
21 August 2013

Harem Time

Linking up with my girl, Hallie

top - Forever XXI
pants - Kohl's
shoes - c/o Blowfish Shoes
necklace - c/o Sassy Steals

This post is dedicated to Janssen, Erica, and Kayla - (friendly!) loathers of the harem. Don't hate too hard, ladies.

And now for this week's five favorite things with Hallie ...

1. This blog. One day when I grow up I will right half as good. And I'll convince Simon to let me name a baby girl Joan Bea just so that she is sufficiently creeped.

2. This maxi dress AND this maxi dress. I first learned about Sammydress from Janssen and she has yet to steer me wrong in the book and recipe department so I trust her.

3. Ana's post on her makeup essentials. I think I need that mineral powder because my 30-year-old skin is acting 16 and I swear I caught Simon staring at a particularly bad patch the other day but he swears he wasn't ...... liar? We'll never know.

4. I know it's a really common problem with lady babies but I don't think a single person thought Julia was a girl until somewhat recently. Her hair growth has helped but there were times Simon would be at a loss when strangers would say, "spitting image of his father!" .... when he was holding Julia. Wellllllllll remember when I told you about this nice article? Simon was operating yesterday when the attending surgeon mentioned he'd read the article and said to Simon, "so you've got three little boys?"

(one of the accompanying photos )

Sorry little Julio.

5. Give it to me gently - do you hate the harems? Simon is coming around but isn't completely sold so I guess I'll have to wear them daily until he buckles or lies. I'll keep you posted - it's a job I take very seriously, unfortunately. 

hasta manana.


  1. I only think very thin people can rock the harem pants. So, people like YOU can rock them. People with sturdy Irish-German thighs can not. You do a good job of rocking it though!

    1. haha! this must be it! i have VERY sturdy thighs, so harems I shall not wear.

  2. I LOVE those pants, and this is probably my fave of your outfit posts. I would wear those pants every day. The other day I had cute chambray loose pants on and cuffed them, and some guy at work called them MC Hammer, you are wrong, Sir.

  3. I definitely don't hate the Harems. I have strong doubts as to whether I could wear them (I think I'm too short and my legs are too wide for them to look as flow-y and breezy), but I think you look great.

  4. The moment I saw those pants, I thought to myself that I needed to get some immediately. They just look so comfortable. And I believe there are varying levels of harem. These are only slightly haremy and therefore deemed completely acceptable.

  5. I like them on you. With my ginorm hips and butt they'd be a disaster but they look good on you... The whole slouchy thing is something I would love to do but really just can NOT, due to large portions of me already mentioned ;)

    I've been using mineral makeup for 3 years and love it. I'm totally not a product snob and am a complete spaz about doing my makeup so I'm no expert BUT I have not had a major (or even minor, really) breakout since then.

  6. Woo woo JLO pants? Get chu some gurl! I'm still, I'm still Grace from the block...? Ok I'm done. Harems looks cute on you- Julio should get a matching pair!

  7. Love the harems! I have one pair and I might just run out and get the same ones as you tonight! But, I also love me some Palazzo pants, so...

  8. Harems do not work on my body type, so I dislike them, along with all types of clothes that don't fit right (currently all clothes). However, you make them work! And I think they are a nice quick pulled together look or dress it up pant.

    And re: Juilo, yesterday while checking out at the grocery, a nice older (but not so old she's blind old) lady says "what a beautiful baby girl you have (I don't, he's a HE), you should put a bow in her hair (nope) and put her in a pink shirt (uhhhh) then people will know she's a girl"

    He was wearing a green Little Brother shirt...

    So Julio, you're in good company with Hudsonina.

  9. Oh, poor Julia. But I do love Theo's face in that picture!

    I agree with the rest of the short and wide readers, you can totally work the harems! We, however, have no hope of pulling them off.

  10. Only someone like you could pull off harem pants and not look psycho. I won't even bother attempting... I like how you dressed them up too!

    And that is the sole reason I think I love the color pink and dress Miriam mostly in dresses. I was pretty scarred from Mark, my middle child, being called a girl til he was 2 WITH nothing but blue on. He had this dark mop of hair and these gorgeous long eye-lashes (that, of course, he got from his father...mine are short, thin and stubby). So, esp. when she (Miriam) was first born, I put on nothing but frilly, pink and flowery (b/c seriously, Mark looked more like a girl than she did). I think I only got half a dozen "what a sweet boy" remarks. And I hate correcting people, so most of the time I smiled, thanked them and then one of my boys would loudly say, "My sister's a GIRL" and I'd get all embarrassed while they got embarrassed. There's no moral of this story except to say I feel ya.

  11. I LOVE your pants, and I'm about to pin it and then think about buying them forever until they sell out and it's too late and I regret it.

    Also, is Sammydress for real? If so, awesome, but it seems too good to be true....


    1. I hope they are!! I'm going to order and I'll keep you posted!

    2. Look what I found. Those leggings.... eek. But since you and I are on the smaller side, maybe the dresses would work?

  12. I used to hate harem pants, but they look good on you! I think you have to be thin to pull them off for sure. Maybe after I have this baby I could pull them off, big MAYBE. I'm not sure how well wider hips would look in them. And Julia does not look like a boy.

    The best makeup I've used for covering acne is Exuviance, you can buy it at It's awesome!!!! I used Bare Minerals for three years prior and it just didn't have enough coverage. This foundation also does not break me out any worse. I'm really pale and use this one: Coverblend Concealing Treatment Makeup Natural Sand. It's $38, but so worth it! It last me about 3-4 months. The concealer is also great and it's $22, it's lasted me more than a year.

  13. Courtney was a "he" unless she was in a dress...until last year when we grew her hair out. People are just crazy sometimes.

    I swear by the mineral powder. it really does work magic on the face. Take it form my sweet rosacea won't regret it. LOVE the harem pants. You have the perfect figure for them. They look fabo.

    "...can't touch this..." I had to...

  14. I think they look great on you! I can say a harem pant is not for the masses, but you are wearing them well. I think it also depends on the depth of the drop crotch on them...yep I just typed drop crotch! I know no other way to describe them. haha! My husband makes mc hammer jokes when I wear mine, which makes me bust out my can't touch this moves!

  15. While you are pulling them off, I cannot wrap my mind around harem pants. I would feel all Aladdin meets Hammer in them. That said, I'm mega weird about pants anyways, so take it with a grain of salt - I wear pants about 10 times a year.

    One day, if I have a daughter, she will likely be a cookie cutter of my previous baldies. I imagine a Wilson + bow. I am certain we will hear, "he's so sweet" a lot.

  16. I would argue that these aren't even harems, they are SO subtle!! Here on the beaches in Australia it's common to see women wearing the FULLLLLL M.C Hammer style duds. WINNING!!


    *please not my enthusiasm by my use of full capitalisation.

  17. I love harem pants, and they look great on you! I think they're both stylish and comfortable, which is a winning combo in my book. I have 2 pairs and I'm not some crazy-on-top-of-the-Euro-trends kind of person either, although I do love everything Zara. (Some examples: ;
    ; ).

    1. wow - love those pics. they make me never want to put mine on again :)

  18. I love them on you! I am short and more sturdy thigh(ed) and I doubt how I could pull them off but you better believe I'm going to try! Are they sold in store?

    1. yep! that's where I got them. You should try!! I was a super skeptic!

  19. i love the harem's, i'm just loving the whole look. i'm short and short-legged so i don't think i can pull off the look like you but i vote that the fabulous harem look stays :)

  20. I hate the harems. But only cuz you asked!

    1. I'm with Kaitlin. You somehow manage to look awesome in them, but I see Aladdin-meets-MC Hammer no matter how hard I look.. That said, though, I also hated skinny jeans and swore I'd never wear them in a million years but now own a million pairs, so when you start seeing pictures of me on FB wearing harlems, judge-me-not. I suppose since my fashion sense equals what they sell at Target and these pants will prob be zee only ones they sell next year, I will say my final answer is that they are just not my style.. at the moment.

  21. i love harems and also rachael's writing. it's like so good it is kind of crazy right? i'm her real life friend so i should prob convince her to start a writing class and invite me to it.

  22. I just see hammer pants when I see the harems. Then again, I was against the skinny jean/straight leg deal initially and now I own many a pair. I'm definitely not good at being trendy, but I like to look not frumpy so...I'll eventually go along with whatev I'm sure

  23. I questioned the harem pant, I did, but that outfit is MEGA cute. You have me sold woman!

  24. Not a fan of the harems in my mirror but you certainly can rock them( I typed "you certainly can pull them off" and started laughing)! I am a fan of the fact that when I google Camp Patton you now show up above Camp Prairie Schooner- way to beat out those young girl scouts, Grace!

  25. The outfit looks cute on you, but I don't think I could pull off the harem pants. And is that Sammydress site for real? Are those actual prices? It's SO cheap! How's the quality?

  26. I LOVE THE PANTS. love them. on you. def not on me.

    and your hair. please teach me.

  27. Girl, you styled them perfectly, but I don't think they would look good on me! I don't think I have enough confidence for the harem ... pants, that is.

    And are the Sammydress prices for real?!

    1. I wondered the same thing about those sammydress prices!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm going to order -- I'll let you know!!

  28. I LOVE the harems. You look absolutely fantastic in this whole outfit. My mouth is agape. Seriously.

  29. What a great look! I wish I could do baggy pants like that and make it look good!

  30. You look so good in those! You make me want a pair, but I am not so sure I could pull them off so well....

  31. I'm a harem hater... sorry, Grace! They look great on you, but as a fashion statement, I think they were best left in the 80's. I know, I'm boring.

  32. Love the pants, I bought a pair about two years ago but the indian version in black and gold, flipping love them, came in handy traveling in asia cause they are rediculously comfortable and can look pretty neat:) All for this trend!!
    Shame I can sympathize with Julia, I looked like a bald alien for the first two years of my life, then at like 10 insisted on cutting my hair short like a boy- yep, people seriously thought I was a boy for a long time there!#seriouslyuglyduckling

  33. they're cute on you. would look REDONK on me.

  34. I think you look like MC Hammer and I now want to dance. So two thumbs up from me! Wear them backward next time and we can rock out to Criss Cross. Does this mean I can dress like Cindy Lauper now? Seriously, she is my style icon. Can I go there again? Or is it still too soon?

  35. I'm not a harem pant fan, but they're your legs so if you love them go for it. I also have two girls who aren't blessed in the hair department. We get a decent amount of "what a cute little boy" and if I'd gently correct them they'd generally be mortified. It's funny because I didn't care and the girls had no idea what was going on. So unless I have to (we're getting deeper into conversation) I just let them think I have boys.

  36. I think you just have that body that can pull anything off so of course they look great on you! And so comfy! But in general I don't like harem pants... I just think they're the pants equivalent of the Seinfeld puffy shirt, you know?

    And Sara still gets "little fella" comments from time to time. I think it does happen more with girls. It must be some kind of latent sexism that makes people always assume a baby with shortish hair and not bedecked in pink and ruffles must be a boy! It's pretty ridiculous!

  37. I love them...too bad about the 29inch inseam or I'd have low do they hang? Can I get another 4 inches out of them?

    1. 29 inch inseam? wow. I didn't realize they were so short because I normally wear 33 inches with a little heel ... I think I wear them lower than you should -- a lot of people wear them around their natural waist -- not for me. they don't hang that low! I don't think they are TRUE true harems in that respect ... :)

      I'm 5'7" if that helps at all

    2. I shall order them!!! I'm home all day...who cares if they're short!

  38. I honestly think you could pull off any fashion trend. Really.

  39. Grace, I love this outfit on you, and your hair looks great like this!

  40. I don't think I had a chance to mention that these pants look super. Really. I know we're supposed to think of these as man repeller (and if Simon thinks so, no arguing from me, of course) but I think they look awesome! Also, looking forward to seeing those OTHER pants that we know you picked up at Target last week.

  41. Okay, after reading your post and following those links to sammydress, I couldn't resist. I placed an order and am so excited! Shipping was a bit much but to be expected since it's international. We shall see how all goes.

    Also, the pants are adorable on you! I could never pull them off, especially with the post-partum weight I'm still sporting. :)
