
14 August 2013

dress code

Linking up with pretty Hallie.

pants - Loft via Twice
shirt - oldie from an outlet
shoes - Targit

I wore a uniform all through high school .. both private and public. It was popular to complain about it but I secretly liked it because I've never been even remotely fashion savvy and truly thought that XXL t-shirts tucked tightly in and pulled back out just so were totally appropriate to wear on any occasion. Formal or not. Anyway ... this would've been mostly dress code friendly because there's not a patch pocket in sight and my shirt is sort of tucked in and I totally could've argued with my geometry teacher that it accidentally came untucked. But I wouldn't have done that because have I mentioned that I'm shy? The most. To a fault.

And with that pointless paragraph out of the way and having sucked 1.1 minutes out of your life forever here be my five favorites for the week ...
1. This interview with a 7-year-old named Hattie. Cracked me right up. Rye tup.

2. The fact that last night we went out for frozen yogurt with the kids (always seeeeems like such a fun idea ... ) and we took turns taking the kids in and getting our goods. Although now that I think about it I had Julia and Theo while procuring the yogurt so that plan really made tonz of sense. Anyway, I filled cups for both me and Julia and spent $6 and Simon went in with Sebastian and filled up cups for the two of them and spent $3. How does that happen? I blame it on the fact that Simon only likes fruity yogurt and lightweight fruit toppings (boooooring) while I only go for all things chocolate and cake and peanut butter and then all heavyweight candy bar goodies. Men are from Mars ... yaddda.

3. Let's talk about last night some more. Clap clap clap. Grin. Julia insisted that she and Bash take baths when we got home because they were sticky and she is super OCD about being clean so in a rush to get them undressed and in the tub it was a bit of a cluster and something hilariously terrible happened. Julia was laying on the ground and a naked Sebastian was standing over her. He suddenly took aim and bada-BOOM ... golden shower to her face. I can't even type this without laughing until the tears stream. I've never seen a more stunned Julia. Ever ever. And I've never seen a more pleased and amused Sebastian. Ever ever.

4. All of Simon's questions while we took these photos ...

"Are you doing some sort of "back-to-school" uniform theme?"

"Is Theo wearing Fubu jeans?"

"Do you think people like these posts with pictures of your outfits?"

"Wait, so you are trying to look like your dressed in a school uniform? I'm confused."

"Do you think the kids can sense that Theo is your favorite?"

5. Julia's been calling the boys and many of her dolls "sweetheart" lately and she tried thanking the Costco employee that drew the smiley on the receipt today by saying, "thanks sweetheart!" but it came out, "thanks sweetfart!" ... she has no idea what that word means because I have a weird aversion to the word (I know! I'm funfunfun!) but it gave him a little chuckle and really confused her. Anyway .... crazy day in the LIFE. You know how it is.


  1. fubu... remember jnco's? I might have had a pair. And YES we love the outfit posts and Theo is the best accessory, always.

    1. My best friend's husband might still wear jnco's.

    2. They transcend fads, those jnco's.

    3. I seriously have tears streaming down my face in laughter over Joanna's comment! My husband even rushed over thinking I was crying for realz...

  2. Hahaha, sweetfart. What an oxymoron. I absolutely hate the "f" word too and we weren't allowed to say it in my family. They call them breezers. And I'm super mature about it and see products like "Bacardi Breezers" and "Febreze" and start snorting uncontrollably.

    Hi I'm Jessie, 27 going on 7.

  3. I just want to thank you for posting at the time of day you do, because it always seems to pop up on my bloglovin' feed at just the moment I need a dose of something far more amusing than work. So thanks!

  4. Bahahaha! "Do you think the kids can sense that Theo is your favourite?" HAHAHA! So much love for that one!

    Well, I have a thing for Sebastian. My son is Sebastian too. He's 2 and oh so adorable.

  5. oh my. Julia and Bash...that's hilarious...

  6. I too wore a uniform for a good part of my life...preschool through high school. My college fashion choices were very questionable! The pee story, insanely funny! I always worry about this when one of my boys gets a little too excited for bath time :)

  7. I just laughed so hard trying to read #3 to my husband, I couldn't even finish. That would totally happen here.

  8. Ha. Sweetfart. I'm using that.

  9. oh my gosh i love simon.
    my mom ALWAYS makes comments about me having "photoshoots" with myself. she is not gung-ho.
    i love uniforms.
    this outfit is the bomb. (those love....)

  10. My grandma won't say that word either. She calls it "the four-letter F word." Also, she was once extremely offended and called my 89 year-old grandfather "disgusting" because (completely out of character) he said he was going to "take a dump." My grandparents are great, you're in good company.

    Also, I had uniforms too. Only "true khaki" pants and jewel toned polo shirts for me! Let's just say when I finally went to public school in 6th grade sans uniform, I really branched out. I had a pair of JNCO jeans that rivaled Theo's and I wore the same GIANT SIZED navy blue, fleece Sag Harbor zip up every day - rain or shine. Paired with how shy I am and that I was a foot taller than everyone else, needless to say, I fit riiiight in.

  11. This was a hilarious post! From all sides. I do want to know, if you have an aversion to "sweetheart," where did Julia pick that up? Or is it one of those words that kids somehow just KNOW how to use? B/c we have some of those in my family. I can't think of any at the moment, but I've had this conversation with other people before.

    Secondly, the Bash vs. Julia story - HILARIOUS. In our house, it's younger girl, older boys who know there's only two places to pee (toilets and nature), so we have yells coming from them during bath time due to a baby now toddler thinking that those things hangin' there must need to be pulled.

  12. between the golden shower and the sweetfart... i. am. dying.

    oh, to be a fly on the wall in your house :)

  13. the kids are getting their Dora fix and I totally feel a boost from reading your post today...I have an aversion to the "f" word too, now my kids have started calling them "stinky toots" and I really don't like that one either...
    gotta come up with something new, especially with all the extra gas that comes out of the little kids around here...

  14. Haha! Your posts are the only ones I read that I seriously (but not seriously because I just got done chuckling) laugh out loud while then Anthony gets home and I read them again o him and lol again...seriously...but not...

  15. I have the same problem at the fro-yo places too! maybe that's why E is afraid to have a baby brother... she SWEARS that baby #3 is a girl even though i keep trying to tell her it can be a boy. she has legitimate fears it sounds like!

  16. "sweetfart"...RFLOL!! Now I have to clean off my screen. I knew I should have just had water...lemonade is so sticky.

    Yes, I am that mature...

  17. The only kind of uniform I ever had to wear was for half a year in middle school when we had to tuck in our shirts. Thankfully halfway through the year they nixed that idea. And I still just have to say that your kids are hilarious.

  18. We weren't allowed to say the 'f' word in our house. I remember being in junior high and telling my mother some HILARIOUS (ahem. hilarious to me at least) story about fart spray, and she got super offended that I used its proper name (because that's what it is! that's what is sells as). We used the far more genteel term 'pass gas'. But, ya know, 'pass gas spray' just doesn't sound the same. It was weird that was the word she chose to harp on, because my parents could swear with the best of them, and didn't have a problem bringing out the 's' word.

  19. She calls Sebasher sweetheart after he peed on her FACE?

  20. My boyfriend and I did the fro-yo thing on our first date, and the exact same thing happened. He gets all these nice healthy fruits on it, and I go total fatty and get pretty much everything with chocolate and caramel, because I didn't read enough teen magazines growing up about how to act like a lady on a first date and not eat like a horse. Anyway, he didn't break up with me, but I almost broke up with him because WHO GETS FRUIT AT THE FRO-YO PLACE??? Weirdos, that's who.

    Other than that though, he's turned out to be alright. :)

  21. We had to end the smiley-face receipt at Costco ritual because James would melt into a puddle of tears every.single.time. upon receiving the receipt back. Apparently, the Costco employee "didn't draw it right", meaning James expected it to be his perfect likeness. Sheesh.

  22. Ok, 2 things.

    1. "Is Theo wearing FUBU jeans?" Omagoodness, still brings a laugh- tear to the eye.

    2. I just spotted a comment from The Jonesy and flipped out a little. If only she posted more often....

  23. Hahahha, was she mad about the golden shower or did she laugh eventually? Also, you made the school uniforms very fashionable, duh. Remember when you asked me what Mudd jeans were and then told me you needed a pair? (I didn't realize then that you were mocking me).

  24. hahaha i can only imagine how OCD julia was after the golden shower. basher is such a sweetfart.

    love the uniform inspired look...from a fellow catholic school girl!

  25. Ha! I got a demerit senior year of HS for having patch pockets on my pants for some dress down day. I had no idea other schools had a rule like that! And your outfit doesn't look uniform-y at all. So cute!
    Also, the Fubu jeans comment is hilarious.

  26. I love, love, love the first photo! And yes ... I always have frozen yogurt that weighs more than Chris'. Boo.

    I so wish you had gotten video of the golden shower faces!

  27. Laughing uncontrollably right now. Hilarious!! Thanks :)

  28. I don't know how you couldn't laugh until you cried thinking about him peeing on her. Her face none the less!!

  29. Oh, that second photos is SOO precious! Be still my heart; I love Theo's little face :)

  30. DYING over the golden shower story. Hilarious. Poor Julia.

  31. So fun fact, I thought listening to the new Muse album while reading todays post would make everything seem more serious, nope just makes Muse seem more like Queen:)
    Frozen Yogurt- for some reason S.A. only caught on like last year and seriously do people have to have a five hour conversation about "oh my word can I really have any toppings and flavors I want", I always pull a rude sigh and walk around them move bad I know. But on a worse note, we have a frozen yogurt place a short lift ride down from my office, its pretty hard to get past 16:00 without a bowl, and I do the fudge and candy too, fatty fat fat hey:(
    Last of long comment, Simon's comments had me cracking yesterday and today, mostly because my husband loves the awkward mock me comments too so felt all to close to home;)

  32. Golden shower! Ha! Poor Julia! How hysterical for the rest of us though. Add that to the list of wonderful tidbits you can save for when they are sixteen and feeling all perfect. ;)

  33. With 5 boys, we have had plenty of pee fly, but never directly into someone's face. Absolutely hysterical! I would have been laughing so hard, there is no way I could have saved her from it.

  34. FUBU!!! That was a hot minute wasn't it?! So cute.

  35. Yum!! Yomygoodness is fave for us!!! :) And the golden showers literally made me spit-take on my computer!

  36. I am DYING. omgomgomg I can't breathe. so many gems in this post. so many.

  37. I choked on my lunch a little when I got to the "golden showers". Still laughing! You and Simon and my husband and I could go out for yogurt and spouse swap - I love the vanilla/fruity flavors and Jim is ALLLLL about the chocolate/candy/chocolate/candy pile-up. And I can't stand the word "moist". Go figure.

  38. Fubu jeans, haha!

    And you are hilarious, I hope someone has told you that before ;)

  39. hahahah as usual I am snortling and chuckling and inhaling giggles in to my nose. #3 - I have no words!!

    ps. I like uniforms too.

    Flora x

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