
16 September 2014

Tuesdays + Thursdays with Theodore

Julia cracks me up on the daily (yesterday at Costco: "why does everyone say you have your hands full?! You're just pushing the cart!") and I'm constantly surprised by the softer side of Sebastian when I find him entertaining Phoebe or "reading" a book to Theo. They cause me to stress eat a lot of semi-sweets but they're good little eggs to have around most of the time. However! I have to admit that after I drop them off at preschool I may just dance-walk away to the tune of a little William Wallace's, "FREEEEEEEDOM" even with Phoebe and Theo still sitting in the stroller.

God bless glorified daycare.

Theo might act like he wants to be one of the big kids and wear a backpack as tall as he is but Theo loves coming home from our after drop off walk/run around the hood to a whole house full or possibilities. All of Sebastian's trucks! ALL of Julia's purses loaded with trinkets/crap to peruse! Mom's lap ALL to myself while my illegal girlfriend takes her morning nap!

the goodest life.

or as Theo would say, "dee" or maybe, "bah" or if he's feeling generous, "ma"

syllables rule, words drool.

And if we're up for an adventure we might go say hi to Simon at work.

Short story time.

We went to say hello last week and as we were enjoying the silence of a Julia + Sebastianless visit Simon started trying to convince me how residency, "isn't all bad!!" and even suggested, "you'll miss it!" and right then his stat pager went off and he had to sprint off to a code white (crash c-section). YEP, I'll miss it good. 

Story time over. 


Where were we?

Ah yes, footloose and fancy free at the hospital ....

Here Theo is saying one of his favorite monosyllabics, "cheeeeeee"

Every time I wear those boots (that I love) Simon asks, "are those your 'spite' boots?" or, "so are they like REALLY comfortable?!" and then eventually, 'WHY DO YOU WEAR THEM?!"

haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate, right Taylor?

And because there was an overwhelming onslaught of request (singular, just one) for a video of Theo getting down ... I had to oblige. Here to please you and yours. All and every day, day, day. Get out of my head, Swift.

{and if you're reading this on bloglovin' click here to see clip}

I showed Phoebe and she was all ....

... that's nice. This is the face of not care. 

We'll see how I feel about sending Theo off to the races in January (he has to be two to attend) but for now I'm enjoying our mornings of relative silence, splitting our "milkshake" (smoothie - it's allllll about the marketing, folks) into two gluttonous servings instead of four skimpies, and quality time with my non-verbals (aka non-fighters).

For now!


  1. OH. MY. GOSH. The cuteness!! Phoebe's "not care" face is mine like... 98% of the day.

  2. These sound like our school days with Ace, Pierce thinks he wants to go with him until we arrive home to a house full of things he usually has to put his game face on in order to touch! And that video of Theo.... d-y-i-n-g. Better tell Julia and her ballet class to move over, there is a new lord of the dance!!

  3. DEAD at the Theo video. That is the most adorable in the universe. Ever.

  4. Theo is ready for the clubs! And I'm not talking about Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

    I love how your two is "easy and pleasant" is my everyday "what-the... and hair-pulling-out"

    LOLed at illegal girlfriend.

    1. I was in survival mode with one bebe. I think we are all in survival mode until ..... we are empty nesters? I'm not sure ha :)

  5. This is too much. Theo is SO cute and Phoebe's face is priceless. Thanks for sharing : )

  6. THE VIDEO! That little boy has some moves.

  7. Theo's got some moves!! That kind of hip action makes Dancing with the Stars jealous.

  8. This post made me laugh quite hard.

  9. Stop. Just stoppit with the cuteness!!!! That video is about the most awesome thing I've ever seen:)

  10. Looooove the dancing. Amazing moves

  11. Theo is so pleased with his bad self! What a cutie. I see Julia in his smirk, too ;)

  12. I feel like you need to make memes with Phoebe's picture, a la the gymnast who was not impressed with anything... could go viral!

    Theo is pretty adorable. Love his hip shaking!

  13. Theo can shake it! I love it. Soph can totally relate to him re: older sib(s) at preschool. She is soaking UP all my undivided attention.

  14. Oh my gosh!! Theo can get DOWN! :) That was theeee cutest. :)

  15. Evie wants to know if Theo needs a younger, whineier dance partner

  16. I second Katrina's comment. 2 offspring = survival mode for me. I guess perspective is everything.

    Also-not to rain on your residency hate parade, but we miss it here. The new job is not so bueno...hope that Simon's case is different :)

  17. Love this post. We have one baby (Phoebe's age) but I always thought having all the kids one right after the other - NFP style - was the way to go and I always hear from other people that I won't get to "enjoy" all the little moments with all of them because we will be too busy juggling them all.

    It's awesome to read that you can appreciate and have special moments with each kid and no one gets lost in the shuffle. Thank you for the validation!

    1. it's not for everyone but I really appreciate any and all alone time I get with the kids (as does Simon)! And it's fun to see their little friendships form -- even at a really early age :)

  18. awwww love it! he's a pretty good little dancer :)

  19. Woot! Woot! Go Theo! get your jam on dude! I love it. I see a future booty shaker here. Phoebe's reaction is 'da bomb!! LOL! Happy Quiet time Miss Grace. Enjoy every second!

  20. I watched the video of Theo dancing with my 3-year-old and she said, "WHOA! Is that a ROCK STAR baby?!"

  21. So cute! Loved the video and Phoebe's "not care" face. That's pretty much the face my 9 month old makes at everything. Unless you're one of our dogs, then he lights up and smiles. Otherwise, nope. And Julia with the hands full, love it,

  22. I think Theo dances better than I do! He rocks the leggings, too.

  23. I know residency sucks for you (I really do, and I'm so sorry!!!) but I just wanna say thanks. To you and to Simon. Nine years ago, I was in labor and just getting ready to push and then that monitor that had been galloping all night slowed down, and slower and slower and SLOWER until she was at about 49bpm. So some poor resident sleeping in some tiny closet somewhere got that page and raced to the floor and splashed me with iodine or betadine or whatever that gross orangey crap is and pulled my daughter to safety. And I know it doesn't help when you're elbow deep in poo and crying, but someone just like your poor tired husband saved my daughter's life, so I wanted to say thank you. From the bottom of my heart, wives like you who make it possible for people to care for patients are rock stars.

  24. Beyond jealous of Theo's dance moves.

  25. I can't wait until my little gets to the mobile stage - Theo's dance moves are SO SWEET!

  26. Ooooh my goodness. Not sure which I love more, Theo's adorable smile or his awesome shimmy dance moves.

    Phoebe looks like the queen baller. "What up, mom"

  27. Stop it Grace with that video....OMG that Theo has got the moves and I just love him so much!!! He looks so happy to have mom to himself while the big kiddlets are off to school! And his "illegal girlfriend", seriously so true....I heart you all, big highlight of my day when I see a post from the Camp!!!

  28. I LOVEEEE THEOOOOOOOOO. Please start posting videos of all of them, especially Julia lamenting her tough life. They make me so happy!

  29. oh..... can I take Theo home??? please, please?
    It's nice to see the third child "blossom" when the older two are gone (same story here in our household)

  30. Laughing to tears, per the usual with these random update posts. I too find myself with T.Swift perched up on my shoulder whispering her lyrics in my ear. Singing song through the grocery store I didn't know I knew the words to.. she's good.

    Also. I request that these videos be posted AT LEAST once a week. Or day. Whichever is easier for you- bc CLEARly you don't have your hands full. Just ask Julia.

  31. Grace, darling, THANK YOU for that video. Really, from the bottom of my heart. Can't believe you obliged. Now only need to make Little A watch it and practice because that dance move is precious. Tell us the truth! you like to coach him when you fold the laundry! Aude from London at Come and visit!

  32. i am preggers with baby #2 and your outlook gives me hope!

  33. Oh my gosh, Theo's got MOVES! That just made my morning:)

  34. Thanks for the video!! He's like a little bobble-head!! Love it......

  35. The. Cutest. Ever. I second Amber!!

  36. Oh my gosh. Way too stinking cute!!!!! That booty shaking!!! I love splitting up the kids, they are so different and fun every time I shake it up a bit.

  37. Your children are so adorable! Enjoy your reprieve as the older ones are in school. :)

  38. You, my friend, you are a fantastic writer!! Dying!

  39. Phoebe's tights and your boots are both equally awesome!

  40. OH MY GOSH of him dancing i about died sooo cute!!
