
28 April 2014

picnic in the park

Before we get too deep into life with a new baby aka normalus interruptus ... I want to jot this afternoon down because it was a good one. Not that any of my posts are extra exciting but this one might be thrown in the super unexciting category but I know I'll be happy I typed it in stone to look back on in the near and distant future. 

After Simon and the kids picked me and Phoebe up from the hospital on Friday we grabbed some cafeteria fare and headed to a park down the street from the hospital for a little picnic and recreation.

BUT not before Simon and I split up at the hospital - he took the boys to grab the food and I had Phoebe and a mountain of newborn diapers in my lap with Julia by my side holding my hand.  I was wheeled down to the lobby (complete with lengthy detour via the entire fifth floor ... down from my former residence .... the sixth floor) by a very kind gentleman volunteer that had one walking speed: sloth. He ran over Julia's sandaled feet multiple times and stopped for multiple breathers. The whole thing was just as stressful as it was comical with Julia giving me wide, "wtf" eyes and clutching my hand even tighter than her usual deathgrip while I prayed that Phoebe would keep it together and my diaper pile wouldn't spill and set us back two years.

Even Phoebe mustered a brow furrow and hung on for dear, sweet life.

Anyway. Glad everyone survived.


The park and the picnic. I hate to wax too sappy and happy but Simon starts his crazytown hours again tomorrow and then is back to pounding the interview trail pavement at the end of the week. The horror. Things will be back to their regular volume of: loud complaints .... SOON enough.

Should I openly admit that Theo's favorite food in the whole wide world is Sun Chips? Probably not. But now you know.

The weather was perfect and the kids didn't fight (a full fledged miracle these days .... Julia and Sebastian fight about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g lately ... ) and Theo was the happiest little clam

wearing Sebastian's shorts. But you'd never guess.

he still hyperventilates and waves both hands violently whenever he approaches the new addition. I'm sure the new will wear off soon but for now ... it's endearing as bleep.

Ladies man.

and Phoebe slept the entire time and the cafeteria was selling genuine Chick-fil-a so basically it was just a little utopian afternoon for the Pattons.


Sebastian walking the diaper changing plank while Theo dodges that bullet with a squat and a cackle.

And then we came home and I was so super optimistic about the ease of outings with a bebe and forced everyone to pile in the van to go get some frozen yogurt later that night right as we reallllly should've been getting everyone to bed. Laugh laugh laugh laugh. Of course all of the meltdowns (mine included) collided at once and we ended up speeding through the Wendy's drive-thru for Frosties galore before came home, sugared up, and tossed the crazies into bed.

And since we've been home the reality of la vida postpartum has set in somewhat harshly. I'm lucky to not have to deal with crazy difficult recovery periods but I do (always!!) have quite the battle with the b for breastfeeding situation. After watching his mom try not to pass out from the pain Sebastian matter-of-factly stated, "oh, baby Phoebe bite you and it hurts."

Well, yes. Basically, Bash.

But I'm glad we'll always have this batch of cellular phone photos to remember our first wild and kRaZeE adventure as a family of six.

And there is a very good reason there are no photos of Grace ... I was sure to flail my hospital bracelets at anyone that cast a glance in my swollen + yoga pantsed direction. I love love love newborns but they have an impressive knack for leaving this mom looking like she's been hit by a truck. A garbage truck. But I'll always forgive them. Of course.

happy heart emojis abounding.


  1. I know I am going to sound like a lunatic, but have you ever googled information about lip tie or posterior tongue tie causing pain during breastfeeding. My youngest (of eight) had it (actually they all had it, but only this last one had it affect things quite so horribly). Anyhow, we had his tongue tie clipped and voila, all was well. AND, congratulations on adding another BEAUTIFUL baby to your family! Love reading about all the happenings!

    1. oh no - you're not a lunatic! She's not tongue tied - Julia and Theo were though (and I am too!)! Hopefully it gets easier soon :)

    2. I was wondering the same thing. I thought Theo was!!!!! It will get better :). And for future Patton babes, I totally believe in the positives of frenotomy when it comes to tongue tie and breastfeeding.

  2. love it.

    I hope we have a lovely day like this to share together after our fourth is born next month! (my oldest is 5) I was so happy to find out we were having a spring baby.

    Also, I do so much better with sleep with a newborn, which everyone kind of scratches their heads at. I get barely any sleep at this stage in pregnancy :( But after the baby's born -Hey, at least I can sleep on my tummy again! I also so look forward to hugging my husband again without a big baby belly between us :)

  3. You are amazing!!! Park straight from the hospital? Someone could have left me a trail of chick fil a sandwiches leading to the park, and I think I still would have booked it home to sit oh so cautiously on the couch. ha! And you don't skip a blogging beat with a newborn at home, once again amazing!! Love it

  4. I sort of wanted to slap everyone that told me breast feeding doesnt/wasnt supposed to hurt. I had to use nipple shields almost the entire 11 months with Tindra and the first month STILL hurt like a B. Toe curling pain. Way worse than c- section recovery (if my memory is serving me correctly..which maybe it isn't it Has been two years after all) so hang in there! Though I sort of think you are a saint if you manage to even BF for two weeks with three others running around trying to get your attention!

  5. This is the part where I tell you once again how I just found you and know nothing about you (SORRY, I know that sounds like I'm being lazy but I just need a few hours to peruse your archives, you know?) but is Simon a resident? Because so is my husband hey girl heeeeeey.

  6. Ok, HI! I'm BACK! I just clicked on that giant link called "RESIDENCY" on your sidebar and now I'm geeked and simultaneously just, wanting to kiss your feet because FOUR KIDS IN RESIDENCY. GOD BLESS YOU. Sean's in his fourth (last) year of med peds. Ok. I guess that's all. I'm going to go read more under residency link and laugh and cry with you.

  7. That picture of Simon with the girls is heart-melting. And Theo dancing with ants in his pants at being a big bro. So cute!

  8. You went to the park and you're blogging? Color me impressed! You may want to try a nipple shield for nursing-it's the only way I could stand the pain (it did go away!) and stick with it in those first hazy days. I bet Simon could even pocket a couple on his shift. ;)

  9. I found Lamaze breathing far more effective for breast feeding than it was for labor - bring on the epidural. Congratulations, your family is beautiful.

  10. Such a darling family. I just love you guys. Congrats again (again again, I've said it like 50 times now) on that sweet new baby. I hope the breastfeeding gets easier! And I hope you get some naps. Lots of them.

  11. That picture of Theo getting all excited about the baby? Heart melting.

  12. Let me just say: Breastfeeding? Ouch! I know it gets better, it just takes a couple weeks and those first few days/first two weeks kill me. I have no advice except that it gets better, but you are on baby number 4 so I know you know this.
    I, too, felt like I could do anything after having both my kids. Then I see pictures of myself and I am like, "What are you doing in public? You look like a chubby Steve Buscemi." However, after seeing your insta picture before your walk I am going to say that you look a million times better than I did.

  13. I always felt ten feet tall and bullet proof after delivery. Maybe a little tender in the girlie parts but I did hard time (bed rest) from 26 weeks with one and 25 weeks with another so I was ready to be out among the three dimensional people by the time I delivered. I can remember people saying, "he's three DAYS old????" like I was some kind of lunatic in the Mexican restaurant. I wasn't nursing. Mama needed the same kind of potion that got her in that position. I worked with some Vietnamese girls whose cultural traditions were that they didn't MOVE for the first month... seriously, stayed in bed the whole first month while the baby's grandmas kept house and cared for the baby. Even if I had that kind of help I couldn't stand it. Glad to see that baby number four is literally a walk in the park!

  14. Seriously. Move over St. Gerard, Anne, and Monica. There's a new patron Saint of Mothers in town! You are amazing and I will forever be in awe of the grace you carry with motherhood. Coolest mom ever, too, for the double awesome whammy of picnic AND frosties all in 1 day (not to mention, the 1 day you're leaving the hospital). Ok, sorry for my crazy, obsessed comment :)

    1. also, if you're getting any weird Google searches to your site, they're probably from me because I am trying to find if you have done a tutorial on your video making with Vimeo. I am a technology dumbdumb and am not figuring it out. :)

  15. Passing out from the pain of breastfeeding, check! Been there, done that with all three kids so far. This latest bebe nursed for nearly a week before I removed it from my breast to see blood trickling out of her mouth and as I stood up and leaned over the blood poured out of the nipple shield like the gallon of milk my 5yo dumped on the floor. That's when this mama shouted, "no more babies being breastfed" to the tune of a delightful ditty about monkeys, beds, jumping and doctors being called. Sorry for the graphic nature of my comment. You are a brave lady to keep at it - good on you, Grace! All future babies round these lady parts will go straight to the bottle. I ain't even playin'. The end.

  16. Oh these photos are so beautiful and sweet.

  17. So Sweet, so glad you got that on paper before the crazy hits!! Sending prayers as you go solo!!!

  18. I love these pictures. I'm another crazy lady always out with the newborn as soon as I leave the hospital. With both kids we were out for high tea before the babe was a week old. I go crazy if I'm kept indoors, even if the rest of the world thinks I'm crazy to be outdoors.

  19. Do you have a secret nanny? Because I don't see how you have the energy for this. (Tell the truth: Julia is really a miniature nanny you hired. You can tell me!)

  20. What a lovely re-entry to the outside world. Spring is a really nice time to have a newborn. I am not entirely pleased with the December due date I'm looking at with this number three child. But since I myself am a number three child with a birthday two days after Christmas, I suppose it's only fair.

    Good luck with the coming trial(s) by fire. As Richard Marx would say, hold on to the memories.

  21. what a beautiful day!! and i am ridiculously impressed with your blogging ability postpartum. i feel like it took me weeks to be able to put a coherent sentence together after greta was born. (also LOVE the diaper changing plank!!)

  22. Praying for you and your boobs. I'll give you all my advice: advice advice advice advice advice.

    p.s. Sam loves greased up potato chips.

  23. Oh I feel you on the nursing pain! It took me three months to get into a nursing groove with Ryan! So. Painful.

    I love this whole story, but my favorite phrase was '"wtf' eyes" from J. Ha!

  24. You make life with a newborn seem idyllic! Before I get jealous though, I will keep in mind the difficult days ahead for you when Simon goes back on the interview trail, and instead be happy for you. :) I'm glad you get to have a breather before the real craziness sets in. I am so in awe of you for leaving the house not once but twice in your first day. Wow! You have already achieved more with four kids than I would have ever attempted with two!

  25. Your life sounds so like my eldest daughter's right now and mine 15 years ago. Sacrafice keeps the good things coming and there's always both in a large family. Sounds like you have a great sense of humor about it all. Your family is beautiful!

  26. Theo, ah Theo. He is adorably grown up all of a sudden.

    I had a c-section, and I think breastfeeding pain is way worse and lasts way longer. They can't give you pain meds for nursing, and there's a tiny human who is always aggravating the pain.

    I had to do homework the day I got back from the hospital. Homework plus pain meds plus three days of no sleep: no bueno. No bueno.

  27. And I'm double commenting, seats. Do you re-use the infant ones and how many kids through? I'm just nosy. ;)

    1. Car seats usually have an expiration date of 5-6 years from the date of manufacture. Check the fine print ;abel on the side of the seat and base. We have a Chicco Key Fit 30 and the sea and base are 6 years.

    2. We still have the same one we used with Julia :) it's good for 6 years and in great shape!

  28. Love this post! I relate in so many ways... Breastfeeding: ugh, I needed my vicodin for that more than anything else after going home! And I don't think I'm a wimp since I birthed naturally! That only lasted two weeks, ugh. And the outing - it reminds me of the first time we went to mass (yesterday) with all three of the kids (4 weeks, 16 months, and 2.5 years) without any grandparents to help out. It (shockingly!) went AMAZING. Which, of course, will never happen. Ever. Again. Ever.

  29. A million congrats!!! I don't leave the home for 3 months post babe. :) You're a rockstar! Prayers coming your way!

  30. Oh man. So sorry about the nursing pain. Been there, done that. :( It gets better, sure, but how do they manage to chomp so hard without teeth?!!!

  31. I'm barely handling my maternity leave at home with my newborn and ONE toddler, so I'm eagerly anticipating your upcoming posts :-)

  32. Just my two cents, but get Phoebe up as high as possible with pillows and/or boppy. She should be level with you. If she's not she pulls down as she nurses. I remember when some one told me this and I was like, "Yeah, right..." But, seriously, it was sooooooooooooo much better after I did that!

  33. You must be lying! You voluntarily went out as you left the hospital? This seems insane!

  34. You're a rockstar! I'm a new reader and just love your dry humor and self-deprecating stories. My love language!

    I hope the nursing gets better soon. We're all looking forward to updates whenever you find time. ;)

  35. Breast feeding in the beginning is the worst and every mom knows it so I'll never understand why the lactation "specialists" always sanctimoniously preach that "you're doing it wrong if it hurts!" Uh nope, done this before but thanks ;) so glad you have that afternoon recorded though and good luck to simon on the trail!!

  36. Oh hi there!! Just love this makes me laugh like crazy!! I am due with my 5th very soon and recently decided to take a bfeeding class for the heck of it. The last time I took one was when my oldest was about to enter this world. I have never been very good at it but always start out with such good intent!! Its just hard and painful and I end up "supplementing" which about 3 days later turns into full fledge bottle feeding and me never even looking back. BUT, this time, I thought I would give it the old college try....AGAIN. I may have long term memory issues...agreed. The one very, very frustrating part of the class was listening to the instructor teach all these new mom's (they were all on their 1st babies and probably died laughing when I said I was having our 5th..but whatever..Im too old to care) everything about nursing but never once adding that "oh by the way, this breast feeding thing is really bleeping painful and you shold expect it to hurt for a little while..." I felt so frustrated bc I think they set up young/new mom's for major disappointment and then failure. If the instructor would have found a really cool way to share that "yes, it hurts, yes you will feel like you have been hit by a truck and the exhaustion you feel will be like nothing you've ever endured before..BUT it GETS better so hang in there, girls!!!" would be such a better way to set them up for success then to not even mention the pain that may or may not go along with this bfeeding ride...I was so annoyed- can you tell?! Ha!! Anywhoo, sorry for the rant but reading your post and reading what all the others had to say just reinforced my thoughts on this subject. YOu guys are totally adorable and yes, you are super mom!! Congrats!!!!!

    1. oh wow! I'm so impressed you took initiative with your fifth and took a class - that's awesome. I'm sure I'd learn a lot!

      BUT yes! Ha we really should spearhead a campaign, "breast is best but it sucks."

      I'm sure it would be wildly popular!

      And thanks so much Amy!!!!

  37. This is SUCH a sweet post, I love love love it. And I agree with everyone else, you are super mom! I was terrible at getting out of the house with my newborn, and here you are at four. So encouraging. :D Congrats to the Pattons!

    1. ha! thank you! but please know I didn't leave the house for about 7 weeks (aside from Mass WITH Simon) with Sebastian ...... that was a fun period of life :)

  38. This is so sweet! Little Theo cracks me up. Sun Chips are one of the best foods in the world so I completely understand where he's coming from ;)

  39. Three words on the breastfeeding ouchies: Lanisoh Gel Pads! Totally lifesaving in the early days when those nips are on fire :) Best wishes to you and yours <3

  40. straight to the park and then frostys that night?! i am beyond impressed! you deserve a medal!

  41. You are a super woman rockstar. Wish I could offer to help (in a non creepy/stalker way, of course!) - because I totally would. Don't know how you do it all - especially with your hubby's work and interview schedule!!!

  42. Congrats! I would so love a big(er) family, but as I sit here growing number 4, the thought of any more pregnancies makes me want to cry and die. (And I don't even have it that bad! Most days it's just me and a 2 year old home all day thanks to school!) After you have a baby, do you think to yourself "oh, thank God I'm not pregnant right now"?

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. As far as I can tell, you look amazing in the pictures. How you feel, is a different matter of course. If you are sleep deprived for such a long time, you would probably feel like anything but gorgeous. I also suffered from b-feeding, and mine got really worse. In my case, gentle olive oil massage (w/ a few drops on a piece of cotton pad) worked miraculously to ease the pain. Hope you feel better soon.

  45. Grace,

    You're super mom, with 4 kids!!! I love your writing voice, it's so much fun! Can I bring you over a margarita and chat some more? ;)

    I hear ya on breastfeeding, I haven't had the easiest (or most successful) times either. I'd love to learn more about your experiences (I have a feeling they're similar to mine.)

    The Mile High Mom

  46. I love all the park pictures! Breastfeeding is hard for me too. The hardest part for me is staying hydrated. I usually have to get an iv at least a couple times. I hear so many people say how much they love breastfeeding...I wish I felt that way, but it's more I do it because I know it's best for the baby.

    Are the kids a little helpful when you need something that they can get for you? I know my oldest (she's four) is usually pretty good about helping me in little ways.

    Our infant carseat is about to expire in December and our fifth baby is due in June and we've been having a Graco, but I never was very thrilled with it. I was wondering what brand of infant carseat you used and if you would recommend it to others?

  47. You are amazing! I am in awe. Hospital to park with 4 kids? I would've run the other direction! I love all these pictures and I'm so glad you had such a wonderful picnic in the park!

  48. Hope ye-old-nursing parts are healing up soon. MAN those first few weeks are sheer torture. And as I ready for number 3, all I can think about (aside from other body parts hurting) is the long-term torment of those first few latching weeks. Who's the patron saint of nipples???

  49. Theo's expressions are hilarious! What a nice way to get out with the family and spend the day.

  50. Theo's hyperventilating/hand! My son does the same with pictures of babies in books. He gets all wide eyed, and looks at me, grins and then kisses the pictures.
    Looks like you have this all figured out, taking a trip to the park on day one! Wow. :-)
    Congratulations, hope your boobs feel better soon! I had to pump for a while as my son was preemie and could only tube/bottle feed for 6 weeks. Not sure if that helped toughen my nipples or what but I (LUCKILY!!) never had much pain when he was finally allowed to go to the boob. Now, though (at 11 months), he's started biting and I am about ready to end this BF journey! haha
