
06 October 2013

holy shick.

I don't think my former non-mom self ever thought that motherhood would be easy but if she did - I'd love to give her a little tour of life with sick kids. And I'd love to tell my former non-mom self when she was sick and able to lie in bed for hours on end and sleep a lot of sleep and watch endless romantic comedies and drink carbonated beverages to enjoy, enjoy, enjoy because that luxury would come to a screeching halt at the dawn of Julia's existence.

In the middleish of Simon's 24 hour shift on Fri-Sat Sebastian started throwing up. Toddler throw up is one of the saddest and most pathetic things because they are so confused and just want to be held even if it means being kRaZy glued together by way of their stomach's former contents because they don't care about gross. And I am super sympathetic to their poor plight but first let me just strip off my now sopping shirt and maybe throw this blanket that is dripping with yum into the washer before the smell wakes the other kids. 

Anyway. Things have kind of spiraled from there directly into the croup-mobile and while Theo is the surprising last man standing I'm going to go ahead and patiently wait for him to fall the hardest.

And if he wants to pleasantly surprise me - I'll love him to not-quite-death. Just to health. Hearty health.

 In between Simon's shifts. work, homework, work.

Julia and Sebastian have terrible coughs and high fevers and fire hose noses and even though Sebastian has now lost his voice he still says, "bless you" after every one of his and Julia's coughing fits so I can't help but immediately forgive his 1am, 2am, 2:34am, 3:14am, 4am (this is when I went ahead and threw on a little Bob the Builder because parenting standards are moot in the face of the Bubonic), and 5am wake ups.

After I slithered out. I took a sweet - nay - creepy photo.

All this to say ... I was thinking of organizing a little spontaneous play group bright and early tomorrow morning. Any local takers? The couch is almost dry from Sebastian's second session of Friday night .... and the pleather couch just wiped right off so .... come on ova. SMILE.

And because I am a firm believer in illness existing so that we might fall prostrate at the feet of our good health that just didn't feel the love and appreciate it deserved ...

(if you were wanting to emulate or blatantly copy - I don't blame you! It's under "elegant award" on Microsoft Office ... creative little Microsofters)

*additional notes because my name is Grace and I like to additional note it sometimes, thx.

:: to the tech support gentleman from the internet company that I waited 28 minutes to talk to in the face of (another!) dropped internet connection who curtly suggested I take my computer to The Apple Store to have the internet looked at - I'm coming around to being almost sorry that I was forced to accidentally hang up on you.

:: God bless Gatorade and Netflix (restored thanks to my very calculated unplug, freak out, plug back in, restart computer, repeat, repeat again - process) and Netflix and Sebastians that lack the lexicon to complain because I know one little Julia that has puh-lenty to say about her raging symptoms.

:: Many thanks to Simon who made the mistake of suggesting I, "take a little break" last night because .... I did.

:: If you want to join me in taking a little page from Mariah and Whitney's (RIP) 15-year-old ballad and believe in miracles ... I'd love some serious belief power thrown our way that the kids will thon nap it all the way until Simon gets home tonight. Love it.

:: Fie on you, call weekends. Fie on you forever.

:: but at least it isn't Christmas. Praise be.


  1. No no no no no. You are a champion.

  2. We are off to evening Mass so know that it will be offered for you and your minions. So very sorry my sweet very sorry. Prayers and happy thoughts are on the way. Stay well and drink up. Mama cannot go down...

  3. Aww, this is the worst!! You feel bad for them and their heaving little bodies. You feel bad for yourself. You are just waiting for the next sounds of stomach gurgling to awaken your sleeping child. There is nothing worse. I hope they all start feeling better in the few seconds...

  4. Sick kids over here, too. So far it's colds, but Grace has me on high alert with the way she coughs. Several times I thought there was going to be vomit all lover the table, because of course we're eating every time she gags. Sorry for the TMI. Someday, I'm going away for a weekend to lay in bed, drink whatever I want and watch all the rom coms I can.

    All that to say, solidarity.

  5. Oh sweetie!! So sorry - I have been there, been there, been there. The first and best thing I ever taught my toddler people was to throw up in the big bowl. I have a plastic bowl (that gets uber-sanitized) when the vom is finished, that sits next to the couch/bed/chair, whatevs, when they are sick. A few times of "helping" them and they get the whole bowl concept. The worst would be my one that would throw up in his bed and roll over and go back to sleep. Let me tell you what a fun surprise that is to find the next morning. Once you have small children, NOTHING grosses you out anymore. Hang in there - sending prayers your way as we head off to Mass!

  6. Praying for your sick littles and that the rest of you don't succumb to the grody.

  7. Awww :(( That pic of sleeping Bash is sweet though. Good luck as you battle it out.

  8. God bless you! Hopefully everyone will get better stat. This has never happened to me but I'm just biding my time. You are a pro. I'll be hitting this up for insider tips soon enough.

  9. Omigosh, I just got sad and depressed for you. Because no one knows how awful sickness can be until they have multiple babies throwing up at all hours. And isn't toddler throw up the saddest thing ever?! Oh man, Dom had it the worst but he was also the cutest and it makes me want to cry just thinking back to that awful was a week...from hell...

  10. Prayers headed your way for health and rest! Hope all goes well this coming week and that nobody else gets sick.

  11. My heart breaks for everyone! Booooooo. You are really are wonder parents.

  12. Oooh, sick little bodies are so pathetic. Sebastian on Simon's shoulder ... so sweet. Recoup recoup recoup.

  13. I recently bought those same boots in your Target Instagram photo, Grace. For some reason I got this one pair for $11. It's a long story involving online shopping, my red card discount, a one-day clearance, and one random remaining pair in the gray color. LOVE THEM.

  14. parenting standards are moot in the face of the Bubonic. LOL.

    (sickness is THE WORST. the fear of sickness makes me paranoid sometimes. i'm always trying to outrun the latest.)

  15. Nothing worse than sick kids. Praying for you and them!

  16. I think that small victories should be celebrated with Microsoft Word Templates.

  17. Poor babies (and momma!) I hope your house is back to normal soon! xoxo

  18. And here you were, wasting time emailing me about free boots. Next time you have to deal with that and then my emails- you have my consent to ignore me.

  19. I do believe this experience has shortened your time in Purgatory!
    But seriously, I hope things start looking up, soon. There is no question the impact of prolonged / extreme physical illness on our mental state. And it's not a good impact usually. SO hoping it's over with and all Pattons are gleaming from my computer screen again soon, right where they belong.

  20. This made me want to show up at your house with a giant pot of chicken soup, and maybe a mop & bucket for the kiddie messes... but then you'd probably be wondering why a random stranger was bringing you food, and I can't afford the airfare anyway, so just take my sympathy. Sick kids..ugggggggggggggg. I haven't dealt with the throwing up yet, but Baby #1 had 'the runs' for over a week, on a near-hourly basis, and it was pretty much the worst thing I've ever had to face.

    Also, I don't think you ever completely get out of the sick kids phase, because when I was home visiting my parents I got the 'flu and, well, lets just say I made a giant mess and was calling for my mum at stupid-o'clock and she was downstairs cleaning up after her 29-year-old baby and her grandbaby, who was covered in the contents...

  21. We had it too! But not quite as bad, and a little more staggered. However, I"m done with staggered now - after 10 days of family illness, I don't think anyone else can get sick! Hope you guys are feeling better soon.

  22. Good luck with everything!!! Ah those nights/days are the worst and more props to you for doing it with Simon gone so much! Prayers your way!

  23. I hope you don't take this the wrong way but when I read your posts I hold my breath the whole time (literally).
    But then I usually crack up and take another breath.
    I hope you all feel better soon, I had the blasted thing last week.
    Liv x

  24. oh goodness. my Caspian got his first sore throat and I think that is bad...
    you are a warrior mama.
