
10 May 2015

crème de la clicks

Happy Mother's Day! Hope it's been a goodie. {lots of great Mother's Day posts floating around and I especially loved this one! and not just because I made a small cameo ... I swear it}

We had an action-packed and wonderful weekend away ...

(we drove four hours for a sip of water ... no we didn't ... I don't think)

... that you know I'll be telling all about soon and very soon. But first! We all need to recover from the drive home that was made epic by the torrential downpours of ALL torrential downpours along with Phoebe's never ever ever ever ending car seat hating vocal acrobatics that I'm convinced would've made even Mother Teresa jump ship.

five minutes after we got home and back to business as usual in her cubicle.

Her most sincere baby sign apology is forthcoming ... I just know it.

Anyway ... I wanted to send you world wide web trotting before I tuck myself in to the tune of 8pm. Damn it feels good to be an adult.

Mom, wife, CrossFitter (and more! but seriously ... she was dead lifting millionz of pounds at 39 weeks pregnant ... how how how) extraordinaire, Jess (knew Simon growing up! and funnily enough I went to college with her husband) and her sister just started this brilliant and noble ministry and suddenly I'm feeling pathetically lazy because I'm so impressed by their endeavor. You will be too.

I've been meaning to dedicate an entire post to my trial runs with the Beco (I say, "beh-ko" and Simon says, "beek-oh" not sure who is correct) vs. the Tula but long story short: WINNER. By far (but in this color because I'm boring) I'll elaborate soonish!

I'm loving Kayla's month long series of mini life lessons.

I never thought I'd see the day that I'd cheat on my favorite top coat BUT ... life is wild and crazy and I'm cheating with this bad boy and feeling very little guilt because it's amazing. I used it over plain old non-gel polish and it was fine but the real test will be if the bottle lasts longer than my first love. Time will tell.

Took a lushy gamble and ordered these for end-of-the-year gifts for the kids' preschool teachers. Hope they don't hate them  and if they do they can always regift to lushier friends! I'll never know ...

I know this is old and you've probably already seen it but it still makes me COL (cackle out loud) and text Simon to reread it too ... no matter how busy he is at work and I don't even have kids close to kindergarten yet. So good.

Oookay, Sebastian is trying to convince me that it will be "jus fine!" if he plays outside "for just a wittle bich" while I go to bed so I'm off to teach him a little lesson by the name of NOPE.

Hopefully your evening holds a wild candle to mine.

XO for kicks.


  1. Phoebe is too cute! My daughter is obsessed with dishwashers too! Happy Mother's Day momma!

    'Tis Our Life Blog

  2. Great links! Happy Mothers Day!

    Her Heartland Soul

  3. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day and that you made it to bed by 8pm. Always dream big.

  4. I love the end of the school year mom, cracks me up every time. This one is completely unrelated, but for some reason I thought of it again while I was reading the mom one--have you seen this one?
    It literally brought me to tears the first time I read it!

  5. Oh my goodness, that school post was hilarious!! And when I realized it was the Jen Hatmaker of the amazingly beautiful HGTV house that made it even better. I am most definitely re-reading that every school-year to come.

  6. Ahh I want to try that top coat. My sister-in-law and I sprung for shellac manicures on Saturday for my fifth manicure ever, and I never want to go back to non-gel! But the price is so horrendous so that top coat would be a great compromise.
