
08 June 2014

around the e-world

Nothing to see here. Just an attempt at some one sided PDA.

But this photo of Phoebe pattern baldness takes the cake. I swear it's not that bad in real life.I don't think.

ANYWAY. Hey! How's your weekend going? Good. Same here. Absolutely nothing to report. It's been raining really hard and Julia thinks that means she should open and use her, "barilla" inside while Theo has confused the downpour for a big screen thriller of sorts because he just cannot pull himself away from the window and Sebastian is eating and eating and eating some more.

Okay. That was Saturday afternoon right before I tried to post this Sebastian emptied a bottle of my darkest nail polish all over the bathroom, the tornado sirens would not shut up (they can always sense when Simon is on call, always!), a fuse blew on one side of the kitchen and I didn't realize that the refrigerator had been sans power for MANY hours until the ice trays in the freezer were full of tepid water (yes, I'm an observant soul), and Phoebe had one of her worst scream sessions to date. All the diaper contents hitting all the fans. Always when Simon is on call. I'm over it. Really and truly. Mostly. Maybe.

Moving right along. A few links to click or not ...

my dream stroller

new favorite birth story

this made me laugh because it's so sadly true

I've really loved reading about Rachel's mission trip to El Salvador ... I imagine you will too

Sebastian's favorite toy that he insists on toting everywhere we go

And I'll stop there. But not before wishing my Gram a super happy birthday! She was going to see The Fault in Our Stars for her birthday ... have you seen it? I think I'll read the book first? I don't know.

Okay. Simon and I have a date with some margaritas and some Netflix. Off I go.

Hasta manana.


  1. I'm reading 'The Fault in Our Stars' right now. It's all too perfectly written. Don't know if I can watch the film.

    SSG xxx

  2. Read the book! I laughed, I cried, and it was a quick read to boot. Really a wonderful book.

    I have a date with the movie this week, and I will be bringing a box of Kleenex. A full box.

  3. Just finished The Fault in Our Stars--super quick read, and it was good!

  4. Okay, this is a serious, legitimate question. I don't know if I just can't judge the scale from the picture, but can you see over the top of the stroller?! The two top seats just look so tall.

    Baby hair is just the bestest. My girl was born with a ton of hair. Seriously, pick the baby you know with the most amount of hair and then add some more. And for the first seven months it stuck straight up, like she stuck her finger in a socket. Though now that it lays down, my husband jokes that it was mean of God to give her a mullet as her first hair cut.

    1. Ha - good question! I'd have to look at the height :)

  5. That stroller... wow. Forget fitting through standard doorways, my question is: How tall do you have to be to see over it?

  6. Thanks for the link, you sweet thing! LOVE your description of P's hair. Too good.

  7. She is SO cute. It seems they just get cuter as you add them. J/k. (Don't tell Julia!) ;)

  8. Fault in Our Stars will make you weep. SO good. Love the half bald baby. Jerry's hair is the same. LOL! Hope you are recovering nicely from call weekend.

  9. Cool stroller, but... it's only good to 37lbs per seat. Aren't your bigs already exceeding that?

  10. I would die for that stroller. I only have two, but I need it. I mean, we need to think about our future and be responsible and all that.

  11. I thought The Fault in Our Stars was horrible and I would feel sad if you wasted your time on it. Then again, if you read it and dislike it, you might be able to channel your frustration at the book instead of call nights ;)

  12. Ditto to Jenna. That stroller is awesome. Phoebes manages to pull off that hair style like to her job. Cutie baldy cute cute.

  13. A double decker stroller?!?!? Now I've seen it all! How does that thing not tip over with uneven weight distribution/wiggly kicking children? I can only imagine the looks you would get pushing that sucker but hey, I guess if you can still go jogging with all the kiddos in tow, it's worth it!!

  14. Were they... FULWILER MARGARITAS??? If so, I'm sure you're still sleeping it off.

    You were right, best birth story ever. I LOLed and cried.

  15. I can only imagine Theo sitting, watching the rain for hours. Nothing like some free entertainment?!

    Thanks for the good ol' linkies!

  16. Phoebe is just beautiful (along with her older siblings). And her new hairline reminds me of how my son looked in the weeks following his birth. He was born with a full head of hair and soon thereafter it all fell out on top, but the sides remained. We referred to him as our little Franciscan friar until the hair s-l-o-w-l-y grew back in. I suppose the nickname doesn't work so well for a baby girl, however... (Coincidentally, my son's middle name is Francis.) -- Julia

  17. That birth story totally made me cry.

  18. That birth story totally made me cry.


  20. I loved that birth story! Thanks for pointing us to it. :-) Aside from my own, my favorite is Evie's, which you can read here: ... Enjoy! I've loved this one since the moment Evie was born. It just moved me.

  21. Man, I don't know what I'd do if we lived somewhere where there were tornado sirens. I'd be a nervous wreck, that's what.
    As far as strollers go, that thing is amazeballs. We've had our fair share of strollers over the years, and with the facts that it can fit four through a standard door and has the option to lock the wheels for running and stuff who cares how tall it is! Ha. What I want to know is why they haven't contacted you with a freebie yet.

  22. I just read Elsa's story, and then Phoebe's story, and my teary-eyed self started longing for a fourth! Our third just about did me in, but those birth stories have a way of tugging at your heart strings ;).
