
28 May 2013

Sunday Best

Linking up with Fine Linen and Purple for What I Wore Sunday on Tuesday.

I think Simon's exact words were, "don't you feel ridiculous taking these photos?" and my answer was "girl, you know it's true**" but here I be, anyway. If ever my haircutting skills were to be showcased - these are the photos I would use. I think my next Google/YouTube search will be "make ends not so choppy and homemade haircutty" which should solicit some great e-help.

Anyway, we were up in the quad cities from Saturday-Monday and I have that awful vacation hangover complete with more laundry than five people should ever produce in a month - let alone 2.5 days, the sad realization that our house will never be as clean as my grandma's, we are REALLY low on big kid diapers, Simon is working this weekend, and the weather in St. Louis is officially dead to me with no chance for redemption - ever. Oh, I just noticed it stopped raining so maybe a glimmer but ---- just a glimmito.

Back to Simon's exact question. Yes, I feel ridiculous but if I didn't have him take these driveway photos - how would I know exactly how poor my outfit judgement was? Exactly! I wouldn't and I might repeat offend with this atrocity. I want to be able to pull off the blazer but I don't know if my B R O A D shoulders will let me and the pants are an ugly marriage of first grade rolled uniform pants (sans scrunched socks) and the harem pant trend that some people can totally rock but I can totally not.

We went to Mass at the Cathedral where both my parents and Simon's parents were married which is always neat. (I'm sure 99% of you know by now that our moms went to high school together ...  I need to retype and repost the story in its entirety someday v. v. soon.) Simon's mom and sister Elizabeth were there and I'm wondering if they'd mind driving from Wichita and Denver every Sunday to help with our little heathens?  Sebastian was still terrible but it was one of the "please be seated for announcements" at the end of Mass Sundays that drive me to drag out the inner silent scream of "NOOOoOOooOOooOOooooooOOoooooOoOoO!!!!!" as I watch the kids melt into utter and complete puddles so really, he couldn't be blamed for the last eight unnecessary minutes.

the getup:
shoes: c/o Blowfish
pants: Forever XXI (see them in action holding 36 weeks of Theodore niiiice and tight)
top: Old Navy
blazer: Gap (from sweet Caroline)

Julia: B+ not awful but she insists on sitting on the kneeler and only the kneeler and I always cave
Bash: D+ Simon had to take him out and he broke my necklace so and the girl in front of him fed him her Cheerios which he promptly sucked on and handed right back to her - why does he not get an F? I'm feeling generous.
Theo: A+ he'll turn on me soon, I'm sure.

**I quadruple dog dare you not to d-d-d-dance.


  1. If you snip (small snips) in an upward motion on the ends it helps in the not looking so blunt cut. I don't know if any of that made sense...but either way your hair is fabulous!

  2. You deduct points for sitting on the kneeler????? Oh my goodness. My children are certainly heathens, then.

  3. For what it's worth, I (an internet stranger who apparently feels the need to comment here) think you look great--you'd easily make the "Best Dressed" list at my church, though it'd be more of a lock if you were willing to indulge in the occasional over-the-top hat.

    To be honest, there are some Masses when I wish I could sit on the kneeler. It'd be hard to do inconspicuously, though, and I don't even wear ridiculous hats...most of the time.

  4. Darn you and your lovely blazer wearing. Also girrrrl your hair is not flat. I need to get some of your magic potions stat.

    The announcements announcement has been our cue to head to the back lately. It always is the final straw. They spend the $$ on bulletins, why say the stuff too??

  5. I have naturally curly hair which I have recently cut shorter and grown out a little bit again. I cut curls and chunks out of it all the time because it's curly and no one will see...until I straighten it. It's classy but it's me. I mean I have to cut it so you can't tell I'm snatching myself bald from kids. I love your hair statement and I love you feel ridiculous in these "what I wore" posts. I can't do it, I really can't. I can't take them or myself serious and last weeks post (after only 2 failed attempts) I did it on lawn day. I thought it was funny. I'm sure I'm the only one. Yah, I besmirch everything with a smirk. Someday...doubt it...

  6. You can wear regular pants when you are 36 weeks pregnant? I might have to hate you a tiny bit for that. I can fit two of my regular self in 36-week preggo clothes. Really. And you have to let the kneeler thing go on a two-year old, especially if she's behaving otherwise. And maybe Theo will be that child that is always good at church. *snort*!

  7. I think that get-up looks great! You can too rock the harems and if your shoulders are broad then mine would rival the canyon grande. Puh-lease. I might also add that your hair looks awesome, as usual! I've been cutting my hair that way since I ran out of money in college and it's never looked that good... :)

  8. i love the choppy cut, and that's totally in right now. you are basically a blonde alexa chung.

  9. Yes, I really really really want to read the story of your parents and you. Because, well, I'm nosey and I love good stories.

  10. Honey, my shoulders are like Brett Favre-wide. The only thing they are good for is making my hips look slightly proportional. :) I love this outfit! I wish blazers didn't look odd on me 99.6% of the time, but alas...

  11. I also really liked this outfit, and found myself wondering if I might be able to wear that shirt with any degree of success.

    Probably not until Grayson finishes with the nursing, but a girl can dream.

  12. You crack me up! I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who has decided there is to be no redemption for the weather. Straight rain, no sunshine for four days and counting for us. And rain in the forecast for the next five days. With four children. AHHHHH!!!!!

  13. The only thing better than reading your posts is reading everyone´s comments. Thank you!!! I´m smiling now :)

  14. Your hair and your outfit look great! You have been inspiring me to try to get more regular about my "what I wore" posts with my Sunday church outfits for my blog. :)

  15. Hahaha. Whenever church goes over the noise level of all the kids in the congregation rises exponentially minute by minute, and I wonder how the speaker does not hear that or my telepathically projected, "you're done."

  16. to what broad shoulders are you referring? if yours are broad than i need to call a contractor and have them widen all the doorways in my house. a swim instructor told me when i was nine that i had super broad shoulders; he was a grown man with broad shoulders so he should know.
    and the fact that you can fit into rego pants at 36weeks gestation with kid number 3? i had to buy XL size stretch pants (not even regular pants, stretch pants i tell you) when i was 30 weeks preggo with kid number one. i'm trying really hard not to hate you over here...
    anyways, i love the blazer. you look fabulous, but what else is new :)

  17. okay so google did something weird and signed in under my husband's account, instead of mine. so that comment from derek carlson is really from me. stupid google...

  18. I think the blazer looks great! Your shoulders are not wide.

  19. My mom and Mike's dad went to hs together too. I always think about how weird it would be if someone could have told them that they would have the same grandkids one day...

  20. Seriously, you can pull off ANY outfit! And Simon is so funny :).

  21. I've been reading here for a few months, but have never commented before. Hi, Grace! My husband works incredibly long hours (he's a lawyer), and I'm home with three little ones (though not quite as little as yours), so I RELATE. :) Mass is the hardest thing we do all week. For serious. And your Mass behavior grades--specifically Bash's consistently loooow scores--always encourage me, because my first two are boys and I've always wondered if they're just really bad or they're just really boys. You--and Bash!--make me feel like perhaps it's more of the latter than the former. But wow! Mass is so hard with them. What to do, what to do?

  22. You know, the 3rd sista in my familia is the nicest and kindest and quietest and most well behaved and also a freaking genius who always gets A+'s. So maybe there is hope for Theo to FOREVER have an A+!!

  23. Your hair reminds me of Sarah Jessica Parker in Hocus Pocus, it's so pretty!

  24. Someday... SOMEDAY!!!!!!! I will have amazing hair like yours. Someday.

  25. Um.... it'a been a month since your last Simon Says post. Has he been giving you the silent treatment? :)
    I need a laugh, our landlord decided not to let us go month-to-month while Josh job searches so we're going to end up in a long-term stay hotel :(

  26. You're too hard on yourself, Grace. I think this outfit looks very cute and very put-together. I would totally wear it.

  27. know it's true...that you look fabulously awesome and your hair rocks! Sorry about the necklace but hopefully you can fix it. So glad you got to visit with family for the weekend. FYI - no one's house is ever as clean as Grandma's.

  28. Love the shoes and I feel like they are way easier to stomp around in than heels! Great "bobble" necklace too, if that's what it's called ;)
