
31 October 2013


Sebastian turned two years old yesterday and what a day it was. No, it wasn't. It was just another day with a grand cake finale that he better never forget. Julia was more excited than he seemed to be that it was his special day and Theo didn't even acknowledge the blessed event. I kept thinking I should make the cake in secret but then I realized .... he's two and he is clueless .... who cares.

Anyway, there are a lot of days that I feel really terrible with how exasperated I get with Sebastian (he shipped my phone off to a watery grave a la toilet on Tuesday and just.didn't.get.the.problem with giving it, "a bath!!" then mixed LOTS of oregano in with the rice bath where the phone was breathing its last and still .... why are you so upset, crazyhorsemom?!) and his impressive knack for getting into trouble because he is a sensitive little soul. He is always quick to apologize and often remembers that he was naughty even after his nap and gives the knee hug/sorry which makes me feel even more terrible.

For not having many words in his little vernacular he has an impressive manner skill set and always says, "welcome" when he hands anyone anything and does the little head nod whenever he says, "thank you" which sounds like, "dan do". Nothing makes him angrier than a parent trying to dispose of one of his pungent diapers in the big trash can in the driveway and not taking him with for the adventure and an hour of his life is not complete until he makes someone smell his feet and give him the exaggerated, "ewwwww" -- even though exaggeration is never necessary because his feet smell terrible. Simon says they are going to ruin all of his chances with any ladyloves in the future and I think Simon is right.

Okay. His favorite color is blue and his favorite number is blue and he chucked a large rock at Julia's face while she was standing a mere 3 feet in front of his hand on Monday and she has the battle wound to prove it. And she'll tell you all about it even when she's in 7th grade - guarant.

Moving on.

It's been decided that in the future we can either celebrate Sebastian's birthday or we can celebrate Halloween because this underwhelming cake took it out of me and the kids are set to go trick-or-treating (unless it rains? please?) in some yet to be determined costumes (Julia is still deciding between a princess, a scary butterfly and a ballerina anyway - lay off) in a couple of short hours. And they did hit up a Halloween party in the hospital lobby earlier and as we walked out Julia sighed, "that was such a FUN Halloween .... " so maybe Halloween is already over.

Simon said I was giving devil glares here. I said that's just my natural face.

Oh, what was that? You want detail shots of that b? The readers get what the readers want.

I might make a fake Pinterest account (Grace C. Ake) just to pin these with the description, "obvious A for effort but a generous D for finished product delivery"

Anyway. He loved it and drove all over it and was so pleased with his trucks that we are saving his one wrapped present for Christmas that is conveniently wrapped in Christmas wrap from 2009 as it is.

oh! And Happy 10 months to Theo! In case we forget your first birthday. Third borns and their rough upbringings.


sort of.

oh! And ...

Sebastian's birth story
an ode to the middle child
Sebastian as Julia last Halloween ..


  1. Grace C. Ake. Bahahahahaha

    Okay, sorry for the raucous laughter. But, that was funny. Also Bash is so handsome and old-looking these days. Love it. (And Theo is looking more adolescent by the hour... what?)

  2. Happy Birthday, Bash! Hilarious. And from where I"m sitting the cake looks like a total success!

  3. that cake is mind-blowing! no, seriously, it's fantastic! i'm sure bash will never forget it.

  4. I'm super impressed with the cake. SUPER IMPRESSED. I do not do cakes. I just can't. I want to see pictures of their "costumes" tonight! I'll stick my head out the window and blow really hard up at the sky westward in the hopes to send the 40MPH winds and 100% chance of thunderstorms your way tonight for Trick or Treat.

  5. I think the cake looks super. I've determined that Pinterest was invented to make moms feel bad about themselves. I typically just stick to basic recipes and stay away, far away, from anything crafty.

    And I'm sure you totally remember...what were the settings you used on your camera to get Sebastian clear in his birthday shot and you blurry. I need to work on that so I can get some semi decent photos when this baby makes his/her appearance. Because the totally in-focus shots of me with the first two kids taken using our old point and shoot are best kept hidden under the bed. Or maybe you just photoshopped yourself blurry?

  6. The cake turned out awesome!! Really. Happy Birthday, Bash!

  7. Look at me here on the good trusty lap top, able to comment ;)
    This really made me laugh. I had to read it twice bc it made me laugh so hard.
    And that's bad because it caused 'distracted pumping' and now I have milky milk on my pants from an overfilled bottle. Thanks Pattons. You're lucky I don't buy dry clean only clothes or I'd send ya the bill ;)

  8. Happy Day of Birth Bash!!!! And I would say that is an A for effort and execution on the truck front!! And Bash sounds so much like my two year old with the "I have to throw away my own feces" and the ever so wonderful apologies that make me feel like a horrible mom for getting mad about whatever it was in the first place! }

  9. That's a badass cake, Patton.

  10. Happy Birthday Sebastian! He is a handsome guy. I am sorry about your phone though. That stinks.
    I think the cake looks great! :) And that last picture of Theo is so cute!

  11. I think the cake looks great! Seriously. If it were me, with just the one kid, he'd be lucky to get anything more than a pat on the back.

    Theo is such a cutie.

  12. OH.MY.GOSH.
    Girlfriend you done outdid yourself on that birthday cake. Wowza!! Awesome job my friend. It looks fantastic and I bet it tastes even better. Happy Birthday to the Bashinator!!

  13. Good job on the cake!! And Bash looks more and more like Simon every day, geez!

  14. What are you talking about?? That cake is awesome!

  15. Yeah, that cake is an A++++++. Happy Birthday Sebastian, you handsome devil!

  16. You totally scored over the top A for effort and execution... We go store bought EVERY TIME... {insert mom guilt}

  17. Happy Birthday Bash! And well done on that there cake Miss Grace! He will look back fondly on this artistic endeavor of yours the same way I do my mom's Care Bear cake from 1985. I hope you and the gang are having a happy Halloween!

    PS - Does Theo ever NOT look like a tiny Buddha? I mean seriously. If he gave workshops on Zen I'd totes be first in line.

  18. So many things. I love the yearly shots. I too have a devil glare. Except I call it the FU sign on my forehead. Details. That cake is insane. Way to go mom! Hope Halloween stayed dry for you and happy birthday bash!!

  19. A) Sebastian is like Simon-clone and B) I FREAKING LOVE THEO'S FACE. LOVE LOVE LOVE SO CUTE DYING OF CUTE THERE I AM DED. I want to convince my husband to let me name our next son Theo because COME ON.

    And C) the cake looks awesome.

  20. That cake is awesome!!!! They grow up SO quick don't they?! As much as I loathe certain phases that they go through (and want them over with asap) I still get sad thinking about how the days (and phases) pass so quickly!

  21. Trucking awesome cake! Was that phrase too much?

    Happy Birthday, Sebastian!!

  22. Happy Birthday to your cutie! :) Loved reading about what he is up to...crazy exhausting age, but oh so fun and cute.

  23. happy birthday to bash!!! that cake looks amazing!

  24. Happy birthday little man! And that cake totally beats anything I've ever made by a mile!

  25. Craps AND a cake in the same week? I don't think I can take it.

  26. Oh hey! So I've been following your blog for a whole year now, and I only realized because of your link back to halloween last year. That was a really confusing first post to read, and it probably took me way too long to figure out how many children you had, as well as their ages and genders. But here we are now, and I'm certainly glad I weathered the storm:)

  27. happy birthday bash!

    and i like that cake, grace.

  28. Happy birthday to Sebastian! And I loved the cake! (Seriously!) Very good job. I'm proud of you! ;)

  29. That cake is awesome!! You nailed it. I have yet to bake anything for one of my kids' birthdays. He is a lucky little boy :)

  30. Oh my gosh, his cake is so cute! I love how you dress your boys too. Always so stylish.

  31. Like the other millions said, you did an amazing job! Love the cake. Happy B'day, Bash!

  32. that cake is adorable, awesome job grace! and a belated happy birthday to you bash :)

  33. Happy birthday, Bash!! Gosh, he is super handsome. He can just not take his shoes off ever, and the girls will never know...
