
09 October 2013

Triple Threat

(1/2 of a hospital cafeteria donut which is actually a huge improvement over last year's confection)

Well. Almost three weeks ago. Power of three. Sticking with a theme. Something.

Her birthday fell on Simon's last day of night float which was awesome but two zombie parentals meant that her birthday "party" was little more than a trip to Chick-Fil-A with friends and a stop by the grocery store on the way to get some Dora cookies that she's been eying and talking about forEVER in lieu of a cake. She loved it and she won't remember it. I felt a little bit guilty about this but a lot better after we hit up the town carnival that evening. The rides were free and they scared the hell out of Sebastian but Julia was in heaven and even went down one of those huge slides that you slide down on a little magic carpet with Simon and was happy as a pig in fecal matter. We bought them some cotton candy for the stroller ride home and I guess that was her big present from us. (Her grandparents and great grandparents sent lots and lots of gifts and she is still thrilllllled with a fresh box of Dora Band-aids so ... fine, still slackers. )

Let me just type-jot some things down for you to skim/skip and me to reminisce over in a couple of years ...

loves to sleep. Julia sleeps more than any human under our roof. Although I know Simon would give her a run for her money if he didn't have a little nuisance by the name of a job. I can put her down an hour before the boys for naps or bedtime and she'll outsleep them for an hour or two. Four hour naps are an essential part of her day and while I refuse to ever complain about a sleep-happy child I wouldn't mind if one of the boys slept more so that she and I could have some one-on-one time of some sort. To talk about important things like the letter 3 and the number J and to maybe sort that confusion out ....

sort of likes to eat. Hates normal delicious things like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but loves avocado. Hates all other vegetables unless disguised in a soup. Refuses to touch condiments. Is generous with any chewed food she's decided not to swallow and always offer it to Sebastian.

play. Enchanted forests and big bad wolves and monsters and princess castles and goes to the store a lot. If we let her she would prefer to watch shows all day - this is an unfortunate not exaggeration.

Some recent rubies ...

While driving in the car and listening to the radio ...
Julia: Look, Mom! Bash is getting down ...
Bash: (is indeed, getting down)

While at Costco ...
Grace: Should we buy Daddy some frozen pizza?
Julia: mmm, no. I think he just likes it warm.

Working on a puzzle while Sebastian watches ...
Bash: (claps) "job!!!!!"
Julia: yes, that's right Sebastian. Julia is doing a good job.

After I scolded her for pulling Theo's hair ...
Julia: Hey, Mom ...
Grace: yes?
Julia: why don't you just be happy?

Yesterday ...
Julia: I'm choking.
Grace: No, you're not.
Julia: Yes, I am. I'm choking. Why aren't you laughing?
Julia: Isn't it so funny?
Grace: Oh, joking? Yes, yes, hilarious.
Julia: I know. Choking is my favorite.

While Theo was getting his diaper changed ...
Julia: Oh, you still wear diapers? (sigh) Fine, Theo. I guess you just don't want to go to school.

After her stomach had quite the little rumble ...
Julia: WOW, the baby in my tummy has a lot to say today.
(she's been gestating a child since Theo's pregnancy so ... ANY day now ........ )

And some old Julia posts if you're in a time killing kind of mood ...

... birth story.
... 18 months.
... snake charmer
... therapist.  



  1. Ha. Precious! Conversations with Julia are getting better and better.

    Julia: I'm choking.
    Grace: No, you're not.
    Julia: Yes, I am. I'm choking. Why aren't you laughing?
    Julia: Isn't it so funny?
    Grace: Oh, joking? Yes, yes, hilarious.
    Julia: I know. Choking is my favorite.

    Hope y'all are having a great new year with your lil big three year old!

  2. 3 year olds rock! Love Julia dialogue. I laugh every time.

  3. Sticking with the 3 theme... I'm on day 3 of being home sick from work so this provided a much needed chuckle! I think my favorite is the baby in her tummy. Youngest. Mom. Ever.

  4. Happy belated birthday, Julia! And my boys are the same way with tv shows.

  5. It sounds like Julia felt really special on her big day, which is all that matters! And, man oh man, I love that last quote from her!

  6. On my niece's third birthday I took her out on the front porch to watch for guests (and so her parents could finish cleaning and decorating- both firstborns). We had a nice long conversation and to this day I am astounded at how articulate she was at three. My boys could all talk plainly and had an adequate vocabulary but Sarabeth could really have an empathetic conversation. She'll be 11 next week. The other day we had a long conversation about bra shopping and what styles are the most comfy, etc. It was a blink. Julia sounds like she was born grown. You're in for it, sister-friend!

  7. Gems, all of them. Good for you for being able to remember them, or at least for writing them down quick!

  8. choking/joking ~ have had many of the same conversations here!

    Hope she has a great year!

  9. you seriously have the funniest kid - if this kid I'm growing in my belly right now is not half as funny I don't know what I'm going to do with myself.

  10. someday i just want to hang out with her all day and just record EVERYTHING.

    maybe i'll quit school and go back to being a nanny. you can pay me in c/o shoes :)

  11. she is a HOOT. happy belated birthday to the choke-ster.

  12. That girl cracks me up!! I'm glad you are so chill about birthdays - as a newbie parent, I fell into th trap of big parties, gift bags, etc. No more of that...! We're all about the low-key celebration. My kids are thrilled with special breakfast, pick-your-own dinner and homemade cake. Plus presents. Presents are critical.

  13. LOL! Love Miss Julia!! Love her. Wishing her a Happy, happy, happy birthday and hopefully she will figure out the whole "letter/number" thing soon. I still get them confused! LOL!

  14. How adorable. Happy 3rd birthday Julia! I think Eire will be just as individual and outspoken and entertaining as you when she's your age.


  15. Jophine like to come over and practice sharing. She has two babies in her tummy and regularly gets married to nobody. Julia makes me laugh!

  16. look at that teeny tiny Julia. in the blink or something like that.

    happy birthday to her!

  17. As always quite funny!! I think Julia sounds like quite the cool cat! Happy belated birthday to her!

    Also - Letty turned three in August and insists every single color is blue. Heavy sigh.

  18. LOVE this. And for the record, Jacob and I are planning on downplaying our children's birthdays (and Christmas and any other holiday...) for as long as possible. Box of bandaids? Sounds like a GREAT present idea to me...

    Keep it simple. Keep it real.

  19. Oh how the years...and Julia is ever and always the coolest.

  20. Julia is HILARIOUS when she it choking!

  21. "She loved it and she won't remember it." Way to go! I'm baffled at some of the "Baby is One!!!" parties I see cluttering my facebook newsfeed. Note to parents, your one-year-old absolutely does not care, so maybe a three-tier cake isn't necessary.

    Conversations with Julia are the funniest. Such a wacky and sassy sense of humor, that one. :)

  22. Just found your blog via Modern Mrs. Darcy and am looking forward to reading more! :)

    My mouth popped open in surprise to see that you, too, have a spunky little Julia who loves her sleep! Mine is 3 1/2 and she brings us lots of laughs and joy. And she naps for about 3 hours a day. :)

    Perhaps this is prescriptive for other parents--? Name your kid Julia and you'll have an awesome sleeper? ;)

  23. Yeah, Grace, why don't you just be a pig in fecal matter. Happy Birthday Julia!!!

  24. haha julia is awesome! happy birthday to your girl grace!
    p.s. glad you all are over the plague :)

    mama daze blog

  25. i wish i had a Julia. good god i love her.

  26. This was the highlight of my day. Love me some Julia :)
