
23 December 2013

BREAKING: house mouse leaves house in housecoat

housecoat: A Pea in the Pod via thredUP
diaper bag: c/o Lina Jake
boots: c/o Joules
scarf: piece of fabric from Joann's that I should probably hem

Life in the fast lane goes a little like this: I went from being pretty staunchly opposed to diaper bags to all of a sudd being the proud owner of two. Next thing you know I'm going to have wipe warmers in every room of the house. No, but this is a gem of a bag from Lina Jake and I have a couple of teeny trips sans kids (never did I ever think it would happen) planned in the new year and you can bet all your lettuce that this bag is coming with me - diaperless. On top of the 20% off promotion they have going on they are offering an additional 20% off with the code: LINAJAKE20 + CAMPPATTON20.

I've really been making a concerted effort to get myself out of the rut I've fallen into with the legging/boot situation and so the other day I stuffed my flared yogas into my slipper boots (aka Uggs aka awful aka foot pillows aka judge up a storm) and ventured out into the wild public. I still think it may have been a step in the right direction.

I mentioned in a post a few weeks back that I've never owned a bathrobe and got an email from one of my best friends, Ruth: I have to take hot sec to gasp --bathrobes are a reason in and of themselves to get pregnant!! It's basically like wrapping up in a comfy house slippers. all winter. And then you need a light jersey one for after showers and summer.

Everyone should have a Ruth in their life. Really. Anyway, I do have a housecoat (pictured above) and I'm not as embarrassed as I should be that I wear that dandy all day every day. Mostly just in the house but it has seen the light of the public sphere. Lucky public. I normally think maternity cardigan type things are ridiculous because you can just rock a regular cardigan unbuttoned over the bump but this is totally maternity (and was free from thredUP because after I ordered it they claimed it had a snag -- that I have yet to find) and I will totally wear it postpartum and nopartum and I think that's all the partums.

I started this book a few days ago and it was a little slow to start but now I can't put it down unless all three kids are in absolute hysterics .... I can read right through the crescendo of cries. Maybe because the vast (vast!!!) majority of the interactions I have with my friends are via email and text (not that that's a good thing - it's just how it is) so I relate? I'm not sure but if you're looking for a quickish read ... jump on it.

Raise your hand if you still have a chunk of Christmas shopping to do. Good. Me too.

Raise your hand if you're sweating a little bit and hoping that Amazon delivers in a big way today and tomorrow. Gooder. ME TOO. 


  1. LOVE THOSE BOOTS! How do you not own a bathrobe? I don't have ROOM in my closet for all my bathrobes. I have to store some in the basement. Ruth was right about needing a jersey one too. Truth.

    1. Mandy how about a garage sale just for bathrobes?:)

  2. Scrap of fabric looking awesome as a scarf - no big deal. You the cutest. :)

  3. The sweater looks so comfy I would wear it anywhere if I was with child…or without…
    And I too have been tracking and re-tracking all my online orders because at this point I think we might be telling the kids that Christmas is thursday. So here is to wrapping up a storm at some point!

  4. I'd like to add something to Ruth's comment- I've got a fleece house robe for cold times, a terry bathrobe (post shower), and a cotton house robe for warm times. I take my robes seriously, clearly. ;)

    Also, Joules wellies! I love Joules wellies! I've got those same ones in red, with a navy bow. Their clothes are fantastic as well, although pricey… so I tried to be good and go in the shop only around sales times. There's a Scottish-based shop called Ness that's similar to Joules, although (I think) slightly more affordable. And Ness has some of the best tartan bags… or so my shelf-full in my closet attests! But anyway, they sell tartan wellies and have most adorable "Welly Dogs" in their shops-
    Just thought with the welly-love in your house, the kids might get a kick out of that!

  5. So when I just saw the pictures, I was already thinking already about how I was going to comment about how much I love your purse... and then I saw that it's a diaper bag... which I have no need for... but I could still use it as a purse, right??

  6. I loved Fangirl by the same author. You should check it out after Attachments.

  7. Am I the only one that thought there was going to be a story about finding a mouse in your coat pocket?

  8. Thanks for making me feel better about Christmas shopping. Ahhhhh. I love your boots. And bag. I might shop for myself while I'm at it.

  9. Stop being the cutest pregnant woman in the universe. Fo shizzle. Boots, bag, sweater. Love.

  10. Okay, time to go back to Joann's for another "scarf."

  11. amazing:)) xo

  12. How do you make sweaters and leggings so cute and not frumpy? Seriously.
    I hope you have a merry Christmas and that Simon can be home for it! And that amazon delivers all of your and the rest of my gifts today, or we are in TROUBLE.

  13. Oh gosh, I keep glancing out the door hoping the USPS and Amazon Prime don't let me down.

    Also, I don't really get why people hate the Uggs. Do people who actually live in cold, snowy climates hate Ugg-like boots? If they do I must not be friends with any of them because snow + 2 degrees + windchill = slipper like boots *for the win* for every mom I know.

    Lastly, Grace, do you read paperbacks or do you mostly read e-books. And are you going to your library? I'm just wondering how you learn about all the new books you read and where you get them. You should write a post on that. :)

  14. I need another bag like I need a hole in my head, but the coupon code doesn't seem to be working - help! :)

    1. shoot!! I've emailed them and let them know. Will let you know ASAP!!

    2. Looks like it's working now.
      uh oh... look out credit card...

    3. Sure did! ^^Thanks!!

    4. Is the bag still working out for you, Grace? I've got a 3 month old and an 18 month old and def need a diaper bag upgrade. I'm afraid to pull the trigger on a large purchase...
      Pros and cons of the Lina Jake bag?

  15. Okay hi. Here I am, on my pc specifically to comment. treat me spaaaashial. Not really. But it's a true first world problem I have, and I believe in the power of Grace opinion to steer me right. Joules vs. Hunters.
    I've been dying to have wellies for an AGE. I got Hunters for Christmas but all I see now are cankles. AND the size is kind of big on me and I don't like wearing thick socks.
    I am such a wally wannabe that I am willing to clunk around in slightly big cankle Hunters BUT then you posted this with these sweet little Joules that I've never met before. How do they compare? You can email me at c2svellinger AT gmaildotcom if you wanna. Or write a Compare All The Wellies post. Either one. I'll be there.
    PS. Housecoat. piece of fabric. I envy the effortless creativity.

  16. Thanks for the book recommendation...I loved it!

  17. I would wear that thing all partums, too. So cute! I really need to get on the thredUP train with all the adorable and cheap finds you get.
