
12 December 2013

little tiny bathroom facelift + un bump snap

This isn't really worth documenting but we don't really do home improvement projects ... ever so yes, it is worth documenting. I've mentioned before that the bathroom was a light shade of lime and it wasn't caps lock AWFUL but it was lower case awful. It has one of those blurry windows (can people see inside those? who knows) and is pretty dark so it was interesting to see how much darker the grey looked in a smaller and "darker" room - if that makes sense. It looks SO much better. And other than swapping out the lone nail that held some of my necklaces for a cheap eBay find (that Simon took one look at and told me he could've easily made .... oops), painting the walls, and hemming a piece of fabric and calling it a curtain ... I really didn't do anything. And yet still ... documentation. I want to find some white frames or something other than the awful black tri-frame with 18 month old photos but why is it that printing, framing, and hanging pictures is thee most difficult thing in the world for me? It just is.


Here we go with the before photos:

These pictures don't do the lime walls justice. So please imagine something limier. Thanks.

And the afters:

Most of my necklaces are in the guest room which is where no guests sleep (no bed) and all of my clothes live (it's just easier then heaving myself upstairs to change clothes + Simon is a closet hog, jk) and where Sebastian sleeps in a portacrib (but it's a realllly roomy portacrib!!!) - it's all very complicated around here. Anyway Sebastian is asleep right now so this is what I scrounged. Why am I typing this. Why do I have a blog.

The curtain is admittedly too dark. I had Julia with me at the fabric store and she assumed the quilting squares were little packs of underwear and was REALLY devastated to learn they weren't so I was distracted and made a hasty decision to the tune of her distress. Whatev. I'll call it eclectic chic. Or shit.

I included this to show the contrast between the grey wall and the white ceiling but I failed. It just looks a lot darker than the living room and now I am a person that really has a lot of thoughts on shades of grey paint so help me pathetic.

So that's that. My next venture is our attic suite. Not a suite - it's an attic but it's where we sleep. I'm working on Simon to let me spray paint our bedside tables gold. He is nawt exactly having it ... he'll come around. Just wait.

And the stars have finally aligned and I am returning to my little pilates/ballet (it's really hard, okay?) class tonight after a 4 month sabbatical (blaming night float, nausea, a 2 week long headache, and mostly laziness) and I just really want to wear a shirt that explains that I'm pregnant and not just 10 pounds heavier c/o a new found sedentary lifestyle .... although that's true too. Anyway -- bump photo. Or "boomp" as Julia says. 19.5 weeks (the .5 is very important!!!!!) ...

and 19 weeks with Theo. Yes, I'm bigger this time around. I really really thought both boys were definitely girls but I really think this one is a girl so let's see how wrong a mother's intuition can be. Again.

Oh and looking at the photo -- Julia decked my shirt with stickers. The life of a mother. It be oh so nutty.



  1. I love the necklace holder... we also have a small dark HORRID bathroom (not that yours was horrid, but ours is) and you have inspired me no end... ;)

  2. Patton bathroom lookin great! Love that necklace holder. And there is no way you are 19.5 weeks pregnant. At that stage in my third pregnancy you would have thought I was having sextuplets!! In other words if you were standing in front our rachel zoe right now she would say you look ba-na-nas!

  3. Love the gray! We have a lot of it in our house. And as for that tiny little bump - I think I was that size at 6 weeks with Sophie and wouldn't have considered ballet at 19.5, so my sombrero is off to you and all that.

  4. love that necklace holder! i think i'm starting to nest so in my spare time (and by that i mean when i ignore the dirty dishes and my toddler son flinging himself swan dive style off the couch) i've been scouring the interweb for home decor ideas. loving the changes you've made to your house :)

  5. Hi, Grace--I love how you are doing all of these projects around your house. I hope you are enjoying it too! I kind of love that blue-tiled wall. What a neat color! And I really don't think the curtain is all that bad; I actually think the pattern is really cute. If you're concerned about it, maybe consider hanging it to the other side of the window so that it isn't competing with the shower curtain. Also, instead of it hanging straight, maybe you'd like it sweeping to the side (sort of like this, but ignoring the frou-frou-ness: Or not.

    Oh, and I love your haircut! The length is very nice and clean on you. Is it growing on you? Because it looks great!

  6. That belly is TINY! I would never even guess you were pregnant.

  7. 19.5!!?!? That's what I look like at about 5 weeks! Love the room. And your hair.

  8. 19.5!!?!? That's what I look like at about 5 weeks! Love the room. And your hair.

  9. love the bathroom, love the necklace chic. You look fab with the stickers and booomp!

  10. I like the necklace holder too. Does St. Louis have a plethora of driftwood that is aching for Simon's craft skills? I too had a lime/mint bathroom. We went navy (took THREE coats and 1 gallon of paint to cover the lime in a 5 x6 cell). Love the boomp

  11. Really stunned that you're so small at 19.5 weeks! I would dream to be that small at 19.5 weeks. Oh well. Sweet Immaculata is worth the pounds.

  12. So cute at 19 weeks!! I think with #4 at 19 weeks, people were telling me I looked like I was "getting really close". Stomach muscle memory is not pretty...! You look fab - stickers and all!

  13. Fun update! Love the bathroom floor - I've always wanted a floor like that in my bathroom - not kidding.

  14. hmm kind of not liking you right now, Grace. I'm 10 weeks pregnant with my 5th and I'm four times your size. When I tell people I'm pregnant and how far a long they assume I'm carrying quadruplets!

  15. 19.5 weeks! How exciting!!

  16. The tones in the curtain are nice with the gray walls and aquamarine tile. It's just too... saturated, I guess. You could try sun bleaching it, to tone it down a little.

  17. Dying about the comment about "getting really close" because that's how I feel right now, at 21.5 weeks…. looking like I was with Claire about 2 days before delivery. Probably because I have done zero Jillian Michaels dvds in the last 3.5 years and she is cursing me… only probable explanation outside of triplets.

  18. I like the wood jewelry hanger thingie.

    I always wonder where you hide the baby. You are always so ridiculously skinny when pregnant.

  19. Skinniest preg ever. And your hair!!

  20. You are so so little!! My stomach is prob three times bigger. Ok, off to eat a bagel.

  21. Okay, this is the first pregnancy that's happened since I started reading your blog...ridiculous! Skinny-mini! You look like an old-school pregnant person, back when they used to tell women not to gain any weight. My mom was 8 months pregnant before anyone could tell, you are just like her. This is all meant to be compliments about how tiny and fit you are, but I have a toddler and a two month old, so I'm too sleep deprived to re-read this and make sure it came out right. :) you're beautiful! Congrats on the new little one!

  22. You are just the cutest little pregnant girl ever. That's what I look like (I like to delude myself, picture wider hips by a lot) and I'm 15 weeks. But you work out more than I do and I assume that you don't drink nearly as much chocolate milk. :) Congratulations on your pregnancy again!

  23. Oooo, I really want to make that necklace holder. I'll let you and Simon know how easy it was. ;)

  24. "Why am I typing this. Why do I have a blog." You make me laugh out loud - seriously!

    Bathroom looks great! And you at 19.5 weeks is what i looked like at 4 weeks with my #4!! :-)

  25. Wow. I am only two weeks ahead of you in the pregnancy department but if we compared bumps it would look more like ten. However, I am relieved to see that there is someone else in the world that has their bathroom tiled in that exact shade of green.

  26. You halfway done with being pregnant looks like me on a regular Thursday.

  27. Not sure how well mother intuition will work with guessing gender. I know someone who had a few boys was dying for a girl, got pregnant , had 3 sonograms, was told it was a girl 3x & had another boy.

  28. I am pregnant with my 5th and for each of my pregnancies I started showing earlier and just generally always look further along than I actually am. I credit this to the further destruction of my abs with each pregnancy. With 3 girls and 2 boys, I've never seen a correlation to what the bump looks like vs. what gender it is. But then again, I also haven't really tried to exercise NEARLY as much as you do. Bathroom and bump are super cute!

  29. you are teeny tiny! pretty sure i look like this after a cheeseburger! ;) the grey looks great!

  30. Pro tip from my mom cuz she duz shit like this all the time:

    Once she wanted my dad to take out the brick fireplace in our living room, but he wasn't having it. So, she painted it lime green and left it that way until he cracked (3 days later).

    All the time. So many shenanigans.

  31. Bad blogging friend here, because I DID NOT KNOW YOU WERE PREGNANT! You're due like a week after me. Boo-yah!

  32. Love it! Love the Bathroom Re-Do (You are a brave woman having your jewelry hang above the potty..Ummm yes, it will forever be called "Potty" in the Kingdom of Momdom) Also, after 3 weeks of using Paula's Choice I am forever SOLD. My skin has never looked so (consistently) good. Thank YOU for introducing us :) (Now, if only I could afford the fancy lotion you rave about! ;)

  33. 13 years ago I didn't know how to wash the fan cover over the stove--Yes yes I AM THAT LAME--now we've just finished a remodel of the main floor of our house--we did all the work ourselves from refinishing wood floors to building our own counters and we are not super talented just not afraid to make mistakes and not afraid of hard work--what I'm saying is this, it's the DOING that's important not getting it perfect--and really wait for all children to be above the age of two if you go big time because no one wants to potty train in the middle of chaos--I LOVE that you're 20 weeks along and painting stuff with a baby and 2 others besides

  34. I love the tile in your bathroom, it's pretty pretty! Saw the necklace holder over on the gram and made note to try to make one, totally stealing it! Also, you look amazing for 19.5!

  35. Wow, I am super envious of your figure. I'm 5 weeks ahead of you with my #3, and I've been especially super healthy this pregnancy, but there is NO WAY I could ever have a belly like that. I get so huge. :( Sigh. But you look amazingly awesome!

  36. Love your sticker shirt...I accompanied Ben to the DR last week and upon my return to work was called to the ED for a trauma (was the guy having a baby? no! So I felt super out of place pretending I knew how to help the trauma nurses). One of the nurses called me super kid.....I looked down at my scrub top and it was littered with stickers, the biggest one, SUPER KID. Thanks Ben.

  37. "bigger this time around" I just...I can't...I looked and looked and squinted and looked some more. If I recall how I felt around 19.5 weeks and project that on to you, I'm sure you don't *feel* as great as you look. Gosh, 19.5 and I had a semi-perm hunch from 24/7 "morning" sickness. And let's not talk about what my hair looked like then. Well Grace, if ever I was actually going to start exercising, your bump photos provide just the motivation! You're looking great and I hope feeling even better!
