
15 March 2014

un triumphant return

No one noticed you were gone you self absorbed mom blogger you.

I know. I know.

oh, I know.

I noticed though. I've mentioned before that I hate not blogging and this week was no exception.

I'll give a little rundown of where I've been:

sick. like the rest of humankind this winter/spring/winter/winter/winter/winter so that's not very exciting but it came attached to the kind of fatigue that rivals night float months.

cleaning the dryer. and cleaning it some mo. someone poured detergent in the (thankfully - empty) dryer and turned it on. Try to imagine that aftermath .... because it was beautiful. The laundry room door is always locked and the kids cannot reach those buttons so I blamed Simon which went over realllllllllly well (hey! he sleep walks ... it wouldn't be that out of the realm of weird). But the only other option is an intruder and I just can't let my mind wander down those kinds of horror corridors. 

Listening to Julia sing, "because we thirst" ..... over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. I'm assuming it's a song she learned at school but it has really made an impression on her. And that's the only line she knows. Over and over and over and over and over.

Coddling Theo. Simon had an interview in Indiana on Wednesday so he was gone Tuesday night and Theo cried. Until 5 in the am. It was thee most frustrating night of parenthood to date which is pretty impressive and I'm hoping it holds that title forEVER. I later discovered that two molars had popped through but one would assume he severed a limb with the manner in which he was carrying on.  

sorting through my feelings of disgust regarding the season finale of the Bachelor. Directly after the After the Final Rose special Sebastian looked at me kind of funny, projectile vommed all over my lap, and then confessed he thought he had the hiccups, "BIG hiccups!!" Right-o. It was an isolated incident but I think it tangibly sums up his mother's sentiment toward the entire season. No pressure, Andi. No pressure at all.  

Looking around for Instagram cessation classes. Because I have a problem. Life will go on if you don't narrate it via cellular phone photo, Grace. I mean ... I tell myself that but do I really believe it? Nope.

mourning the loss of a sub par slideshow. You know I love a good slideshow with photos and text. I spent little snatches of time putting one together all week and then yesterday *poof* ... it was gone. I had that gross sinking feeling that I'd just lost all trillion pages of my senior thesis (equally poorly put together) and then I realized that maybe I need to back the blogging train up and getareallife. Really.

trying to type this post outside in the beautiful blistering sunshine because the molar master is learning to self soothe and rediscover the beauty of the afternoon nap whether he hates it or not. And its ont oing ervy wlel. (the typing .... the self soothing seems to have worked well .... like it always eventually does).

Taking some photos ...

Julia picked out this outfit all by her lonesome the other day. She also requests to be let out of the stroller at the sidewalk after we take a walk so she can walk to the front door by herself. Yet she BEGS to take her blankie everywhere we go. Three is a fun(ny) age.

Making Ansel Adams proud right here. But Theo pretty much always has his feet crossed and Julia pretty much always has her shoes on the wrong feet (and every single stranger tells her so ... like she's going to drop it like it's hot and switch them up on the spot. nope.).

After Simon got back from his interview in Alabama (did I tell you that story? ..... I would but it involves more child throw up so .... I'll leave you wondering. ) and Julia was being her notself.

After Grace got back from nothing and Julia still acting very odd and affectionate. I think I'm listening to Sebastian talk about his one true love ..... "chrucks!!!!!!!!!"

Bash in a frame.

Fun for all.

Julia loves a good game of "frow-dee".

Simon: Julia, it's actually pronounced, "friz-bee" ....
Julia: OHHHH, "FROW-dee" ...


And I'll think we'll end on that fascinating bit of Patton trivia. I've got places to go (pantry for food, food, and more food) and people to see (dragon children up from their slumbers).

You know how life is in the fastest lane.


  1. Well. I missed you bunches. Sorry you're not feeling well - hope it's passing. And teething it the worst and one of the things I don't miss the very most about toddlers. So even though I don't watch the Bachelor, a radio guy was talking about the other day and the scoop I have for you is that Aaron Murray's (quarterback for UGA) brother is going to be one of the new bachelor's with Andi (she's from Atlanta) and he's the supposed front-runner, since HE'S from Atlanta, too. So there you go. And I had a little bit of happiness at the thought of you and Simon moving to Alabama. Since that's just a hop away from the ATL. That wasn't stalker-ish at all.

  2. Hey, I DID actually notice you were gone. I have somehow accidentally subscribed to your blog twice in my Feedly (shouldn't that be impossible? I was in a haze of Google Reader grief... i dunno), and yet BOTH my subscriptions were glaringly free of updates. Hurtful. I'm glad you're feeling well enough to blog again!
    And the only other thing I have to say is that I have a compulsion to read each and every "and over" that you typed, so I started reading very slowly and carefully so as not to forget my place, and then realized I was crazy and got the point with a quick scan.
    I love your blog! Never stay away!

  3. Maybe Instagram had me feeling like you weren't even gone.

    Also, this was my first time watching The Bachelor for more than 10 minutes. I actually watched it from start to sad-sad-finish. Thanks all to Hulu. I think it speaks a lot about the show that I'm actually still interested. Funny recaps help.

    I need help. I actually went and purchased the previous Bachelor season because 1. I have a problem and 2. at least I know it ends well. I'm currently in the midst of Tierra practically freezing to death. It's all about the journey, amiright?

  4. Soooo.... doesn't Simon have any interviews up in the northeast? Say... Philly? Come on! Sure, there might be more snow and all, but I think you'd love it.

    1. haha he does have one in New Jersey ......... I'll be so happy wherever he matches but ... COLD.

    2. Well, NJ is right across the river. Kelly at This Ain't the Lyceum would be thrilled if you pick her side of the river. That would be ok, :) And also, do you know if I'm doing something odd that my profile pic from Wordpress doesn't show up on your blog?

    3. I did think about Kelly!! I would love that!

      And shoot. I've all but given up on Blogger's comment system. I'm really sorry! One of these days I'll get smart and switch to WP!!!

  5. You will looove Alabama spring, fall and winter if you end up here. Pulling for that to happen. It is only crazy winter every ten years or so, so you are good.

    1. haha I think that it was 70 on the days he interviewed definitely helped the cause!!! A few months and we'll know!! You know I'll keep you posted!

  6. I noticed you were gone. I took a mini-blogger vacay last week and you would have thought it was a missing jumbo jet from Malaysia from all the folks wondering if I dropped off the face of the Earth. I'm exaggerating. It was enough of an outcry that I try to not guilt other bloggers who are not feeling bloggy. Sometimes we just don't feel like entertaining, right?

  7. I missed you! And we call frisbee "crispy" in our house.

  8. Thank you for this post today. Kiddos are napping and I can always count on your posts for a good laugh and can relate on so many fronts. My just turned one year old is going through a fussy clingy stage and all 25 pounds of him want to be held ALOT. And my 3 year old wont stop singing "Let it go"and only those 3 words of the entire song. Hope the interviews are going well for your hubby, take care Grace and I hope your littles feel better soon!

  9. I NOTICED YOU WERE GONE! Every day at work when I went to check... 109304934 times... I noticed! OK, back to read the rest of the post...

  10. Welcome back! I always enjoy your posts :)

  11. I did miss your posts! I wondered where you were... Glad you're back, sorry it wasn't for fun reasons.

  12. That second picture makes me so sad, since little J looks like she's 18 and skipping into an R-rated movie. Doesn't she know we're all living vicariously through her childhood and she can never grow up???

  13. Please don't give up on the 'gram. Your pictures make me giggle. If you wanted to post a dozen times a day, that'd be fine too.

  14. Oh goodness, I LOVE the shoe photo! Perfection.

  15. My son used to wear his shoes on the wrong feet all. the time. And EVERYone would comment on it, just like you said. Thank you, yes, he just likes them that way, and I rel-ly rel-ly don't care ;)

  16. When Ellen started putting on her own shoes, it was a game changer. If one more stranger tells me her shoes are on the wrong feet, I am going to shove her sparkle boot in his mouth. Game changer. Leave it be.

    And, I haven't watched The Bachelor since high school, but I decided to watch this season's finale the other night anyway. My skin cuh-rawled at the awk of it all. It must have been a helluva season.

  17. "...the molar master is learning to self soothe and rediscover the beauty of the afternoon nap whether he hates it or not."
    Amen, sister.
    I pick Alabama!!

  18. After hearing you talk about the Bachelor in so many of your posts I have to ask... do you watch The middle? Because there was an episode in which the mom stays in PJs for a week after the Bachelor chooses the wrong girl according to her and it made me think of you and the other bloggers who are fans of the show

  19. I missed you! I even stalked Instagram to see if you were still posting and were ok. Yep, just admitted to being a stalker...glad to have you back!

  20. The ankle crossing made me smile. We have had two baby/toddler ankle crossers and it's just cute.

  21. Our first 4 kids were horrible teethers (all boys). 8 years after we had our last boy, we had our baby girl (what a suprise that was). Given our family history of teething, I bought Maggie, our baby girl an amber teething necklace. It is worn not chewed on. Teething was not an issue at all with Maggie. I was not completely sold. She is a girl a different child so maybe teething was not an issue. She broke her necklace and I decided not replace it. A few weeks later, she started to teeth. Long story short, we paid for over night shippinng. You can buy the necklaces that are safe for infants. Maggie wore her necklace until she was about 3.

  22. I noticed you were gone and I missed you!

  23. I missed you as well! And my state of Indiana! What city did he interview in?

  24. That tot sized strut in a fur vest. I die.

  25. where in alabama?!?!?! i grew up in montgomery! and i don't usually miss the south, but this time of year? i've missed it real bad.
