1. just living up to your accusation, dear brother. :)

  5. That picture of your sister is so awesome! Hope you have a decent call weekend.

  6. I am so concerned for des. Even more concerned because "shirtless guy" lives on the lake that we used to spend some of our summers. Let's just say teeth are optional down there....

  7. I'd be wittier, but my four? five! year old just crawled onto my lap which already contained an eleven day old baby, so I'm down to half a finer for typing:

    Gerber cloth training pants in three day stretches (non-insane call days). She'll get the point. Besides, she isn't three yet. David potty trained at 3 and 4 months, after six months of cloth pants sessions.

  8. I am 13 years older than my youngest sister...and 17 years older than my youngest brother. crazy.

    Good luck with the potty training. My youngest has been showing signs of readiness for 2 months and I just haven't had the gumption to do much of anything about it yet.

  9. I'm watching the Bachlorette for the first time, and read Jones' recap first. I actually used to work with one of those guys (Dan) at Gallo... so its funny to know someone on the show.

  10. Let's talk geriatric.... Your youngest sister is the same age as my 3rd child.....! I'm 10 years older than my youngest brother. And my oldest is almost 16 years older than my youngest, too.

  11. Dont be so hard on yourself about potty training! Everyone makes you feel like you are failing as a mom if they aren't potty trained by a year now. It's stupid... I have an almost 3 year old who I finally won the battle with, and an 18 month old that people are harassing me about.

  12. I, too, am worried about Des's (? ive never properly learned apostrophes, sorry) season. I will be strong and stick through, I'm loyal like that.

  13. Please don't hate me BUT James was a silent aspirator and the only way he could safely take a bottle for well over a year was if it was thickened with rice cereal. 1 full Tbsp of rice cereal for every 1 fluid oz of formula. He did not sleep any better but was constantly constipated.

    Maybe it will work for you (that would be awesome!) but I am not a believer. Sorry if this makes me a jerk - I just don't want you to put all your eggs, er - hope in one basket.

  14. We are also in that "are you going to potty train soon?" Stage... Seems like everyone else that we know has potty trained kids, but not this slow boat. We have given it a dabble (or 12) but I blame our 3 month old. Who has time to potty train a 2 year old with a baby around!?!?! Right????....

  15. Have you ever actually purchased anything from Zulily? I always look and do the oohahh..but have never bitten the bullet. The whole no returns is a bit of a turn off.
