
12 April 2014

your name tag should read, "inspiring" + the best of the intangible web

Well I'd just like to take one sweet moment to curse each and every one of you overachieving nesters for all of your comments on Thursday's post. Nothing like reading about everyone else's productivity (painting rooms! washing walls! multiple freezer meals!) to make me feel like gum on a sidewalk and get my incubator in gear. Consequently my sweaty and overworked washer and dryer dictated this message from them to you: DIE.

I'm probably just doing the buh-ha-ha-hare minimum that most hardworking housewives do in the weekly housecleaning department but I did entertain the idea of ironing the pillowcases (then cackled and carried on) in the midst of washing every single washable textile on the premises, scrubbing and filling the bathroom handsoap bottles, lugging 10 bags of clothes/toys/toys/toys-to-be-donated out to the car, organizing the pantry (the worst job in the WORLD), eating, eating some more, and confusing the bleep out of Julia who has been watching me not languish on the couch for the first time all week.


Thanks for that.

I'm taking a moment to dab my brow, sip some ice water, and toss some quality links your way.

Laura wrote an entire series on blogging (and I eat that sheet up with a serving spoon) and I loved all of her posts but found her post on finding the time to blog especially interesting because finding the time is a little more complicated than just, "cranking out a post while the kids nap" ... and I wish it weren't. Check it.

And while I'm on my favorite topic ... Jenna penned a great list of her five favorite blogging resources. Super helpful - no matter how long you've been at the blogging beast.

It's almost painful to read about working out these days because my swollen state has reduced me to a lot of swaying and modified (hilarious) pilates and waddling but Meg's post on her new work out routine (that works!!) got me really excited to get back in the game after the baby comes.

Tess compiled an awesome list of (FREE) pregnancy apps. Where was that list 4 years ago, Tess? Not on my flip phone ... that's for sure. 

How far would you go to help a friend in need? Well Simcha went above and beyond all y'all when she threw back a little vino and sang, "Let it Go" all in the name of getting Robin's soap making business off the ground. She's still hoping to raise $400 more dollars so if you're in the mood to help a great cause ... go.

Oh, Pinterest. I'm totally falling for this and only have myself to blame when it doesn't work.

Kayla's amazing artichoke recipe almost has me convinced I need to learn how to turn on the grill. Almost.

Soooo .. anxiety-inducing, terrible mood, life hating Theo ...

... has finally been replaced with the Theo of yesteryear this past week. He's back to being a normal independent little 15-month-old that speed crawls around the casita looking for mischief and NOT clinging to my kneecaps while crying a river-o-woe.

I don't want to cast all blame on a piece of jewelry but the timing is certainly eery. Even Simon, who hasn't been home a ton, has noticed a big difference and has agreed that we'll get him refitted for necklaces until he leaves the nest.

And I'm getting carried away as generally do.

I hope you're enjoying the glorious weather and doing something that can be classified as fun. You deserve it.

See you later.


  1. Well, I for one am glad you blogged. And I'm about to order a necklace because I'm exhausted from trying to please the angriest little man in all the land. Hope he buys into the placebo? homeopathic? effect like I already did.

  2. So what your saying is, the necklace is working? I have gone back and forth on it. My boys did fine with the teething. Fine meaning I kept my sanity. But my daughter, not so much. So it works? Really?

  3. JP has been rocking the amber gems for, oh, the past 4 months solid. We never take it off. He looks completely effeminate even with the 'black amber' boy shade but who the eff cares so long as the wailing and gnashing abates, right?

  4. You're so nice for sharing my one post in ages.

    (and now I want another artichoke)

  5. we swear by our amber necklace. our 15mos old wears it 24/7 and has since about 4mos. I occasionally punish myself by taking it off for a day or two....penance.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My 14 mo old has been wearing both amber and hazelwoodfor 5 months, and I have seen a huge difference in teething! She has been an early teether and popped in 12 teeth in 3 months and has been so peacefule since I bought the necklaces. Not sure if it's the hazelwood or amber, but I love them 😍

  8. Great post!
    L x

  9. Great post
    L x

  10. So do Americans not use Wonder Weeks? It's this theory of neurological development where babies have developmental leaps at predictable intervals (based on DUE DATE not birth date). So for a couple of weeks they turn into clingy whiny inconsolable little monsters and you want to feed them to the wolves and are plunged into despair that you are a terrible parent and nobody will ever love your awful monster child. Then they get over it and can suddenly do a whole bunch of new things. Anyway, there's an app. If Theo's due date was around Jan 19 2013, he's just finished with a leap. (Not really a stalker no.)

    1. That is too cool. I'm an American Momma of seven and have never heard of this, but it makes soooo much sense. Thank you

    2. It's some Dutch guys who did the research. There's a book which describes what the developments are, but the app is not expensive, has an abbreviated description, and can also keep track of their neurological age for you.

    3. I was going to mention that. I have the book and the app (love, love!). My kids are finishing up the fourth leap. I'm glad I know that. When I read this post I thought of the Wonder Weeks immediately!

    4. What is the name of the app? Sounds interesting. Thanks!

  11. Muchas gracias, mamacita.

    AND, I will have to post a tutorial for you on the dance I like to call The Sam Shuffle. It is a desperate tango between a mother and baby where the mother does everything in her power to escape the bondage of baby arms around her knees while she cooks dinner/brushes teeth/ANYTHING AT ALL. It involves a lot of jumping, spinning and crying.

  12. Yay!! So glad he's in a better mood. Hope the necklace did its work :)

  13. All I know is that Ted has been wearing a teething necklace since he was four months old and sleeps sound every nap and night. He just started cutting teeth at 11 1/2 months (four this week!) and he's only been a little fussy. Maybe the necklace? Maybe not? I'm not willing to test it...happy it's working out for you! 😉

  14. Thanks for the shout-out! Glad someone else can reap the fruits of the embarrassing amount of time I spend looking at pregnancy apps... first-time mom much? :)

  15. Thanks for linking to these blogs... I've been looking for some new ones to follow and these are ALL right up my alley.

  16. Grilled artichokes are AMAZING! I highly suggest giving it a try. :-)
    Seriously considering the amber necklace now...hmm
