
07 April 2015

naming a baby

There are a few topics I could talk with {almost} anyone about for ages ...

1. birth stories
2. baby sleep
3. baby names

Don't I sound like a fun potential friend? I know. One of these days I'll branch out of the kid talk - maybe! But until then I'll stick to subjects near and dear to my mom heart. We loved everyone's suggestions/ideas back when we were considering names for Phoebe and if I'm being honest Simon and I haven't put a ton of time and thought into this baby's name ... yet. Luckily, we still have an entire trimester to politely fight about it. Jay to the kay.

I've been known to comb through baby naming websites late into the night and early morning (as if I'm going to discover some new and relatively traditional name, logical forever) when Simon's on nights and one of my new favorites is Kate's lovely blog. She puts together thoughtful posts full of great suggestions and focuses on the Catholic aspect of naming which is right up our usual naming alley ... a match made in heaven. Kate generously wrote a post with some phenomenal suggestions (Phoebe was almost a Felicity so she totally nailed that one!) for both boys and girls along with potential nicknames which works out well since the boys both mostly go by nicknames (Bash's nickname was a total accident but it suites him well, for now).

I thought I'd ship you over there for the day and welcome your suggestions in her combox with wide open arms. Something I don't consider as carefully as Simon does is how the name sounds with the other kids' names. So far we've got ...

Julia Grace
Sebastian Xavier (sort of wish we'd saved Xavier for a first name!)
Theodore Augustine (short and sweet, right?)
and Phoebe Anika (again, wish we'd thought to save Anika!)

So ... off you go.

And thanks in advance for all of your potential help!

X and O.