
04 November 2014

getting to know me

Being SUPER original here ... like always.

Or self indulgent.
Or narcissistic.
Or vapid.

Or maybe all of the above. But I thought I'd post a little "31 things about Grace!" on my 31st birthday in July but that did not happen. So, I'm just a little tardy to the party with the list. Your excitement is palpable, I can feel it. 

These have probably all been revealed in one post or another or another at some point over the last few years but I've never been known for my originality.

So, here you go.

on a run out to the big trashcan in the driveway with Theo.
no, I'm never overly cautious or hat dramatic about 50 tepid degrees.

Also, I can totally hear my mom saying, "those glasses are too big!!" and for once, I just might agree.

Okay, let's go.

1. I'm super shy
2. unless I'm drinking.
3. I have four brothers
4. and two sisters.
5. I'm the oldest (so responsible! so mature!)
6. When I worked in DC I asked Newt Gingrich how to spell his name (to take a phone message)
7. Still cringing. (I was flustered!)
8. These were my two front teeth when I was 8:

9. Praise the good Lord for orthodontia
10. I spent Easter of 2003 in Jerusalem - it was beautiful and a little bit terrifying
11. I was homeschooled during 3rd-7th grade
12. Never say never but I don't plan to homeschool our kids (but, never)
13. However, I do have a small shrine in my home set up to honor homeschooling families because: you're amazing. Truly.
14. Ever since I read her book, I've had regularly recurring dreams that I'm best friends forever with Mindy Kaling. She should be sufficiently creeped.
15. I played violin when I was younger
16. I was hired for $10 (that was far too generous, in retrospect - really) to play at a wedding. Just me and my violin. It was not pretty and I turn bright red at the mere memory.
17. I hate red wine and all beer.
18. My fifth birthday party was held at a cloistered Carmelite monastery.
19. My favorite book is Gone with the Wind
20. My favorite candy is Swedish Fish
21. My favorite dessert is raisinless carrot cake
22. My favorite meal is a poached egg with toast and a sinful amount of butter
23. I'm almost always cold
24. I once called my parents home from a night out because our sitter was watching the forbidden MTV. They were thrilled.
25. My favorite tv shows growing up were The Waltons and The Brady Bunch
26. I took this test and I'm an INFJ
27. Simon and I were born in the same hospital and delivered by the same doctor
28. My confirmation name is Cecilia
29. I was a cheerleader in middle school and I still thank the merciful Lord that I chose to retire my skirt and shell before high school because my skills were nil, or less.
30. I worked at Hot Dog on a Stick and Eddie Bauer in high school
31. I'm a planner but not a doer, it's a beautifully efficient combo.

Wake up.
It's over.

If you have a blog and do a similar post - I'd love to see it. Or if you have any more exciting (you do!) factoids about yourself .... I'm allllllll eyes, as always. 


  1. - I always said never, but in a few years I might (terrified!!!)
    - Gone With the Wind is my favorite book! (Okay in recent years, tied with The Count of Monte Cristo). But it's been my favorite since my dad told me not to read it in the sixth grade and being the rebel that I am (ha), I read it. And I've read it countless times since.
    - #27 is the best!
    - I took a Facebook test and I was an ISJF.

    We will see if I can come up with 25 things about myself!

  2. Replies
    1. Supposedly we're the rarest... but it's a very common blogging personality. I'll let you figure out how that works :P

  3. I feel the same way about Mindy Kaling. I have to say, I was surprised you were shy at The Hundred! I am teh same way when meeting new people. Three cheers for Swedish Fish

    1. there was a HUGE bag in my path at the grocery store today. torture :)

      but, really.

  4. I am a ISFj just took it at work a few weeks ago! :-)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Try again... Swedish Fish are THE BOMB. Also, we share a confirmation Saint name. Represent! And ditto on the beer (but I love me some red wine!) :)

  7. Haha, I have the same dreams about being besties with Mindy Kaling too. She just seems like she'd be so fun to hang out with and braid hair together or something.

    Happy Belated Birthday!

  8. I love this and am totally going to post a list about myself but I promise you it won't be as interesting.

  9. I'm an INFJ, too! Woohoo :-)

  10. Yep. I said I never would and... we are doing it next year. Eek.

    If you don't like red wine and beer, do you drink cider? I know, it used to be so uncool (or maybe it still is, but there are craft ciders now so.... progress?) Every night, over here. Every. Blessed. Night.

  11. #18... I'm dying. I think that needs a weeeeeee bit more explanation. My 5th birthday party was at the Glorious Golden Arches. And my teeth use to look like that too. Solidarity.

    1. ha! maybe my mom can chime in - it was all her doing. She used to buy groceries for the sisters so ... two birds? idk ha

    2. YES!!! I was hoping I wasn't the first to want more details on this party....we have a Poor Clare convent near us, and was wondering if there's a special birthday party request protocol--I have 3 daughter birthdays to plan in December and February :)

  12. I'm super shy as well, if this was my list I would have to add 4 more things, Brady Bunch and raisinless carrot cake for the double WIN, I love me some beer but give me white wine and I will be happy forever and ever amen, I apologize for laughing at #8 above...really I do AND I could go on I'm sure but who wants to fall asleep reading comments on their own blog?!!

  13. 31 Answer El Camp's newest coolest link-up? Birth stories will probably always win out though

  14. You don't like red wine or beer? I don't think we can be (fake) friends anymore. I did one too a few weeks ago!

  15. Waaaaaaaay back in the day, it was cool to do 100 things for your 100th post. So, if you are interested in what 2008 me was like, here's the link to the first of FOUR parts. I went a little crazy with the details. Bored mom blogger, I suppose...

    And I love that you and Simon were delivered in the same hospital by the same doctor!

  16. I'm glad I'm not the only red wine and beer hater. I'm guessing you also dislike raisins? Me too. And pickles. People think I'm weird. I think I'm smart.

  17. I NEED to know more about your fifth birthday.
    I respect women who homeschool and wish I could be one of them, but h-e-double hockey sticks NO! I love my oldest, but the idea of trying to get her to do things that actually need to be done sounds miserable and like a lot of fighting.
    Mindy Kaling is the best. My best friend does hair and makeup for tv and movies and recently got a job on Parks and Recreation, but left to work at Selfie. I REALLY need her to get on the Mindy Project. I want to make my BFF dreams a reality.

  18. So good! The one that completely stuck out to me was the 5 year old b-day fiesta - more details por favor!!

    1. It seemed so normal at the time but I'll ask my mom to fill in the blanks :)

  19. Well... if Mindy won't be your BFF, feel free to give me a call! I was also forbidden to watch MTV by my Catholic parents and had Cecilia as my confirmation name. And I'm a close ISFJ, just like fabulous Kate Middleton (but I'm nowhere near as fabulous as she is...). Happy Tuesday!

    1. Is it tacky to reply to my own reply? Whatevs. I just did a post similar to this, so wanted to share! Happy Friday!

  20. I forreals never would've gotten married if it weren't for Dr. Fleming DDS.

  21. YES to the raisinless carrot cake! Those blasted dried grapes ruin too many desserts.

  22. You should see my grill pre-braces too. It's quite something.

  23. those teeth are amazing. can we please make t-shirts?

  24. You are always so cute! Love this! I'm INFP and my husband and I were born in the same hospital too! So crazy! We didn't meet till college and never lived in the same town prior to that. It just so happened his mom was in town when he was born (he grew 2.5 hours away). love all of your points. I hope to share some too. That was fun Crazy about the wine and beer! But, I heart you tons (hope that's not wierd lol)! :)

  25. Totally eating Swedish Fish while I read this. Soul sistas. In a non creepy way, of course.

  26. I too am INFJ!! And that bw pic is the cutest.

  27. Waltons! Yes!

    I have family in Richmond and almost every time I visit I promise myself that one of these days I'm detouring to Schuyler, VA and going to the museum.

  28. I tried to put Swedish Fish in a bowl of blue jello so it'd look like a real life fishbowl.... they all floated to the top before the jello set up and so it looked like a real life bowl of dead fish floaters.... thanks Pinterest

  29. INFJs all the way! Even my mom was surprised that I'm an introvert though, so I must hide it pretty well :). But man oh man do I need that alone time! (I say as my baby climbs onto of me...)

  30. Yay for another INFJ! Supposedly we're the rarest!

  31. Hi Grace! It's nice to meet you! LOL!

  32. I did a 20 Things a few weeks ago...

  33. HA! I referred to Andy Card as Andy in an email rather than The Chief of Staff - will never live that one down! And Jeremy and I were born in the same hospital, delivered by the same doc too. Love this kind of post!

  34. I love Gone With the Wind. Re-read it annually for years. I even did a book report on it in middle school (because no one said it had to be a book we hadn't read before.)

    Also, I too am a mediocre violinist.

  35. I think I'm 34 steps below mediocre :)

    Happy you love the book too!!

  36. I love these kinds of posts!! And can I say I am SUPER jealous you worked at hot dog on a stick! No seriously!! I wanted to work there in high school but the mall was far from our house, and I don't think they let you tie up a horse outside. From that you would think I grew up in the country....but no Las Vegas. haha! Still super jealous. And no beer for me either. But I do enjoy some red when not gestating!

  37. - what what INFJ over here too!
    - My favorite book is probably Peace Like a River. SO good.
    - I think you look great in those glasses and wish I could wear some like them but my prescription is like WHOA so I can't deal with the size my head is through the glass.
    - My favorite candy is black licorice.
    - Your #6 and 7 are hilarious.

  38. You don't like red wine?! I'm not sure if this is going to work.
    31. Same
    Re: your birthday party... filed under "You know you're Catholic when..."

  39. i would love to know what was so terrifying about Jerusalem! I find it equally terrifying and beautiful for the same reasons...the shear amount of people there, all the religions and ethnicities and all the history.

    1. It was right after the war had started - Americans weren't exactly beloved :)

  40. I was thinking about Hot Dog on a stick the other day! I used to love their cheese on a stick. So good. I love all beer and red wine.

  41. So, number 22, of all things, has turned me from a longtime lurker to a first-time (I think) commenter: butter on the toast or in the egg?! When we visited my grandparents as children, they would poach eggs in the shell, slice off the tops, and put butter, salt, and pepper inside. We'd eat out the insides with tiny spoons. Delish!

  42. I am cold, always. Consequently I sm constantly overdressing the kids and consequently Sean is constantly accusing me of child abuse.
    Until of course it hits 82 degrees then OMG OMG why is it SO HOT.

  43. So, I just learned that you, me, and Mindy are meant to be besties.

    And here are 10 (which means I possess less than one third of your coolness) things about moi.

  44. wtf do people even try and put raisins in carrot cake. also beer is gross.

  45. I really enjoyed this. Thank you, specifically, for sharing #8. You have really grown into your teeth beautifully.

    MTV was also forbidden in my home growing up (maybe why The Brady Bunch was my favorite TV show as well?) but I discovered that - when mom wasn't around - that I could punch in the channel number into the remote and magically it would go to the blocked channel. #rebel

  46. #14. haha...I read your post about the girls trip right before falling asleep yesterday. I dreamed you kept texting me and we were BFFs. My friends from college and I try to take the same kind of trip every year, so obviously...we combined the two groups and it was awesome.

  47. I personally love these kinds of posts. They are fun to read. Fun to write. And I mean seeing those front teeth is worth the blog's weight in gold. If a blog weighed anything. And cheers to The Waltons!! Night Jimbob. Night Mary Ellen!

  48. Love the teeth picture because it finally explains Theo's nose.

  49. 1 + 2 = me in a nutshell.

    Also, I too praise the Lord for orthodontia. Gap toothed kids unite!

  50. I freaking love these kinds of posts and am so doing one! I think it's so easy to feel narcissistic about blogging in general (one of the reasons I've created and abandoned 3 blogs!), but the readers don't see it this way! Posts like this are a great way to really feel connected to someone you've only met virtually! Great post!

  51. Here's me in 250 words or less! I found your blog via SOML and the 100 event and I'm really enjoying it!

  52. I like poached eggs but lots of hollandaise which is mostly butter. And Gone with the Wind forever!

    I live the factoids. Trivia is fun.

  53. Oh those teeth! So cute! I just did the test and got ISFJ. Apparently, we'd be good friends...phew! ;)

  54. INFP over here.
    YES to the carrot cake (why don't more people like it?!)
    And YES YES YES to the Swedish fish.
    I'm a sucker for details like this about people, they are so fascinating to me.

  55. red swedish fish are my favorite kind of fish...i too am always cold...i have four kids...and i am also a INFJ....the rarest of all personalities. :)

  56. MTV... baha. I would have done the same thing! Yay for strict Christian households =) Maybe I just haven't had the right carrot cake, but I'm up to anything given enough cream cheese frosting.

  57. I'm an INFJ too, I'm surprised to hear that as a blogger you are too. But grateful, your blog always, always makes my day

  58. No red wine or beer for me either...ick! And those teeth are amazing :)

  59. I'm INTJ - relatively close! MMM for carrot cake - and I guess I agree on the raisin-less...

  60. #18 I hope I can explain the Carmelite birthday party. I believe Grace loved it! The Sisters offered to host her a birthday party and I thought it sounded heavenly! They hosted a tea for several girls and I brought the cake. They introduced the girls to St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Teresa of Avila, while explaining the history of their order devoted to prayer. The girls received a tour of the cloister- an invitation I never received! What Grace may not know is that those same Discalced Carmelites now reside in Wichita, KS! (Simon's hometown) They make the best brown scapulars and they can be found at

    1. I was curious! I asked about it below, before I saw this. It sounds pretty cool--I'd be down for tea, cake, and a history lesson for my birthday party!

  61. What a great list!! I also loved watching the Waltons but watched an episode the other day and was very underwhelmed :)

  62. I'm an INFJ too - one percenters, baby! (I don't know if that's good or bad....but, rare!)

  63. I had insanely huge front teeth too, with permed frizzy bangs.. the 80's were my mom's jam (she had 3 daughters in the 80's, and we were all perfectly permed).

    I just did a '10 Things' on my blawg.

  64. Fun. Just what I needed. Here's my take on the Me, Me again posting.

  65. Love this! We're practically twins! JK, I'm an INFP though people swear I'm an I not an E. I also has an unfortunate and brief career with cheerleading and huge front teeth. Must mean eventually we have awesome smiles!

  66. Really the only reason I ever go to the Fair is so I can get a Cheese on a Stick. Last year the Cheese on a Stick/Corn Dog Food Carnie hit on me...there's a little known fact about me.

  67. If you promise you at least drink bourbon I can consider looking past #17.

  68. Oh hello there, fellow personality twin. Perhaps we could get together sometime and surf the net whilst never talking to each other and "hugging the walls" as the test said. Then allow me to not follow through on that plan. ;)

  69. I suspected I was your (younger? is it a thing?) twin, and you confirmed it: INFj? check. Former teacher retired after a very short time? check. Cold? Check. So yeah, twinsies from across the Atlantic. I better go rescue my husband (Simon) from our son, so he can be on time to medical school. Spooky! :-)

  70. I hate red wine and beer too! Lol And here I was thinking I was a bit off. You're cool peeps!

  71. So many of us commenters, moi aussi, are INFJ. Also, I kind of agree with your mom about the glasses, given your blonde coloring, but styles change. I look back at some of the pairs I have worn and wondered why I chose them.

  72. Fist bump on #23! :)

  73. Posts like these are my favorite. I love that you always take a different approach to them. Mine is pretty boring and about the person I am now. Which is pretty much boring. You can yawn your way through mine if your heart so desires. :)

  74. I always said never! But next year I plan to because we are moving to the top - of - a - mountain kind of boonies. She's 10 so the important things are covered already like, you know, learning to read. :) ha!

  75. I just did a similar one not too long ago! I love reading little snippets about people!

  76. ENFJ! So almost but not quite the same.

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks raisins ruin carrot cake. Love, love, love carrot cake unless it has those tiny turds of nasty in it.

  77. That's crazy that you and Simon were born in the same hospital and delivered by the same doctor! Small world! Also, I did a similar post in August which you can find here:

  78. Grace! I feel like we are sisters from another mother. I am one of seven kids, formerly home schooled for a period, played violin wretchedly for a year and I am also shy, unless wasted which in case I am the freaking life of the party. Haha, if you are ever in MN, I think we need to hang! PS. Love your blog, it's my absolute fav.

  79. 1 me too
    2 me too
    5 me too
    8 me too
    12 me too
    26 me too
    28 me too
    29 me too

  80. Yessss to your #31. I so wonder what it's like to be a planner that actually does!

    And my confirmation name is Cecilia too :) Although I felt silly about it years later considering I'm the least musically inclined person ever (I just picked it because it had been my mom's).

  81. You so funny :) I am the same personality type as you - it did make me feel like a bit of a loser confessing to the internet test how much the life of the party I'm not. Apart from a short stint out of college. haha!

  82. Fun!

  83. It may not be original, but I like reading these things about people. Probably because I'm naturally nosy.

    18. I'd love for you to elaborate on this birthday party.
    19. GWTW is a terrific book. I'd love to re-read it sometime. I was surprised how different it was from the movie, but it's a lot richer and more interesting (I still enjoy the movie though.)
    24. Just like any good oldest child, so far as I'm concerned. :)
    26. I'm an ISTJ, which is the same as Severus Snape, so... yay. According to one site I found, that makes an INFJ my "Enigma," meaning I don't get how you think at all. Maybe not, but I enjoy your writing and sense of humor, so clearly that's not totally accurate! :)

  84. YES, I loved the Waltons. Such a good show! Also, I kind of adore that you worked at Eddie Bauer (spelling? Way too lazy to scroll up and make sure it's correct, oh well). ;)

  85. PS. I might just steal your blog post idea. In fact, I think I shall.

  86. I feel that so many bloggers are INFJ :) I am, too--we are very unique apparently!

  87. Maybe I'm weird, but I love random posts like this :)
    It's been a while since I wrote this, but most of the stuff on the list is still true:

  88. I love these kinds of posts! Benson is an INFJ too. Maybe that's why I like you so much. ;)

  89. SO fun! I wasn't brave enough to share my pre-orthodontia pic buuuut, I did a birthday post about myself over the Summer -

  90. I love this! My very favorite is "I'm a planner, but not a doer...." This is ME too, bahaha ;)! I recently found your blog (and IG!) and it has quickly become one of my very favorites!

  91. I love this post. And I am also a planner, not a doer! Yay for us non-doers. I just like to plan and make my husband be the doer. Basically I just like to boss him around I guess. Oops. :)

  92. I am a very, VERY proud INFJ, and I also despise beer and red wine. Ciders 4everrrr!

  93. I was also homeschooled for 5 years (3-5, 7, 8), am shy unless drinking, and my confirmation name is Cecilia. We're basically twins.
