
19 December 2013

Julia Styles

shirts & leggings: thredUP
shoes: eBay

Playing with the Etch-a-Sketch ...
Julia: Okay, mom. Let me draw a map of everysing you do
Grace: Okay, great.
Julia: So here is Starbocks, and here is Wendy's.
Julia: And here is Target, and here is Costco.
Julia: And that's it!! 

Playing with the Etch-a-Sketch at a different date ...
Julia: Can you guess what I'm drawing, Bash?
Bash: Julia?
Julia: Well that is a good guess because I am drawing something beautiful but ... it's not me.

Waking up to snow ...
Julia: Oh, good. I've been wanting to wear my swimsuit.

Watching Sebastian swat at a bottle of Excedrin on the counter ...
Julia: No, Bash.
Julia: Those will kell you.

Listening to Sebastian throw a tantrum in the car ...
Julia: That's fine Sebastian.
Sebastian: tantrum rages on
Julia: The cops will just pull us over and put you right in gel. 

Hearing "Oh Holy Night" on the radio for the first time this season ...
Julia: Is this the Chicken Dance song?
Grace: um, no.
Julia: Oh!! The Macarena, sorry.

After she took a tumble and fell flat on her back on the sidewalk at the hospital ..
Grace: Are you okay?
Julia: I'm fine
Grace: Okay good
Julia: Sometimes I just need to lay down for a minute

While putting up the Christmas tree ...
Julia: I just LOVE dickering for Christmas
Grace: Oh, decorating?
Julia: Yes! dickering. Dickering is my flavorite.

While checking out a preschool and chatting with one of the teachers ...
Teacher: And how old are you?
Julia: Forty.


  1. Sometimes I think about the hilare that would ensue if our girls got to play/prance around together.

  2. She is the cutest! I love her hair. She is so smart too, you have to be just laughing all the time with her. Or maybe just some of the time :)

  3. I reeeeeeeeeeeally needed a laugh right now, and Julia delivered, as always. Gracias, Julia.

  4. Oh, Julia. I'm disappointed you forgot the hospital in your Etch A Sketch map. And thank your mother for taking you more places than I take my kids... their maps would be even smaller.

  5. she really is my favorite tiny human.

  6. oh my gosh, tears in my eyes! She is so, so funny. Awwww. Other people's kids are so cute.

  7. i SO needed that. thank you for the out loud chuckle and cheek muscle workout.

  8. Julia is a HOOT!! Have you ever thought of writing a book "Julia Said..."? I'd buy it!!

  9. Nice! When my oldest was two she would routinely tell people she was 26. Hope you find an awesome preschool!

  10. This kis is the best !!!

    Also, you need to do Bash Style, cause I love the way you dress J or she dresses herself.. but I have a little boy.. :-)

  11. Her hand over her mouth in the second picture! So sweet. Is it sad that I'm sad that she is growing up and looking at preschools? Yes, definitely.

  12. The Etch-A-Sketch....hahahahahaha!!! I needed that laugh this morning as I enter the last few days of pre-Christmas panic. And bless the very lucky teacher who gets to have her in pre-school. Have a Merry Christmas, my friend!

  13. I really l think you plan to post these right as I'm drinking my coffee. Julia has made me snort coffee up my nose more times than I care to admit.

  14. LOL!, I can wait for my soon-to-arrive grandson to give me such fodder... I Love it...

  15. I just need to lay down. Classic. I laughed so hard at that one. And I am sick with a bad stomach bug, so that's saying something.

  16. something beautiful etch a sketch. i just want to hang out with julia. i'll take you too, grace.

  17. hahaha! i love these posts. julia really is stylin'... also (hopefully this isn't creepy, ha! )..i had a weird dream last night that i met you in real life and me, you, the kids and 2 small dogs (??) in crates (??) were driving somewhere together. i have no idea where. what does it all mean?

    hope you guys have a very merry christmas!

  18. "Well that is a good guess because I am drawing something beautiful but ... it's not me." HAHAHA! This kid is too much. Amazing.

  19. I love these posts! She is adorable!

  20. "Gel" LOL! Love her! Too cute :) Merry Christmas Grace!

  21. She is a real riot. I have a box full of my kids funny sayings when they were little and they always loved when I pulled them as they were growing up to read them out loud.she's going to love these one day

  22. These are my absolute favorite posts of yours. I LOVE conversations with kids type posts.

  23. Can I just say, I love your kids! Too hilarious and adorable.

  24. So cute!! And I love how you layered her adorable.

  25. If I wasn't already feeling the sleepy warmth of my ambien kicking in, I would SOOOO show you my version of Julia Styles today - leggings, long sleeve tshirt and oversized fleece shirt. Oh, and fuzzy pink socks. I don't have the little purse but I can probably find something that would do. I could even rock that same hair style. I had it in two braids earlier. Because I'm 45 going on 4. Apparently she is, too.

    As Christians we don't believe in reincarnation but don't you sometimes feel like Julia has "been here before"? I had a kid like that. He was born grown. Anyways... thanks for the grins!

  26. these are my favorite!!!!! aloha.

  27. she is the funniest little girl ever. so great that you are writing these all down!!

  28. I have to tell you that though my husband only tolerates my insistence that he read many mommy blog posts, he genuinely laughs at and thoroughly enjoys Julia quotes. She kills us every time.

  29. I have to tell you that though my husband only tolerates (at best) my insistence that he read so many mommy-blog posts, he genuinely laughs at and enjoys Julia quotes. She just kills us, every time.
