
30 April 2014

a progress report: one week in

bada bing ...

welllll, well, well.

Phoebe like, "take me back to the uterus. now."

I have all these deep and introspective things (nipple cream! why 4 kids is easier than 2 kids! yoga pants are my life blood! why aren't nipple shields the color of neon and flashing lights because clear blends into every surface under the sun!) to blog about but just as soon as I sit down to do so ... someone cries. And it's usually not me. So we'll see how far I get today. Simon says that for the next several months I just need to make peace with the fact that my posts will have to be shorter and he's right. So ... brevity! Not my strongest suit ... but broadening horizons and all those beautiful pointe shoes.

"look at her little face! it's so cute ... sometimes."

Anyway, vámonos.
(or is it vámos?)

the good
there's a lot of good! A surprising amount.
+ Phoebe sleeps a lot at night. I don't want to type, "she's sleeping through the night" because that is the kiss of death for night sleeping children but she's an incredible night sleeper and I know it's temporary but God bless some quality sleep.
(I told you! she heard me type-bragging about her and is now squawking but I'm going to try the nurse + type maneuver ... because I love this craft)
+ I know it's all in my doting mother head but Phoebe seems to have the sweetest disposition. Unless she's hungry - which is often. But those few minutes a day that she's awake and content and wrestling with the air ... she seems like she'll be a nice little girl.
+ Theo! I fully expected him to throw a month long temper tantrum about being dethroned because the child has needs and expectations. But, so far ... so wrong.

"Theo, go watch Pheobe and tell me if she blinks. Otherwise ... just sit. And stay."

Or don't.

He's content to walk around the house in search of innocuous mischief while bouncing back to check on Phoebe and then off he stumbles ... repeat. Small mercies. Except this one is huge.
+ the big kids. They've also been great. Julia didn't cry this morning when I dropped her off at preschool which was such a breath of happy air after the past several weeks of morning sob operas. So my silent but almost deadly morning long anxiety attack about getting all four kids in the car and to preschool drop-off without any major hiccups was all for nothing. Sebastian is mostly gentle with Phoebe and can be entertained by a mashup of fire truck clips on YouTube if I'm feeling super desperate (which I am! quite a bit!).
and the way to Julia's heart is through a good Easter candy bribe. and Grace is not above it.

the bad
+ Phoebe makes up for her spectacular night sleeping by nursing the majority of the day. It's fine - well, no it's not but it has to be for now. Sebastian was the same way and I know it's temporary but I wish I had a (showered, dressed, and less puffy faced) clone. The big kids know I'm helpless on the couch and definitely take advantage of my figurative absence by fighting to their heart's content in another room which takes my nerves straight through a grater but ... I'm sure it could be worse. I think.
+ I guess that's it but ... 3rd and 4th arms! I need you!!

the funny
+ Sebastian calls Phoebe, "Fifi" (like fee-fee) and I think he genuinly thinks that's her name. close enough.
+ I tried to hop in the shower for a super quick rinse off on three separate occasions this morning but Fifi's two hour long breakfast just was not having it. Finally Julia walked over, tore off her shirt and asked if she could, "give a feed a try."
+ Phoebe trying to nurse Simon's shirt. Julia did the same thing and it never ceases to make me cackle.

the ugly (or the pretty, whatever)
+ getting dressed. I tried this morning but there is nothing worse than this in-betwixt-all-the-sizes-in-your-closet-of-many-sizes period. I actually heard my pants zipper laugh a hearty laugh as I stuffed them back in my "don't even try, Grace" dresser drawer. Lycra bootcuts (aka yoga pants, aka fifth child, aka second husband aka bff+e) 4 life, baby. Or at least the next few weeks until I garner enough stupid to try again. Yes, yes, yes - the life giving body is a beautiful thing. I agree. I'm just grasping for a little semblance of normal here but I know everything takes time. Even truth telling hips.

I want to drone on. And on. And on. But I have 4 kids napping and have to see about some some postpartum pants (because how awesome does Blythe look in dem jeans? very, the answer is very awesome). No shame in my copycatting game: verbatim style around here.

Thanks for your patience as I try to find my footing in all life arenas these next several weeks. I always look back when the kids are a few months old and wish I'd been easier on myself and not in any harried hurry to get back to normal normal the first six/eight/ten/more weeks postpartum so I'm trying to do just that this time around. I am being super shameless about upping my Instagram posts because they're easy and that is my second favorite sharing genre to blogging.

x from me and o from Phoebe.

like so.

... badaboom.


  1. Give yourself a break this time around!!! The feeding part will get easier, but I know you know that already:)

  2. Fifi! I love it! And I'm dying over Julia the wet-nurse. Ha! Sounds like you're doing great... All my hats are off, SuperGrace!

  3. Fifi is the best nickname, ever! I love it. Glad life is moving along. And don't stress about the clothes. It will come.

  4. You are doing admirably!!

    Thank you for sharing these precious moments with us.

    SSG xxx

  5. First of all, yoga pants ROCK! I am wearing mine now and I thank God for them.
    Second, I know you are looking for normal, but there is no such thing for the next several weeks, so take a deep breath lather on that nipple cream and just do your best. You were made to be the Mama for these four miracles and you are the BEST one for them so try and be patient with yourself.
    Third, I like FiFi. It's very french. I don't think Phoebe will mind at all. Miss Julia trying to nurse is awesome. What a great example for her. Both of mine tried to nurse on Papa and were extremely disappointed.
    Last, know that you are being prayed for every single day my friend. I wish I lived closer so I could at least send over some home cooking. Hugs from our home to yours.
    Love Ya!!

  6. Fifi is totally going to stick. You have thee cutest kids!

  7. "give a feed a try" - Julia cracks me up every time!

  8. you are my hero. and keep those IG updates coming. they make me not feel quite so lame for checking insta quite so constantly. is there anything worse than checking IG and realizing that no, there is not a new post from anyone you follow in the 5 minutes since the last time you checked? i submit that there is not. #bedrestboredom

  9. They are so sweet!

    For Bash...have you tried the joy that is Mighty Machines? All of mine who can sit up unassisted love it. Sadly, not on the phone. But great as discs go!

    1. Totally second Mighty Machines. Plus they are made in Canada and there are some funny accents, sorry Canada. :) Also Lots and Lots of Trains, if Bash likes the locomotive action. You will have the songs from that stuck in your head for days, though, so fair warning.

  10. Ahaha I love Julia's offer to help you :) John Paul told me he wants to join La Leche League this morning, and was very disappointed when he realized he doesn't exactly qualify for membership...

  11. Your kids are precious and so sweet. These pictures are the best! You're an amazing mom - enjoy that little one :)

  12. Fifi is such a cute way to say Phoebe (for a little one) :)

    Truth: my 2nd-born child couldn't say "blankie" and so called her blankie "fifi" and still does!! (she is now 10)

    Hang in there. I can totally understand wanting the normal normal. But, it will get here when it gets here. Enjoy those babies! :)

  13. So breastfeeding is coming along now? I hope so! I always hate the 'get with the picture, boobs' phase. Mine are great producers, but only after I forcibly make them by pumping round the clock for a week. It's like they don't realize the baby has been born. So far this time is no is 5 days old and no milk as of yet.

  14. Girl, you're my hero. Try not to be too hard on yourself- especially while establishing the nursing "routine" (I know, a laughable word choice but is there really one better?) I'm due June 5 and loving reading about your outside baby, because I am currently in a black hole of pity party regarding my uncomfortableness and it's nice to be reminded that you get a beautiful precious human out of all of this! Not that my daughter isn't a fantastic reminder of that, but you know. ;)
    On a side note: GET THOSE JEANS. I bought myself the maternity version when they were 40%off and it was the best mental health decision ever. SO comfortable- they are baggy in the right way on purpose and they look cute. I'm totally springing for the non-prego version after my insane swelling dissipates postpartum (so like, in September) :)

  15. You're such a dope mom. You were born for this, Grace.

  16. So glad you are taking it easy on yourself! I did that this time too until like 6-8 weeks and it was way better with baby blues. Also I bought jersey skirts from old navy for my postpartum body and I still felt nicer dressed but it was soft and stretchy like sweats. I am still wearing them 3 months later. Lastly you said breastfeeding was hurting in another's stuff that helped me (besides making sure you have a good latch), use lanolin cream every time you nurse (it is safe for babies and doesn't have to be wiped off), never use soap on your nipples in the shower, and these things work amazing the first few weeks of nursing nonstop

  17. If the cream they give you at the hospital isn't working (it never ever did anything for me), then try Motherlove Nipple Cream. It was a life-saver. (Nipple saver?) ;) $10 on Amazon.

    1. +1 million for mother love nipple cream.

      Phoebe's probably too little today, but in a pound or two, try nursing in the carrier. My crowning breastfeeding achievement was walking down the street in DC mid-cluster feed with the baby in the K'tan. YouTube taught me how!

  18. Congratulations, Grace, she is beautiful and everybody looks awesome! On a hilarious side note, my Covenant Eyes internet filter not once but TWICE tried to block this page and I had to override it. Must be all the talk of nipple cream and nipple shields, ya dirty old bird. ;) Seriously, though, so happy for you and your family and praying that your sleep is extra effective.

  19. My little boys called our Lilly "Yiddy" for the longest time. I think its going to stick. Enjoy Fifi! :)

  20. I hear you on the no screams at preschool drop off and wardrobe PROBLEMAS.

    Also, my #2 calls #1 Bil-Lus and #3 Mon-Kee. Any guesses as to what their names actually are?

    Yay for simultaneous napping!

  21. I just discovered your blog somehow on this thing we call the internet and I'm pretty obsessed with it already. I just had my second child 6 weeks ago so much is relatable except I have HALF the children as you. You ROCK! and still have time to blog. Super Mom!

  22. You really need to write that post on how 4 is easier than 2, because when we have #2 and it's hard I just want to email your post to my husband for convincing's sake.

  23. i remember being so sad/distraught/depressed over the weird postpartum bod and how nothing fit right, i wasn't pregnant anymore, but wait i sort of am, boobs huge, shirts have to be nursing friendly, so on and so forth. my least favorite time of dressing myself, ever.

  24. Fifi :) I luv it, I bet that's what everyone will be calling her now ;p

  25. I love that last picture of Phoebe. It's like she's realizing what she's in for with the Patton siblings ;)

    It's a shame Julia isn't a few years older...then she could totally guest blog for you every now and then. Or you could let her do some guest vlogging! That would be a hoot.

  26. Seriously LOL'd at Julia's "give a feed a try". I only have one kid so far (please pass on your apparent baby conceiving juju?) and I barely update my blog so I am impressed! And love the instagram updates, because your family is too cute and you are too funny.

  27. My youngest sister couldn't pronounce my brother Alex's name as she was growing up so she called him Allie. So I, to this day, continue to call my now 24-year-old macho brother Allie. I bet Fifi sticks forever! Congratulations Pattons!

  28. Four kids napping at the same time?! Golden.

  29. You're doing great! I had a huge case of the baby blues and so I am always impressed when moms don't just sit and cry all day.

    As far as clothes go... The in between is probably the worst thing ever. When you're pregnant, not fitting into clothes is ok. Not so much postpartum. I had to keep wearing maternity jeans for like 2 or 3 months after Henry was born (thanks a lot 60 lbs). Insult to stretch mark injury.

  30. Oy. My Margaret was the same nursing. Little chunky champ now... 8 months out. She would nurse for an insane amount on both sides, but being first-timers, we knew no other way. She got way more efficient (15 minutes total now- or less), so here's hoping little Phoebe ups her game.
    As for the clothing- loose nursing camis from Target, cardigan (the open t shirt ones are bestest), and shameless yoga pants wearing. No shame in the postpartum dressing game.
    And Julia, Bash, Feo, and Fifi... they have a nice ring to them! :)

  31. I'm with the whole 4 kids napping at the same time thing! As non-proish as you probably feel, you totally are one! I mean, nap, blog, pictures, and all. You are seriously my hero! (I think I say that in just about every comment...but really!) praying BFing gets better/less painful. (If you can, you should seriously look into grabbing a jar or 10 of the Motherlove nipple cream...pain be gone!) xoxo

  32. When I had my fourth, I remember the same feeling that 4 is so much easier than 3 and trying to figure out how that could be, but it just was. But now that the two little's are 2 and 1 - and mobile and can fight - but still can't talk.... 4 sometimes feels a Lot harder! But it's just temporary i'm sure...... i hope..... :-)

  33. Thinking of you guys as you transition into a family of're doing GREAT! And, as always, Julia has me rolling with "give a feed a try." That kid!

  34. Congrats on the newest Patton! I'll be starting life with 2 and I'm nervous so I can't imagine what you're going through right now with life with 4 under 4! I never commented on your blog, but it's nice to read because it's reality and you don't sugar coat things! Good luck with everything! On a side note- I hate placing the nipple shield down and not finding it. I never was able to wean off it so I had it for 8 months with my son!! I ended up buying a shield that came with a POD and would place it in there when I was done- lifesaver!

  35. Congratulations, Camp Patton! It looks like everyone is adjusting splendidly! Well-done!

    I feel partial toward Phoebe because I too am the 4th-born following a rather (shall we say) high-handed older sister and two energetic brothers. I feel certain that she will quickly become everyone's favorite. Wink.

  36. Whoa, take it easy on yourself. Enjoy this newborn stage with Phoebe! I do understand how 4 kids is easier than 2 or 3. Mine are big and when they are together, I forget I have kids, but pull one kid out of the mix and I lose it!!

  37. Hey Grace (it's Rosemary Cordonnier:), I have started reading your blog more now that I just had my third and I'm wondering if it's horrible that it makes me feel better to read about someone's life who is two notches crazier than mine (two notches = two zillion:). I get to the end of a post and think, "man, I wish she had written more!" Lame. But so true. Praying for you, mama! And thank you for blogging :-)

  38. congrats, keep going, things get easier :)

  39. I'd just like to take a moment to give you ever high five and fist bump that exists in the universe, because, lady, you amaze me! I've just added number two to my (tiny!!) brood and um, there's no way I'm blogging or taking picnics or really doing much of anything. In fact, I'm pretty sure I spent the first two weeks in bed, leaving the care of our three-year-old to whichever other responsible adult-type person was around. So, yeah. Amazing = you.
