
24 July 2014

all the ladies in the place

well, just us.

and us again.

I recently discovered Winter Water Factory and all of their gorgeous soft organic cotton goods. Amazing. Julia and Sebastian share the vast majority of their clothing with each other (and sometimes Theo if the laundry situation is dire - which is not infrequent) and so the dress she's wearing is a breath of feminine air that is casual enough to wear every single day. Phoebe is rocking a little romper (size 3 months - should've gone with 6 for obvious reasons, tiny dancer she is not) and Grace is donning a t-shirt that clings to no love handles and holds its shape beautifully wash after wash. Nothing worse than your favorite tee turned croppy after one date with the machine.

They're giving away $150 to their shop over on my Instagram account right now. Get it.

What else, WHAT else ? ...

She's my biggest blog crush for a reason. Lady B killed it, once again.

See anything about Miss Idaho floating around the internet, lately?

My new and sole claim to fame is that she's my cousin. After she won and the #showmeyourpump buzz Simon said, "she'll be on Good Morning America - I promise" and oh, there it IS.  Always right, that Simone. We're all disappointed that she won't be able to make it to the family reunion next week but now she won't be intimidated by me at the pool in my full coverage tankini + board shorts. J to the K. But really, I hope you'll e-cheer her on in the Miss America Pageant. I'll let you know when that goes down so you don't miss it.

So, I accidentally (really! a random comment on Instagram - the rudest) read a Bachelorette spoiler and I'll never get over it. Well, maybe I will. But I still can't wait for Monday's finale. My guess is that someone voluntarily leaves early but I'm generally always wrong. We'll see. Hit up Jones and Sharleen for the best recappage in all of the land.

And I think I'll stop there for today.

Have a pleasant afternoon.

New blog trick. I'm only 6 years behind the curve.


  1. A+ face progression from Pheebs in that gif!

  2. Love sweet little Theo making his way into the shot :)

    1. haha. he was so confused - normally I'm all over him with the camera.

  3. This is the best post! Tankini!! HA! And I don't know that blog trick....such a novice!

  4. your new blog trick made my day! ha that is so great!

    also, julia's got some ups!

  5. you ladies are adorable. and i need to learn that blog trick. fancy.

  6. Ah, give your cousin lots of love from the mother of a 3yo T1D! Between Miss Idaho and Kris Freeman, it's been a fun year for these little folks with diabetes!

  7. I always love Julia's jumping pictures!

  8. i loooove winter water factory.

    and damn that spoiler. dammit.

  9. I like to think there is a special place in h-e-double hockey sticks reserved for people who post spoilers.

    They got me too Grace, they got me too.

  10. I had to watch the gif for a long while watching each of your faces and position change. Adorable!

  11. How's that Jones Market necklace working out?

  12. LOL I dont know that trick :)
    Good luck to your cousin!

  13. 3 beautiful girls in your complementary outfits -- although my um, unique(?) measurements place me in three different size categories, so I won't be impulse ordering the blue and green anemone dress.

    One of my dearest friends has had diabetes since age 2 and has a pump, and your cousin is awesome and brave and courageous. Excellence abounds in your it, love it, am inspired by it, helps me foster it in my own little family, and did I say I love it? Thank you for sharing.
