
{big} mother's helpers

15 May 2015

Talk to any mom and she'll have strong feelings about what she could and couldn't live without during the baby and toddler years and I'm no exception. I don't think a crib is essential for the first several months, I LOVE having a glider/rocker, and I'm a semi-recent diaper bag convert. Julia was my only pacifier lover, Sebastian was ready for a big boy bed really early on while Theo will probably be happy staying caged until high school, and Phoebe does full body twerks when it's time for her to retire for the night and she sets her happy eyes on her crib. Every kid is different, every mom is super different, but I don't imagine anyone would HATE any of the four following ... 
but I could be wrong ... there's a first time for everything. Exaggerated and obnoxious wink.

Here's a little breakdown of some gear I love AND that you could win ...

Babyletto Trapeze Glider  - I didn't know much when Julia was a newborn but I KNEW immediately that I wanted a glider. I needed one (no, I didn't - but I acted that way). And it really has proven to be one of our most used piece of "gear". We bought an ugly but functional glider and did many a middle-of-the-night glides with all four kids. It saw it's way to Goodwill several weeks ago after we ushered this pretty lady in. I love that it swivels and glides and isn't jerky like some of them can be and I love the simplicity of the design. I had big plans to sew a pillow cover for the lumbar (?) pillow but you know ... excuses. The giveaway winner will win an identical glider, baby.

Ava 3-in-1 Crib by Delta - Phoebe finally graduated out of a portable crib and into this white beauty a couple weeks ago and I already have plans to buy another one (or maybe two ... ) once we are moved because it's a great, great value for the price and I love the aesthetic and that it's lower to the ground so getting kids out of their cage isn't an elaborate workout (and middle of the night diaper changes are SO much easier). The winner will win this very crib so we can be crib twins. Get excited.

Crib sheet from Little Wife Power House - Jen has the best eye for nursery design {see sheet above}. The best. Nothing is too cutesy and the vast majority of her inventory is totally gender neutral (helllllo Boppy covers!!) and works beautifully in a variety of different design environments. And I love to support other moms (she's pregnant with #3!). She's always outdoing herself with new and unique designs ... LWPH fan 4 lyfe. The giveaway winner will win a crib sheet of their choosing!

{Phoebe loves to perch herself on Julia's bed and just wait and wait and wait for the dragon to notice and come alive}

Lily Jade Designer Diaper Bag - I've only blogged about my love for Lily Jade 99 times before so let's just make it 100. They recently released some of their bags in new colors and I'm normally not a black bag person ... I loved the look of the gold and black on the Elizabeth and love it even more in person. It easily fits my laptop along with ALL the kids' "necessities" and recently fell victim to a truly terrible stomach bug situation but it wiped RIGHT off ... thank you leather gods. The winner will get to choose any Lily Jade bag they fancy!

You know what to do. And may the mom that loves their kids the MOST ... win.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I need that crib! Ours bit the dust and we'll need a new one here shortly.

  2. The Nara glider is beautiful! Thanks for hosting!

  3. And i love that cricket rocker - good for the big kids.

  4. The Nara glider, for sure.

  5. Love the Nara glider in slate!

  6. I like the Trapeze glider - you've got good taste!

  7. I can always use another Lily Jade diaper bag!

  8. Nara cricket or Kyoto... Hard to choose!

  9. The Bento Glider in Pepper! I like it in the Sand, too, but don't trust myself with the light upholster :p

  10. Definitely the bento, I like the swivel action!

  11. The Nara glider looks like a dream!

  12. perfect timing because I NEED ALL OF THE THINGS. i'm obsessed with the nara glider.

  13. I'm a fan of the Kyoto myself. But I REALLY want that crib. Baby/toddler #3 is obsessed with his crib. Meanwhile baby #4 is pretty much outgrowing pack n play. I can't justify buying another crib when we have one...we just finished residency and having a real job is nice but the mountains of debt keep us on a tight leash still. Fingers crossed!!!!

  14. The Bento glider looks so comfy!

  15. I like the bento glider, it looks like it would be good for nursing.

  16. I love the Lily Jade diaper bag!

  17. I'm a sucker for cute diaper bags... I think I need that one!

  18. Oh gosh, I could totally use all four of the items. #3 is coming and let's be real, we were either too cheap the first two times or things are just worn out!

  19. I've always wondered if there's more stylish gliders out there - turns out, yes!

  20. The Nara is beautiful or the one you have is nice too! It needs to be tall enough for me to rest my head and close my eyes!! I would take any of those today! We are playing "Pass the Germ" at our house and I am walking around asleep!! :)

  21. Three babies and I've never owned a glider or a rocker I love this one!

  22. Beautiful glider - we have always had used or makeshift gliders, would be fantastic to have something so lovely.

  23. We are still a year away from baby number to but I would love all these things!

  24. I love the Kyoto and the Trapeze both! Super Cute!

  25. I have decided that I MUST obtain a glider. Wish I had one the first time around. I love the Nara glider but obvi I'll take a free one in any shape or form ;)

  26. That trapeze glider is so pretty!

  27. Love the glider!! What a great giveaway.

  28. I've been looking for a glider for a while now. This one looks great! Thanks for the recommendations!

  29. The Nara glider looks sooo comfortable! and I love that they're not huge

  30. Need the new gold hardware bags!!!!

  31. I love that trapeze glider! So adorable!

  32. I love the Nara Glider! My husband and I are expecting our first child in October (17 weeks today!), so this post is super helpful! Thanks, Grace!

  33. I like the glider in the post but I really love the Nara glider!

  34. The Kyoto glider could kick my glider's butt any day! And I would looooove to snag some Lily Jade. Thanks for the chance!

  35. Nara is perfect for my girls room!

  36. I'm expecting my first in the fall, and so have all these things on the list -- I would LOVE to win! :)

  37. Love that patterned Madison glider!

  38. The Kyoto glider would happily find a place in my home. Due in three weeks!

  39. I meant to add - I love the trapeze glider!

  40. THE NARA GLIDER! Is beautiful and would be so useful since we got rid of all of our furniture and moved into my parents' basement....lolkindof. How do you always have the best giveaways? fkgfdkjgdf

  41. Love love the sheets and crib!

  42. The trapeze would be PERFECT for baby #4 (boy #1!!!)!

  43. I love the grey bento glider!

  44. Hi Grace! I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant with my first baby, so this post is very timely as I gather ideas for my registry! I searched for the crib on Babies R Us and Amazon and I can't find it. Do you know any online retailers who sell it?

  45. Oh my goodness- I love the Nara Glider!

  46. I like the airiness of the Cricket.

  47. Love both the trapeze and the bento...but for sure in the gray so I can eat in it...haha breastfeeding problems! I think the trapeze would be better though cause it looks like the pillow of the bento is removeable and I think that would bug me!

  48. I really like the Nara glider!

  49. All of these pieces are beautiful! We are expecting baby #2 and it would be incredible to win!!

  50. Whoa. Mother of all giveaways here! (I'm sorry - I tried to resist, but that pun typed itself).

  51. Love the Kyoto glider- so sophisticated looking!

  52. I love the Bento glider. Which is odd because I normally pick the most expensive thing on the page prior to seeing the price tag.

  53. oh, yes please! all of this is amazing ...

  54. Nara has a beautiful classic look!

  55. I love the Trapeze Glider in pepper - would go perfect in my nursery!

  56. Such an awesome giveaway! My husband and I have been talking about how much we want a glider!

  57. If all my dreams could come true, I would choose the Nara glider! It's so pretty!

  58. Wow! Such an awesome giveaway!

  59. I would love to get that glider for my best friend who just had baby #1! It will be perfect for their growing family!

  60. I would redecorate my whole house for the Madison swivel! Love it!

  61. The bento glider is nice too!

  62. Love the glider and the diaper bag!!!

  63. I am currently pregnant with my first and all of these things would be amazing! Adding them to my shopping list...but winning would be even better :)

  64. Baby #3 is here and we're debating buying a second crib. Thanks for the recommendation!

  65. The Nara glider is beautiful!!

  66. Aaannd...I just read the instructions. I like the Nara glider too.

  67. Love the Bento for my 6th granddaughter to be born July 3 my daughter would be in love

  68. The trapeze glider rocks! 😀

  69. We are moving into our first house and that glider would be perfect for our baby girl's room.

  70. The Nara glider is beautiful!

  71. The nara glider looks divine!

  72. Love the Bento glider! Awesome giveaway!!

  73. I could use a crib to replace my old dinosaur!

  74. I love my glider but it could be replaced with the NARA GLIDER!

  75. My glider is dying. I need the Nara!

  76. The bento glider--but my goodness all of them are gorgeous!

  77. Oooh I love that Nara glider! We're expecting #3 and the nursery is in dire need of some updating.

  78. Love love love the nara glider

  79. Best give away ever - woo hoo!

  80. My favorite is the Nara glider. We are expecting our first baby in November, so I am very much enjoying your helpful tips on motherhood! Thanks for hosting!

  81. Love the look of the Nara glider!

  82. What an amazing giveaway...eekk!
    I love the Nara glider, baby #1 arriving in just 9 weeks and I have been debating whether a gilder/rocker was necessary.

  83. The Nara glider looks awesome!

  84. Omg I have a baby on the way I reeeeally hope I win!!!! 😁

  85. We're expecting #4 and going to be needing some new stuff. I'd love the crib and the diaper bag especially.

  86. Baby #6 making her debut in September and I would be in heaven with any of those prizes!!!!

  87. Love the stuff. Just what we need.

  88. The Trapeze in pepper would be perfect!

  89. Oh, and I like the Nara glider best.

  90. I love the Kyoto glider! Gearing up for baby #3!

  91. Oooo, I love the look of the Nara Glider!

  92. Any and all of these are a mothers dream come true!! It doesn't matter if it's the first or the fourth, new baby gear is the best!!

  93. Love the diaper bag and the sheet! 1st baby due May 31st...

  94. I like the Madison Swivel limited. : )

  95. I love the Bento Glider! So big and cozy

  96. nara glider is gorgeous. would love to win this for me and split some with a friend too!!

  97. I LOVE the Nara and trapeze gliders!!

  98. Oh my gosh.... that glider :)

  99. Loving the Trapeze glider in Sandstone! Baby number 1 is due in just 39 days, so excited!

  100. That Nara Glider is beautiful! Would love this little bundle for our babe on the way!

  101. The Bento Glider looks awesome!

  102. My brother and SIL are expecting in October and this would be a fantastic bundle to gift them!

  103. My favorite babyletto glider is the Nara!

  104. Madison swivel limited is my fav!

  105. Rafflecopter winner or not, I big puffy heart that Bento glider!!!!!! Mine is falling apart. It has served us well through two children for a Craig's list find. :)

  106. love it all! Would be great for our move coming up!

  107. I love the glider!

  108. I'm in love with that Trapeze Glider! It's so cool and modern!

  109. I loooooove the glider miss Phoebe is perched on.

  110. Love the cricket rocker. Super cute & classic looking.

  111. Would love a nicer glider! Great giveaway for a great blog!

  112. We are (surprise!) expecting our second baby. Since our children will only be 16 months apart, we need another crib. This one looks perfect!

  113. Expecting #3 in September!! <3

  114. baby #3 for us needs! this crib :)

  115. The Nara glider is just my style and looks super comfy.

  116. The Kyoto glider because I love an ottoman

  117. The Nara glider is gorgeous, perfect for #4!

  118. Whooooo!!! Yes Please times 4!!!

  119. My favorite would have to be the Nara glider, but I'd love any glider that I don't have to buy again for baby #2!!

  120. I love the glider and have always dreamed of rocking my babies to sleep and putting them in a crib like that one!

  121. Love the Nara Glider in white!

  122. I kind of love the simplicity of the cricket glider!

  123. i've been dropping not so subtle hints to my grandma ever since i got pregnant that i want her glider (that she never uses!). but thats still a work in progress. :) i've been wanting to win one of your giveaways for a looong time. i would love to win the trapeze glider in pepper.

  124. The Nara glider in gray (which of course is the most expensive; how does that always happen?!)....after 2 kiddos and with another due next month, I agree that a glider is one of the best things! Thanks for a wonderful give-away!

  125. Would love the Lily Jade bag!!

  126. I think I would pick the Bento...I am pregnant with twins due in Aug and it looks the widest!

  127. Love this! Love this!!!!! Baby on the way! Need this I am sure:)

  128. Everything looks amazing! Love the sheets!

  129. The bento looks perfect! Sometimes I sit sideways in our oversized chair at night with the kiddos.

  130. I'm due a month after you and would love all of these! Plus, everyday I fear my almost 4 yr old (who has special needs, including but not limited to the strength of the Hulk) will destroy the crib he's in, so, yeah, I've been eyeing cribs...

  131. Madison Swivel, baby.

  132. We are (surprise!) expecting our second baby. Since our children will only be 16 months apart, we need another crib. This one looks perfect!

  133. Madison Swivel, baby.

  134. I'm due a month after you and would love all of these! Plus, everyday I fear my almost 4 yr old (who has special needs, including but not limited to having the strength of the Hulk) will destroy the crib he's in, so, yeah, I've been eyeing cribs...

  135. Nara for sure with one of those glorious rocking ottomans😉

  136. The Madison glider! But the trapeze is a very close second!

  137. That glider is the stuff dreams are made of!

  138. the Nara Glider with contrasting piping - come to mama!



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