
Better Than Sleep: A Mega Giveaway For Moms

07 April 2014

Party People.
Fiesta Senoritas.
Soirée Signoras.

Welcome to the main event.
Of the week.
On this blog, at least. 

I've never held a giveaway that I wasn't not excited about but I'm SUPER excited about this particular giveaway because all of the prizes were picked with moms in mind. There are a lot of really fun things about blogging and one of my favorites is getting to discover new (maybe just to me! but sometimes new) shops and products and virtually meet some of the masterminds behind the businesses.

We have a stellar lineup today so ... let's not waste anymore of your time and take a gander at the goods ....

1. Merri Babies - is a brand new online shop that is run by a mom (Mary!) of two young boys. She hand makes gorgeous and genius organic goods for babies and toddlers. She is giving away a wooden bunny teething ring, a bib, a teething/nursing necklace, a mason jar tippy cup, and a reusable snack sack. She sent a box of goodies our way last week and I can't speak highly enough of the quality of her products. Really, really.

2. Gypsy Forest - is an Etsy shop run by a sweet blogger named Stephinie. Her shop is full of beautiful silks, bags, blankets, and more more more. She takes custom orders, uses organic fabric, and has an incredible eye for design. She sent us a handmade tote bag that is the perfect size for library trips, transporting craft projects, or for Julia and Sebastian to argue over. :) Stephinie is giving away one of her incredible handmade custom color silk and organic flannel blankets and I'm really jealous of the winner.

3. $50 Amazon Gift Card - Occasionally I use Amazon affiliate links in the blog's posts and earn some cents if the clicker makes a purchase. So! I'm pretty much just giving a chunk of earnings back to you with a big fat thank you and a whole lot of gratitude for your readership. End sap fest.

4. Wrenn Jewelry - is a relatively new shop run by a fellow mom who makes seriously pretty jewelry. I wish I could wear more jewelry but it's not in the practical cards these days but her Druzy Statement Ring is the perfect compromise for the busy (show me a bored mom, really) mom that enjoys a little sparkle. I wore mine here and get at least one compliment every time I rock it out of the casa. She's giving one away to a very lucky lady.

5. Antica Farmacista - I mentioned this in Friday's post and am so happy one of you get to enjoy the fragrance too. We've had our diffuser up for several weeks and I'm still surprised when I walk by and get a whiff of the fragrance (that is not too fragranty! those drive me crazy). Antica Farmacista is generously giving away a 250 ml diffuser of their Baby fragrance.

6. Pregnant, Barefoot & in the Kitchen Cookbook - is a great cookbook written by Janel Peyton, a fellow residency wife from Simon's program here in St. Louis. The book is tailored to the specific needs of each trimester of pregnancy and Janel does a thorough and phenomenal job of walking you through the steps of each recipe (think: apple cider pork chops! Mexican lasagna! homemade peanut butter cups!) and prefaces the book with some great tips for tackling the kitchen throughout pregnancy.

7. Happy Baby Wrap - is giving away one of their awesome (stretchy!) bamboo baby wraps. I used it with Theo before I passed mine along to a friend with a baby who had multiple heart surgeries and needed to be fed in the upright position and it was a lifesaver for her. I have no doubt that baby #4 will be happy in his/her Happy wrap time when the time comes. I'm sorry, sometimes I can't help but get punny. Sorry again.

7. Whole Parenting Goods - is another brilliant Etsy shop run by a blogger (Nell!) that hand makes baby and toddler goods. Nell locally sources her fabrics and pulls together some really cute and unique fabric combinations.  She's giving away one of her Little Girl Fancy Everyday Skirts that are even more adorable in person. I really appreciate that this not only fits snugly in the waist but is a great length without inhibiting toddler sprinting or Julia's spastic dancing.

8. Mouth Stick Art - is run by an incredible individual by the name of Jeanne Gordon. She is a parishioner in Simon's home parish in Wichita and after falling victim to a tragic bicycling accident in 2006, that killed her daughter and left her paralyzed, Jeanne has overcome multiple obstacles and has mastered the art of painting with her mouth. Her art is truly incredible and she is giving away pack of Blue Sky note cards.

Got all that? Good!

You know the Rafflecopter drill by now.
Best of luck to each and every one of you!!

If you're having trouble commenting - iPhones/Pads/etc don't have the best success rate (drives me nuts trying to comment on other blogs) so you might try a computer and be sure to click "load more" -- odds are very good that your comment is there :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Such fun stuff! I would probably keep some and maybe give some to friends. Looks like a lot of great goodies! The blanket sounds amazing and I would love a bamboo wrap!

  2. I would totally, totally keep! It's just too great a giveaway to give away!

  3. Keep! Lots of great goodies!

  4. At the risk of sounding like I'm fibbing, I would give most of these items away if I won…. simply because I don't have kiddos- yet! I love love love your blog and it makes me so excited to become a mom! My cousin is due in a few weeks and could use the goods (plus she would pass them back to me when the time comes!).

  5. If I won a baby item - totally gifted or packed away for the dream grandchild that I will have someday. For kid stuff... I've got two nieces that would benefit. If it's mommy stuff - jewelry or Amazon or the diffuser, I'm totally keeping for myself.

  6. I would keep it. Amazon gift card.

  7. I'd give them away - I have a bunch of friends who are pregnant for the first time, and a lot of these would be perfect gifts!

  8. I'd keep some and share some! Several friends are expecting their firsts right now, but I'd have to at least keep the cookbook for myself--this first trimester has kicked me out of the kitchen so much worse than last time around!

  9. My sister is expecting her first baby so I'd be sharing with her. :)

  10. Oh you bet your bottom dollar I'd be keeping the goods. And I think I'd be most excited about the Happy Baby Wrap!

  11. I'd keep it. I'm between the Amazon gift card and the diffuser. I love good smelling stuff!

  12. I'd probably split it up, but the gift card and notecards would be mine!

  13. I would TOTALLY keep every last thing for myself. Just found out I'm expecting #3 (seriously a miracle - praise God!) and I would love to have some new baby stuff for this little one.

  14. I'd share a little, keep a little :)

  15. 1000% keep! I'm about to have my frist and need all the help I can get! (though I would love love love a wrenn ring but I know the baby won't care if his/her mama is that stylish or not!) ;)

  16. Now if I won, I have a whole lot of people I could bless with this stash of goodies! I'm in!!

  17. I would keep some and gift the rest. I would be most excited for the Amazon gc and the Happy Wrap.

  18. Oooo! Keep and share the wealth!

  19. I would keep most of it for sure but some of it I would love to gift to friends and family (like the jewelry!).

  20. I would keep 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9 for myself since my kiddos are too old for everything else and gift the other prizes to my friends who could use them!

  21. I would definitely split it with the other expectant mothers I am friends with. Personally, I hope to win the baby carrier. I'm due with #2 in November!

  22. ooh some to hoard and some to share with friends!

  23. I would probably keep it! Baby #2 is on the way and I would love to have some of these things when he/she arrives!

  24. What an awesome giveaway! Probably do a little of both, but I've been wanting to try that fragrance - I desperately need something that really works in the boys' rooms!

  25. Keep some, share to get my hands on 1, 2 and 4!

  26. I think I'd do a little of both - I can definitely use some of the awesomeness, but I also have a best friend and a cousin about to have their firsts.

  27. Keep! Most excited for the wrap and Amazon gift card (excuse to buy something fun for me)!

  28. keep! I love antica farmacista!

  29. I would share (mostly) with all the lovely moms in my life, but that amazon gift card...I'd probably be a bit selfish with that. ;)

  30. I'd keep some and share some with my sister. All the gifts are great, but I love Amazon.

  31. I'm due in a few weeks so would definitely keep most of it...but my SIL just had her first a couple months ago and I'm sure would love some of these goodies too, so I'd be spreading the wealth as well. As for my favorite? The Amazon. Who doesn't love Amazon?

  32. Keep it! Coveting that Happy Baby Wrap.

  33. I'm due with my second in August and some of these goodies would be perfect, especially that Happy Baby Wrap!

  34. Some things I would keep, and some I would give to the other mommas in my life. That Amazon gift card would really be for my husband, so that the next five or so packages that arrive from Amazon would not have cost him anything. ;)

  35. Love this, especially the Happy Baby wrap. How gorgeous. Thank you for thinking of us and sharing the love!! And I'm afraid I would keep most of it :-) Hoping for #2 in the not too distant future :-)

  36. About 50-50. So much awesomeness!

  37. I think I'd keep some & give some as gifts! Love the Happy Baby Wrap :)

  38. I might give away a thing or two, but mostly I would keep all of it! I am most excited about the bamboo wrap!! Beautiful1

  39. I would totally keep everything and donate the rest after my last child.

  40. I would keep a lot and give away some to some lucky people (i.e. the skirt is precious, but won't work for my two little boys ;). Such a fun giveaway!

  41. I think I would keep somethings and give some away. The ring I would most def keep!! I don't have a girl so the skirt would be gifted to one of the many darlings I know!

  42. Ooooo! I'm so excited. With baby no3 on the way, I'd definitely keep it all!

  43. 18 weeks pregnant with #1, and am excited about all of them! Probably the blanket and the diffuser the most though. :) And the book. And the gift card. Really, all of them! What a great giveaway! :)

  44. Keep! I'm selfish like that.And order more diapers on Amazon.

  45. I would keep it. I just had a baby boy March 1st and I have a 2 year old, I would love it all equally. Honestly I would probably be the most excited by the gift card. Amazon and I are besties.

  46. Honest Abe here. I do not have any babies and am not married, so I would give all the mom and baby goods away to family and friends! But totally not gonna lie, I would be keeping that Amazon gift card. The not-specific-to-Moms things... well, I might decide to be nice and give them away :)

  47. I'd probably keep some and give away things that I wouldn't use. Definitely keeping the amazon giftcard!

  48. Call me selfish, I would keep it all. :)

  49. I would keep it! I rarely buy anything for myself and we want another baby :)

  50. Yay! So much great stuff! The wrap and diffuser would be put to good use right here, but the rest might be gifts. Might.

  51. Keep some and give some away. I'm most excited about the fragrance! I love a good smelling home

  52. I just had a little one (3w tomorrow) and would love to try some of this stuff out!

  53. I'm completely selfish, and would definitely keep whatever I could. Baby #3 might like getting a few things that weren't ever it's siblings...

  54. I would keep it. Would love the Amazon gift card.

  55. I made it a point to - finally - figure out how to comment on posts, just so I could enter this giveaway. Because, you know, momma needs her swag.

  56. I'd give it away to my best friend who is a deserving momma of two!

  57. I love learning about all of the new little shops out there through you!

  58. I would probably keep most of the things. I am most excited about the wrap! Thanks!

  59. I would keep most of it, but probably share 10% ;-) I'm excited about the mason jar tippy cup! Genius!

  60. keep!! and the wrap! my heavens i could use that when my october babe arrives!

  61. Blarg, except I did not read the directions before I commented. Blame my homeschool education.
    I would keep it all but for the wrap & blanket, both of which would go to my sister-in-law, who is in love with blankets & wants to love babywearing.

  62. This would be such a blessing so I would definitely keep it. :) I'm most excited about the wrap! thanks for the opportunity!

  63. Keep most of it and share a little :) I love that ring!

  64. I would keep some and give some to another lucky mom! Great giveaway..thanks for the opportunity!

  65. Keep and share but the diffuser looks simply amazing!

  66. Super cool stuff. Would keep some for us and give some to my cousins wife who is expecting their first kiddos

  67. I would keep all of it! I'm most excited about the Mason jar tippy cup!

  68. Both! Love that snuggly baby wrap!

  69. I would keep it. We're having a baby any day now and this all sounds amazing! Particularly the wrap!

  70. love this! Just found out I'm expecting (first one!!) and I'm excited for allllllll the new things that babies bring... material and immaterial. But seriously, I just need help, so if that comes in the form of diffusers and cookbooks, bring it. :)

  71. with baby #4 on the way i am keeping the loot! p.s. i have a group giveaway/ one winner takes all going on at my should hop on over and enter :)

  72. I'm so greedy… all for me! I would especially love to win the wrap.

  73. With number 3 on the way, this stuff looks pretty enticing, but I know lots of new mommies too!

  74. Oh, I love that you are including some of Jeanne's artwork!

  75. I would keep some (especially the ring) and gift some, as three of my best girlfriends are expecting in late summer and early fall. Thanks for the opportunity!

  76. Keep half, give half away? Lusting over that druzy ring!

  77. Honestly, I would totally keep it. Except for the skirt, of course, so I would give that to a friend! Most excited about the Amazon gift card - so helpfully when adjusting to a first baby!

  78. Currently pregnant, and would probably keep some and share some. I'd especially love to try the wrap - this is baby #3, and despite trying two other wraps before I've yet to find one that I liked and used more than a handful of times.

  79. I would keep it, at least until I am thru with the "baby season" of life.

  80. Would for SURE keep all that business. And honestly, the amazon card excites me the most?! Because I know what all the other stuff is...having money that (oh shoot) I'd have to spend on amazon? well that would just be the pits.

  81. With baby girl #2 coming in June I would love to win this!!

  82. I would keep most of it, but probably share the love too!

  83. Would love to win all of trying new brands and learning about new etsy shops (especially mom shops!)

  84. KEEP! I'm due at the end of the month with baby #1! :)

  85. I think I would keep most of it, but give one or two prizes away as well. I'm probably most excited about the jewelry. Momma likes the bling!

  86. I would gift it to one of my mom friends, because I'm still baby-less. AND I WOULD TOTALLY WIN FRIEND OF THE YEAR AWARD!

  87. I would keep some and gift some! Although deciding what to give away would definitely be difficult!

  88. I'm having a baby in <2 weeks so, I would totally keep this for myself.

  89. I would keep some and share some. I`ve got a 7 month old but my sister in law is due with her 1st in June so I would share some things with her.

  90. I would keep most it. I am super excited about that blanket and ring! :)

  91. Whoa, so much amazing! 16 weeks till our baby gets here, would love to have this awesome loot!

  92. I'd keep most of the loot (I'm due in November!), but I'd give away the ring and reed diffuser to my sister-in-law who just had her second child. To be honest, I'd be stoked to win anything. ;)

  93. I'd keep it! Most excited about the Amazon gift card!

  94. I would keep some (we are currently trying to get pregnant with our first!!) and give some away (our couple BFF are pregnant with THEIR first !!).

  95. This is cool--so many interesting things and people.

    I'd keep some of the things, probably gift some of them. Depends on how generous I'm feeling that day. That ring, though? Ain't no way that would leave my greedy little hands. Love it.

  96. I want it all! Except maybe I'd give away the skirt, unless I have a baby girl!

  97. Awesome giveaway! I would be so excited for all of it, I would keep most of it, but give away the wrap because we already have one!

  98. This is the motherload!!! I love it all. Expecting #4 here within a few weeks and I could always use a helping hand or item or two. I have yet to use a baby wrap?! Let's change that stat.

  99. Husband is in law school, I would definitely keep! I have been wanting Saltwater sandals for my boys, so the Amazon card would be awesome. But selfishly, I want the ring.

  100. I'd gift to my newly expecting momma friends since we don't have babes of our own yet!

  101. I'd keep some and gift some probably. The diffuser I'd keep....and the wrap....and the blanket....OK I'd keep a lot. It all sounds so great!

  102. Since I'm expecting a new little one in a few months, I'd probably keep it. I think the baby wrap is most tempting (I'm a sucker for new carriers/wraps...)

  103. I would keep it all the way. Amazon gift cards never get old and the fragrance would be a very welcome addition to our kids' room!

  104. I would definitely be keeping this great stash of mama goods! Great giveaway, I'm dying to try that diffuser. We have some stank dipe smells coming out of our nursery!

  105. I would keep some and share some with my sister who is having a baby later this year. I'm excited about that skirt, because I have a little girl after three boys, so I have a whole new wardrobe to buy for her!

  106. My sister just found out she's expecting (FIRST NIECE OR NEPHEW!) so this would be perfect! :)

  107. Expecting my second and with no way to fit a double stroller in my car at the moment, the wrap would be the item would be most excited to win!

  108. Happy balance of keep and share. The baby wrap would go straight to a friend in St. Louis who just found out she is expecting, but I don't think I could part with any of the Merri Baby goods. Wheeee!

  109. Some for me, some to gift!! That $50 A,axon credit is ALL mine!!!

  110. I would keep some and give some to my BFF who has a new baby! I would definitely enjoy using the Amazon credit! :)

  111. I might keep! I might give away!! We'll have to wait and see!

  112. The little girl's skirt is my favorite. Awesome giveaway!

  113. I have a million new mommy friends who could use some of this swag, and I could definitely use that Druzy ring... Oh, and the gift card. Ha.

  114. Baby two is on the way...KEEP! :)

  115. Great giveaway! Crossing my fingers!

  116. I want the happy baby wrap :) p.s. your blog is awesome!

  117. I saw those tippy cups & druzy ring on instagram and loved them :-) great giveaway!

  118. Keep some love, share some love!

  119. I'd keep it all. But not gonna lie, the Amazon giftcard is always attractive :)

  120. Keep some love, share some love!

  121. Keep and share - I definitely want the happy baby wrap!

  122. These would all be great gifts, but I'd keep the ring! :)

  123. I'm loving that ring and you'd better believe I'd keep it...although I might buy a few more to gift!! Thanks for the awesome giveaways! :)

  124. I'd keep - love the art and Jeanne's story

  125. I'm a terrible person - I'd keep everything and enjoy the whole hoard if I won.

  126. Mostly keep but I have a very pregnant sister in law that might benefit. Amazon gift card. I'm on that site daily.

  127. I'm due in 2 months, keep it all for sure!!

  128. I would love the amazon gift card and the ring and the other stuff would make great gifts for some moms who can't afford those things!!!

  129. i'd give some away but maybe keep some for the future!

  130. Probably keep most of it but do some slight sharing to feel good about it...haha

  131. Great giveaway! Thanks, Grace! ;)

  132. Keep some. And give away some. So excited Nell's products are in!

  133. Wowzers, this is amazing. I will take them all, thank you!

  134. Cool! I would keep some and share some! So glad I saw this from Nell!

  135. Keep, I think... :) i'd be glad to win anything, but I'd also probably be most excited for the wrap. Or anything. :)

  136. Keep the Amazon gift card and gift the rest to my lovely SIL who is expecting her third baby any day now (which will leave her with a 4 year old, a 2 year old, and a newborn... I think you two would be friends).

  137. I'd probably keep most of it but keep a few to give away!

  138. Just had a new baby (our third) mostly keep! ;)

  139. I would totally keep it. With a little girl due in a couple weeks, the skirt and baby carrier would be so great!!

  140. Keep some, share some....ok maybe keep all.

  141. Keep some, share some....and it's not fair to require a favorite :)

  142. Being half way through my pregnancy with baby #7, this would be momma's gift to herself....I would be looking forward to the wrap and the cool organic teether/bib/cup set.
    Thank you for the opportunity!

  143. Bay number 2 is due in 4 weeks, so I'd probably keep a good amount of the swag, but would share and pass on items too! I'm part of my mom's group at church and it seems like we trade things back and forth every week!

  144. I would probably keep some and gift some. I would really be excited to get new jewelry.

  145. I would keep most and share some. We recently had our fourth and I'm eyeing prize #1 hard.

  146. Just had baby no. 4 so a few things would be awesome to have...and I would share a few also!!

  147. Keep! Maybe give the wrap to a pregnant bestie and share the cookbook with her : ) Can share be an option? haha. And the Wren jewelry is GORGE!!

  148. I'd probably keep some and give some to my sis!

  149. Those are some of thee coolest items ever!

  150. Keep most of it and share some things. All the items are great!

  151. Weeelll, I think I'd keep some and give some away. I'm not pregnant and don't have a little one under two anymore, but I really, really, really hope to be pregnant one day in the not too distant future, so I might hold on to a few things with an eye to the hopeful. I can always gift them away later… Awesome giveaway, thank you!

  152. Like others have said, I would love to keep it all but I also have some very lovely deserving friends-- so I would keep some and give some! I would be most excited about the diffuser because our puppy dog is stinky...

  153. I'd keep most of it - and I'd give the skirt to a friends adorable little girl!

  154. Better than sleep is right! This would be so awesome to win, because I like just about everything. A lot. I am super excited about the teething necklace, I really want one. And, also excited about the little skirt for my sweet girl. She'd have to grow into it, but that's ok. I'd probably gift the ring, as I'm not really a ring-wearer. And, I'd have to take a look at the wrap. I have a Moby wrap, so I'd be giving one of the two away. This is a fabulous giveaway!

  155. I would keep it all…call me greedy :) And I love the girls skirts, but Marley would probably never wear them because her main goal in life right now is to hate everything I like! Grrr.

  156. I think I'd keep most of it - I'm expecting my first in the fall! But, I do think I would share some with friends.

  157. I would be selfish and keep it for myself! So many great things, it would be fun to spoil myself and family. I think the Happy baby wrap would be my favorite - I tried to make myself a wrap and it just didn't work, wrong material or something, so if I could get one that would work that would be great!

  158. I think I would keep some and gift some. I have a friend going through the adoption process that would appreciate the Merri Babies giveaway. I have a 7 mon old that would love the blanket...or maybe I just hope she would because they're so darn pretty. And I have my eye on that ring. Gorgeous. The whole giveaway is fantastic. Love Nell and her skirts, too!! Thanks for the opportunity, Grace.

    1. Whoops I forgot that for some reason I can only ever comment as an "unknown". This is Sarah W, a friend of Nell's. :)

  159. This comment has been removed by the author.

  160. New baby in the house so I think I would keep the be honest maybe even if there wasn't a new baby in the house ;) All of it sounds fabulous, but the organic goodies, the Amazon card (it's so practical!) and the ring are calling out to me the most!

  161. Give most of it to my sister - she's the best mom I know (besides our own) and she deserves all the loot she can get!

  162. I'd keep the amazon gift card for sure, but I'd give a lot of it to my bff when she gets pregnant.

  163. Keep ;) and it's hard to pick just one!

  164. I'd selfishly keep it...or I'd give it all to my kids in which case that's kind of giving it away, right? The first prize - the bib and nursing necklace had me at I want.

  165. Wow! This a fantastic giveaway!

  166. I would definitely have to share some with my sister. :) But I would probably keep the Happy Baby wrap for myself...

  167. I might have to keep the gift card but everything else would be perfect for my bestie - expecting her first little girl in June!

  168. Wowwee!!! Awesome giveaway! The wrap and gift card alone are awesome!! Excited to check the other shops and products out too. I will keep some, but share with my two sissies who are expecting their firsts. (I have 3.)

  169. I would keep some (most) of it. Not exactly sure which stuff I would give away. But that ring would definitely be staying with me.

  170. I would keep it because I have a baby that I would love to use any of those with! And if I had to pick one thing... probably the wrap. But everything is so great! Love the teething necklace and wooden bunny teething toy!

  171. Hmmmm keep half, give half! I'm most excited about the jewelry just because I never buy any so the only way to get some bling is to win a-ding-ding. ;)

    Thanks for putting this together!!

  172. I would probably keep most of it since baby #3 is due in 10 weeks!

  173. Keep most and gift a couple! :) Most excited about the skirt!!

  174. I think I'd keep ... and everything looks great so it would be hard to pick a favorite.

  175. Keep most and gift a couple! :) Most excited about the skirt!!

  176. I'm pretty sure I would Keep it all :)

  177. I've been lusting after that ring for a while, so if I win I'm def keeping it:)



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