
03 February 2014

27 weeks

stripes - Goodwill (altered)
pants - Soon Maternity
bag - c/o Lily Jade
tapestry - from my Gram
boots - Frye via eBay

Alright. Here's the point in the pregnancy where I start walking that very fine line between feeling like I've slipped into a suit of straight fluff and knowing that there are still lots and lots of weeks to go and the puff is here to stay and play for a long while. I didn't think I'd ever be able to give Julia's pregnancy a run for its money in the puffy department but ... I'm good at exceeding expectations because the money is mine. In true Simon fashion he said I was being absurd but then I showed him photos of Theo's gestation at 27 weeks and he had no choice but to diplomatically admit that I'm just carrying this baby, "differently". Exactly. Even Julia has a lot of questions about the rate in which old Mom's body is expanding, "so ... when is MY stomach going to blow up like that?" and we'll stop there but she proceeds to move north and keep on asking and asking.

Anyway - I willn't wish a pregnancy away ever and I'm not feeling terrible. When Simon is home to protect me from the predators that are lurking outside waiting to chop me up into 9 million bits I'm sleeping really well and although I wish the weather would warm just enough for me to power walk or slow wog it around the 'hood a few times ... I don't feel like too much of a sloth quite yet. Maybe I'm the only preg that ever feels this way (because I'm the only person to be pregnant ever .... as you all know) but the thought of bending down to pick anything off the floor while I'm holding one of the kids .... it's just ... too ... much. I know I would get permanently stuck in the bent down position and this is why I'm so happy that the two older kids have reached the, "can you grab that diaper/wipe/sock/dinner crumb off the floor for me?" milestone because I'm starting to be a little bit manic about having a clean house at all times which drives everyone insane. More on that never because if you came over you would throw your head back and cackle at my definition of clean.

I was going to talk about baby names here but I think I'll do a whole post on it because I love love love hashing about baby names and while we aren't totally decided on potential names for this baby and I don't think I'd ever share thee names only because Simon and I are more "on the way to the hospital" deciders .... it's still fun to hear other people's thoughts and how they came to name their little own cherubs. Or maybe I'm the only one in the club on this topic. You can skip that post. I'll never know.

I was going to quickly ask if anyone has a Blanqi? I think this baby is probably giving me a perpetual hug around the hips or the nightly salted chocolate (oh! actually ... extra salt AND a little more salt to be safe) milk shakes are catching up to me but a little smoothing of the thorax sounds awesome and was wondering if anyone loved theirs? Type now or forever hold the keys to my potentially less lumpy midsection. Please. I would kneel down to beg but only if I'm not holding a child.

27 weeks with Julia
27 weeks with Sebastian
27 weeks with Theo

Now someone go find me a link to a pregnancy diary with lots and lots and lots of pages so I don't subject you to another one of these funions.


  1. I feel like my bump and my feelings totally mirror yours. Except I just hit 19 weeks. So I shall try not to panic about how many weeks are between 19 and 27 and instead just say love the outfit and sentiment.

    RE: Blanqi, I saw a writeup about it on The Small Things Blog...Kate made me want to order one...though once again, I feel like that falls into the too-soon department. I'll be waiting to order until its a more mentally acceptable date...maybe when I am in the twenties.

    Loved seeing the comparison posts!

  2. I have a Blanqi, and I love it. My joints loosen up earlier and earlier with each successive pregnancy, and it's been really nice to have a simple shirt to throw on that offers some support (as well as smoothing, etc.). I don't even think it makes things too hot--with my second child, I wore it through a particularly warm summer and really didn't hate it. Overall, I'd call it a win.

  3. You look so pretty, friend. And salted chocolate milkshakes?? Do tell.

  4. You look gorgeous! I cannot imagine you thinking any other way. However, I know the feeling. I also love lamenting about names - we're having the hardest time just picking one. Hopefully soon! Lastly, I do have a blanqi, and I love it for that purpose. It took me a little while to get used to, but now I wear it with almost everything. I got the long one and am so glad I did.

  5. Is there a recipe for the milkshake or do you just buy one from McDonald's and put the shaker to it?

  6. I'm really eager to learn more about the Blanqi! I've been looking into getting a maternity support belt because at 29 weeks I'm feeling a lot of aches and soreness, but the Blanqi might be a good alternative (and a lot less geriatric looking, haha). Please let us know if you end up trying it out!

  7. You're stunning, and this is the first picture I have seen that you actually look pregnant! It took 27 weeks, pat yourself on the back, or the bump. And Blanqi yes! I only got it during my last pregnancy because I guess I carried my boys completely different than my daughter, but I needed something to help support me and a crane just didn't seem to fit into our budget. So I vote yay.

  8. You look totally gorgeous, per usual. I can't believe how good pregnancy looks on you.

    I have the Blanqi and like it...but I feel you can find something cheaper that does the job as well. It's not $70 fantastic. I still actually use it (embarrassing) as my nursing undershirt for public feedings and I really like it for that. I put the Bilbo Baggiest sweater I can find on and the Blanqi underneath just in case Weston gets expose-the-mom fingers.

    You know I'd expound even more.. but Wes just wrapped himself into a full burrito with the blanket I set him down to play on. I think he's starting to panic. I'm gonna go rescue him and all but I have to take a picture first :)

    You look great!!

  9. Wait - you actually hold your other children while you're pregnant?! ...Oh yeah, I mean - me, too.

    Stunning. As always.
    (And still giving you permission to name the baby girl Joan Bernadette, if you so desire and if it's a girl.)

  10. Since you hardly look puffy at all and are just now looking pregnant, I am holding on to every ounce of hope I have in my being that for my next pregnancy, I won't balloon up as much as I did with Henry. Because seriously... I don't even recognize myself in those pictures. It can't be me.

    But... if this pregnancy is more mimicking Julia's does that possibly mean there could be another girl Patton on the way? :)

  11. I'm squinting really hard and I can't see a single puff. I believe you, though, since you aren't prone to exaggeration. :) I think you look the biggest in the picture of Julia, so wow! Go you! That's so impressive. I'm 17 weeks with number 9 and my belly is the same size as yours. For real. And the rest of me? Well, let's not even go there. In your spare time, you should be a pregnant model.
    I can't even wait for this upcoming name discussion, so let's just make it tomorrow, okay? And about that chocolate milkshake.... inquiring minds and all that.

  12. Can't wait to read about names! My hubby and I are, names must be picked out before baby comes into existence kinda namers. I had some rando preggo musings when I was 35ish weeks with #3 but that'd be boring for you since you one upping me : )

  13.'re looking awesome. I'm a week or so ahead and week 28 was a doosie for me...but I was also bigger than you at 27. See illustration below:

    (p.s. I miiiiight be that weekly pregnancy blogger that makes you feel better about this update.)

    I'm an art teacher and I can totally relate to the whole bending-over-seems-impossible thing because I totally take advantage of the twenty or so able-bodied children around me to pick up everything I drop (and dangit if it doesn't seem like I am dropping things twice as often these days). I'm not even toting a toddler around!

    I have also thought about a Blanqi or something similar (Target has this...which I guess is cheaper than the original: because it seems like everywhere I go I have to physically pick up my bump so it will move.

  14. Yes, a name post! Doooo it!:) I love talking baby names and hearing people's stories of naming their children. Have you shared how you chose Julia/Sebastian/Theodore? We decided long before our boys were born that if we had two sons, we'd name them Finn and Eamonn. We love the names although I definitely felt a bit of name regret after Eamonn was born. Maybe I'm an idiot but I just didn't think it would be THAT hard for people to grasp. It is a real name albeit difficult to pronounce (aymin rather than Eamonn). Anyway. Names post. Please:) And, you look awesome. How is this your fourth baby and you weren't seriously showing until now??

  15. Love your outfit! And I bought a Blanqui based on all the positive reviews...I think I'm in the minority, but I don't love it. It doesn't seem to be much more than (a $70) tight tank top...

  16. Stunning! You're making me really miss having a baby inside my belly. I haven't looked at the comparison pics, but does carrying differently mean girl?? ;)

    And you know I love pregnancy talk, any and all. We have actually already started talking names about any boys we would have because we are hot out of boy names and we are crazy people who talk about names when our youngest is three months old ...

  17. are crazy. I think this is the smallest bump yet!

  18. you look fantastic! i'll def be reading the baby names post...i love hearing what people are naming their kids. i may or may not have an excel sheet of names for our future kids. i'll never tell.

  19. super cute outfit! And these pics match your new blog look! Nicely done :)

  20. You are one of the cutest pregnant ladies I have ever seen. Seriously, you carry those babies beautifully. :) And I vote "yes" on doing a name post. You're not alone, that stuff is interesting.

  21. this is my 2nd pregnancy using the 2 blanqis i bought.. they're great!! i wear them with everything and my back definitely feels the difference when I don't! they've held strong through 2 pregnancies, so i think the investment is worth it!

  22. Milkshake recipe, NOW please, for the love of all things holy. Share that bad boy with us.

    You could still pass for not pregnant from the front! And I'm sure that's definitely true from the back! It doesn't matter how the heck you are carrying any of your babies--you are still the cutest pregnant lady.

  23. I used my Blanqi for two pregnancies so far and LOVED it! Go for it! :)

  24. You are so tiny! I always laugh when you tell us you feel big. Your feelings are lying to you. :) When I'm pregnant I probably ask my toddlers to hand me stuff off the floor about 93 times per day. So handy. I also use my toes when no toddlers are about.

    Also, I remember you saying you didn't like your diy haircut. I just cut mine in long layers and it also came out super blunt looking. The solution I found was-razor the ends. A pro might be horrified at it but it looks fine to me/my more fashion conscious sisters.

  25. You look wonderful! I checked out your prior pregnancy pics, and I'd say you were 'smaller' with both boys… but you are still smaller than you were Julia. Maybe this one's a girl?!

  26. I've got Target's version... Bumped by Blanqi and it was the only way I worked up until my due date as a nurse in the ED. Offered tons of support, smoothed everything out, and didn't make me sweat to death.

  27. Approaching third trimester in horizontal stripes? Only you could pull this off, lady! Love the site redesign, too.

  28. Okay, I'm 21 weeks and I'm larger than you so my mirror says (I don't do the weekly pregnancy photos because I never have -- this is baby 5 -- and I can't seem to remember to, even if I want to), so don't worry about puffy. Of course, I had a spot of the stomach flu over the weekend (during pregnancy?!? what kind of torture IS this?!?), so I may actually be smaller at 21 than 20...

  29. 27 weeks pregnant, and you still kick style bootie! Please come teach me how to tie scarves. Yours looks adorable, and mine tend to look like they are about swallow my head.

  30. Have you ever read Swistle Baby Names blog? It's really neat-she has people write in and she does research on the popularity of names and suggests things that fit well together and the like--read it LOVE IT write to her!!!

  31. Since you think it's a girl, may I suggest the name Colleen? And then I can be her fairy godmother? Deal?

  32. Umm... you are tiny. And if that is your version of "puffy," well, I don't think you know what "puffy" means. :)

    Yes to the name post! I cannot get enough of baby names. I think we're going to have at least eight kids to satisfy my naming obsession.

  33. You really do look fantastic! (I don't have much to say, but I figured that I stalk you so much, I should start commenting occasionally so I don't frighten you. I promise I'm not the chop you into bits type of stalker.)

  34. YES to the Blanqi!! I lived in mine for Sophie's pregnancy (didn't have it with G). I love that thing so hard. Can't wait for the baby name post! I love seeing what names other people like/use and finding new ones.

  35. Okay, wow, as soon as the first pic loaded in my feed I thought, "doesn't she ever 'look pregnant?" But seriously, you look BEAUTIFUL. And you carry well. I'm all 5'2" and looked like a giant beach ball with arms and legs and a smaller beach ball (my head) on top with my three. Not looking for sympathy but just to let you know, all women think they look huge and we all carry so funny and differently. (I carry low, no torso and all...) Anyway, I love baby names and with the exception of our youngest, our oldest didn't get named til after we looked at them. In the case of the second one 8 hours after we first saw him. Our oldest we changed the name after we saw her. Thankfully, we hadn't told anyone the name.

  36. You look gorgeous and I loooove your hair. Looks perf.

  37. I don't know if your little preggo self could possibly be any cuter! You look beautiful. And "yes" to the name post. I'll contribute my boring story...!

  38. Gosh- you are the cutestest pregnant person ever. I'm 23 weeks and pretty sure that my tummy is bigger than yours. Just found out we're having a boy. It seems like I get "puffy" girl pregnancies and "all gigantic tummy" boy pregnancies. Also, I would so appreciate a name post and we're jumping on that train now.

  39. Totally a girl! You were way smaller with your boys. You look great!

  40. I would really like to be this stylish while carrying a child. I would also like to be this thin and pretty when I'm carrying a child.

  41. You make pregnancy look great! You carry so well and I thought you looked small for 27 weeks until I looked at your past pregnancies! I wish I was like that!
