
from me to you {no joke}

01 April 2014

There's lots of greatness going on around the e-globe today and I'm not going to scourge your pupils with the circus deets over in our neck of the woods. Making mountains out of molehills is my extra specialty ... everything is mostly great, of course.


I highly doubt there isn't anyone that reads this blog that doesn't read Lauren's because she's the best but just in case ... you have to check out her new blog design. It's gorgeous. (I was going to say, "like her" but ... let's not scare her off .... )

My new favorite concealer mainly because of how easy it is to open and put on and it hasn't irritated my moody skin one single solitary time. {Referral link here gives you $10 off your first purchase of $15 or more}

Oh, look! Yet another reason to LOVE Costco. 

I keep reading rave reviews about these t-shirts ... and my postpartum wardrobe curiosity just might get the best of me one of these days.

Indiana always has the craziest birth stories and her latest does not disappoint. 

Bridget never doesn't nail it when it comes to her outfits. Every time.

I'm giving the amber teething necklace another go with Theo because homeboy is cutting 16 teeth - according to Simon.

I have unrealistically high hopes ... we'll see. 

All of Rachael's post are a true treat but I loved this one especially. You will too.

Jenna totally had me for a split second. I dare you not to laugh.

And now a question for YOU. Simon is going to be gone a lot lot lot for interviews and call these next few weeks and you know me and solo sleep don't get along very well because I'm a paranoid nut. My best chance at drifting is watching a show (oh, I know screens don't lend to great sleep but ... desperate times) and I was wondering if you had any suggestions for binge worthy (not scary - and by scary I mean that I couldn't even read the Hunger Games at night alone ... bebe) shows on Netflix or Amazon Prime? Any ideas?? You're the best if you do.

And it sounds like the amber is not doing its jibbity job.
Duty calls. Always.


  1. Suits! It's on Amazon Prime and is completely addicting. Love.

    1. one of Simon's favorite shows! I totally forgot about it! thank you!

  2. The PBS show Call the Midwife! So very pro-life and completely fantastic. You would probably love it, and weep because pregnant hormones. Not scary, unless you call baby delivery scary.

    1. thanks for the reminder! I need to retry it! I watched the first one .... but didn't get into it. Will press on! Thanks Amanda!

    2. Yes, it's the best! I'm 35 weeks pregnant too and just finished watching the 3rd season (British feed) and sobbed my whole way through b/c crazy hormones, but it is the best and not scary at all! I too have to cut out all crime dramas when my husband travels—I HATE being home alone!

    3. Yes, I just got into this last week and I am obsessed. The story lines are so wonderful. I have to keep myself from watching too many or I won't GET any sleep :D

  3. Replies
    1. one of my very favorite shows! If only I had the restraint to not watch them the second they became available. Maybe I could rewatch!!

    2. Seriously give it another go until you're past the exposition. The show only gets better. Love it! And I'm gonna add Psych and Friday Night Lights to that list. SO MANY seasons available on Netflix for binge-watching.

    3. And by "give it another go" I am referring to to Amanda's referral above for Call the Midwife. Way to hit reply on the appropriate message, Carrie. Two points for me? :o)

    4. Friday Night Lights! Hour long episodes, plus something like 6 seasons? Should keep you going for awhile.

  4. Replies
    1. ah! I do LOVE the Underwoods but ... WAY too scary to watch alone.

      I told you -- BABY.

  5. Oooh! Try "Switched at Birth" on Netflix. I love that they have main characters who are deaf---it's a great concept for a show and has pretty decent storylines for an ABC Family show.

  6. Have you ever watched Freaks and Geeks? I love that show. I also suggest White Collar, unless white collar crimes of people forging paintings is too scary, too.

    1. I am enjoying White Collar too (thanks to Bonnie's earlier suggestion!).

    2. I'm just finishing white collar too, I wouldn't have watched it unless someone told me, I'd never heard of it....but I really like it. Also Friday night lights or parenthood, if you haven't already seen those.

    3. Where can you watch freaks and geeks? I've been looking for it!

  7. NCIS Los Angeles. I just started watching the reruns a couple of months ago and I'm addicted.

  8. I am so happy to see someone suggest Parenthood and that it's one of your favs! Such a good show. Switched at Birth is great, Melissa and Joey, Last Man Standing, Drop Dead Diva, Everybody loves Raymond (kinda when you're just desperate, it helps pass the time), Hart of Dixie. That's all I've got right now. Those are all on Netflix. Can you tell I have awful insomnia only made worse by a certain growing baby? :-)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I completely understand the inability to sleep alone with out television. I thought I was the only one out there.

    For these occasions, I like the West Wing because it is interesting, not an overly dramatic cliff hanger type show. It doesn't have tons of crazy music to jolt me out of sleep or lots of blinking lights on the screen. (I know that is ridiculous but I tried Psych and How I Met You Mother at night and they were simply too much)

    Good luck!

  11. I will always love the Office. We also binged our way right through Parks and Rec and New Girl (I love me a good sitcom). How I Met Your Mother is okay, I mostly watched it out of curiosity to see how it progressed since I had watched it so much (it was on late) during those early sleepless nights with Grace.

  12. If you like Parenthood, then you must watch Friday Night Lights if you haven't already!!

  13. I love, love, love Mad Men. I binge watched it this Summer before we had satellite tv in my little basement apartment. Also, I'm a huge fan of How I Met Your Mother (and am grieving greatly today since the last show was last night). I binge watched it while recovering from hemorrhoid surgery. If I can recommend it despite that sort of painful connection, you know it's a good one!

  14. For late night TV, I definitely recommend White Collar (on Netflix). Not scary, sometimes cheesy, but highly entertaining! Also, I just ordered a few shirts from Everlane. First impression is that they are suuuuper comfy and soft and great quality for the price. I say go for it! :)

  15. They only have the first two seasons but I love The New Girl. Also, they just put HOuse on Netflix. I've never seen the last session and since I'm so mad about the finale of How I Met Your Mother that I have made asweeping declaration that I will never watch Another episode ever again, House is my new go to.

  16. The Good Wife is excellent. VERY binge worthy. Only then you'll watch season 5 and be all like WHAT?! But it is still SO good. (Amazon) And I recently finished Numb3rs. (on Amazon) Emily Owens MD (Netflix only 13 episodes.) And I am a wimp and bored easily so those are my suggestions.

  17. This list is A LOT of parts embarrassing... If you judge, please don't tell me.

    New Girl
    Hart of Dixie
    Parks and Rec
    Drop Dead Diva
    Emily Owens, MD
    Center Stage {Movie, but still fabulous}
    Friday Night Lights
    That 70's Show

    I am really loving "About a Boy" and "Growing up Fletcher" on Huly Minus.

  18. I was going to suggest Switched at Birth and saw a couple people already did! It's the show I watch when my hubby isn't home (I too prefer to watch the scary ones with a man in the house). I also like Once Upon a Time. Scary elements, perhaps, but it's all based on fairytales soooo maybe it would be okay?

  19. I love (LOVE) Once Upon a Time. It's thrilling, but I don't think it's scary since it's fantasy based. I also suggest Veronica Mars, because I just can't not. I binge watched Bones a while ago (might be too scary) & I love it. Nashville is drama greatness. Revenge is fun too. I feel like I'm making bad suggestions…idk….the majority of my alone time consists of me spending obscene amounts of time trying to find something to watch on my laptop & then going to bed after failing miserably. Good luck to you on finding some good ones! I'll be stalking these comments for my next fix.

  20. Once Upon a Time, the first two seasons are on netflix and the current one is on hulu!

  21. I agree with a lot of the other readers on their non-scary late-night recs (Hart of Dixie! You just have to get past the first few episodes then you'll get past how Rachel Bilson is NOT a doctor and just start enjoying how cute it is.) but for the sake of being different I'm going to say What Not to Wear (Netflix). Mindless, kind of funny, fashiony, mostly touching, and NOT scary at all. :)

  22. That birth story just made laugh out loud.
    For shows--Friday Night Lights is my all-time favorite, and for binge-watching I recommend Revenge, Scandal, Nashville or even Brooklyn 99 on Hulu. It cracks my husband and me up. The Good Wife is really good too!

  23. made *me* laugh out loud.
    Stupid typos.

  24. Or try Royal Pains too! It's definitely not scary.

  25. I've found that listening to audiobooks is a great way to still have that noise without having the screen glare. I do best with books that I've read before so I don't have to pay that much attention to the story. Love your blog!

  26. totally not scary. teen dramas. 90210. Gossip girl. One tree hill. no shame here.

  27. do you watch parenthood? you should. cause so feel-good, not-scary.

    THANKS for the link. you're such a friend.

  28. Aw, Grace, I don't like thinking of you being by yourself for so much of the last weeks of pregnancy, its such a tough slog. I really like Parks and Rec, and have you watched any Brooklyn Nine-Nine? Maybe my sense of humour is...immature...but I think it's pretty hilarious. I wouldn't recommend Call the Midwife while pregnant, it's positive, but at the same time....not so positive by actually watching births and complications, I had to stop watching it last pregnancy when I was like 4 months pregnant because...I've got enough anxiety just by myself thanks. Thinking of you!

    1. ^Amen on the *not while pregnant* for Call the Midwife, and, their whole, "Don't worry about abortion, it's for the Greater Good." episode, gah.

  29. White Collar on Netflix, Parenthood on hulu. Is Veronica Mars on either channel? I used to love that show a million years ago. I have these on my list: The Good Wife, Suits, Friday Night Lights, I'm drawing a blank...

    1. I've always wanted to watch The Good Wife ---- thanks for reminding me, Katherine!!

  30. 1. YES to Freaks & Geeks
    2. Don't Trust the B in Apt 23 - You'll watch it all in about 2 nights, but it's a goody in my book. Not even a teensy bit scary- just funny haha. Maybe a little too scandalous for some, but I think you've got enough sass to hang ;)

  31. The original Upstairs, Downstairs, if you liked Downton, you will love this. But it is slower, so it might help you fall asleep. It does me!

  32. Psych is pretty good and if you happen to fall asleep during an episode you won't feel bad or need to re watch to follow the story line

  33. Hart of dixie. Its super cute and awesome. Also awesome but only has 1/2 of 1 season ever made (don't get ke started on how mad i am about that!) Is emily owens md. Both on netflix!

  34. veronica mars on amazon prime! aaaaaand... GO!

    1. will totally second the hart of dixe and nashville recs too though. nice and fluffy :)

  35. Loooove Parks and Rec. Also, if you like cop drama type shows, Flashpoint is a Canadian show that's in the same vein as NCIS/CSI/etc but significantly less scary in my opinion (suspenseful though, sometimes - but not creepy) and has WAY more likeable characters.

  36. The best shows ever, EVER, are Deadwood and The Wire. The Wire might be too intense to watch solo. Deadwood is only three seasons so it won't take over your life. The writing is superb and the acting is so, so good. I could just stare at Ian McShane's face -- mesmerizing.

  37. The newer Upstairs Downstairs is good too and the Buccaneers based on Edith Wharton's undone book is wonderful! Were you the one who recommended the Luxe book set in Victorian times? Much like that but better :)

  38. I'm a repeater of what everybody's already said, but I second Nashville, Bones (minimal gore), West Wing, and New Girl. I'd pick maybe a show you've already watched but love, so you can semi pay attention/be lulled by witty dialogue (weird? yes, but true). Also I agree with the audiobook choice - I have an app called "Overdrive" which has a sleep timer, so you can set it for anywhere from 5 minutes to 45 minutes and it'll stop automatically.

    Hope something helps!

  39. Sherlock, The Office, Downton Abbey. Those are my top three!

  40. Friday night Lights!! I am a New Zealander, so was initially totally uninterested in watching a show about an American high school football team- but I am SOLD. The trick of course is that it's not really about football, it's about a marriage. It's so refreshing to watch a real, loving, fun marriage on tv. I sound approximately 85 saying that, but there you have it. The character development is fantastic, and best of all, if you like it- 5 seasons of good times watching.

    1. favorite favorite show ever!! Maybe I'll have to rewatch it.

    2. Aaaand everyone's favorite speed birther (me!) appears as a rally girl in season one / stunt cheerleader in season two of FNL. You can play a decent "Where's Waldo" type game looking for my long black ponytail in high school and game scenes for parts of those seasons. :0)

      I recommend Freaks and Geeks. Early James Franco, Seth Rogen, and Jason Segel!

  41. I am so in love with Parks & Rec (I watch reruns ALL the time). Other favs are Modern Family, New Girl, Once Upon a Time and Chrissly Knows Best (<-- that one is completely ridiculous but so good all at the same time.)

    I can't watch anything scary (not even Bones! And I love that show!) if it is dark outside so I totally understand where you are coming from!

  42. Sooooo these are all shows I've purged on...
    Lark rise to candleford
    Great expectations (newer one)
    Wives and daughters
    North and south
    Monarch of the Glen
    McClouds Daughters
    IT Crowd
    Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show clips are hilare - hashtags, thank you notes...etc.

    1. Yes to North and South! and the IT Crowd!

  43. If you love Parenthood (as I do), did you ever watch Brothers and Sisters when it was on a few years back? I just got totally hooked and binge watched all 100-something episodes in a really short amount of time.

    1. duh. I've watched a few episodes and loved it -- thanks for reminding me!!

  44. I got on to comment that EXACT SAME THING! I found it while searching on Netflix for Bunheads and was addicted after the first episode!!! I wanted more than three seasons!

  45. I watched Julie and Julia over and over and over and... while the hubs started traveling. Lately, late night HGTV. On nights I can't sleep and I'm up by myself, I watch Jimmy Fallon on Hulu.

  46. Okay favorite shows: Scandal, Greys (over christmas I watched all the old seasons...) Pretty Little Liars (no I'm not 14) White Collar, I liked orange is the new black..okay that's all I've got. Do you read? If so I have way more suggestions, that's my go to on Drews long nights and basically just every night before bed. Helps me pass out fast!

  47. My husband and I just watched the Rachel McAdam's movie, About Time and we both loved it. It's part romantic comedy and part something else ... we loved that it didn't just feature a falling in love storyline, but a couple post marriage and with small children. And not hating each other!

  48. Another vote for Friday Night Lights! It's fantastic!

    1. favorite show of ALL TIME. I wish I could erase it from my memory and watch it all over again for the first time :)

  49. Your fans have good taste! I agree with Hart of Dixie, Parenthood, brothers and Sisters (kind of like Parenthood), White Collar, Nashville, Brooklyn 99 (hilarious!), and I actually enjoy Dancing With the Stars. A funny show about parenting is Up All Night.

  50. haha so "How I met your mother" marathon? Hart of Dixie I agree too, Nashville YESSS (and this comment coming from a country where country and western music is practically unheard of, except for in the heavily Afrikaans communities funny enough, except then its Afrikaans country and music and they do this funny dancing called Langarm) Nurse Betty if you want to add some show time joy in there.. oh oh OH GAME OF THROOONNNESS!!! (guess who's a fantasy nerd!)

  51. Loved that birth story! Thanks for sharing :) PS Nashville is awesome x

  52. i don't think anyone has said this yet, but one tree hill. all of the seasons are there for you to binge to your heart's content and the only scary part is how ugly dan scott is.

  53. brothers and sisters-- good rec. really good show, and sally field's house in it is to die for.

  54. Everlane is great--I love the tees. I ordered one size up, thinking I'd take it in if it was too big, but it ended up being perfectly slouchy. I like the scoop neck (maybe they call it the u neck?). It's not super low like a lot of tees can be. The material is thinner than the tees at gap or old navy, but I think that's what helps it drape well. Pretty good for $15.

    As for tv--west wing all the way. It's what I binge watch when I'm sick. It's entertaining, but has the sort of pace/lighting where if I'm at all tired, I will pass out within 2 episodes, max.

  55. I'm late to the conversation...BUT you must absolutely watch Doc Martin on Netflix. It's a British show about a doctor who is delegated to work in a small English town after he is unable to carry on as a surgeon (due to his fear of blood)! The townspeople he encounters are a hoot...there is romance, humor, drama, etc...and it's all decidedly more humorous because he is NOT a people person and has a rather...brash bedside manner. But you learn to love him. I think you'd enjoy it immensely. I'm on season 5 and the seasons are fairly short, maybe 7-8 episodes a piece, so you should be able to finish it in a timely fashion :)

  56. Parenthood or Nashville are good ones!!

  57. Parenthood for sure! My husband is in law school and has been gone a lot for interviews as well. I don't do well sleeping alone either, and Parenthood has been my best friend. You'll love it!

    1. LOVE that show. Wish I hadn't watched up the the most recent episode already!!

  58. You haven't had enough suggestions, soooo;

    Watched Lost with 1st baby at 3am, was too scary usually tho, I was too addicted to stop.
    Watched Numbers with the other. Not scary, pretty watchable.
    Re-watching Downton Abbey with this one.

    All the best thru the last haul. You can do it.

  59. Indiana's birth stories... oh my! I'm a sucker for a good birth story and never have I been so highly entertained/shocked while reading one! I had to pass them on to all my friends. Ha ha. The things that have happened to her in pregnancy/childbirth are astounding! Thanks for sharing.

  60. I see you already have a ton of suggestions but I'll throw this one out there anyway... Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders on CMT. I don't know if it's available on Netflix but you can watch all the episodes through CMT's website here: . It follows the cheerleaders who are trying to make the team. I'm sort of embarrassed to admit that I watch it but it's entertaining, addicting, and not scary at all!

  61. No one mentioned 30 Rock, so I have to assume you've seen it already? But if not, it would be perfect for this! If Degrassi Next is on Netflix Instant, that would be good too. It's a Canadian Teen Drama from the early 2000s, Rapper Drake is one of the cast members. It's amazing.

  62. If you like Jane Austen, you must watch the 4 part Emma on Amazon prime. My favorite! I also enjoy a good Anne of Green Gables marathon when hubby is MIA. I'll second recommendations for Psych and White Collar and LOVE the Big Bang Theory.

  63. I am in the midst of a serious television addiction. I have never been into Netflix but I innocently clicked House of Cards one day after I felt like the only one on this earth who hadn't seen it and I am now a prisoner to my computer screen. I can't even eat while I watch because I can't take the chance that my chewing will drown out but one word. On one hand, I feel like I'll have nothing left to live for when I finish season two, but I simultaneously look forward to having control of my life again. Needless to say, it's awesome, the acting is amazing, I almost forget that Obama is the real life president, and I also lived in D.C. and it's neat/nostalgic to watch since it takes place there. Also there are only two seasons...not a daunting endeavor!
    If you want a breezy read I highly, highly recommend The Fault In Our Stars by John Green (possibly an all time favorite) and Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. Both lure you in quickly and have some quality characters. Enjoy!!

  64. Oh you said not scary....okay stick to my book reccs instead haha you don't wanna go to sleep with thoughts of Frank Underwood. Or delve into The League, very funny. Also 'I don't know how she does it' with SJP was a surprisingly good movie on Netflix, and I assume you've seen What To Expect When You're Expecting, pretty good as well!

  65. The Americans is so good and Matthew Rhys is extremely easy on the eyes.

  66. I too suffer from not being able to sleep for fear of someone breaking in. So I highly recommend Murder She Wrote just enough cheese that you won't be too bored, not to mention the fun of seeing people rock shoulder pads! I promise you won't be sorry! And soooooo many seasons.

  67. Friday Night Lights...guilty, guilty pleasure ;)

  68. Totally binged on the following:
    - Once Upon A Time (it may sound a little hokey, but it's SO fun and addicting)
    - Parks and Rec

  69. Ok…I know I’ve commented on things like this before (so forgive me if I repeat myself). I should probably mention that I don’t have netflix so I have no idea if these gems are on there:

    -Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, etc. You know you love it. AND you know you love watching them over and over again. Always put my heart at ease.
    -Felicity and/or Alias - For some reason I could binge on these year after year.
    -The Office - always entertaining
    -Duck Dynasty - I’m a little embarrassed to admit it, but my husband got me into this show. Color me strange.
    -Addicted to Rehab - a “reality” show where a feisty single mom fixes up old houses and returns them to their final glory. I love it with my whole heart.
    -New Girl - the first season was better
    -19 Kids and Counting - I just finished two of their books and I have to say, the mom is so inspiring. The show can be kind of slow, but it has such an uplifting tone. I recommend.

    That’s enough tv shows for now because I’m starting to sound a little ridiculous.

  70. Suburagtory is pretty good and hilarious. It's not on netflix but you can stream it from couchtuner or Don't download anything just watch it there.

  71. Not scary at all: Top Gear (British version). I know nothing about cars and seriously don't care about them, but I laugh EVERY time at those guys--they are seriously funny.

  72. I also second Duck Dynasty. Clean, funny, predictable, happy.

  73. Parenthood has already been mentioned -- that's the number one one one.
    The Good Wife
    Shark Tank
    Lie to Me
    Blacklist (Hulu, it's new and not too scary)
    DROP DEAD DIVA was my most recent binge and I love love loved it. I'm a work-at-home mom six weeks postpartum with #2 and it was perfect for entertaining without being engrossing or eliciting emotions (sorrow, fright, elation... it's kind of a shallow show) that take too much energy when you're already hormonal and sleep-deprived. I don't know if that makes any sense but I loved it.

  74. Wow, cah-ray-zy birth stories from Indiana! I have never laughed that hard and out loud at a birth story, ever.

    Also, my love for Costco is reaching intensity. It is my love affair, my bf on the side. And I only have Canadian Costco. I'm pretty sure I'll faint of happiness when I finally enter an American one. It's on my bucket list. Big dreams, big dreams ;) I'm telling you because I think you understand..??

    Once Up A Time is cute! It drags a little in the 2nd Season. It's filmed in our town though, so that's kind of cool. I have a tough time with is hubs not being in the bed too. I embarrassingly often search the whole dang house for intruders before bed many a time.

  75. OK so I am a total chicken when I am on my own and also a netflix junkie...

    Top Gear... yes about cars but its quite funny and they do challenges/pranks all over the world.
    Hart of Dixie light and interesting
    Gossip Girl (gag) also falls into that category and the ending is super cute
    Freaks and Geeks YES

    DO NOT WATCH Lark Rise as there is one really creepy episode that I cannot remember but it catches you by surprise and then you are freaked. Otherwise it is an incredibly uplifting and well done show. I even freak out by Once Upon a Time and Lost but love those.

  76. Let's see... Land Girls, Foyle's War, White Collar, Revenge, Brothers and Sisters, Crossing Jordan, Alias, Life, Rosemary & Thyme, Continuum, Life. Is that enough?? Enjoy....

  77. So I have been obsessed with this show called Bomb Girls on Netflix. It's about these women who work in a bomb factory in England during WWII and I am obsessed. It's soapy enough without entering guilty pleasure territory, and very interesting. I will warn you, there is a very yucky scene right at the end of the first episode, but it is not scary and there haven't been any scenes like that since (I'm on episode 5 or 6 I think). It caught me off guard because there was nothing leading up to it that would make me think it was coming, so just wanted to warn you.

  78. Emily Owens M.D., it's on Netflix!!! They don't show a lot of blood, and it is like Grays anatomy but instead of "sexy" its awkward. You won't regret it

  79. The West Wing. A fabulous cast, great character development, interesting, not scary and makes you grateful for those who serve us in government - whether you agree with them or not. Plus, there are 8 seasons on Netflix - you won't run out for awhile :)

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  83. My college age daughter comes from a long line of non-sleepers (sigh). She swears by Gilmore Girls and has for years. I prefer old Closers or newer The Good Wife... but those aren't hangin' out by yourself at 3am shows. My sister watches QVC but that gets expensive quickly. Try GG or maybe Parenthood...

    (BTW - it took me 4 tries to post this without hideous typos. Sleep deprivation stinks. GOOD LUCK!)

  84. The Mindy Project? New Girl? Those are funny and extremely light hearted - nothing scary! - shows :)

  85. "Here comes Jenna commenting on all of my posts from, like, two weeks ago. She must be playing catch up again." For all of my tardy reading, I will send you that necklace free of charge. Just make sure you wear it all the time and never take it off.

  86. BUNHEADS! Ok, maybe I need to watch this Dance Academy deal :)

  87. I was out of town during this post so I'm just catching up. If you're looking for funny (like Mindy Project / New Girl type of thing) I'm ALL ABOUT Brooklyn Nine-Nine right now.



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