
09 April 2015

hot date

I may not have many or any talents but I am pretty skilled at texting sitters and asking if they are free to watch our docile pack of kittens. We've been so fortunate to find some truly amazing sitters here in St. Louis over the years. Simon and I try to go out on "dates" (I read somewhere that calling married dates, "date nights" is annoying? I don't know) because we are selfish and enjoy spending time alone away from the kids when Simon's schedule allows. We just aren't good about doing in-home "date nights" (sorry for those of you cringing as those words grate against your brain) and I'm a real pro at falling asleep seven minutes after we put the kids down anyway ... so! out of the house it is.

Because Simon is off this week ... I had the genius idea to go on a day date. The sitter availability stars aligned and we made it happen.

Does the black and white detract from the fact that we are in our nicer vehicle?

the minivan.

I thought it might.

We have some Christmas gift cards to use up before we move so we hit up a little breakfast where I was able to professionally photograph one of my favorite mediums ...


(monte cristo french toast sandwich? and some sort of avocado hash situation which was SO good) ... I asked for half a cup of coffee not because I'm pregnant but I needed the other half of the mug to fill up with creamer and more creamer. And maybe a little bit more.

And an urban landscape that I imagine might've inspired even Ansel Adams himself to want to branch out of his usual naturescapes ...

thoughtful sigh.

We got my watch fixed after Phoebe all but killed it during one of her super adorable, "beat the watch against the floor until it breaks" imaginative play sessions.

and later indulged in one of my constant and kRaZy cravings (a lime refresher thing from Starbucks ... this baby is the highest of maintenance)

And then did one of my favorite and one of Simon's least favorite things ever ... shopped for new jeans for him. He ripped a hole in his only current pair (singular ... he likes variety). I'm always like, "you should try on the Slim Fits!" and he's like, "or maybe Loose Fit ... I read that Jncos are coming back in style ... "

I did convince him to paint on the slims ...

and he had much to say about them ...

"they're like a second skin"
"I would need a purse to wear with these because NOTHING would fit in my pockets"
"they leave nothing to the imagination ... completely inappropriate"

blah blah. I promised they would stretch out with some wear.


And of course we had our usual deep conversations about things like how to pronounce "bae" which I looked up (it's pronounced, "bay" in case you're part of the .02% of the population that wasn't aware) which made us curious about the exact definition (apparently it's an acronym for, "before anyone else") and found this fun bit of trivia ..

... consider your life richer from this day forward.

We also drove around and look at potential on-the-market competition for our house because we are super laid back and not neurotic ... at all.

Anyway, that pretty much sums up our 2.5 hour babymoon. Aren't you glad I brought you along for the retrospective ride? Sometimes it's fun to spoil you but don't get too accustomed to that caliber of fun.

Happy Thursday.
Go drink something fruity ... and caffeinated.


  1. I am SO GLAD you two got to do this and that you had a fun time.

  2. I love breakfast dates! Glad you escaped the needless for a bit. :)

  3. Please tell us where you got that avocado hash because I'm in St. Louis and I need it.

  4. you are just so stinkin funny. thank you :)

  5. I can only get my husband into straight fit jeans from gap, which is one of the 7 fits they have. But I got him to size down (because he is freakishly skinny for a man) and they are pretty slim on him.

    Day dates are zee best, bae!

  6. Aren't day "dates" fun?!!! We get them about never but when we do once every, well never, they are fun! Looks like a fun day and Simon's jean shopping is too husband would never even try the slims on so kuddos to him for appeasing you! And I about died at "I just made a bae"!!!

  7. I loved this! And probably laughed a little too hard, which should give you an idea of my current adult interaction (also known as zero). But hilarious, and Chris and I had the "bae" conversation followed by the "on fleek" conversation which left us to think we are not cut out to have teenagers...

  8. I love Simon's jean comments. I feel like he and my husband would get along. However, I don't think I could convince my husband to try them on in the first place.
    Glad you got a date in. I too am a 1:1 coffee/creamer ratio type of gal.
    Is it wrong to call it a date or date night? I had no idea.

  9. My new favorite holiday, since my husband and I both started working for the government, is Veteran's Day. We have off work, but not many people do, and the kids still have school. I LOVE IT. I look forward to it all year, for real. And we fill that day with super romantic stuff like hitting the outlet mall for deals and trying to get mucho Christmas shopping done. And it's still totally awesome!

  10. Dying over the bae part. And literally I was just wondering what the heck it means and how to say it. You're now cooler than 1 more person on the internet (she's a thirty something stay at home mom. but still.)

  11. That food! Looks delicious! And, I have a Simon in the jeans department, too!

  12. Bae!!! Hahahaha. That made me laugh a little harder than it should have. I must be a big loser though, because I've never even heard of that word, or its completely wrong internet usage. Does that make me really old??

  13. That food looks delish! And I'm with Simon on the skinny jeans...

  14. Simon's comments about the Slim Fit jeans made me laugh out loud. He and my husband are definitely in the same camp when it comes to traditional jeans vs. anything slightly tighter.

  15. bahaha. we had the same conversation about bae. it must be a young people thing, because i'm like wtf does it mean. how do you use it? i'm still confused.

    my husband will only wear relaxed fit. he bought slim jeans once. he refuses to wear them bc they show his front *ahem* package. i'm like, so?

  16. My hubs is the same way and still wears his shorts with HUGE holes in the crotch area (why? Why always crotch area?) despite my protests. He also declined the slim fit. Do they not care what's in style!?

  17. Your blog is my fave. You make everything fun!

  18. The bae definition cracked me up! Swedish word for poop..who knew

  19. HOLY HOLY HOLY. That breakfast looks majestic!

  20. My husband and I totally had the exact same "slim fit" jeans convo! He tried some on. And I rolled on the floor dying of laughter. #someofuscannotbehipsters

  21. My husband is the same way, love the jeans comment! I am so happy my friends introduced me to your site, we're a young Catholic family too and I love everything about how open, honest and hilarious you are about your sweet, sweet family! You guys are such a refreshing read in my blogroll now :). (PS I'm over at:, we just had our third and reading about your busy days keeps me so grounded in that 'if Grace can do it, of course I can' sort of way!)

  22. My husband's pretty excited about the JNCOs coming back into fashion too, especially the shorts variety, because he is tall and is not a fan of flashing a lot of leg (i.e. anything from his knee above). I won't even share his thoughts on the skinny jean. (not appropriate for a family blog) :-p

  23. 1) Y'all are adorable. Seriously.(In a non-weird way…I just love seeing married people happily spending time together) 2) My hubby and I will forever call them "date nights". Maybe we're just lame. 3) Bae. No words. Just laughter. :)

  24. bae = beyond anyone else. That's according to my teen.

  25. me and my bae (chris, not poop) have date nights like this all the time and we don't even have kids. i can't wait for the thrill of what we will be up to when we actually do have kids! ha!

  26. Grace. You must never stop blogging. Please please please. I love reading your updates! No matter how mundane you think they are! You're 2 kids ahead of me but with a resident husband as well I love hearing your stories and how you get by in the day to day! Never stooooppp!!!! 😩👍😁💗

  27. Hahah your husband's comments on those jeans sound like what my husband would think about them. He just loves the looser fit...and having the singular pair! haha

  28. i thought bae meant beyonce for about 6 months

  29. So what are married people supposed to call dates? hahaha also loved the Bae trivia, because I think it ranks up next to "Perf" and "Totes" as the most annoying words ever.

  30. I see "bae" all the time and that's only because I'm on my teen stepdaughter's and my tween niece's instagram accounts and they use that all the time in referring to their favorite girlfriends. As in "so and so is bae!" or "so and so, you are so bae!" lol

  31. That breakfast makes me drool. Wowza. Where did you eat? Just scrumptious. My guys are not slender jeans guys. They would look like they are wearing tights...think Robin Hood "Men in Tights...yep that would be them. SO regular cut it is. Glad you were able to get out for a bit alone. Happy babymoon.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Hahahah I love these posts! Taking my husband jean shopping is the same...lately everything "feels like leggings" and "what happened to quality?" So funny.

  34. That food looks amazing. We just went on a date this week too! 2 hr date, to sushi in town with another couple. It was so nice to be around adults. The other (child-less) couple tried to convince us to bring our kids ... after we had the sitter set up. We were like ... no, that's the point, no kids ... we are around our kids all the time 24/7 LOL. Also, we do an annual jean order (amazon, wranglers, loose fit -- same style, same size) - keeps him happy & way easier for me than convincing him to shop ;).

  35. We call it date night here, too. And we've been married 20 years.

  36. Your date day sounds much like our most recent date day…anything that is especially NOT fun to do with the kids in tow, ready, GO!

  37. bahahahaha! I hope to return tomorrow and get another chuckle from this because it will still be funny. Great post!
