
30 May 2013



 (and if they kick my link out for being too crystal crisp ... so be it)

Scandal: I can't stop watching it. If you're the type to judge those based on the terrible TV shows they watch then you're going to have a FIELD day with me. The kids slept in until 8:30 (!!!!!!!!!!!!) the other morning and I could've done a lot of things (including but not limited to: shower, clean several rooms, shower again, clean more rooms, unpack from the trip we took 3.5 weeks ago, file my nails for the first time in my life, and more - I'm sure) but I just watched my show and told the gnawing guilt to please shut up. I even went so far as to sign up for Hulu+ because I'm positive that I'll finish the entire second season within the seven day trial period and can cancel. If you're children are in the market for role models you might want to send them my way.

Speaking of Screen Time: I have to admit that I wish the boys were a little more enchanted with it. If Julia could just give some of her utter obsession with the laptop to her brothers I think we'd be all set. Julia sleeps HOURS more than the boys and sometimes it's 5:12 in the am and I wish that both Theo + Bash (early risers extraordinaire) would be content with the company of Mr. Baby Einstein for just a few minutes while I rested my eyelids on my eyeballs. Again, role modeling agency up in this crib.

Run/Walk: I skipped it today and did 25 jumping jacks instead. Same difference, I'm sure. Remember when people said same difference? Those were the days - along with NOT, RANDOM, HOOKING UP (well, maybe people still say that and I'm 93), FINE (in reference to looks), and COOL BEANS (maybe the worst).

I started this post four hours ago: thanks Theo.

I cleaned: I shook out the rug in Julia's room and swept underneath two weeks in a row and now I'm wondering if I should apply for a new identity but I'm not sure I have time because I spend all my hours wandering into her quarters and admiring my cleanlywork.

I thought: Julia was turning the 'doesn't look like a boy anymore' corner with her earlobe length hair but last night Simon was unloading the kids from the car and a lady walking by remarked, "three boys, eh?"


(Simon dressed her feet and not that she's oozing femininity but still)
(Sebastian was just throwing his routine bedtime funtrum)

Reading: I went on a real reading bender several weeks ago and read two whole books but as soon as I'm finished littering my nog with Scandal I'm going to be all over this Ultimate Beach Reading Guide. All over it. I especially appreciate the Bestsellers, Easy-Reading Novels, and Gorgeous Novels sections. I'll keep you posted as I read - I never don't.

And: Sir Sebastian would like to confess that his new favorite trick is to insist (non-verbal grunt style) on wearing Julia's clothes and only Julia's clothes from head to toe even if it means slowly p-o-u-r-i-n-g his thunders into her jorts because he knows she'll freak. He learned from the best: his nemesisister.

Dinner: I made it last night and it didn't involve anything frozen or defrosted or from the hospital cafeteria (fine, it was spaghetti and I used the most delicious sauce that sweet Mary sent but I was holding Theo the entire time so basically Top Chef me) and I think Simon genuinely thanked me 88 separate times which is only indicative of what a rarity non-defrosted dinner is in this kitchen bum's lair. Maybe I'll do it again soon.

Sunday Best: I was/am thinking of joining the ranks of Sunday link-ups where we can all showcase our Sunday finery but with an added element - you can make me feel better about my children's behavior with mass report cards of your own for your kidlets but I'm not quite sure yet. This isn't to beg for comment commitment but just keeping you in the transparent know.

And with all of that heavy uplifting ... I'll leave you, undoubtedly smiling.


  1. Cool beans totally makes me think of Hot Rod. lol

    Also, my sister was given a balloon for her and one for her brother....I was older than Julia....only slightly* traumatized.

    *It's opposite day.

  2. Um, I totally still say cool beans so no hatin'.

  3. Scandal - I don't blame you. I love that show. I binge-watched the whole first season and finished just in time to watch season 2 on ABC. I did the same thing as you with my Hulu+ free trial, except I did it for Revenge. I watched season one on Netflix, got hooked, but was too late to join the season 2 party on Soooo I watched 12 episodes in a week (an easy feat, for sure), put a reminder in my phone to cancel my Hulu+ subscription, and on day 7 I was ready to transition over to

    Julia - I, too, have been confused for a boy. TWICE. I was 14. I had hair to my almost shoulders. I cried. Both times. First time I was at the garbage dump with my garbage-loving father (I could understand that one). Second time I was volunteering at a homeless shelter with my youth group. That one really stung. I threw away the orange Old Navy baseball cap I wore both of those confusing times I haven't been called a boy since.

    Sorry to make this comment all about me (and SO LONG!), it really is supposed to let you and Julia know that you are not alone. :)

  4. My boys are early risers too and my girls can sleep till noon... older of course but the boys, what is up with that? So I say cool beans and same difference; even have a post dedicated to the later... of course I really am nearing 93. I think I'm depressed now. On the other comment about your possible future... once Grace, just once and then you can kick my ridiculously distracted self out of your link up. I'm going to go learn new phrases from my teenagers or can I just bring "jive turkey" back. I think I'm feelin' a yes!

  5. I say "same difference" all the time. Not sure what my point is...

  6. I totally took pictures in my crops for ANMJ this afternoon! And mine, like yours, are totally crystal clear :P

    The other day someone saw the twins (one dressed in all pink and the other in a pink shirt and red ruffly overalls) and immediately said, "Aw, twins! A boy and a girl, perfect!" I've learned just to smile and say thank you and walk Andrew away quickly before he gets angry :P

  7. "p-o-u-r-i-n-g his thunders into her jorts" I can't even hahahaahah

  8. I have no idea ho anyone can mistake her for a boy. Maybe it's just me. And we TOTALLY have to swap book lists. I'm a HUGE reader and I love recommendations. Especially in the summer when I can trot my self and the monsters to the pool and sit in a chair and make them leave me alone. Because they can all swim. Yay! (you can hate me a little bit for that!) Let me know if you want some easy-peasy recipes that will make Simon think you have slaved. I'm the queen of that land.

  9. I have been rating my son's behavior at church ever since I started reading about your kiddos! He rarely gets above a C.

    Also, his screen time is usually dedicated to youtube where his faves are and

    He is 2.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. How amazing is scandal?!! I'm a little proud that I am probably one of the many that suggested it . TV at its best. Thank you shonda. ;)

  12. oh man I love me some presidential Scandal. It's the only show Drew and I can agree on. Boo for summer and my thursday nights becoming lamer with out it.

  13. Uh oh ... I still say Cool Beans on occasion ...

    Haven't watched Scandal but I have been gorging myself on Game of Thrones for the past two weeks, much to the detriment of housework. I keep telling myself "Just x more episodes until this season's finished and then you can lead a normal life again!" Right.

  14. I mentally grade j's Mass behavior so I'll start keeping you in the loop ;)

    Speaking of trash tv- did you see Ernesto's pick this week? Ummm...

  15. oh yes, the thighs spilling over the hunter boots. I know that feeling. too bad I'm not a child and can't just be cute and laugh grunt it off.

  16. I started Scandal today after hearing how addicted everyone is. I've only got Netflix, so I don't know how long I'll be able to hold out before I jump on the Hulu+ train. Also, do the boys have any interest in Curious George? It's the only thing my little guy will watch. At least Netflix hasn't cancelled PBS yet!

  17. My husband says sweet chicken. weird. and kind of gross.

  18. I am afraid to start watching Scandal because I know I will get sucked in and won't be able to pry myself away. Right now I am working my way through all bazillion seasons of "Gossip Girl"...more for the clothing than the ridiculous plot lines for sure.

    I am so happy you liked the sauce. i will have to send more when I put up some new jar this summer. I never know if people will like the things I make. It's a little nerve racking because I want honest feedback. So if there was something you didn't like, let me know and I won't repeat it in the future.

    Now I have to go scrub my brain of the photo of Bash in Julia's shorts. he look like Tim McGraw with that package. LOL!

    Hugs from VA!!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. i used to have a severe dependance on Baby Einstein but then for some reason unbeknownst to me, the kiddo just up and stopped holding interest in it. then a few weeks ago they were giving away some extra stuff they didn't need at our church and one of the items was a dvd called Baby Faith

    i don't know what kind of subliminal messing they put in there but my 1 year old loves it. the best part: it automatically plays on repeat!

  21. Did you sing usher's confessions to yourself as you typed this? please say yes.

  22. I say "Cool Beans". Just to solidify my nerd status.

  23. Hi!
    lovely post :)
    New DIY post on my blog!
    and don't forget to join my GIVEAWAY and win Firmoo glasses!

  24. I love the throw back words! Totally use to use all of them and might still throw one around every now and then!

  25. My children wait in breathless anticipation after mass to get their grade for the week... alright they're usually still screaming, but my 10 year old cares that she doesn't break her 'A' streak. It might actually make me blog on a regular basis if you did that link up!

  26. I just saw Bash in those jorts on a regular computer screen. The knee pudge kills me!

  27. I still say "same difference". I've been known to drop "totally" and "like" as if I were still in my teens.

    If I braid or twist my two year old son's hair, he gets called a girl. It never fails and when I say that he's a boy I get the look. They look at his hair again and look at me as if they want to ask why I would do that to him. Oh well. People thought his sister was a boy because I dressed her in pants and overalls so she could play when she was the same age.

  28. I had a good laugh at Sebastian's tight jorts and your description of him "pouring himself" into them. So funny!

  29. oh my gosh! I started watching Scandal yesterday because you said it was so good and now I cannot stop. I wont have time to do anything else because i keep pressing 'next episode' on netflix. I wish season 2 was on netflix!

  30. I haven't seen Scandal, but may have to start watching it! Kerry Washington gave the commencement address at my husband's grad school graduation 2 weeks ago. She spoke very well except for when she said that her character was having an affair with the president. (Sitting with me were my oldest two kids... Ages 11 and 10.) Face palm.

  31. That's IT! You are kicked out!! Except for the fact that I kinda love those pants with those shoes. OK fine. sigh. FINE.

    But seriously - thanks for linking up. Always so great to see what you're up to.

