
06 May 2014


today I organized and held a Lowering of the Standards ceremony.

It was time.

I'll probably have another one again tomorrow.
And you're invited.
Casual dress {jeans? too formal}

See you then.
See you there.
And if you're tardy ... I don't care.


  1. You fed them. That's a start. All will be well in time my friend. Hang in there.

    1. haha thanks Mary!! :)

      just a funny moment .... or three ;)

  2. I'll be there... wearing sweats and a harried expression. =) (No babies but do high school kids count?)

  3. Just to that a bring your own beer or a bring your own boob event?!?

  4. You're my inspiration... I'll be there oh so soon as 3 under 3 commences in my house July 2014... keep motivating me right on through the dreaded 3rd trimester

  5. At least the applesauce went into mouths as I do not see it squirted across the floor. Or walls. (Like my house. Just sayin'.)

    1. haha. I do think he took one gulp out of each pouch before fetching another for me to open. whatever worked at the time ..... desperado :)

  6. Are you wearing actual shoes that tie? Got me beat...

  7. haha, i love this. i just stumbled across your blog (i'm also an insta follower) and i love how real you are! wish i would've found your blog before i had my son! so helpful!

  8. Dude! We are there. And is the dress code strictly enforced? Can a diaper and maybe a pair of mismatched socks be acceptable?

  9. My standards started out so low, I'd have to raise them in order to lower them. ;)

  10. I have no children and live alone... and my house looks like a tornado tore through it. I'd say you are living with some pretty high standards! (No, seriously... I have a bag of Reese's cups on the floor... there used to be wrappers on the floor too but I finally threw those away...)

  11. She is changing so fast! Adorable kids.

  12. Haha! Love it. I think I'm in for tomorrow, just before I have to super-duper RAISE the bar before a big First Communion and Mother's Day weekend!

  13. Theo has shoes on, so....I declare you the victor of awesome.


  14. I remember seeing other people's children fall asleep on the floor, at the table, on the stairs, wherever. And I would think, you know those thoughts we think about other people's children right before the Holy Spirit's about to whack us a good one? Well, as time rolled on and the babies kept coming, I would step over a sleeping child laying in a snow angel made of graham cracker crumbs in front of reruns of Barney. Yep, it happens and we all live to tell...and laugh about it.

  15. Yep lower your standards, and then do it again, and do it again each kid!! At least applesauce is healthy. My toddlers lived off bagels and was the easiest/lowest cleanup food I could think of.

  16. lol, I like how he's just rolling around the floor, drunk off applesauce and stolen pleasures. He probably hopes Phoebe never stops nursing!

  17. Goodness I love your posts. Thank you so much for keeping it real. You're a superstar!

  18. This may have been the hardest iv ever laughed at one of your posts...

  19. Did Theo share one with you? I probably could not have resisted a shot-o-applesauce!

  20. What are you talking about? Theo is dressed in a coordinating outfit and even has shoes on. :)
    There have been times where I've been so exhausted that I let my daughter eat multiple bananas and graham crackers in succession for my own personal sanity. This post made me laugh- you are so not alone. Now go buy stock in Costco or applesauce or both...

  21. Um. We send our 3yr old in jammies to daycare. Everyday because it requires more effort to get him dressed in the am than I want to extend

  22. Hey, you even rhymed in your invite! That's something! ... *clap* *clap* *clap* impressed like everyone else by the matching outfit + sandals and nutritious applesauce as opposed to Ryan's graham cracker days *hangs head*

  23. I told my husband the other day, that if there is one thing I have learned to master and do well with 4 young kids, it is lower my standards. You're not alone! Unfortunately, my standards were never very high to begin with....

  24. Cackle of appreciative laughter!!! :D

  25. Seriously - Theo is dressed and fed. Baby looks happy. You are dressed with shoes on. And I'm guessing Julia and Bash made it to pre-school. That's a good day.

  26. You make me laugh on a daily basis and I do not even have kids. Rock on mama, you are too cool!

  27. I will be attending tomorrows ceremony in the same clothes I am wearing today. That is all.

  28. I don't know what I love most about this post. Maybe all of it. You probably saw this already, but I have to share because I loved it!!

    Comedian Jim Gaffigan has 5 children; here's how he answers the "Why so many?!" question:

    “Well, why not? I guess the reasons against having more children always seem uninspiring and superficial. What exactly am I missing out on? Money? A few more hours of sleep? A more peaceful meal? More hair? These are nothing compared to what I get from these five monsters who rule my life. I believe each of my five children has made me a better man. So I figure I only need another thirty-four kids to be a pretty decent guy."

  29. Oh how this made me laugh... the field of pouch casualties... I have so been there with just two... and you seem to be a step ahead of me as there are no minefields of pureed fruit strategically squirted across the floor or in hair. My mom told me after the birth of my first (when I was still under the false and failing impression that I could "easily" care for a newborn and keep an impeccable house, which was never impeccable to begin with, that the rules change when you have kids: basically, there are no rules.) Hang in there!

  30. Animal crackers and a spoon of peanut butter are the usually snack du jour here. And I lock J in the chair. He'd be totes jealous of theo's freedom ;)

  31. Guuuurl, your standards will always be higher than mine have ever been. You obviously haven't seen this post: I MEAN.

  32. Theo looks pretty relaxed there. When my guy eats his applesauce, he sucks in his cheeks and tries to get all of it out in one fell swoop. And then throws the empty container down like TAKE THAT AND CASH IT. And then my 15 second nap in the Lazyboy is over.

  33. Is it bad that my view has looked like this recently.... And I only have 1?? Regardless, you are awesome. I'll attend in my fanciest yogi's and oversized sweatshirt.

  34. When I roll out of bed in the morning the first thing I do - even before my morning pee - is make the bed. That way, even if nothing else gets done all day, I at least made the bed. And the only kid I have to care for is 20 years old and mostly self-sufficient.

  35. Ohh this cracked me up and ohsoFREAKINrelatable! I'll be at that ceremony. With bells on!

  36. Hilarious…hope you're doing well- I've texted a few times, but I'm not sure if you got them- maybe you changed your number when you got a new phone. Or maybe you're just busy with your FOUR babies ;)

    Maybe you get Simon home this weekend??

  37. You are the best! If nothing else, you manage to make me laugh every time about the crazy motherhood train we are all on!

  38. oh my gosh, i love these photos! hilarious :)

  39. Oooh, I definitely need to have a Lowering of Standards ceremony!!!
