
11 January 2015

an alternative to football

Let me just blog about how I'm going to make January my little b and then watch this call weekend vomit all over my optimistic face. Or just today. Simon's 24 on Friday was okay! And last night was one of my favorite dates of the year (I always miss the crazy sales throughout the year here but January is Simon's time to shine and we usually have decent luck for him around now, for some reason) but the kids overdosed on crazy pills this morning and the weather is so dreary and today is basically just a bonus Monday before the real Monday kindly stands up tomorrow and what other variety of fine whine would you like to sample, Mrs. Patton? Simon's diagnosed me with Cabin Cancer which is a very serious form of Cabin Fever which is basically just to say .... I'm a baby. And I'll stop now.

I see you, trashcan.

The internet is bursting with rosier + greener + funner pastures that I wanted to share. I was tempted to type, "shear" because sheep/pasture ... but, you were spared.

Fran's started a super fun weekend series full of links and interesting medical facts and sometimes I save it in my reader for a rainy day. Like now. You'll love it too.

a HUGE congrats to sweet Amelia!!

The Bachelor is (FINALLY) back! I must be getting old because Monday's three hour (!!!!) premier was almost too much for my arthritic bones. They've really upped the crazy ante but I'm hopeful that as the field is narrowed ... it will get back to the quality programming I've grown to know and love. Wink. Ashley's recap will make you laugh out loud (whether or not you watch the show) and Sharleen's will make you want to watch it with her (even if you hate the show - she offers the best insights as a former contestant).

thredUP has started selling baby clothing! Just click on boy or girl and then choose the 12 month category and clothing smaller than size 12 mos will pop up as well. I've found some awesome steals for Phoebe (who really is basically size 12 mos but still, I'll pour her into those 6-12 month onesies while I can)

We have very little counter space in our kitchen and it always feels insanely cluttered and I've always loved the look of magnetic knife strips in kitchens but there's no wall space where I wouldn't trust the kids to figure out a way to build a tower and snag them (ahem, Sebastian). But I found these strips that are magnetic on both sides so they just adhere to the refrigerator. Perfect. They work well on the side of the fridge and are high enough and blocked by the counter that I pray Sebastian doesn't decide to scale. I think technically they are for tools and they aren't very pretty but I was so happy to get rid of the knife block and double our counter space. In fact, I was SO happy that I almost dedicated an entire post to the new and improved knife storage situation but sometimes I have standards and you're getting away with a paragraph. LUCKY.

What else. WHAT else ...

Oh! Duh. Jenny rounded up a wonderful list of blogs and I found a handful of new ones to follow and archive stalk. I'm guessing you will too.

My three-year-old Clarisonic and died you better believe I'm going to see if there was some sort of unspoken lifetime warranty built into the purchase price ... but if not it's going to be hard to resist snagging the Clarisonic Mia after reading Kristine's post.

Well. As Simon would say, "the cattle are lowing" so off I scurry to make make all of their wildest dreams (chocolate chip cookies) come true while we wait in earnest for Simon's homecoming so mom can sprint to the gym where she'll be cardio-ing up a minor storm with a hefty side of Golden Globes.

oh yes Grace, the grain and filter should definitely hide your 6am hair and Theo's treasure hunt. definitely.

happy bonus Monday.


  1. I rooting for whacky big eyed girl on The Bachelor. Or drunk girl. Both seem like a lovely option to bring home to Mom...

  2. I love reading your blog. You find the humour in the every day struggle! I'm following a long with the Bachelor this season too. I just loved Chris on Andi's season, so I'm sure this will be a great one! Did you see him on Jimmy Kimmel after wards? He's so sweet and innocent and just answered all of Jimmy's questions, even though maybee abc didn't want him to be so open. Lots of giggles!

    xoxo Alice Rose

  3. My brain is so pregnant right now, I thought Clarisonic was a person with a weird hipster futuristic name and it was your niece or something... and then I read.. um like.. the rest of the sentence..

  4. we've got cabin fever too! only one car (that sits at the hospital where my husband works all day) and frigid temperatures means me and the babe are stuck inside. And i am going bonkers. and i think she is too. blahhh why can't it be warm again??

  5. 1. thanks for including me. as if you don't get enough medicine in your life ;)
    2. when my clarisonic died, I took it to Sephora and they just gave me a new one, no receipt or questions asked!

  6. You have a way with words, I enjoy your posts.

  7. My Clarisonic Mia died after exactly three years too! Just a month ago. Luckily my mom got me a new Mia for Christmas because I couldn't find any warranty that would rescue me.

  8. Cabin Cancer.. I've got that over and up here in Michigan.. Frigid temps with a hefty dose of "Ashley can't drive until a doctor clears here" with a side of three tiny girls.. Stage 4 cabin cancer.

  9. I lol'd quite a few times reading this! I've never watched the Bachelor but now I am thinking I need t tume in haha! & I'm excited to follow and read links once the boys are asleep! It takes me forever to read a sentence these days!
    Xo, Keila
