
27 April 2015

highs + lows

Or maybe I should say HIGHS + lows because the highs won out this weekend despite a rocky start - and I wouldn't even say it was rocky - maybe just pebbly. Look at my optimism shine bright like a diamond today.

We'll get the pebbles out of the way first. My coffee mug-o-iced-creamer is more on the half full side this afternoon.

The fattest low came on Sunday when Simon started my most hated rotation but! it's the last of these rotations and the second to last rotation of residency so ... I didn't let it cast the usual shadow of doom, gloom, and death over the rest of the weekend like I normally would because the light .... it's there. 

I woke the kids up in the middle of their naps on Friday for a last minute showing only to have said showing show up hours after their scheduled slot and minutes after we'd already gotten home and the kids' shoes had been scattered to the zillion corners of the house and maybe, just maybe I was stuffing my face with popcorn. We awkwardly filed out while they awkwardly stood outside and my awkward quota for life was more than met. However - the poor realtor dropped off a sweet gift card for a liquor store (genius, so genius) the next morning to apologize SO ... she was more than forgiven and (clearly!) forgotten. 

Saturday brought more showings during naps and weather conducive to doing nothing but walk the mall or find an indoor playground a la Mickey D's. We chose the high class latter, much to Julia and Sebastian's delight and Theo's semi-delight (everything is "scary!!!" complete with dramatic hand motions these days). 

seeking shelter and comfort from the big, bad tube slide.

Simon and I lucked out in finding a sitter and snuck out for a little Saturday night sushi date. Despite every other stranger I encounter assuming that I'm due, "any day now?" we were kindly presented with complimentary shots of sake which I would've appreciated if sake tasted like something other than a mix of vinegar + rubbing alcohol ... don't argue ... you know it's true, too. I failed to snag a date night selfie for you ... I can't believe Simon didn't remind me - SO unlike him. 

Back to reality ... while Sunday's open house fell during naps yet again ... the weather was gorgeous and we took a pizza picnic party to a park (did your tongue start twisting in horror just reading that? hope not) and had a mostly fight/cry/whine-free time which lately feels like a rarity with all of these missed naps and routineless existence.

the apparently not-scary building blocks which look suspiciously like a butchered tree, if you ask me

to the person that told them smiling in unison would result in swift and untimely deaths: thanks! 

{also, can you see where Julia and Sebastian were playing "dentist" and somehow a chunk of Julia's hair got cut? yeah, me neither}

Here's a perfect pointless clip of the trip ... I'll do better next time. 

And of course we managed to fit in some real creative play ...

it's a book .......... house. And they are all over our house at the moment so if you come over bring your best 'impressed' face before Phoebezilla destroys it and all big kid morale for the 10th time that hour.

And I hate to be cryptic (no, I don't) but I don't want to jinx it so I'm typing this slowly with all appendages crossed since the last offer fell through but as of this morning and (barring some weirdly unfortunate circumstances, please Jesus no) ... I think we are done with house showings.

I knew you'd like that terrible pun.

Don't tell the kids because a clean house makes for a happy mom and it's fun to watch Sebastian run and grab the broom every time Phoebe throws her food on the floor (all day, e-v-e-r-y day).

And with that, you've been duped into reading yet another weekend recap. If you're still here. I promise I deleted an entire paragraph about my ongoing war with seasonal allergies and my plans to have my eyeballs professionally removed before I scratch them out myself so be grateful you just got hit with this one sentence.

Until next time ... Feliz Monday to all you fiesta people.


  1. Loved that video! So much cute! I love posts like this, just normal day in the life things. Prayers that your house actually sold!

  2. Fingers crossed for you guys! A Phoebe video will brighten my day :)

  3. So exciting!! (said in a whisper to not jinx it)

    And I think it's brilliiant to let the kids think your house will always be on the market. Maybe you could continue it with the new house in Florida? Anything to make kids clean up after themselves. In fact, maybe I'll tell my kids we're selling the house.

  4. I would think, if I were looking at houses, a beautiful child asleep in every room would totally sell it for me!
    Kind of like when I went to Seattle and it didn't rain! Ooh I could sooooo live here.

    1. ha!!! exactly. Our realtor took us to a house where there WERE four little kids napping when we were looking a few years ago. I still feel terrible and should've insisted that we not go inside!!

  5. Fingers crossed! And you've trained Sebastian to sweep?! Get over here and work on my 12 yo!

  6. First time commenter and sending you a fist bump or two on the good news listed at the bottom of your post. I moved around a bunch when I was a child, and I'm highly superstitious/terrified of the jinx plague, so we will just keep it at that for now.

    Your writing style is PHENOM. I feel like I'm listening to a girlfriend talk about her day. Love your posts!

    1. oh gosh - thank you Missy!! That means a lot!!!

      And YES - Simon said he won't be happy until well after closing - ha. Understood and agreed!!

  7. Fingers crossed on the house!!! And date night! So glad you got out!

  8. Sounds like a great weekend! Sorry about your allergies though! I tend to get the itchies in one eye at a time which causes some awkward moments...
    "No, I'm not winking at you. Please stop looking at me—my eye is itchy! Oh my gosh, walking away with eyes/eye to the ground"

  9. Yay! I'll cross my fingers that all goes well and it's a done deal. When someone finally bought our house? Elation. Pure elation. Also, my little girl just saw saw Julia in the video and confidently declared, "Did you see her? She has my face."

    No, I'm just as confused as you are.

  10. Sake is the grossest of the gross. Hope the house has sold for real! And have you ever tried essential oils for your allergies? I'm having good luck with that this season. And yay for rotations that are almost over!

  11. Itchy eyes---have you tried Zaditor (not a lord of the rings character but OTC eye drops, believe it or not)? They are great. Like $15 for ten drops but worth it.

    Love your blog! And in case you were wondering if it was just maternal bias, no, all your kids are objectively cuter than average.

  12. Ok, that realtor is a genius and they need to share that gf tip with every last human that carries a realtor license. Hoping this contract is the one- knowing you don't have to vacate your decluttered house anymore is such a great feeling!

  13. Hopefully you will find your dream home soon!
    Love the pic of them all together sitting properly - ha! that would not happen with my ONE toddler never mind a few...

    Happy Medley

  14. Ditto another commenter's recommendation of Zaditor for itchy allergy eyes - Alaway is the same drug too and over the counter. The best stuff is Patanol/Pataday though it's Rx only, but as an optometry intern I write prescriptions for it all the time and my patients love it!

  15. Ditto another commenter's recommendation of Zaditor for itchy allergy eyes - Alaway is the same drug too and over the counter. The best stuff is Patanol/Pataday though it's Rx only, but as an optometry intern I write prescriptions for it all the time and my patients love it!

  16. Amazing you squeezed in date night!! Yessss!! And all good vibes for a super smooth closing!

  17. "Do we have any wipes?" 😂 LOL. That's Joe and I's conversation every time we go out with the kids too.

  18. I don't know why I like your blog so much, but I do. I was recommended it a few months ago because we are living the medical life as well (moving for residency in 4 days!) and I am absolutely hooked. You essentially write about the exact same life I am already living, and yet I still enjoy reading your take on our common existence. Blogging is a funny thing, because this window into your life can make perfect strangers feel like we've just shared a bottle of wine and I wiped your kids' nose. I appreciate your writing, humor, and glass half full outlook. I am officially stalking this blog.

  19. Bash will make someone a good husband one day with all that floor sweepery!

  20. Gotta try Cold Snap for your allergies! It is amazing and safe during pregnancy. At Whole Foods or Sprouts if you've got those.
