
13 November 2013

"ladies and gentleman ....

.... boys and gewls ... welcome to the Julia instrument show!!!!"

I was on spoon-taps-counter and Sebastian was on, "bad moon!!!" as he claims - and he right ... bad mood Bash ...

I KNOW his nose needs to be wiped - it won't stop running. It's run about 99 marathons in the past five days and we're beyond the 'get a tissue' stage .... I've used his sleeves, my sleeves, a rogue clean sock, a pot holder, and this post to wipe the nose that can't stop won't stop ever.

Okay here's some stuff about some things from all over the internet. Click them all - you won't be sorry.

I'm sure this is old news to all y'all but ... yee-haw.

This blog slays me with its pretty. And her hair - I vant.

Kayla put together a sweet post about sentimental articles of clothing. She even let me throw my contribution in. Check it out.

Simon hates caramel (WHAT - I still don't get it and every fall I have these absurdly idealistic visions of the family making caramel apples on some cold afternoon after the kids cheerfully wake up from their lengthy naps which is insane because have you met our children - and every fall Simon shoots the vision to absolute shite because he hates caramel .... no comprendo, dude) but I went ahead and made caramel apples slices during naps the other day using this recipe and I'm still thinking about them even though it was more of caramel sauce on apple slices - they were too good. I also can't stop obsessing about sushi - from the grocery store. I know - help me.

Jenny and her writing. I can't get enough.

I'm reading this book and ... eh. Have there been any books you've read recently that you can't put down? Hit me. Please.

Not that I have ANY idea what I'm talking about but I wrote a little post with some blogging tips over here! And if you're in the market to give your blog a little facelift .... go here here here!!!!

And now I'm off to research some solid morning sickness cures because it's gotten to the point that Theo now mimics my morning sicks with fake coughs and a giggle and more fake coughs. Not funny ever, little dude.

You just keep trying to crawl .... we'll be here all year.


  1. Aw little Bash! I have the same won't-stop-running runny nose! I feel his pain... and the pile of tissues on my floor's pain.

  2. I know it's old news but I just read The Hunger Games and loved it.

  3. Henry's had quite the little nose faucet lately and I am kind of annoyed with people telling me his nose is running. Because they always say it was the unspoken tone of "you need to wipe his nose." Well, wiping his nose is practically a full-time job and he HATES it when I do it and I would rather look at a little snot than have him grunt and groan every time I approach him because he thinks it will result in a nose wiping.

    Longest sentence EVER. You catch my drift.

  4. Have you read the Divergent series? I haven't finished Allegiant yet so I can't attest to the entire series, but I read Divergent (the first in the series) until 2am the other night (so read at your own risk).

  5. Whey Protein Isolate helped during my all day morning sickness when I was preggo with my kids. I would start sipping on it when I woke up...and it kept everything at bay and made life more bearable...It was a nice change from the peanut butter and milk diet I was on...

  6. I had brutal morning sickness while pregnant with both my kiddos and my doctor told me to take zyrtec. And I counted it as a small miracle that it cured that nasty evilness.

  7. I just finished The Panopticon by Jenni Fagan and loved it. I'm also currently working on Allegiant...don't be fooled by the 525 pages--it's a pretty quick and easy read.

  8. Reading? What's that? Gracious, I can barely find the time with one 12-week little, so if you ever feel like you are not a super-Mom... doubt no more. So nothing recently, but "The Red Tent" by Anita Diamant is one of my all-time favorites. And anything by A.J. Jacobs will have you doubling over in laughter (The Know-It All is a favorite of mine).
    Is it just me, or does Bash look like he's a surly 13 year-old in the first picture?

  9. Wait...morning sickness? Did I miss something?

  10. Oh. the. snot. After lecturing the kid not to use her clothes to wipe boogers i promptly took her dress from her and wiped her nose. star parenting.

    So I'm not gonna lie...I've thought "man, Grace must not have morning sickness to be so open to life so often." sorry. thats horrid right? but now that my morning sickness is over im already going, oh pregnancy, in a year and a half,...bring it! So I thought you were super-human ;-) Forgive me! Prayers it ends soon because oh my gosh...that sheeeeet ain't fun!

  11. I cannot cannot cannot put down The Night Circus (except for when I am forced to because of working/driving/churching/etc)...Goodreads told me I'd love it and it wasn't lying:

  12. If you like historical fluffy romances, I would highly recommend Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson. I'm combatting my own morning sickness with gingersnaps. I figure ginger in cookie form has to help . . . wishful thinking :)

  13. Have you read "Cutting for Stone?" If not, you should!

  14. I used Ginger lousanges when I had issues with morning sickness. In my first pregnancy it went on for five months. Fun! Maybe there is something at Whole Foods.

    I give Miss Courtney "Coldcalm" when the nose runs like a faucet. I know they have a kids formula. It's a homeopathic staple in my house.

    As for reading I love Tamera Alexander, she writes historical mysteries. I am also a Jennifer Wiener fan as well as Emily Griffin and Jane Green.

    Happy Reading!

  15. Calling Me Home by Julie Kibler. A recent release and I really enjoyed it.

  16. Beautiful Ruins is a great read!!!

  17. I'm currently reading the book thief and love it though I'm afraid it will spoil the movie for me. Man's search for meaning is good but might be a little on the sad/psychological side for normal people ;)

  18. Dear heavens, I thought Wedding Night was terrible. And I love Sophie Kinsella. Have you read "What Alice Forgot?" One of my all time faves.

  19. Holy crap HER HAIR. And I was finally getting happy with my length. Sigh.

    When I was pregnant with #2 Wes used to go around mimicking my barf noises. Yes, thank you, very entertaining, don't you need to go take a nap or something?

  20. I looooved:
    - Bel Canto (Ann Patchett), read it super fast. Also
    - Gold (Chris Cleave),
    No-One Ever Has sex on a Tuesday (Tracy Bloom),
    The Rosie Project (Graeme Simsion)

    Anything by Monica McInerney, Katie Fforde, Philippa Gregory...or Diana Gabaldon.

    As for non-fiction suggestions :(if that is your jam): Sweet Poison (David Gillespie), Staziland (Anna Funder), The Paradox of Choice (Barry Schwartz)...

    :) I'm such a nerdgirl!

  21. John Green is really big right now and a good author. All seem to love his book The Fault in Our Stars, but I enjoyed looking for Alaska more, but I may also be going through an anti love sap stage since I don't know, maybe birth?

  22. I bought a 6 pack of Yummy Earth peppermints on Amazon. They helped a lot... although towards the end, they reminded me of being sick so they made me sick on their own. Good fun. :) And bonus - my kids loved them so if I got nauseated, I'd just pass of my half-eaten mint as a reward for "getting your hiney in the car seat before I vomit", so we all win.

  23. If you can stand the taste of ginger...ginger candy sold at Trader Joe's.

  24. I love Sophie Kinsella, but Wedding Night was NOT her best effort. Can You Keep A Secret and I've Got Your Number are my two faves of hers. Peppermint candy was my go-to morning sickness cure. What Alice Forgot by Lianne Moriarty is good. I can't think of anything else off the top of my head at the moment.

  25. Just the mention of The Fault in Our Stars makes my heart break a little (so good) so I'll have to read Looking for Alaska.. here are some that might strike ya fancy-

    SIsterland by Curtis Sitenfeld (set in STL -so kinda interesting in that aspect alone)
    In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson (Lalalaloved it)
    The Cuckoo's Calling- JK Rowling
    The Husband's Secret- Liane Moriarty

    And just for the record...surly 13 (and now 14) year olds truly cannot pull off the cuteness that is Bash...just wait and see

  26. Hi! First time commenting but avid reader since mentioned by your series, peppermint tea and peppermint candies. Not to be confused with spearmint because who eats those??

  27. Preggie Pop Drops got me through my first trimester and then some. And copious amounts of flat ginger ale as per the school nurse (I was a teacher).

  28. I've found Psi bands to work. Not miracles-but enough to function.

  29. Isn't it funny what we deem usable in the snot wiping department? Well, funny to moms. Horrendously disgusting to the rest of the population. But, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. And ain't that the truth in parenting!?

  30. Oh my gosh Theo is so funny and one of these days I just might die off an over cuteness attack from him! I hope your sickness ends soon. I have heard sweet pickles will help-if only to prevent vomit.

  31. The Bronze Ladder! Or The Mark of the Lion series! Love, love, love.

  32. Ohhh, you must have read my mind! I was just thinking of looking up a caramel apple recipe and was having the same lovely thoughts of doing our own caramel apples (must be the cold weather). Then I realistically looked at my life right now and decided to buy some from the store! Ha, seriously, the Happy Apples they sell are really good! They never last long around here, I slice the apple off the stick and then slice it up when we're ready to eat one. Sorry Simon hates em, but hey, more for you, right?

  33. prevacid and/or zofran. Zofran gave me lots o,f ahem, digestive side affects, but kept me out of the er. Taking working one prevacid every afternoon keeps the yuck nausea inducing acid at bay. At least enough that I could buy all the candy apples that were on clearance at whole foods after halloween. Feel better!

  34. I bought _Wedding Night_ for balcony reading on our honeymoon and I agree, it was sort of meh. But I read both _The Undomestic Goddess_ and _Can you Keep a Secret?_ recently, and both were much more fun/interesting and what I would expect from Sophie Kinsella. Also, if Kinsella-ish is the general genre you're looking for, I recommend Katie Fforde -- she has a lot of titles, some of which are better than others, but all of which are light and entertaining. I read _Wedding Season_ most recently and really liked it!

  35. I absolutely LOVED Me Before You by JoJo Moyes. I tore through that book because I couldn't help myself, and then was so sad it was over. Also noteworthy lately: Tell The Wolves I'm Home, Ties That Bind (the new StoryCorps book) and anything by Diane Chamberlain. :)

    Hope your morning sickness goes away soon!

  36. That is NOT caramel, and the Pioneer Woman ought to be ashamed of herself.

    Sorry. I just love caramel. Caramel is just so easy to make, there doesn't seem to be much point to "easy" versions. You just cook sugar until it's your desired color of brown, then add butter, cream, salt, and whiskey*cough*vanilla and whisk it into submission. I'll admit it takes a while to cook, but I accept no fakey brown sugar containing substitutes.

    We made caramel apples this year. They were sooo delicious, and everyone liked them. But I didn't have the right sticks to impale my apples with - I used bamboo skewers and they broke when you tried to eat the apple. So we had to use fingers. Darn.

    Look. I have issues with caramel. How about I do the caramel making, and I'll mail you a box and you can help me with the caramel eating?

  37. Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson. I haven't like a book so much in years. I re-read it 4 times this month. I know that makes me weird and I really don't care.

  38. Sophie Kinsella's novels are a fun little escape. I usually listen to them on audio when driving. I agree, that "Wedding Night." was just

    Have you ever read "The Guernsey Library and Potato Peel Pie Society" ? It is a few years old, and not at all like Sophie Kinsella, but I found it to be an enjoyable read.

    Ginger Chews from the ginger people worked well to alleviate morning sickness for my last two pregnancies and even helped when my the pain med from my ankle surgery caused nausea. They are strong, but my nine year old eats them like candy.

  39. I'm with you on the morning sickness (well not right at the moment but you know what I mean). The older two (at two and one) called them mommy's hiccups and then freaked out when they got the actual hiccups. And then Ellie wanted to stay in the bathroom all day and told me that she couldn't eat her dinner because the baby in her belly was making her not feel good. Nice try, girlie.
    I carry around a flat fold cloth diaper during cold season. Sometimes one for each kid--I look like a walking clothesline. The wiping area is so much better than those pathetic tissues and I don't like the crusty sleeve look.

  40. Best ending line ever.


    In middle school my sister wrote a haiku that I think is appropriate for Bash:

    a curse, a curse a
    curse upon this endless snot
    a curse, a curse, a...

    (she's weird.)

  41. Confession: I almost always wipe Sam's nose with one of the socks OFF HIS FEET, and a lot of times, I just put it back on. When he is a dad, he will understand.

    Also, Santa Clara. Woot Woot.
