
17 June 2014

party crashers

You know how much I love alternate titles: just a frumpy mom, hanging in a fancy mag

Hey there. I'm just popping in between itty bitty anxiety attacks about the laundry, the state of the house, the number of postpartum dinners I've made (zero), the laundry again, and Simon's July rotation that might kill us all because my name is Grace and it's June 17th and I specialize in unproductive + unnecessary stress. We all have those weeks, I'm sure.

Anyway! Enough insight into my rosy mind. Moving onto something bigger and better. Onward and upward for the win, for now.

You thought you were done being subjected to bump shots after Phoebe was born, didn't you? Well, you thought wrong!

The weekend before Phoebe was born we took the kids to the park and Simon kindly snapped the photo below of me and Phoebe (in utero) for CupcakeMag's summer issue. Yes, they let me and Phoebe formerly known as bump crash their hip fiesta.

The issue came out today and is awesome and you can read the whole thing for free right here. There are more Grace + Phoebe photos on page 111. You know you're tempted to clicky click right on over.

Alright, Phoebe saw me eying the laundry and is starting in on one of her infamous episodes that we've all grown to know and love. I think we'll watch a little drama a la Andi and her suitors to try and cheer her up. Hopefully the apple didn't fall far from her trashy tree of a mom and she's sucked right in.

BRB, you know how we roll around here.


  1. Impossibly cute, as always. Congrats on the feature!

  2. I love your style, as always. Congrats on the feature!

  3. Major congrats!! You look gorgeous bump or no bumpitty bump! Every one of those outfits was great! You're a rockstar!

  4. You are in the same magazine as a Kardashian and Alba!!!!!!! Holy cow, you are a BIG DEAL!!!! Congratulations!!! Pope Frankie is real proud!

  5. Phoebes phamous. See what I did there? I'm not illiterate. that was intentional.

    I clicked passed Kourtney K and Jessica Alba in a mad search for you... that's something to put in the ol' resume.

  6. WOWZA!! Major congrat's on the feature. I know a celebrity!! sort of (hee, hee, hee). I hope you are able to take a deep breath and feel a little less stressed in the coming days. KNow we will be sending up a prayer or two on your behalf. Blessings friend :)

  7. Love your preggo style. I'm all about stripes while pregnant- I think they flattery and accentuate the bump lump.

  8. That's awesome! And really? Right before you had Phoebe?? You make pregnancy look so good :)

  9. Straight up about to watch Pretty Little Liars. Bachelor on. Also, so proud of ya, Grace - you look amazing!

  10. So cute. And don't worry about meals. I didn't cook for... dunno how long. Blocked it from my memory. I said it while you were pregnant and I'll repeat again: Trader Joe's. No shame in my frozen meal game. For serious, the mandarin chicken with the bags of Jasmine rice. YUM. Add some veggies or fruit and ma'am, that's a full meal.

  11. how cool, you look great! don't worry about the laundry, it'll still be there. As for the meals, it took me a long, long time before I got there. To be honest, I don't really remembered what we did to get by, we somehow did. It was all a haze, but we got through it. We all have those weeks :)

  12. At the end of the day (figuratively, not literally...ok well sometimes literally) we are all always worrying about serving dinner!

  13. You look like such a boss in the Cupcake Mag issue!!!
