
11 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day!!

Coming up for air from the land of meltdowns, temper tantrums, call hell, and tolerable weather (there's that glass-quarter-full Grace we all know and don't love!) to wish those (greater!) mothers that have gone before me a happy mother's day! I wish you were all here to enjoy your great/grandkids. We'd all love that.

1. Great Grandma Patton and a little Bash
2. Great Grandma Seaton looking snazzy in her purple jacket (need more photos of you, Grandma!!)
3. Great Grandma Watkins and another little Bash
4. I REALLY wish I would've met Simon's Grandma Clark (cross stitch from her kitchen) ... I think I would've loved her.

1. Mom and her brood (minus Daniel) and yikes!! - methinks we need a new family photo. I mean I know I look good but ...
2. Granny Annie (or better known as, "grampa grampa")
3. Nana Bettina and her man (hi Dad)

And! Bridget put together two really stellar posts filled to the brim with mom bloggers and you just might find a new one or nine that you love. She was gracious enough to include this mess of a mom. Thank you, dear Bridget!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, grandmoms and the moms-to-be, enjoy your day! Also - some very special prayers going up for those that are hoping to be mothers one day.

Annnd back to funland I plunge. 


  1. Happy Mother's Day Grace - You are doing a GREAT job - and it does "take a village". Love from this Mother -

  2. The needlepoint "screw home cooking" might be one of the best things I've seen in the past ummm three years? She must have been a great woman. Happy Mother's Day to hands down the funniest mom around!!

    1. ha -- isn't it great? Thank you!!! I'll have to send you some new blogs!!! :)

  3. Lovely post...and beautiful family pics! Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  4. Happy Mama's Day to you! I think Grandma Clark's wisdom should be the motto for today...

    Hope you are surviving ;)

  5. Happy Mother's Day to the Mom who ALWAYS makes me laugh - thank you for making my bad-mommy days a little brighter with your humor and awesome writing. And you and your sister look SO much alike, especially in the wedding photo. Hope your day is not-awful!

  6. haha, that family picture with everyone is great, you and Julia look awesome. Happy Mother's day - I hope you enjoy it!!!!! Everytime I visit I swear the header has changed and it always looks great!! I like how you keep it fresh! -♥- Rachel (For the Birds Blog / 3 Giveaways!!)

  7. OK that needlepoint ROCKS!! I think I would love your Grandmother as well. I hope you have a fabulous Mother's Day my friend. May it be better than mine which began with a call to the plumber. Yippee!!

  8. Happy Mother's Day Gorgeous!
    Best cross stich ever

  9. Happy Belated Mother's Day to You!!!

  10. I loved this so much, and I'm not lucky enough to be a mummy yet, so I completely nicked this idea and did my own kinda version over here in England :)
    love x
